This Is True Love (Exclusive! #1) (24 page)

BOOK: This Is True Love (Exclusive! #1)
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“Are you just going to stand there?” Alex asked without looking up from the paper in his hand.

No, she wasn’t. Fliss rushed across the room and straddled his lap, knocking aside his neat stacks of paper. She grabbed the sheet out of his hand and tossed it behind her.

He frowned at her. “I was working. You know that, right?”

“I know. Don’t be grumpy.” She nibbled his neck. “It’s eight o’clock. We’ve worked enough today. Speaking of, did I ever thank you for casting me as Farrah?”

“Pretty sure you cast yourself, but you’re welcome.”

Chuckling, she made her way to his mouth and leaned in for a soft kiss. “I have a confession to make.”


She grinned when his hand landed on her hip and slipped under her skirt to massage her bare thigh. “You were right. About us.”

“I know.” His hand slipped higher.

“No, you misunderstand me. I’m ready.”

His hand stilled. “Ready for what?”

“For everything. I want us to be us with no reservations. No more hang-ups about not being able to predict the future. About not being able to trust my gut. You don’t have to be patient anymore.”

His hand tightened on her leg. “Do you mean that?”

“With everything in my heart. My gut has been screaming at me to listen to it for the longest time. You’re it for me. I finally realized it’s not what you say but what you do. You’ve shown me over and over how much you care about me and how much you get me and love me for me. You’re what I’ve been looking for my whole life. I couldn’t ask for anything more. I’m sorry I made you wait.” She met him halfway for a lingering kiss she hoped would be the first of many.

“You’re the love of my life,” Alex murmured against her mouth. “If you let me, I’ll spend the rest of my life proving to you how much you mean to me.”

Fliss settled back on his hard thighs. “Is that a proposal?” she asked with a teasing grin.


She gasped when he reached into his pants’ right pocket and pulled out a black ring box. He opened it to reveal a dazzling diamond ring.

She blinked rapidly at the stunning piece of jewelry. “You just happened to have that in your pocket?”

“No,” he said, his voice quieting. “I’m a planner. I’ve been carrying it with me every day. I was waiting for a signal that you were ready to accept it.”

Wow. Her heart leaped out of her chest and went splat right at his feet. Tears blurred her vision. “I am,” she said simply.

“Good. Felicity Marie Chambers, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife and my partner for the rest of our lives?”

She cupped his cheek, bliss cascading through every pore in her body. “Absolutely.”

She leaned in for the most perfect kiss of her life. Sweet. Passionate. Loving.

When it was over, her eyes fluttered open to find the man she loved watching her with the most carefree smile she’d ever seen on his face. She matched it with a grin of her own. “Is this the part where we agree to live happily ever after?”

“As you wish.”




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One-On-One Series

Tell Me Something Good


Two radio show hosts. One show. Who will come out on top?


In a moment of restlessness, Tate Grayson sold his multimillion-dollar company and spun his love of sports into a radio talk show. Life, and love, is too short to take seriously—a fact he enjoys rubbing in uptight radio host Noelle Butler’s face.


After the death of her parents, a tragedy she blamed on herself, Noelle vowed to live a controlled, focused life. Now a psychologist, she channels her need for connection into her radio show. But when the arrogant sportscaster next door tells listeners men shouldn’t get married, she’s all too happy to yank the silver spoon out of his overprivileged mouth.


Their heated on-air arguments are a hit, but when the station director forces them to do a joint show for two weeks, Tate and Noelle object. They can’t stand each other, despite the attraction sizzling beneath every interaction. But if they can’t pull the struggling radio station back from the brink, they’ll lose their jobs. Or worse, their hearts.


Slamdunked by Love


Revenge is supposed to be sweet…


Caitlin Monroe is ready to confront her past. Years ago, her father ditched her mother for the NBA, leaving her pregnant and alone. Now he’s a big-shot coach, and Caitlin’s ready to take the so-called “family man” down. But on her way to the team gala
, her car dies, and it’s her father’s sexy new star player who comes to her rescue.


Brady Hudson wants nothing more than to put his past behind him and concentrate on winning the championship for his new team. But when he finds himself the recipient of unwanted attention—attention that could destroy his career—he introduces the beautiful woman he saved on the side of the road as his "girlfriend."


Brady needs to focus on his job. And Caitlin isn’t about to date an athlete whose career is riding on her father—though he
a convenient way to get the dirt she needs. But sometimes love has other ideas, and it’s not long before their pretend relationship becomes a liability neither can resist…


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Thank you as always to every reader for giving me a chance. It gives me a thrill every time one of you reaches out to tell me you enjoyed my book. I love writing and sharing my stories with you.


My family – I love all of you. Thank you so much for being supportive.


Thank you Gwen Hayes for talking me off the ledge and being there when I needed you the most.


Thank you to Flo Nicoll for working with me on this story so many moons ago. Thank you for your patience and giving me a chance.


Thank you to Dawn Alexander, Kaily Hart, and Eve Cole for reading and offering valuable feedback.


Thanks to Cormar Covers for the awesome cover, and Blue Otter Editing for the great copy edits!


To my writing friends Roni Loren, Genny Wilson, Piper Huguley, the Firebirds, thank you, thank you! You keep me entertained. You give me someone to whine to. You understand.


To the Romance Divas, thank you so much for offering your insight. I would not have made this leap without you.



Jamie Wesley has been reading romance novels since she was twelve when her mother left a romance novel a friend had given her on the nightstand. Jamie read it instead, and the rest is history.


Her debut novel, TELL ME SOMETHING GOOD, was released in 2014. When she’s not writing, she’s reading, watching TV, rooting for her favorite sports teams, and/or planning her next trip to Walt Disney World.


To be the first to know when her next book releases,
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for her newsletter.


For more info or to chat, please visit Jamie at the following sites:



Copyright © 2015 by Jamie Wesley.


All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either a product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.


Edited by Gwen Hayes and Flo Nicoll

Cover by Cormar Covers


BOOK: This Is True Love (Exclusive! #1)
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