Read Three More Wishes Online

Authors: Sean Michael

Tags: #Gay Romance

Three More Wishes (2 page)

BOOK: Three More Wishes
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He took in a deep, almost sobbing breath, his fingers sliding to wrap around James' thigh, his other hand giving Damien something to rub against. Damien humped him furiously, cock leaking against his touch.

He pushed his hand into Damien's shorts, groaning at the heat of it. Wild and desperate, Dame took his hand like a wild man.

"That's it, babe. He tastes so good, doesn't he?" Guard was talking to both of them, his whole body tight; he couldn't quite believe this was happening.

Damien sobbed, hips leaving the chair, cock throbbing in his hand.

"Take it. Take the pleasure. In both hands." He wasn't even sure which one of them he was talking to anymore. It didn't matter.

Damien threw his head back, heat spraying over his fingers.

"Oh, babe. Babe. James?" What did his other lover need?

"Go away. I want you both to go away." James' cheeks were streaked with tears.

"No, please James." Guard laid his cheek on James' shoulder. "We love you."

"Go away!" James rolled back, bumping into the wall. "Get out of my house!"

Damien stood, face white as a sheet.

"James! We're your lovers." Guard was tired of constantly being pushed away.

"You were. Not anymore. You're my business partners!"

"We want more than just business, James. We are more. And you know it."

James shook his head, wheeling out. "Leave me alone."

"Damn it." Guard sighed, letting James go, knowing chasing him down would just make James angrier. He turned to Damien, touched his lover's arm. "Hey. It's okay. It's going to be okay."

There were tears now, and Damien shook his head. "I'm so sorry."

"Shut up." He stepped in close and pressed his mouth against Damien's.

Damien pushed a sound into his lips, but he ignored it. James could walk away, but Guard wasn't letting Dame go. He held on tight, taking the kiss, making Damien focus on it and not on his pain.

Dame breathed in, gasped into his mouth, then let him in. He kept kissing, loving on Damien. At least Damien let him. Damien loved him. He knew it, like he knew he had to breathe.

He shifted them, moved Damien so his lover was up against the wall, their bodies pressed tight together.


Shut up, Damien.

He humped his hips against Damien, the man's ass hitting the wall. He could taste James on Damien's lips, warm and spicy. God, he loved them both so much.

Damien's hand wrapped around his hip, moving him, rocking them together. He kissed Damien harder, adding more force, banging Damien against the wall.

"Fuck me. Please. Please, Guard. Want you."

"Turn around." He growled, grabbing Damien's shirt and turning him. His glib lover, his shattered man.

He tugged Damien's shorts down, kneed Damien's legs apart. Damien's ass pushed back toward him, begging.

He pushed his fingers into Damien's mouth. "Suck them." Those lips wrapped around his fingers, the suction sudden and strong. "Fuck." He humped against Damien's ass, cursing the material of his sleep shorts for being in the way. Damien nodded, sucking his fingers. Yes.

He took it as long as he could and then pulled his fingers out, groaning at the pop.

"If you don't fuck me soon, I'm going to beat you."

He pushed his fingers along Damien's crack. Dame pushed back against his touch. He found the sweet little hole, pushing his index finger in. Always so tight, so needy, all theirs. He slipped a second finger in with the first, spreading them apart to open Damien up.

"Fuck, yeah. Yeah."

"Almost there, Dame." He hoped James could hear them, hoped the man knew what he was missing.

"Good. Need. Now."

He pulled his fingers out and spat into his other hand, palming himself quickly to slick up his prick. He didn't even worry about whether Damien was clean. He knew his lover was waiting. He pushed against Damien's hole, his prick breaching the tight muscles. Hot, tight, Damien's body fought him for the briefest minute, then spread.

Groaning, he kept pushing in, spreading Damien with his prick. God, Damien's ass was the sweetest, tightest place on earth. "Yes. Oh, love, yes." Groaning, he pushed all the way in.


Yeah. Yeah, it always had been. "I know, Dame. Love you. You and James."

He started sawing his hips back and forth, pushing into Damien over and over.

"Want him back." Damien was sheer fucking heaven.

"We'll get him back, babe." They were wearing James down through sheer will power and love.


"I swear it." They were so close he could taste it. So very close.

"I trust you." Damien slammed back against him, took him deep.

"Good. Good." He pushed in, hitting that sweet little gland inside Damien's body.


James had to have heard that.

He pumped in again, then again, working Damien's gland as hard as he could. Damien was wild, humping back, meeting each thrust, crying out for him.

"I've got you; I've got you." He kept humping, feeling so damn good. Damien's hole was like a fist, working his cock.

His and Damien's moans made beautiful music. He kissed the back of Damien's neck, the touch gentle compared to the way they slammed together. He loved this man. This man and the one who'd run away from them. They needed to be complete, together. He cried out, hips jerking.

"Come on. Come on, you bastard."

Reaching around, he grabbed a hold of Damien's cock, jacking it furiously. He felt each jerk around his prick. "Damien." He jerked his hips twice more and came, pumping into Damien's body. Heat sprayed over his fingers. He collapsed against Damien's back, panting, moaning.

"Oh, fuck." Damien slumped against the wall. He pressed against Damien, holding his lover up. "Still good, us."

"Yeah. We are." They'd be even better if James would stop being so damn stubborn.

"We should go. The asshole doesn't want us here." He could hear the hurt in Damien's voice.

"Hush. That's our lover you're talking about."

Damien shook his head. "He doesn't still love me."

"He does. He wouldn't have let you kiss him if he didn't. It wouldn't have upset him so much."

Damien groaned, leaned against him. "So you say, man. I shouldn't have come back."

"James waits for you to come back, you know. He cuts off your credit cards so you have to."

"He's an asshole." And Damien loved him.

"But he's our asshole." He kissed Damien's neck and slid out. "Come on. I'll take you home. We've got clients coming in." He turned Damien around, looked into the man's eyes. "We're not letting it end here, though. He let you kiss him. He let you kiss him until you came. We just need to keep at it."

"Yeah. We'll see. Whatever. I gotta make sure Mr. Bonnart is ready to take care of Mr. Swan."

"This isn't over, Dame." He kissed his lover hard.

He just hoped Damien kept believing.


Chapter Two


Cameron squinted against the light. He could make out the shapes of the beach, the sky, the trees. It was beautiful. It had to be. It was going to be one of the last things he ever saw. He'd sold everything he owned -- everything. House, books, cars, horses -- all of it, just to come here. It was going to be worth it.

He heard footsteps coming toward him, flip-flops on sand. He kept his head down, focusing hard to figure out who it was. "Mr. Damien?" That's who he knew, who he'd met.

"Hi, Cameron. I've brought someone to meet you."

He knew that voice, so he relaxed, smiled. "Okay. It's lovely here. Smells so good."

"It's paradise, that's for sure. I've brought Xander Bonnart with me. He's going to be your companion while you're here."

He held his hand out toward the larger shape beside Damien. "Pleased to meet you." God, please be a real person, someone who wants to do this. Not some... cold professional. Damien had talked to him for hours, had him tell his fantasies -- all of them, even the dark ones, the scary ones. The man was almost a friend.

"Hi there, Cameron." The hand that swallowed his was large, warm, and it squeezed his tight but not too tight.

"Shall we take a walk?" Damien had helped him get settled last night in a pleasant little cabin, someone had brought him a delicious breakfast this morning, everything had been perfect.

"Sure." He nodded, and Xander started them walking.

"Thanks, Damien, We're good from here." Xander's arm slid around his waist, and he could feel the warmth as he was tugged against the man's side.

"Enjoy each other." Damien's face faded away almost immediately.

"I. It's nice to meet you." This was so odd.

"It's nice to meet you, too." Xander tightened his hold in a sort of hug. "Especially here. It really is like paradise."

"It is. The pineapple this morning was luscious. So sweet."

Warm. Xander was warm.

"Luscious. Isn't that a great word? Feels good on the tongue."

The sand beneath his feet became wet. He jerked, laughed a little, and nodded. "Yes. Yes, it is."

"You like the water?" Water tickled at his feet and disappeared again.

"I do. I used to go swimming a lot. Do you?"

"I love it." Xander led them into the water, the waves rushing over his feet now.

"Oh. Oh." His heart was racing a little, all the colors twisting together.

"It's great, isn't it?" Xander laughed, and they moved a little deeper into the water, the sand so good underfoot.

"Yes. Yes." The waves splashed up around his knees, and he jumped. Xander's arm stayed around his waist, solid and making him feel so safe. "Don't let go." He was putting a lot of trust in someone he didn't know.

"I won't." Xander led him deeper, the water swirling high around his ankles and then his calves.

He grabbed Xander's arm, gasping. "I thought it would be colder."

"It isn't, though, is it?" Xander suddenly picked him up, carrying him close against Xander's chest. "Put your arms around my neck."

"You're tall." He wrapped his arms around Xander's neck. "Is it weird? To let someone you've just met hold you?"

"Maybe? I don't know. But does it matter?" He could feel Xander moving deeper into the water, and then he could feel it lapping at his ass. "We've been matched. Who cares if it's normal or not."

"Right. Right. It's on my butt." He couldn't stop laughing.

"I'm taking you deeper. I won't drop you."

"Okay. Okay. Did... did Damien tell you anything about me? I don't know anything about you." Which wasn't true. He knew Xander smelled good, he knew Xander was strong, and he knew Xander felt good.

"A little, but he wanted us to get to know each other together." Xander twirled them, the water splashing up over his shoulders.

"Oh!" His eyes went wide, and he fought to see.

They twirled and twirled, Xander laughing, the water and sun everywhere. He held on, head thrown back. If there was a God, he'd die of a heart attack, right here. Right now. He didn't, but the moment stretched, lasted and lasted before the laughter faded and Xander walked back out of the water.

He didn't let go, he held on, let Xander hold him. The man didn't seem inclined to put him down, just kept walking. "I'd like to stay with you while we're here, Cam."

"Would you? I have a cabin." He nodded, rested against Xander's chest.

"I want to spend every minute of the next five days with you."

It didn't matter if Damien had paid Xander to be decent; it didn't matter why Xander was being so good to him. This was his fantasy, and he wanted to be wanted, touched, needed, for his last five days on earth.

"I'd love that."




Xander carried Cameron up from the beach. He could have put the man down when they got to shore, but he found he didn't want to.

Damien had told him a little of the man's story. Cameron was going blind, soon he wouldn't be able to see at all and he'd paid a ton of money to come here and have his fantasies come true before that happened. Xander planned to give the man the best five days he could, every sensation, smell, taste and feeling he could stuff into five days.

"What's your favorite food?" he asked softly, as he reached the path to Cameron's cottage.

"Strawberry shortcake." There was no hesitation there. None at all.

He chuckled. "That might explain the big bowl of berries and whipped cream on your table on the patio here." And look at the deck chairs -- not really deck chairs, there were two and they were sturdy and wide and covered in thick cushions. Perfect for two men to sit in together.

"I can smell them. Like magic."

"Oh, there's biscuits, too. I guess we can build our own strawberry shortcake." He sat, keeping Cameron in his lap. "I hope this is okay. You feel good in my arms."

"It's amazing. You're warm. I'm not too wet for you?" Cameron was lovely, light-haired and pale, with a tiny goatee, pale blue eyes, and warm, red lips.

"Not at all. I'm the one who soaked you, after all."

Cameron rested against him, relaxed, quiet, a smile on the sharp-featured face.

Xander slid his fingers along Cameron's cheek. "Let me know if you get cold -- we can go and get you dried off."

"It's lovely out here. Sunny." Cameron hummed softly, cuddled into his touch.

"It is." He picked up a strawberry and brought it to Cameron's lips, slid it across the lower one.

Cameron gasped, opened, tongue flicking out to taste. Xander found himself licking his own lips as he carefully pushed the berry between Cameron's. White teeth sank into the bright flesh, juice splashing out. On impulse, Xander leaned down and licked at the juice in the corner of Cameron's mouth. Cameron's eyes fastened on him, moving quickly, obviously trying to focus on him.

"Is there a certain distance where it's better?"

"I can only see shapes now. This close I can tell you have eyes."

"Oh, man. That's got to be hard." He took Cameron's hand and brought it to his face.

"Oh." Cameron's eyes closed, and that hand started exploring him, sliding over his face, his features.

He hummed softly, enjoying the light, warm touch. He didn't try to hurry Cameron at all, let the man take his time.

"You're warm. You have smile lines."

He couldn't help smiling at that, which he knew only deepened the lines. "Yeah. I like smiling. It makes me feel good."

"Do you live here?" Sweet, curious man.

"Oh, I wish. It really is paradise." He shook his head, as Cameron still had a hand on his face. "I don't. I live in Boston. You?"

"I used to live in Wyoming."

"You don't anymore?" He reached out and traced Cameron's face with his own fingers, closing his eyes to see it only by touch.

Cameron shook his head. "No. Not anymore."

"Why not?" He kept touching, fingers moving down to Cameron's neck.

"Because... I raised horses. I sold everything, came here."

"You figured because you're losing your sight you can't keep raising horses?"

"I know I couldn't. It's okay."

"You could, you’d just have to figure out new ways of doing things." His little sister was blind, and he'd defy anyone to tell her that she couldn't do something.

"It doesn't matter. Nothing matters except right now."

Xander nodded. "I know. I'm going to make it the best five days of your life, Cameron."

"Thank you." Cameron looked lost for a moment, then Xander was kissed. He kissed Cameron back, moaning softly into their shared kiss.

God, Xander had asked to have a lover who needed care, who wasn't going to fight him at every step, wasn't a pushy little bottom, and Cameron yielded beautifully. He slid his hand down along Cameron's side, wrapping it around the man's hip. Cameron moaned into his lips, and it surprised him, how simple this whole thing was.

He slid his fingers over the buttons of Cameron's shirt, tugging them open. Cameron was pale, too lean, like he'd been hiding from the sun. Xander zeroed in on the pretty pink little nipples, his fingers going for them. Cameron chuckled, leaned into his touch, unashamed, uninhibited. He rubbed his fingers back and forth, watching the sweet nibs grow hard for him.

"Oh." Cameron arched, lips parting.

"Pretty." He licked Cameron's lower lip, then the upper one.

"What are you looking for" What do you want?"

"You." It was an easy answer. He pressed their lips together. He thought he felt a little sob pushing into his lips.

Xander stroked his hand along Cameron's side, hoping to soothe him. Cameron opened up to him, tongue sliding along his in a caress. Moaning, he matched the touch, playing with Cameron's tongue, teasing and seducing it. Cameron melted into his kisses, tongue following his, and they played gently together, tongues dancing,

The kisses melted, one into another, Cameron going boneless against him. Xander pushed his hand around to Cameron's back, fingers sliding on the warm skin, stroking it.

The easy, relaxed trust was amazing. How could anyone offer himself so immediately? So easily? Xander accepted it in the spirit it was given, loving on Cameron, slowly exploring the lovely body. Cameron's hands stayed on his face, watching him, holding him.

They kissed and explored for a long time, his fingers learning the shape of Cameron's body as if he was the one who was blind.

Carefully, he eased the wet clothes off, gentled them away, leaving Cameron bare against him. Cameron was soon dry and warm, wriggling against him.

"You, too?" Cameron's fingers finally found his t-shirt.

"Yes, please." He hadn't been planning on going so fast, but Cameron felt so good. His shirt was gently eased off him, Cameron's touch smoothing over his skin. "You've got a great touch."

"Do I?" The question seemed so honest.

"You do. It feels so good."

"You're warm." His abs were traced, teased, touched.

"You like that?” he asked.

"I do."

"Good." His belly muscles rippled under Cameron's fingers.

"I felt that!"

He chuckled, did it again, on purpose this time. Cameron laughed softly, face delighted. It didn't matter that they'd only just met; Xander thought maybe he'd do a lot for that look. He shifted Cameron so the man was straddling his lap, their cocks sliding together.

"You're big. I love that. The way a big man feels against me." Cameron's words were soft, but they made Xander harder.

He slid his hands along Cameron's back and dropped them down to grab Cameron's sweet little ass. He squeezed gently and rolled Cameron against him. Those lips parted, Cameron moaning for him, begging so prettily without words.

"We're going to come, and then I'm going to feed you berries and cake and whipped cream." It was a good plan, if he did say so himself.

"Yes. Yes, please." So sweet. So hungry.

He rubbed their bodies together, his hands on Cameron's ass guiding the sweet body to slide along his.

"Oh. Oh, you're so warm." Cameron hid his face in Xander's throat.

"For you." He kept them moving, started rolling his hips. He felt every breath, every moan, on his skin.

Their pricks bumped and slid, making him moan, too. Cameron's tongue tested his throat, the caress so careful.

Groaning, he dropped his head back. "Feels good, Cameron. You feel like a dream."

"This is a dream. All of it. Right now."

"A fantasy, yes." It was, wonderful and fantastic and totally outside of the real world. Xander already thought it was worth every penny.

Cameron nodded, lips sucking on his throat.

"You're marking me." He kind of liked the idea. Cameron's answer was a tiny moan.

He kept them moving, their bodies slowly rolling together. It felt so good, but wasn't overwhelming. He thought maybe they could do this all afternoon.

BOOK: Three More Wishes
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