Their Unusual Mating [Paranormal Protection Unit 5] (Siren Publishing Classic) (10 page)

BOOK: Their Unusual Mating [Paranormal Protection Unit 5] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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That had Rimi laughing. Shaking her head, she said, “Wouldn’t that be just about perfect? You are mated to two Bears and a Wolf, darling, so why in the world couldn’t you go into heat just like the animal counterparts do?” Even if Katherine was Fae herself.

“Because I’m Fae, so technically I don’t think it works that way,” Kat said, shifting in her chair again, trying to get comfortable. Hard to do when her sex was swollen with need and want. “Anyway, onto a slightly different topic before I go and hunt down my men.” Wherever they were. “Any questions you have about all of this?” she asked, waving a hand.

“Nothing that I can think of right now, but if I do have questions I can ask Lee, right?” Rimi knew that look well, the look of a woman who needed her man. She recognized it because she was sure that she was wearing a matching look as well.

“Of course you can,” Katherine assured her. “There are likely a few things that he can’t or may not be able to speak on. He is a guy after all, and some things just seem beyond them and freak them out. Anything like that come and see me. If I don’t know it, I’ll get an answer for you or you can ask Talon directly. That particular dinosaur is so old I don’t think anything embarrasses him anymore.”

“That sounds good to me,” Rimi said with a grin. “And I don’t know. I have a feeling that poor man could be embarrassed rather easily with the right motivation and wording.” She teased, “I can’t get over the fact that he’s still single. Lord, wanna talk about sexy, that man is dead freaking sexy.” She loved Lee, but Talon was pure masculine sex appeal.

“Amen, sister,” Katherine said and fell silent for a moment before grinning. “First time I met him I had no idea what to make of him. Course, I didn’t know what to make of any of them really. I got along with Skittles the best. He’s such a sweetheart and totally loveable,” she revealed. “But I know Talon’s lonely,” she murmured sadly. “He’s been alive so long without a bond-mate, and I fear he may be alone a great deal longer. But he continues on, doing so much for everyone else and asking for nothing himself. He’s truly the most selfless person I have ever met and likely ever will meet in my lifetime.”

“Hopefully he will have a bond-mate that’s just as amazing and unique as he is. When I first met him I thought of just how huge he was and how sexy. Don’t get me wrong, Lee is like holy crap drop-dead sexy, but Talon…” She fanned herself. “Damn that man makes every single stripper in the world look like a chump.”

“Oh I know it,” Kat murmured softly with a grin. Slamming a hand out, she grabbed Rimi’s arm. “Oh my goodness, I just had the best idea ever! Tomorrow we are going to base. Trust me, you will thank me for the rest of your days. It’s training day.” Kat grinned slowly and wiggled her eyebrows. “Hot, sweaty, half-naked training day,” she clarified for her friend.

Rimi’s eyes went wide and she licked her lips, her temperature suddenly going up as Katherine said that. “You mean…” She looked around and then whispered. “Oh God, I’m so there. Please tell me that Lee is going to be one of the half-naked men there sweaty and training.”

“If I’m going anywhere that my gorgeous mates can’t, abso-flippin’-lutely he’s there.” Kat grinned at her. “You in, or would you prefer staying here and counting leaves on the trees?” she teased her friend who was already panting. “You’ll also get an introduction to a bunch of the others as well this way, and we can grab lunch there before coming back.”

“Oh I’m so in,” Rimi said with a nod. “Hell yeah. Girl, do I look dead or blind to you? I love Lee with all my heart, but son of a bitch I would love to be able to see all kinds of sweaty sexy men out there fighting and training. Good lord, yes. I’m in!”

Squealing, Katherine clapped her hands. “We will need to stop for snacks before we get there. Bloody men are all super healthy. It’s hard to find anything with a calorie count that doesn’t have a purpose on base.” Not counting Quincy, but even Kat could only ingest so many Skittles before gagging.

“Oh we will have to stop for chocolate and popcorn, soda as well. If they are seriously that big of health nuts then we will need the whole works. Get one of those picnic baskets I’ve seen around this place and fill it up with junk for us so that we can have a little party while watching sexy men.” Rimi rubbed her hands together gleefully.

“And plenty of water.” Katherine grinned right back at her friend who was all glee filled like she was. “We will want to ensure that we and all of them remain fully hydrated,” she revealed. “The more water and vitamin drinks we take with us the longer they’ll keep the training going.”

“Oh then we should take two baskets with us so that we can be sure that they have lots of water and vitamin drinks, Kat. The longer that we have them working, the longer we have some serious freaking eye candy party going on.”

“But you’ll have to be very careful if you want pictures,” Katherine said with a smirk. “Some of them get testy when they find out you’re taking pictures of their delicious tushies. And there are some seriously biteable ones there.” She gave a mock growl.

“Do I even want to know what you two are discussing?” Laighean asked softly from the kitchen doorway. He’d been coming for more coffee, but hearing his Queen’s last comment had him seriously reconsidering. Especially when both women turned their rather scary hungry gazes his way and raked him with looks he could practically feel.

Rimi felt her body humming to life and she licked her lips. “I don’t think that you want to know, darling.” She gave him a bright grin. “Girl talk, you know,” she teased him. Moving from the stool, she walked to him and put her hand on his chest. Looking up at him, she said, “Give me a kiss?” Lord, she lived for his kisses.

Eyeing her suspiciously, he leaned in and gave her a kiss, sliding a hand around her waist to pull her in closer to him.
What were you two talking about?
he murmured, nibbling on her lip.
I had the horrifying feeling you were both stripping me mentally when I came into the room.

Because we were,
Rimi said with a smile.
Kat had just told me about the training sessions that go on, and I seriously can’t wait. God I look forward to seeing you half-naked and training. You are dead sexy, Lee, my love, and I cannot wait to have you there before me. I look forward to tomorrow’s training session.

And if I decide to take the easy out and not go?
he asked curiously, lifting his head so he could see her face.
Would you still go and ogle the men as they trained in all the ways necessary to keep everyone of this world safe and protected?

Nope, because I wouldn’t have you to ogle,
she told him with a grin.
You are the only one that I want to ogle, darling mine.
Looking up at him, she smiled. “I love you, Lee, so very, very much.” Leaning in closer again, she hugged him tight. “I will always need you.”

Hugging her tight in return, Laighean pressed a kiss to her temple. “I love you, too, sweetheart,” he murmured softly. Closing his eyes, he breathed her in slowly. “I need more coffee, and then I shall leave you and my lady Queen to continue gossiping about men and their bodies.”

“I think that might be best, because I think she and I are going to plot and plan ways to sneak video cameras onto the base so that we can take video of the men in their training sessions, and I really would love to be able to see you as you train as well. I think that you are exceptional, and I would love to see you as you moved as well.”

“I provide private showings,” he murmured for her ears alone and smiled at her look. Pressing a quick kiss to her cheek, Laighean stepped around her. “All video and photographic equipment will be removed from all persons before they enter the training rooms.”

“Even if I let you take video and photos of me doing anything that you want me to do?” Rimi shot back with a grin. “I’m more than happy to have you videoing me in private as long as I’m allowed to do so to you, my love.”

“That’s in private, love, not out in public,” he said quietly to her as he poured another cup of coffee. “And it doesn’t include other, what was the term I overheard, man-candy.” He smiled at Kat and her pink cheeks.

Rimi winked at him and said, “Damn straight.” Pulling back a little, she patted his chest. “Go and do what you need to, honey. Katherine and I are going to have a bit more of a chat and then she’s going to send one of her men out to get my kittens some food and kitty litter.” She frowned. “I haven’t introduced you to the quads, have I?” She grinned. “They are my kids, my little kittens.”

Blinking at her, he shook his head. “No, I don’t believe you even mentioned having any kittens,” he said honestly. He really hoped that they took a liking to him. Not all animals liked the Fae. Something that most people didn’t realize thankfully.

“Yep, I have four of them. They are in my rooms right now, but I really need to go and spend some time with them, and I really would like to have you there with me so that I can introduce them to you, sweetheart.”

“I’d like that as well,” he told her with a smile. Moving closer, he leaned in to kiss her lightly. “Finish your talk with my lady Queen and I will see you in a couple of hours. We can go and meet your little friends and see if they will like me or not.”

“Sounds good, love. I have a feeling they will though.” She hoped. She loved her little kittens, even with their attitude, and would hate to have to give them up because they didn’t like Lee, and she would. He was her world now, he meant everything to her, and she would choose him time and again.

You don’t need to give them up if they don’t like me, sweetheart. Not all animals like all people,
he pointed out the obvious,
even their owners. Besides, not all animals like the Fae. There’s something about our connection to the Earth that sometimes disturbs and unsettles them.

“Well let’s hope and pray that they like you, because it would bother me a great deal if they didn’t like you,” she admitted. “I adore the balls of fluff, but I adore you far, far more, darling. You are the center of my world, now at least,” she added with a grin.

Shrugging, he stepped in close and kissed her lightly. “I love you,” he murmured softly. “We will figure it all out, darling mine,” he whispered against her cheek. “I will see you later and please, for my sanity, don’t figure out any ways of sneaking cameras or video equipment into the training session, or I will tell every guy there and we will all wear as many layers as humanly possible to thwart you.” Smiling cheerfully at her and then Kat, he headed out of the kitchen whistling softly under his breath.

“Oh, he’s a dirty rotten scoundrel.” She watched him walking away and sighed. “But good lord he’s a freaking beautiful dirty rotten scoundrel,” Rimi said as she turned back to Kat. “He will tell every single one of them to wear lots of layers if we try to sneak in video equipment.”

“Of that I’m very sure,” Katherine said with a smile. “But I have some of the coolest little toys that will allow us to have video and they’ll never be any the wiser.” As long as no one said anything to Quincy. If they did they would be found out fast. Evil little man had so many tricks up his sleeves.

“I think we should wait for a few before we try to sneak one in,” Rimi said with a grin. “I think that for right now we should let them be able to frisk us.” She shivered. “Good lord I love that idea, being frisked by my Lee,” she told her friend happily. “And then when they are sure that we wouldn’t do it, that’s when we will sneak it in.”

Shrugging, Kat grinned. “Whatever you want, Rimi.” She grinned at her. Chuckling, Kat got up and went for more coffee. Pouring some, she turned and held up the carafe. “You want some more?” she asked, lifting a brow.

“No, thanks.” She looked out the door and back to Kat. “Are they training? If so, why don’t you and I go and hunt them down and watch them? I really would like to be able to see my Lee all nice and sweaty sexy.” Yep, she was horny. Dammit.

“He’s not training. He’s walking the perimeter,” Kat told her with a chuckle. “Because of his position he is on the inner circle, the last line of defense so to speak. Which means he can come and go for coffee and snacks while the others must remain stoic and stuck out there until their breaks come around. If you want to go and talk with him, he’s likely walking the porch,” Katherine offered with a smirk.

“Thanks, Kat,” Rimi said and was out the door without a second look, stepping out onto the porch and looking left and then right. “Lee?” she called and walked toward one corner of the porch, hoping that she would find her man.

“Here,” he murmured, stepping up behind her as she came around the corner. Smiling when she nearly came out of her skin, Laighean lifted an eyebrow. “You seem a little twitchy, my love. Is something amiss?”

Turning in his arms, she grinned before reaching up to pull his head down toward her.
I need you, Laighean. My body aches for yours. I want you. I don’t care where we are, but I need you inside of me. Now.

Groaning, he kissed her and blindly set his mug down on a window ledge. Kissing her hard because he didn’t think there was any other way to do it just then, he backed her toward a side door.
Not out where others will see.
Gods he hoped he could remember where there was an empty room or closet!

She moved backward guided by him until he picked her up. Her legs wrapped around his hips as he continued to kiss her.
Room to the left. I looked as I came out. Empty and has a lock. Hurry,
she demanded.
she repeated and bit his lower lip in emphasis of her command.

Growling softly, he veered to the left and then the right since she’d meant her left and not his. Rolling his eyes mentally and physically, he got them inside and threw the lock. Pressing her back to the door, he moved his mouth to her neck and nibbled and suckled as he undid her pants and slipped a hand in. Shoving her panties aside, he pressed a finger into her wet body and stroked her.

BOOK: Their Unusual Mating [Paranormal Protection Unit 5] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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