Read This Summer Online

Authors: Katlyn Duncan

This Summer (22 page)

BOOK: This Summer
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“Oh my God it’s him!” one of the girls screams.

I turn around and scream. It’s forced but the effect is instant. Seconds later the kids go ballistic. I can’t tell which counselor it is but he or she stands at the edge of the trees, covered from head to toe in leaves, dirt and other forest flora. They don't move from the edge of the woods though. I scurry over to the kids and hide behind Will. I squat next to him and take the opportunity to place a hand on his shoulder, biting my lip to keep from smiling.

“Remember,” Sebastian says as the “forest creature” retreats into the woods. “He doesn’t come for you. You have to go to him.”

The kids are silent but I swear everyone can hear my racing heart as it threatens to beat out of my chest. Will’s hand slides over mine reassuringly.

“Who was that?” Jaclyn asks. “That was stupid. It was probably just one of the other counselors.”

“Are you willing to take that chance?” Sebastian asks in a serious tone, but as the flame flickers, I see a hint of a smile on his lips.

Jaclyn rolls her eyes.

“Who wants more marshmallows?” Lily asks. The tense air around us finally breaks and the kids return to their excitement over more sugar.

Will’s head turns and my gaze dips to his mouth. “You could have warned me.”

I click my tongue. “What would be the fun in that?”

His hand grabs mine and leads me to the seat next to him.

The fire reflects his eyes and they glisten as he speaks. “What time is lights out?”

The intent in his voice is obvious and I pull out my cell phone and turn the screen on. “Half hour.”

A small annoyed breath escapes his mouth.

I’m as anxious for alone time as he is. “We can offer to clean up?”

Will shoots up from the seat as if the fire is under him and walks to Brenda, who has all the supplies in front of her.

Lily comes up beside me, holding a s’more. “Did you have one?”

“Yes,” I say, distractedly. I fake a yawn. “Will and I are going to help clean up.” I pat her leg. “See you at the cabin.” If I look at her she’ll know exactly what's happening. And I'm not ready to explain myself just yet. I'm not sure I will be able to explain anything.

I’m up just as quickly as Will was, as if each second wasted will bring more thought to both our minds about what we are doing. We gather the remaining supplies from Brenda.

Our hands are full as we walk but Will is able to get the door to the main building open. He holds the door and I direct myself to the dark cafeteria. The only lights are those in the kitchen, which we make our way to quickly. The lights offer an eerie glow. I drop everything on the counter and properly close the graham cracker boxes then secure the bags of marshmallows and chocolate.

I hear Will before I see him. My skin prickles as I finish up. Just as I turn, his fingers wrap around my wrists. My butt hits the side of the counter as Will’s body presses against mine. My lips part.

Neither of us move, we stand in the silence of the space. Our chests rise and fall together as if we share the same lungs. For once this summer we’re on the same wavelength.

“Ever since this afternoon, I couldn’t wait to get you alone.” One hand moves up my arm, eliciting a trail of goosebumps over my skin.

The corner of his mouth lifts briefly before meeting mine. This kiss is different than before. It’s no longer tentative and gentle but filled with passion and need. My eyelids flutter as his arm wraps around my waist and he lifts me onto the counter. My legs wrap around his waist, freeing my hands and putting us at the same height level. I pull my fingers through his soft hair. Both of his hands move over my body, through my hair. He twists my ponytail around his finger and the tension ripples over my scalp, triggering every nerve ending.

A small moan escapes my lips and he pulls away. “No,” I breathe, opening my eyes.

He smiles lazily and smooths his thumb over my swollen lips. That finger trails over my jaw and beckons me closer. I kiss him again and this time I deepen it. A low, deep sound resonates in his throat and the sound sends heat through me, settling between my legs. His tongue slips into my mouth and when they meet, bursts of color explode under my eyelids. His hands leave my chin and move lower. I tighten my legs and bring him closer.

My head falls back, a groan escaping my lips.

His head dips and he presses his lips against the hollow of my throat, trailing kisses along my neck.

“So soft,” he murmurs against my skin.

I gather myself and tilt my head forward. I wrap my arms around his shoulders and move my hands over his back, memorizing the map of his back muscles.

“Hello?” Someone calls across the room.

My body jolts and Will wraps his arms around me. My head drops to his shoulder and I press my lips together.

He helps me off the counter and directs me to the door, grinning.

He turns to the person, an older man shuffling across the room. It’s one of the kitchen workers. I press my back against the wall, listening to their exchange.

“I’m putting supplies away,” Will says.

“Oh, okay,” the other man says.

I hear the bags crackling as Will puts away the food.

I take the moment to catch my breath. My chest heaves as I struggle to fill my lungs. The warmth of Will’s hands on my body still lingers even from the next room. I lean my head against the cool wall and relive the moments before. It was much more than I could ever imagine. Two years ago I loved Will but as much as I try to convince myself he's the same, he isn't. He’s been through something. The way he held back with me before, it was like I unleashed something inside of him and it both thrills and terrifies me to no end.

His face appears in front of me. His grin has taken years off his face and I’m thrown back to a time when we were both kids, keeping a secret from my parents or Ethan. Voices ring outside of the building and we both look toward the windows. The rest of the campers have begun their trek back to the cabins.

“Do we have to go?” he asks.

I want to say no. I really want to say no.

He nods as if reading my mind. “We should go.” He raises one eyebrow and takes my hand. “But let’s take the long way.”

He pulls me in the opposite direction in which we came, toward the back entrance of the building. Will pushes through the doors at the opposite end of the cafeteria and before I know it, my back is pressed against the wall and his cheek is against mine. We aren’t kissing, but our breathing is ragged as if we’ve both run a marathon. His hand cups my cheek and I lean into it. His other hand tucks a wayward lock of hair behind my ear. I risk a glance at him and he’s staring at his hand tracing a line over and then under my ear.

“What are you thinking about?” he asks softly.

“Getting caught.”

His lips twitch. “Always the practical one.”

I scoff. “One of us has to be.”

He presses a kiss to my neck and I lean into him. “I can be practical,” he says into my neck, his hot breath warming my skin.

He pulls away from me and my hand reaches for him.

His fingers meet my hand and they come together, fitting as if they were made for each other. “We really should get going.”

I roll my eyes. I had to open my stupid mouth.

I expect him to let go of my hand when we get outside, but he doesn’t. I sneak a glance around but everyone must be in their cabins. We walk in silence towards mine. I stop at the tree a few feet from the cabin.

“In an effort to be practical. I think we should say goodnight here,” I say.

“You’re not going to invite me in?” he asks with a smirk.

“Goodnight,” I say flatly.

His mouth is on mine before I can say another word. The kiss is entirely too short and it leaves me with a lightness in my head and chest. “Goodnight.” His forehead rests on mine and I leave him knowing that we are feeling the same thing. For the first time in a long time we’re on the same wavelength and it feels amazing.



The following Saturday, I'm admiring the newly installed basement door when I hear the front door open and close. I move the door back and forth. No more squeak. Job well done. I shove the screwdriver into the side pocket of the tool bag just as Hadley enters the room.

I scoop her into my arms and something crunches between us. But I don’t let her down until I fully explore her lips with mine.

“Mmm,” I say against her lips.

She presses her body against mine and it takes a lot of effort for me to put her down.

“I brought you lunch,” she says against my mouth.

“It tastes great.”

She laughs and lifts the crushed paper bag in her hands. “I meant food.”

I peck her on the lips and let her down. We’ve been like this all week. During camp it was torturous as we worked hard to keep it professional in front of the kids and staff. But we also made enough excuses to find ourselves alone as much as we could, most of that time at my house.

We break apart and she smooths a hand over her hair.

I grab the bag from her. “Thanks.” I pluck the sandwich out and dig in, realizing I haven't eaten anything all day.

She takes the bag from me and pulls out another sandwich. She sits at the kitchen table and I join her. We eat in silence for a few seconds before she speaks again. “Ethan and I were talking about having people over tonight.” Hadley’s parents always take a weekend off in the middle of summer to visit her aunt’s house in the Hampton’s. Usually Ethan and Hadley go with them, but this year they want to stay home. I was relieved when she told me she was staying. The clock is ticking down the days we have together and I don't want to give that up yet.

“Yeah?” I say between bites.


I nod and continue eating.

Her eyebrows knit together. “Are you really going to make me ask?”

I shrug, holding back a smile. “Ask what?”

She puts down the sandwich and stares at me, her lips pursed. “Will Carson. Would you like to come to my party?”

I lean forward, taking her hand. “I’d love to.”

She rolls her eyes and lightly kicks at my shin. “You’re hopeless.”

“Do you need help with anything? I should be about done here. Trudy is having another couple look at the house in about an hour.”

“I think we are all set,” she says, leaning back in her chair. “Lily’s brothers are getting beer for us and Ethan just went to the grocery store with her.”

I pick up the bag and napkins, bringing them to the trash can. When I turn around, Hadley is standing with a strange expression on her face.

“What’s up?”

She shakes her head, the expression disappearing.

Her expression mirrors the knot in my stomach.

I know what’s on her mind, but neither of us speak of it.

I go to her and pull her against me, my arms tightening around her body. She sighs against my chest, the warmth of her breath against my skin. I press a kiss to the top of her head. She leans her head back, offering her lips to mine. I accept, kissing her thoroughly until we both forget what the inevitable future will bring. This present is where we need to stay, at least for a little while.


For the rest of the afternoon, I help Hadley set up for the party. Ethan and I bring up chairs from the basement and set them up in the backyard while Hadley and Lily make food. Before we know it, the house is filled with more people than anticipated.

Normally, strategic Hadley would have been upset by the influx of people in her parent’s house, but after a few beers from the ever so helpful Lily, she is loosened up enough not to care.

“Come dance with me,” she says, pointing into the living room from our spot by the stairs.

At that moment I would do anything she asked. I want to touch her so badly I almost don't care who sees or what they say. I lead her to the group and swing her around, bringing her back into my arms. She falters slightly, letting out a giggle. I lead her around the floor, tucking her body close to mine.

“I missed dancing with you.” she says, finally finding her rhythm with me.

I twirl her a few times, her smile and laughter warming my chest. Her hair whips in a golden veil around her head as the beat picks up. Her cheeks redden as we dance. Her hips move with mine and it takes much out of me not to close the gap between us and kiss her. Something bumps into my shoulder and Ethan is there.

He frowns. “Sorry man.”

His arms move wildly around Lily as they dance and I shoot him a smile. “No problem.”

Lily gyrates in front of Ethan, lost in the music. A group of people squeeze into the room and soon enough we’re on top of each other.

My chest tightens as the room closes in around me. “I need some air,” I say to Hadley and she nods, still moving to the music. I push my way out of the group and make my way through the back door.

The cool air assaults my face. I inhale deeply a few times and close the door behind me, muffling the music.

A light flashes to my right and my back stiffens. My hands draw into fists and I squint my eyes in the darkness. A small round circle of orange lights up the person’s face.

“Carter?” I say, my hands fisting.

He inhales and the glow of the cigarette intensifies. “What do you want, Golden Boy?” His voice is hoarse.

“I didn’t think Hadley invited you.”

He takes another drag and holds it briefly before letting it out. “Well, we’re friends now.” He puts finger quotes on the word 'friends'. “I know what you’re doing with her,” he says under his breath.

“What are you talking about?”

He lets out another puff of smoke. “Even before we started dating she’s always held you on this pedestal, just like everyone else.” He lifts a red plastic cup to his lips and swallows.

I take a few steps to him and sit down on the chair with one of them between us. “I never asked for that.”

He leans his head back. “Well it happened.”

“What’s your point?”

His weary eyes meet mine. “You win again. But I know this time it’s going to be worse for the both of you. A fact that will help me sleep.”

“Have some more beer,” I say, standing up. I know he’s right but I’ll never admit that to him.

BOOK: This Summer
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