Read The Yeah, Baby Series Online

Authors: Fiona Davenport

Tags: #accidental pregnancy romance, #dirty talking hero, #alpha male romance

The Yeah, Baby Series (5 page)

BOOK: The Yeah, Baby Series
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When her stomach was visible, I stared at it in wonder. Looking a little closer, I was sure I could see a slight rounding of the area, just barely there, but I latched onto the fact that my girl was now sporting a baby bump.

Pointing at it, I excitedly asked the doctor, “I’m not imagining that, right?”

Bailey’s head flew up from where it had been resting, her hand fastened on her stomach. She ran a hand over the not quite flat surface and groaned, despite the delighted sparkle in her baby blues. “How didn’t I notice that?”

The doctor chuckled, “It’s easy to miss if you aren’t looking for it. The fact that there is evidence of pregnancy this early means we may be more likely to see the baby on the scan.”

After squirting some goo on her stomach, he moved a wand-type thing over the area and watched the screen on the monitor.

The screen lit up and the doctor moved the instrument around her belly. He finally paused and used one latex glove covered finger to tap the screen. “That little black blob among all the white is where your little one is growing.”

My eyes were glued to the image in front of me, my hand gripping Bailey’s firmly. The doctor leaned over to hit a button, breaking my connection to the machine. I used a single finger under her chin to turn Bailey’s head toward me. I’m positive that the wonder on her face was reflected on mine. I leaned down and brushed my lips over hers. “That’s our kid, baby.” She nodded silently and I kissed her again, lingering until I heard the doctor clear his throat.

We gave him our attention and he handed us two small photos, capturing the moment when we first saw our little peanut. I took them reverently and after staring at them a little longer, I put one in Bailey’s purse and slid the other into my wallet.

“You should make an appointment to see your OBGYN in six weeks, or if you decide to continue with me, Lisa, at the front, will help you book it.”

He stripped off the gloves and shook our hands then left us alone. I helped Bailey off of the table and turned to let her dress without argument, both of us lost in our thoughts.

She touched my arm to let me know it was safe to turn around, and I laced my fingers with hers as we left the room. We stopped at the front to pick up a prescription for vitamins and she mentioned to the woman behind the counter that she wanted to book her next visit.

Not fucking happening.

“She won’t be needing another appointment. Thank you,” I said tersely and dragged Bailey from the office, ignoring her sputtering.

“What the heck, Wyatt?” she yelled when we reached the car.

Opening her door, I lifted her onto the passenger seat of my truck and buckled her in before answering. “Baby, we’ll find you the best doctor in town.
The best female doctor,
” I stressed. Then I shut the door and loped around to the driver’s side. Bailey huffed a little and muttered something about bossy men. She could complain all she wanted, I was the
man who would ever be spending time with her pretty pussy.

Once we were out on the road, I drove toward my house with urgency, desperate to be buried balls deep into my girl.

“Wyatt, you missed the turn-off,” she said impatiently when I drove right by her dad’s street.

“We’re going home,” my voice was matter-of-fact.

home is back there,” she objected, her thumb jerking back over her shoulder.

I sighed, “We’ll discuss living arrangements later. Let me put it this way”—my hand automatically went between her legs and pressed against her center—“Baby, I’ve waited four weeks to fuck you again and I’m not waiting any longer to own this pussy,” I drawled. “It’s either our house, your dad’s, or this truck. Take your pick.”

Rubbing my hand a little harder, I mentally crowed in triumph when she panted, “Yours,” followed by a needy moan.

I hit the gas a little harder and slipped a finger inside her drenched panties. I almost laughed at the similarity of this situation to when we met. We pulled into my driveway and I threw the truck into park, then raced around to her side and unbuckled her before she had the chance. Her hand tucked in mine, I dragged her to the house and unlocked the door, pulling her inside and kicking it closed as I pressed her back into the wall.

“Thinking about what I did to you against this wall,” I murmured, nibbling on her ear. “Making you mine and only mine, I’m tempted to reenact it all over again.” My hips rocked into hers as I took her mouth in a deep, thorough kiss, feeling her body tremble. “Another time. I need you in our bed.”

I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder in a fireman’s hold, stalking down the hall to the bedroom.

“Your bed,” I heard her grumble softly, earning a hard smack on her luscious ass.

“Ow!” she exclaimed, wiggling to get out of my grip, but I tightened my hold, careful not to drop her.

When we got to my bed, I gently laid her on it and followed her down until my body completely covered hers. She was so damn soft, generous curves without any bony angles I’d be afraid of cutting myself on. I was about at my end, so I shoved my hand down her pants and under her panties, my finger plunging and finding her so fucking wet and ready for me.

I whipped my shirt off and slipped hers over her head, my cock practically weeping at the sight of her large tits. Sealing my mouth over hers, I managed to keep the contact as I stripped us both down to nothing. The contact of our naked, feverish bodies drew guttural groans from each of us.

“You’re so fucking perfect, baby. I’ll never get enough of you.” I dipped my head to suck one fat nipple into my mouth and grunted at the sweet taste. “I can’t wait to see these swollen and full, ready to feed our kid.” 

Grabbing my rock hard cock, I squeezed the base once, trying to relieve some of the pressure so I wouldn’t blow the minute I entered her.
Fuck it.
I let go and drove deep, so fucking deep. She cried out and the sound of it, mixed with the exquisite sensation of being inside her bare, spurred me into a frenzy. My mouth continued to feast on her tits, biting, sucking, and licking her nipples as I drove my dick into her pussy.

“Wyatt! Oh, oh! Don’t stop!”

Not a fucking chance in hell

Palming her perfect ass, I lifted her pelvis to change the angle and she began to scream with each push of my cock. The walls of her pussy were tightening, clenching, taking hold of me and trying to keep me deep inside.

“Fuck, baby. You feel so damn good. I could live in this tight, little pussy.”

I was getting harder and a tingling started at the base of my spine as my balls began to draw up.
Not yet.

“This pussy is mine, Bailey,” I barked. “I was your first and I’m going to be your last. You belong here with me, in our house, our bed, giving me babies.”

“Wyatt, you can’t just—”

I cut her off, slamming in even deeper and when her whole body was trembling and she was screaming my name, I lifted one hand and spanked her ass, wishing I could see the red palm print on that plump cheek. One more slap and she splintered, her body convulsing and gripping me so damn tight. On my next thrust, I buried myself so deep inside her, I wondered if I’d permanently fused our bodies into one.

“Fuuuuuuuck!” I shouted, jets of come shooting from my body over and over, filling her with as much of me as possible. My orgasm was so fierce, I wondered if it was possible to have put another baby inside her. 

Empty and spent, I collapsed on top of her but rolled to the side immediately so I wouldn’t crush her. I flipped her around and tugged her into me so her back was plastered against my front. Throwing a leg over hers and wrapping her up tight in my arms, I fell asleep determined to keep her from running out on me in the morning.

Chapter 7

had a feeling of déjà vu when I woke up, wrapped in Wyatt’s arms after another passionate night. The last time I’d been in this exact same spot, I’d freaked out and left before he realized I was gone. It was tempting to try it again, but I knew I wouldn’t be able to go far. My conscience wouldn’t let me, not when I was pregnant with his baby—and neither would he. He’d made that obvious when he’d told me he’d looked for me when I’d left before. I let it sink in for a moment.

Wyatt looked for me.

No, that was an understatement.

He’d searched the entire state of Nebraska trying to find me.
Me, the inexperienced virgin he’d fucked against a wall.

Our situation was sudden, there was no arguing how quickly things had happened between us. The way I reacted to him was scary. Knowing I was pregnant with his baby was life-changing. But it was all a little bit thrilling, realizing a man like him wanted me so badly. Wyatt’s leg slid between mine as he stirred, sending tingles up my spine.
Correction, our situation was panty-meltingly explosive.

As tempting as it was to enjoy the feel of his warm body against mine, I needed to pee. Immediately. I was contemplating how to extricate myself from his hold to escape to the bathroom when my stomach let out the loudest growl in the history of the world.
Busted by my own belly.

“Fuck,” Wyatt groaned in a gravelly voice, his arms tightening around me. “I should have made sure you had a snack before we fell asleep. You barely touched your dinner and it sounds like my boy needs to be fed.”

I couldn’t argue the not eating much part because the smell of the pot roast had kept my stomach rolling last night. Apparently, I was in the night sickness phase instead of morning sickness because I was starving without a hint of nausea right now. But the boy part? Yeah, that I could argue. “I think you mean my girl needs breakfast.”

He rubbed his chin against my neck, his stubble scraping against my tender skin and leaving goosebumps in its wake.

“You give me a baby girl and I just might have to spank your ass again.”

My face heated at the reminder of how I’d reacted to the feel of his palm smacking against my skin last night. It had been insanely hot and now I was wondering if there was anything I could do to guarantee we had a girl. Getting a sexy spanking from Wyatt definitely wasn’t a deterrent. I didn’t want him to be aware of that little fact, though, since I wanted the chance to earn some ass taps in the future.

I decided a little sass might move it along. “Are you telling me you would love a son more than a daughter?”

“Of course not,” he answered, clearly annoyed at my assumption. “But, boys I don’t have to worry about. If our daughter was half as beautiful as her mommy, I’d have to lock her in a tower where boys can’t get to her”—he paused, rubbing his chin thoughtfully—“A chastity belt wouldn’t be out of the realm of consideration, either.” 

I rolled my eyes and laughed, but inside I was swooning. “How about you find me some food while I’m in the bathroom and we can worry about the sex of our baby later? I’m not even sure when we can find out what we’re having.” Holy crap, I was going to have a baby and I didn’t know anything about pregnancy or being a parent. I’d never even held a baby before. “I need to go to the bookstore today.”

“Bathroom, food and a bookstore,” Wyatt chuckled. “I think I can manage all that for you, but not until I get my good morning kiss. I missed out on one last time and promised myself I would start all of my days with a kiss from you once I managed to find you. I didn’t expect it to take so damn long, but now I’m more than ready to make up for all the mornings I missed.”

He didn’t give me a chance to object, cupping my face in his palm and tilting my head so he could capture my lips. It wasn’t a closed lip, worried about morning breath kiss, either. This was an all-consuming, heart-pounding, forget about how much I needed to use the bathroom kiss. My legs were shaking so badly by the time he released me, I was barely able to stumble away from the bed.

My cheeks were still flushed and my lips swollen when I stared at myself in the mirror while washing my hands. I splashed cold water on my face, hoping to hide just how much his kiss had affected me. We had serious issues to discuss today, and Wyatt didn’t need to know he had a secret weapon in his arsenal. With the way he made me melt, I needed all the advantages I could get, including a hearty breakfast to start my morning. A much needed one based on the painful, gnawing sensation in my stomach.

I wandered into the kitchen and found Wyatt standing in front of the fridge, his arm resting on the open door. “Feed me,” I whimpered.

He turned to look at me, an apologetic look on his face while he shut the fridge door. “Remember when I promised you food?”

“Umm, yeah. It was only a couple minutes ago.”

“We’re going to have to go out for breakfast because there’s practically no food in the house,” he admitted. “Certainly nothing I’d feel safe serving to you since I’m not even sure how long any of the leftover containers have been in there.”

I scooted past him and opened the fridge door, finding a pizza box, Chinese takeout containers and beer on the shelves. Glancing at the door, I noticed butter, milk and a bottle of syrup. “Breakfast might just be saved.” I moved to the pantry, pulling open the door and searching the almost bare shelves for anything resembling pancake mix or flour. I let out a startled laugh, surprised to learn he didn’t even have enough of the most basic staples on hand. The house might not look like it on the surface, but Wyatt’s place was definitely a bachelor pad. “Scratch that, we’re definitely going out to eat.” My stomach growled loudly again. “Now.”

I wasn’t happy putting my clothes back on from the day before to head out the door early in the morning. I was even less so when Wyatt changed my order. “Switch her coffee to herbal tea and add a side order of fresh fruit.”

The waitress shifted her attention back to me, her brow lifted and lips tilted in amusement. “That okay with you, sweetie?”

“I hate tea,” I grumbled.

“Caffeine isn’t good for the baby,” Wyatt replied.

“Ahh, that explains it,” the waitress laughed, her gaze dropping to my belly. “How about I bring you decaf coffee instead? All the flavor with none of the lead.”

BOOK: The Yeah, Baby Series
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