The Viscount's Vow (A Regency Romance) (32 page)

BOOK: The Viscount's Vow (A Regency Romance)
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Eyes closed, Vangie swatted at the fly tickling her cheek. It landed on her nose. Dratted, pesky insect. She rolled onto her side, mashing her face into her pillow. Bother it all. Now it was crawling across her ear. She tugged at the bedcovers intent on burying her head beneath them. They wouldn’t budge.

A low, familiar chuckle sounded.

She opened one eye. Ian sat on the edge of the bed, a feather in his hand.

“Rotten knave.”

She grinned. Yawning and stretching, she deliberately let her nightgown slide off her arm exposing all but the tip of one breast.

His sharp intake of breath brought a satisfied smile to her lips. He wasn’t the only one who knew how to tease. The feather whisked across her breast.

She yanked the sheet up. “Unfair.”

“Tsk, tsk, sweeting. Don’t start something you don’t mean to finish.”

He bent over and kissed her, his tongue sweeping hers.

Lord, but the man knew how to kiss.

Vangie forgot everything else for several delectable moments.

He tapped her nose with the feather. “Are you going to lie abed all day, my lady?”

His weight shifted from the bed. She opened her eyes. “Why are you grinning like a buffoon?”

Ian bent over, then lifted a basket from the floor.

She raised a brow, before sliding a sidelong glance at the bedside clock. “It’s not yet eight o’clock. Isn’t it a bit early for luncheon?”

“Ah, but who says a picnic can’t be breakfast?” He wiggled his eyebrows, then peeked inside the basket. “There’s champagne and orange juice and strawberries.”

Vangie flashed him a smile and scooted into a sitting position. “Weeks ago, you promised me something, my lord.”

Ian pulled his gaze away from the basket’s contents and quirked a brow. “Indeed?”

She smoothed the bedding over her lap. “Something delicious having to do with strawberries—”

“Ah, indeed, I did.” He lifted a plump, red berry from the basket. “Shall I demonstrate now?”

“Please do, my lord.”

And he did, most satisfactorily.

If you enjoyed
The Viscount’s Vow
, be sure to read
Highlander’s Hope
, now available from Soul Mate Publishing at


Not a day has gone by that Ewan McTavish, the Viscount Sethwick, hasn’t dreamed of the beauty he danced with two years ago. He’s determined to win her heart and make her his own. Heiress Yvette Stapleton is certain of one thing; marriage is risky and, therefore, to be avoided. At first, she doesn’t recognize the dangerously handsome man who rescues her from assailants on London’s docks, but Lord Sethwick’s passionate kisses soon have her reconsidering her cynical views on matrimony. On a mission to stop a War Office traitor, Ewan draws Yvette into deadly international intrigue. To protect her, he exploits Scottish law, declaring her his lawful wife—without benefit of a ceremony. Yvette is furious upon discovering the irregular marriage is legally binding, though she never said, “I do.” Will Ewan’s manipulation cost him her newfound love?

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