Read The Wishing Stone Online

Authors: Allison Smith

Tags: #Fiction / Romance

The Wishing Stone (13 page)

BOOK: The Wishing Stone
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Chapter Sixteen


Much later in the day, Margaret waited patiently in the kitchen for Ethan, a moist handkerchief wadded in her hand. At her questioning look, he sunk even more within himself.

“She just lays there and stares at nothing. She won’t talk and doesn’t seem to be aware of her surroundings,” he told the older woman. “We have to snap her out of this, if not for her sake, then for that of the child.”

Margaret agreed with Ethan. Five months had passed since he had carried her in from the beach. Nothing had changed. The pain of Mr. Saint’s death still brought a wet sheen to Margaret’s eyes, but at least his wife was still alive, along with the child her body sheltered.

It was a daily chore to try and persuade Lara to eat, and Margaret was determined to correct that.

“The first thing I want you to do is call the best doctor this island has to offer and schedule an appointment for Lara to begin her prenatal care. We’ve both been remiss in not doing this before. It will be your job to get her there. While she is gone, I will have her suite totally refurbished.”

Leaving Ethan to his chore, Margaret strode into the master suite, opened the blinds and turned on the shower before she approached the huddled figure who watched her from the large bed.

Pulling the covers from Lara’s body, she said, “I know what it’s like to lose your man. But you are luckier than I ever was.”

Lara watched the housekeeper as she spoke. “You have the one thing I never had and that is the child your husband gave you.”

Lara’s hand went to her extended abdomen. The size of it seemed to startle her. Slowly, she rubbed her swollen belly as if to apologize to her baby for ignoring its needs.

“The water’s warming up for your shower. You have an appointment at the doctor’s office in two hours. I’ll be right back. I believe I can find something for you to wear.” Stopping at the doors, Margaret warned her, “If you are planning to stay in that bed, I’ll just have Ethan come in and wash you himself.”

With that said, she left the quiet bedroom and its wide-eyed occupant.


In the dark vault, a moan was the only sound heard as the body on the small bed thrashed beneath the tight confines of the carefully arranged blankets. The cold, dank stone walls offered no compassion to the fevered brow of the bed’s lone occupant.

Tears filled the caretaker’s eyes as he sat in the chair, watching his companion writhe on the bed and fighting an inner battle; disheartened that he could not offer a helping hand.


Lara squinted as the bright sun caressed her while she waited for the car to pull around to pick her up. A hand resting on her protruding stomach, she contemplated her future.

Margaret was right. She had to resume her life and devote her attention to Lucien’s child. No longer left alone to bemoan the loss of such a good man, she pledged that their child would hear of its father and treasure those memories its mother passed along.

The soft idle of the engine interrupted her musings. Ethan’s hand lightly grasped her elbow, leading her to the passenger side. With her seat belt in place, he headed back around to the driver’s side.

No words were spoken as Ethan maneuvered the car along the road leading into town.

In the waiting room, the doctor soon appeared and offered his hand in greeting as he approached Lara. “I’m Dr. Flannigan. I see you have need of me,” he joked, assisting Lara to her feet. Turning to Ethan he asked, “Are you the father?”

That simple question brought tears to Lara’s eyes, and Ethan somberly answered the question, “No, I’m not. The father recently died.”

The doctor’s eyes flinched as he absorbed the information. Without further thought, he helped his pregnant patient through the doorway and down the hall to the examination room.

Sometime later, Lara exited the examining room with a wide dreamy smile wreathed her face. An inner peace filled her for the first time since Lucien’s death.

“What........What did the doctor say to you?” Ethan asked with trepidation.

“I saw her!” Lara stroked her abdomen. “I saw Lucien’s daughter.”


As soon as Lara and Ethan entered the house, Lara headed to Lucien’s special room. When she rounded the corner, she saw a dark figure staring up at her portrait.

Rage and indignation swept through her that someone would dare trespass in Lucien’s room. “How dare you enter here,” she spat, ready to take on one and all in defense of her husband’s memories.

The broad back, clothed in a chambray shirt tucked into distressed jeans, slowly turned. Black hair swept back from his familiar face, with traces of gray at his temples. Deep blue eyes gazed down at her with love.

At the shock of finding her once-dead husband now alive and well and standing right in front of her, Lara crumpled.

Lucien quickly caught his wife before she could hit the floor. Carrying her to the master suite and laying her on their bed, he calmly smoothed the hair from her face and whispered, “I’ve missed you, love. I don’t know what I would have done if anything or anyone ever took you away from me. Come, my love, open your eyes.” His lips skimmed over her mouth.

Hesitantly lifting her lids, Lara looked up at him. With a happy cry, she flung her arms around his neck, planting kisses all over his face. God, he’d missed her.

The bright daylight shone in the windows of their bedroom, and as if just noticing the burning rays, she squirmed from his grasp to race to one window. “Ethan, help me cover the other windows.”

Lucien turned to find Ethan calmly leaning against the doorframe. “Did Margaret tell you?”

Ethan swallowed, hard, and nodded.

“Why are you just standing there? Help me!” she desperately pleaded until the male chuckles stopped her.

Turning to face him with her fists on her hips, she demanded, “What do you find so funny? I’m trying to protect you from the sun.”

“There is no need to protect me anymore. From now on, it will be me who will protect you and ours, my little spitfire. And heaven help whoever tries to come between us ever again.” He reached for her hand and tugged until she sat next to him on the bed. “There will be no more staying away from the sun. I want to invite it in everyday,” Lucien proudly proclaimed.

With Lara’s belly snuggled against his side, his hand slid to caress it with wonder. The little kick he felt against his palm made his heart turn over.

“I believe our daughter agrees with you,” Lara happily revealed.

“We’re having a daughter?”

“Ethan took me to the doctor today, and he did a sonogram, which showed our little girl has just been waiting for you to come home.”

Lucien looked to the other man, who was grinning like an idiot.

“Now tell me what happened that day,” Lara asked, looking up at Lucian.

Knowing she wouldn’t settle for anything other than the complete truth, Lucien urged her back to the bed before starting his story.

“After you headed back up the beach, Steven grabbed a piece of driftwood. As he came toward me, I searched for some way to disarm him, but dawn had already broken. A fierce burning tore through my body, leaving me virtually helpless. Neither of us could escape the death it promised. From that point, I can’t remember anything else other than falling down, trying to put out the fire that ate at my back. Later, when I awoke, I was on a bed in Damien’s tomb.” Lucien pressed his mouth to her moist lips.

Twisting her head aside so that his kiss landed on her cheek, Lara asked, “How did you get there?”

Disgruntled now that he wouldn’t have his way with her until she had all her answers; Lucien fell back on a pillow with a huff.

“It seems Ethan went to find Damien as soon as he noticed you and I arguing on the beach. He told Damien in no uncertain terms that he owed me far more than he could ever imagine, and if Damien wasn’t man enough to assist his friend, then he would.”

He smiled as he recalled Damien’s astonishment at his son’s attitude. “With that challenge flung in his face, Damien could do no less than save my worthless hide from the sun’s destroying path. Settling me down in his crypt, Damien then set about nursing me back to health.”

Anticipating her next question, Lucien forestalled her by saying, “While I was on the mend, my great and glorious friend set off to discover if and how I could be redeemed to the mortal world. With a lot time, and with great danger to himself I might add; Damien finally found out that I was really not a lost cause, and that the good Lord did, indeed, want me back within his fold.”

Taking her palm, Lucien settled the soft hand on his chest and knew the moment Lara felt the unmistakable beating of his heart. “Miracles never cease, do they?”








Lounging on the floor in the den, Lucien played with his daughter while his wife watched with an indulgent expression, then gently reminded him again of Lucinda’s bedtime, which had come and gone. “You don’t have to get up in the middle of the night to walk her back to sleep.”

He held his daughter high above his head and kissed her belly to bring the sweet sound of her giggles. “I’ll get up tonight if she needs me.”

A mischievous grin lit Lara’s face. “How will you feed her?”

A dark eyebrow cocked as he glanced at his wife. “Lucinda’s mother will be able to satisfy her hunger before she tends to her father’s.”

Understanding showed on her face. “Mm, I can’t wait for the early morning feeding.”

Ethan entered the room after helping Margaret clean up in the kitchen. Walking over to a chair, he settled down to watch Lucinda.

Rising to his feet, Lucien cuddled the baby close as he sat in the opposite chair, preparing to mention Damien’s name and knowing the animosity it would arouse in Ethan. Clearing his throat, he directed a sharp glance at the younger man. “I wanted to let you know that Damien is expected here at any time.”

Color surged to Ethan’s face as he digested those words, then pushed to his feet and turned to leave.

“Wait!” Lara cried, rushing to Ethan’s side. “Please don’t go. I especially want to meet your father and thank him for Lucien’s life. I would appreciate it if you were here, too.”

Love and hate flashed across Ethan’s face as he obviously struggled with conflicting emotions. Surliness tinged his answer. “You may want to thank him, but I have only one message for him and that’s for him to go to hell!”

The sound of Lara’s hand connecting with Ethan’s face echoed throughout the room. Conviction glowed in her eyes as she stared up at the startled man. “You once told me that you considered me your sister. I also think of you as my brother, and there is no excuse for your words. Parents should be treasured for all the care they have provided their children.”

At the wry chuckle from Ethan, Lara reiterated, “Yes, the care and safety they provide. Have you ever asked your father why you were denied his presence? Have you ever wondered if he has suffered the same pain, if not more, than you have?”

She snorted in disgust at his silence. “No, I didn’t think so. That is clearly the sign of a spoiled child; a child who only cares about himself.” Whirling away, she marched to Lucien’s chair and stood behind it.

Clapping from the doorway announced Damien’s arrival.


Straightening to his full height, Ethan glared disdainfully at the newcomer.

Damien headed straight for Lara, bypassing Ethan and Lucien.

Moving forward to meet this handsome man, she was impressed with his swarthy good looks. How any woman could withstand his charm was beyond her. Coal black hair glinted in the recessed lighting as the tall, lean figure, immaculately clothed in a brown, tailor-made suit, neared. The twinkle in his clear, light blue eyes proved to her that this man was not unfeeling; no matter what his son thought.

Clasping her hands in his cold ones, Damien gallantly kissed the back of each hand. “It’s such a pleasure to finally meet the woman who holds Lucien’s heart.”

Blushing, Lara apologized. “I’m sorry you had to witness a family difference of opinion, but it couldn’t be helped.”

Giving Ethan a pointed look, she went back to Lucien’s side. “I am grateful that you came. I want to thank you for all you have done for my husband. Without your help, I wouldn’t have him back here with us.”

“My dear, I didn’t come here tonight to be thanked. Lucien is my dear friend, and I will always protect and cherish that bond.”

A disbelieving snort sounded from Ethan at that statement.

Ignoring his son, Damien smoothly went on, “I actually came to meet the newest member of the Saint family. And I would never have contacted you during Lucien’s ordeal until we determined that he would survive. No use getting everyone’s hopes up now, was there?”

Chewing on her bottom lip, Lara made up her mind after listening to him. “Since you are so good at protecting bonds, I would like to ask you to take over guardianship of our daughter if anything should ever happen to Lucien and me.

Interrupting his wife, Lucien stood. “Darling, it’s all right now, I’m home. Marissa and Steven are no longer a threat to us, so there is no reason for you to worry.”

Lara ignored Lucien and locked eyes with Damien. “I want to be positive Lucinda will be protected in life. Ethan has verified that she is not completely mortal and she may be alone by the time she comes of age, too young to venture out on her own. I only want to insure she will come to no harm.”

“I will watch over her.” Ethan spoke up, obviously insulted that Lara didn’t approach him first.

Shaking her head, Lara negated his offer. “I love you, Ethan, and I’m not criticizing your intentions in any way. You also have a life ahead of you, and you need to find someone to share it with. Caring for a young girl would hamper any relationships you form. It is my wish for you to have a full and happy life, along with children of your own. I’m positive your father would want the same for you.” Lara walked to Lucien and took Lucinda from his arms. Turning to face Damien, she patiently waited for his response.

Damien’s eyes filled with tears. “I would be most honored to protect and care for such a precious girl.”

Ethan turned to leave, but halted midway to the door at the sound of Lara’s voice and her words. “Damien, I believe Ethan deserves to hear the truth from his father.”

At the hesitant shake of the vampire’s head, Lara said more forcefully, “It’s time for you to let your son protect himself. It’s what I would want for my daughter if this should ever arise. Both children and adults need to know that they are indeed truly loved and cherished.”

Staring down at the floor, Damien appeared to finally come to a decision. Facing his son, he began to tell Ethan how he had worried that he would be unable to protect his son from the many vampires that sought Damien’s position, so he decided that Lucien would raise Ethan. And that only Lucien would know the identity of Ethan’s parents.

Every night while Ethan was growing up, Damien visited and stood over him as he slept, marveling that his love had contributed to such a handsome lad.

It was only when Ethan had grown into the fine man he was that Damien stopped coming. He didn’t want to jeopardize his future. Though Ethan inherited some of his father’s gifts, he didn’t have the one that would protect him against the dreaded night stalkers.

That was deadly power; the kind of power that cripples and destroys another vampire. This was what all his many nemeses wanted to attain.

Finishing his tale, Damien stood patiently. Lara held her breath as the different emotions flickered across Ethan’s face. Finally, Ethan nodded to himself.

Holding back tears of gratitude and love, she sighed and gave Lucien a satisfied grin as Ethan met his father in the middle of the room, hugging. Now their family was indeed complete. And what a family they made.

At blissful times like these, both Lara and Lucien wondered if the wishing stone did, indeed, have the great power to grant one’s most heartfelt the legend, some say, foretold.


BOOK: The Wishing Stone
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