Read Those Red High Heels Online

Authors: Katherine May

Tags: #red high heels, #comedy, #contemporary, #romance, #romantic comedy, #Contemporary Romance, #dog

Those Red High Heels (4 page)

BOOK: Those Red High Heels
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I thought about that for a minute, and it really made no sense. Why in the world would you marry someone if you didn’t love them? I looked over at Brynn and decided the mood had shifted. I needed to bring back some light to our conversation. “I love your new haircut, by the way. It looks so good on you.” I grinned and flipped one side of her shoulder length A-line bob.

She bit her lip and moved her hand through her hair. “Really? If I would have known Collin was going to propose, I wouldn’t have cut it so short. But thanks, girl, I do love it.”

She then looked over at me and made a weird expression, but quickly turned back to the road. She was thinking about saying something to me, but didn’t want to hurt my feelings. I knew that look; in fact, I knew it well. See, Brynn was the kind of friend who never wanted to hurt anyone’s feelings or cause any tension in a relationship. I, on the other hand, was known to blurt out my feelings and cause a polar opposite effect. I guess they were right when they said opposites attract.

“Ask me,” I blurted out as I looked over to her with piercing eyes.

She took in a little gasp and put her hand over her heart. “What? I didn’t say anything.”

“You didn’t have to. Just ask.” I arched one of my eyebrows and stared intently at her face.

She finally took in a deep breath and quickly glanced over at me. “It’s just that you look thin, Emma, and your hair. It’s your natural color. Are you okay?”

I let out a loud laugh that shocked Brynn and she looked at me like I was crazy. “Just because my hair is natural doesn’t mean anything is wrong.” I stopped for a minute and let her comment sink in. She did have a point. My natural color is that sandy blonde, mousy, unattractive hair color; and ever since I lost my bright blonde hair in high school, I have added highlights every few months. Brynn shot me a questioning look and let out a little ‘mmm hmmm.’ Maybe she was right. I wasn’t myself, and I’d let myself go a little. “Okay, I may have been a little depressed about Greg, but I promise I’m not anymore. I kind of had a feel sorry for Emma moment, but that’s done.” I smiled over at her and gave her a little wink.

Brynn squeezed my hand again. “I have a hair appointment tomorrow with my girl, Kerry. I bet she can squeeze you in, if you want?”

I smiled over at my best friend and finally felt that little emotion called happiness. “Sounds perfect.”

We talked and laughed the rest of the way to her and Collin’s apartment. They lived in a penthouse on the Upper East Side, and right then I should have known this city was going to be different. I had no clue then, but I was about to enter a whole new world. Wait, I take that back. I was about to enter a completely different universe.



















Chapter Four

The Upper East Side of Manhattan was unlike anything I had ever seen before. The buildings were an architect’s dream with their rich heritage and beautiful designs. People had a mission here, and you could tell they were right where they belonged. I had smiled as Brynn and I made our way to her hairstylist, Kerry, who worked in a retro-style salon that blew any place in Chicago out of the water. It was breathtaking walking down the street to Brynn’s high-end salon. I couldn’t believe I was finally in my dream city, and when I stepped out onto Fifth Avenue after my much-needed makeover, I felt like a new woman.

“All right, I’ll admit it. I feel so much better!” I laughed and gave Brynn a huge bear hug. She grinned at me and squeezed me back.

“You’re always happier as a blonde, quit fighting it,” she said with a wink and linked arms with me as we strutted down the street. People always commented on how we were a striking pair together. Brynn with her beautiful dark brown hair and light blue eyes, and me with my long blonde hair and emerald green eyes. We got ourselves out of many sticky situations together.

Our next stop was shopping for a new gown for Brynn and Collin’s engagement party. Collin was out of town on a business trip to L.A., and wasn’t due back until Tuesday. He told Brynn to take his credit card and demanded we have fun. He really was amazing, and had my approval the first time I met him. He came out to Chicago with Brynn around a year ago, and told me he had found the love of his life. He treated her like a princess, and I have never seen my best friend happier. Apparently, he wasn’t a huge fan of Greg. That adds another point under his name.

“I’m really excited to show you this new boutique. A famous fashion designer recently broke away from a major fashion house and opened her own parlor. I have heard amazing things, and I know we are going to find our dresses there,” Brynn said and she pulled me into what could only be described as the hippest store I had ever laid eyes on.

“Wow, are you sure? This looks expensive,” I cooed as I looked around at some of the most exquisite evening gowns I had ever laid eyes on.

“Collin insisted. He loves pampering, so let’s give the man what he wants. Besides, I hardly let him spoil me. This will make him so happy.” She grinned and headed over to a silk cobalt backless dress.

I swooned as I tilted my head to the side. “Yes, you have to try that one on.”

A saleswoman walked over and took our sizes. Brynn and I were about the same size, after my breakup weight loss. I think that might be the only good thing about breaking up with someone. You always lose five or ten pounds. My only problem was I tended to lose it in the chest, and I needed to keep all I had.

I had to choose from dresses in every color in the rainbow, but decided to try on a black floor length gown, and a beautiful green dress that dipped almost inappropriately low in the front.

I looked over at Brynn and pointed to the changing room. “You go first. I cannot wait to see that blue dress on you. It’s going to make your eyes look crazy beautiful.” I smiled and motioned for her to head over to the dressing room.

“Okay, but I’m really excited about this cream dress as well. I think I’ll try it on first.” She smiled like a kid in a candy store and bounced into the room.

A few minutes later, Brynn stepped out in one of the most exquisite dresses I had ever seen and was actually able to touch it, and not just look at in a magazine. “Brynn, you look stunning.”

Brynn smiled as she walked over to the three way mirror to admire what could only be described as heaven on the body. “I love this,” she said quietly and it seemed like she was a little choked up.

I walked over and gave her a small hug. “I can’t believe we are shopping for your engagement dress. This is big time,” I said as we both smiled at the angelic figure in the mirror. The cream dress was to die for, but I had a feeling the blue one would blow it out of the water.

“I do love this, but I need to try on the blue dress. It’s Collin’s favorite color,” she said as she did one last turn in the mirror. I went to take my seat so I could ooh and ahh over her next selection.

A few minutes later Brynn stepped back out in the show-stopping blue dress. The fabric did unnatural things to her eyes, and made her look like a modern day goddess. “Brynn, Collin is going to lose his shit when he sees you,” I said loudly, which made her blush.

“Shhh,” she said with a laugh and covered her face with her hands when she saw herself in the mirror. “Okay, now this is the one.”

Rendered speechless, I agreed. She swooned one more time at herself in the mirror and headed back to the dressing room, not muttering another word. After she was dressed she told me it was my turn. I knew I wouldn’t have quite the same reaction as her, only because I wasn’t marrying the man of my dreams, but I was excited to try on some designer gowns. This was a first for me.

The first dress, the green one, was of course beautiful. It was as if this designer measured our bodies and made these dresses specifically for us. When I stepped out Brynn’s mouth turned into a huge grin and she started nodding. “Wow,” was all she said, and pointed over to the mirror.

I loved it. The scariest part though, was that the dresses didn’t have a price tag attached to it. I also couldn’t wear my cute new red shoes with it. “I like this one, but I think I'm going to love the black one more,” I said with a wink and headed back into the dressing room. When I slipped the black dress onto my body, I knew it was the one. You know when you find those panties or that bra that perfectly mold to your body? Like they were meant for you? Well, this was that moment, only it was a very fancy designer evening gown.

“Emma,” Brynn whispered as I stepped out in my new black dress. “If you don’t find your future man in that dress, well, you’ll have to return it. That is a show stopper,” she said as I looked at myself in the mirror. It was almost a carbon copy cut to her new blue dress, but there were enough differences that they didn’t look exactly the same. They would be perfect together. The back dipped down low and the front was a classy high cut. My red shoes would look amazing with some ruby drop earrings, and some lush red lipstick.

“I’m sold. Only, I’m not sure about the price, Brynn,” I said quietly as I did one more turn.

“Quit with the price. Please? This is for my special day. Don’t think about money, just this once, okay? Besides, I need to make sure the blue dress is really the one I want. I mean, I loved the cream one as well.” She bit her lower lip and looked back and forth to each dress.

A light bulb must have flickered on, because I suddenly had a fabulous idea. “You have to get the blue one for your engagement party, so why don’t you get the cream one for your rehearsal dinner?”

Brynn’s face lit up as she looked over at me and showed me her pearly white teeth. “Emma, my friend, you are a genius.”





Before I knew it, Monday morning was blaring R-E-S-P-E-C-T through my radio speakers, and I was running around like a madwoman trying to get ready for an interview that would hopefully change the course of my life. I had printed off previous clients I had worked with in Chicago who had outstanding numbers with my advertising plans. Don’t let my blonde hair fool you; I’m quite the sales woman. I had a list of references, which I guessed they already had contacted.

Brynn wished me good luck, and told me to be myself. She was so optimistic, but then again I always told her she was my lucky charm.

I finished getting ready and went to check myself out in Brynn’s full-length mirror. I turned around and assessed myself. Black knee length dress, check. Red shoes, check. Amazing designer necklace, thanks to Brynn, check. I finished my hair off by twisting it into an elegant chignon hairstyle and threw on some natural, but professional makeup. My red lip-gloss finished off my look, and I was ready to go.

Brynn warned me to leave at least an hour early, even though Purple Moon was only about ten miles away. As I stepped outside to call for a cab, their sweet doorman waved me off and told me that Collin had called in this morning and left a car for me. That man, stealing a piece of my heart every second. Brynn really snagged a keeper.

When a sleek black car pulled up to the curb, my nerves went through the roof. I couldn’t believe I was in New York City, in a mob style car, on the Upper East Side, heading to what was hopefully my new dream job. Life really couldn’t get any better. The only thing I was missing was a damn coffee. I couldn’t believe I forgot my caffeine fix before I left Brynn’s apartment. I asked the driver, Rob, if he could make a quick stop for me.

“I know just the place, Ms. Walker,” he replied in a familiar accent.

“Are you from Chicago?” I asked and smiled at him in the rearview mirror.

He nodded and returned the gesture. “Born and raised. I could hear the same accent in you. It’s nice to see a fellow Midwesterner.”

I agreed and surprisingly felt a little more at ease, so I sat back in the plush leather seat. About ten minutes later, Rob pulled up to a small coffee house and told me he would have to circle the block, but would be right back out front to pick me up when I was ready to go. I told him that sounded great and slipped out of the car, grabbing my debit card.

BOOK: Those Red High Heels
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