Through the Storm (The Montclair Brothers) (8 page)

BOOK: Through the Storm (The Montclair Brothers)
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"Stay where you are, Brother," warned Sean.

The yelling got louder.

"What do you mean we're getting arrested?! I'm not going anywhere with you! Get your
freakin' hands off of me!" Hank was struggling with two officers. "I never did a damn thing to that kid, other than provide a good home!"

Tyler felt his brothers' grip on him get tighter.

The officer put handcuffs on Hank and Shirley. "You have the right to remain silent…"

"I'll sue your asses off!"

"Anything you say can, and will, be used against you in a court of law…" continued the officer.

"You're going to believe that delinquent in there?!"

"…You have the right to an attorney."

Hank kicked the cop in the knee.

He watched as two more officers arrived on the floor and helped carry Hank away.

Tyler kept his eyes on the situation down the hall, while addressing his brother. "Vinnie, what do I have to do to become a foster parent?"

"Let me make some calls," he replied as he pulled out his cellphone.

Chapter 8



Tyler sat down on the chair beside Brian's bed. "I know that you've been under a lot of stress, like the rest of us. Your parents coming to see you a bit ago was traumatic. We're here to talk to you about your situation. I've grown quite fond of you, Brian. I'll do my part to make sure you remain free from Hank and Shirley." Tyler took a couple of minutes to collect his thoughts. "You're a smart young man, and you definitely should have a voice regarding your future. Don't feel obligated to say yes, or think that you have to make a fast decision."

"About what?" Brian looked puzzled.

"I'd like to become your legal guardian, or adopt you, whichever the courts will allow me to do. We're going to try for adoption though. I promise to provide a good, safe home for you. Is that something you'd want me to do?" Tyler prayed the kid would say yes.

"Are you serious? You'd adopt me? Like, I'd be your kid and everything?" Brian's eyebrows rose and his face started to light up.

Vincent opened up a folder. "He's totally serious, Brian. But there's one thing that'll stop the process. Tyler has a legal issue hanging over his head."

Brian rolled his eyes. "I don't understand. Tyler's not guilty, so how could they charge him? That homeless guy was full of crap. I saw the whole thing. Now that I don't have to be afraid of being returned to my parents, I'll testify. Can I sign something now?" Brian asked.

"Listen, I don't want you to think that I said those things to you, just to get you to write out a statement." Tyler turned to his brother. "We should have waited on this, Vinnie." Tyler shook his head in shame.

"We couldn't wait, Ty. With a conviction hanging over your head, there'd be no way for you to adopt Brian and raise him with your crazy self, and your family. Well, providing he doesn't mind being a Montclair." Vincent winked at Brian. "If you're willing to make a statement, I'll have to call the detective in."

"Heck yeah, I'm ready!" Brian exclaimed.

Vincent smiled and stepped out into the hallway to call the detective.

"Thank you for doing this, Brian. I meant what I said about adopting you. You can take my last name, live with me, and I'll make sure you get a good education and have everything you need. Plus, you'll have three older brothers, and two women who'll always have your back." Tyler could feel his heart get warm.

"What about you? So…you'll be my father?" Brian asked hesitantly.

"You can view me however you'd like. Legally, I'll be your father if the courts allow me to adopt you. Your parents will have no rights to you then."

"Do you want to adopt me just because my parents are abusive, or is it because you want me in your life?" He looked Tyler in the eyes. "I don't ever want to be in another situation where I'm not wanted." Brian's eyes watered.

Tyler placed his hand on Brian's forearm. "I don't want you to be gone from my life. I feel a connection with you. I never had children, but always wanted them. I certainly wouldn't mind having a father and son
relationship with you. I can give you the good life you should have been given all along. We can take vacations together, play ball, go to the museums; there's so many things we can explore. Being with you for both your good
bad days would be an honor to me." Tyler lifted Brian's hand and held it.

"I'll also get to see, Renee. She won't worry about me then." Relief was evident on his face.

"Yes, you'll get to see, Renee." Tyler smiled at the thought.

"You're going to marry her, right?" Brian quickly asked.

"She's already married, Brian. Besides, Renee and I haven't been together very long."

"That doesn't matter. I haven't been with you guys for very long either, and heck, now I'm going to be your son." Brian had a quizzical expression.

"Even if she wanted to get married she couldn't. Renee can't divorce Robert if he's not found." Tyler could feel his jaw clenching.

"He'll be dead. He won't see a jail cell." Brian smiled without reservation.

, thought Tyler
. Even a fourteen year old kid wants Robert dead.

∞  ∞  ∞  ∞


Emma heard the sound of fighting coming from the other end of the hallway and raced to the door.
She clearly recognized Tyler's raised voice. When she stepped out of Jacob's room, Sean held up his hand, signaling for her to stay where she was. She watched them speak quietly with Vincent, and then they walked to the nurse's station and chatted with the staff. There were lots of officers on the unit, and she hoped it wasn't because Robert had found his way into the hospital. The thought of that, caused bumps to rise on her arms. After about five minutes, Tyler approached her.

"What's going on, Tyler?" Emma whispered firmly.

"I spoke with the staff, and they're checking with the doctors to see if Jacob and Brian can be transported by wheelchairs. Renee's physician is on the unit and said she can't leave her room yet, so we'll have to go there to meet if the other doctors clear it." Tyler said, while glancing back down the hall.

"I don't understand. Why do we all need to go to Renee's room? Is Robert here?" Emma tried to keep her voice low so she wouldn't alarm Jacob.

"Not that I know of, but we need to put our heads together. It's imperative that everyone's on the same page. I'll keep you posted," he said as he walked back down the hall.

"Wait a minute!" she called after him.

Tyler was clearly agitated. "You'll know soon enough. We'd rather just talk to everyone at the same time. We'll meet you in Renee's room." Tyler spoke firmly, but he walked back over and squeezed Emma's hand to let her know his bad mood wasn't directed at her, before walking away again.

She turned to tell Jacob that she'd be right back, but he'd already fallen back to sleep. Emma quietly closed the door behind her and walked down to Brian's room.

Emma looked at his red, splotchy face. "Brian, are you okay? What happened?" she asked as she walked to his side and kissed his forehead.

"My parents happened. I'm okay though," he answered nervously. Brian reached up and held tightly
onto her arm. "I don't scare very easily, Emma, but if Tyler wouldn't have barged into the room--Well let's just say I have three people who want me dead."

"That's not going to happen, Brian," she reassured him, as a sickness rose from her stomach.


∞  ∞  ∞  ∞


The damn radio was pissing Robert off. Who really gave a shit about the kind of news they were reporting. Why can't they just stick with the good ole U. S. of A.? He reached over and shut it off. His arm was throbbing. The ugly stitched up skin, the swelling…it looked foreign to him. Not as foreign as his stupid wife was going to look after he got
done with her. It just goes to show how ignorant she is. Who in their right mind would double cross The King of the Jungle?! Robert made a loud roaring sound inside of the sedan.

He pulled off of the freeway and began looking for a place to hide. Daylight wouldn't be a good time to go after his shitty wife. The cops had to have found Doctor Viva Bird Nose already, especially after the lame nurses found him and went screaming. Robert couldn't afford to get caught with this much work left to do. He wondered if the cops had admired the perfect placement of Dumb Doctor's third eye, or if it was all crusted over. As far as he was concerned, he'd done a community
service and saved the people some money.

While driving down the dirt roads, he turned right onto a well-hidden two track. It had a 'no trespassing' sign strung across it from post to post. Robert loved those. Who the hell did they think they were, telling him where he could and could not go? It pissed him off to have to get out of his car and unhook the chain from the post. Robert continued on for about a half of a mile before he spotted a deserted cabin.
It's my lucky day
! He pulled his car into the tall grass behind the cabin. "If I get a flat tire, I'm going to shoot this place up." Robert laughed at the thought of blowing out the windows. He didn't have to shoot at them, though. Setting his prized rifle against the wood cabin, he found a big rock and smashed out the glass on the back door.
Must be related to the Stupid Old couple. Who the hell has glass on their doors
? It's nothing but an open invitation. "Now that I've been invited, I guess I'll come in and make myself at home!"

Once Robert opened the door, the smile on his face left. The damn cabin looked like it hadn't been used in years. There were dead bugs, rodent shit, even a
freakin' snake skin! The refrigerator was unplugged, and when Robert opened it, he almost puked. At least there was a mattress on the floor and some canned food in the cupboard
. If Renee hadn't acted like a selfish bitch, I'd have her making me something to eat right now.
But nooo
She had to be an ungrateful shit and walk out.
It was okay, though. She'd never cook anything else again, and he'd make sure of it. Hell, maybe he should shoot her hands off and watch her wave her arms in the air, begging to be able to do stuff for him again. He'd say no, of course, because Robert wouldn't be caught dead with a nubby wife. Besides, what would his poker buddies think?


∞  ∞  ∞  ∞


Emma walked into Renee's room as she was being assisted to the chair next to the bed. The chest tube could come out tomorrow, the doctor had told her, and she was ecstatic about the news. Emma was joking with her when Tyler and his brothers wheeled Jacob and Brian into the room. She watched as Renee's face took on an entirely different expression. Tyler put on the brakes on Brian's chair, before walking over to stand next to Renee and hold her hand. Emma couldn't help but notice how run down everyone looked, especially Tyler. After they were all in the room, Sean closed the door.

"It's nice to have everyone back together again. Running around from room to room was getting a little bit taxing." Tyler laughed and the humor spread to the others.

"What's up, Ty?" asked Jacob as he looked at Brian and Renee. He hadn't seen them since the shooting.

"I think everyone's been informed that Robert isn't dead. They have a murdered physician near Castle Lake, shot with a .22. The detectives believe Robert could be responsible. Apparently, when we backed up over the creep, we broke his arm. He had surgery, and then walked out of the hospital. Somehow the media got wind of the story and flashed Robert's picture, along with news of the fire and shooting. After the staff recognized him on the broadcast, they noticed he was missing and called the police. The detectives are fearful that he's heading here. The newscast said that
Renee, Jacob, and a minor, were recovering and listed in stable condition at this hospital."

"Oh my God," uttered Renee.

"That's why there are extra officers on the unit. We're going to be moved to the sixth floor as soon as Renee's doctor clears her for transport. No one is allowed on or off the unit, in case Robert makes his way into the hospital."

"He still has a gun!" Renee began to visibly panic.

"Besides Robert, we've also had to deal with Brian's parents. They were able to walk right into his room. Hank and Shirley Waters are no longer a threat though. They've been arrested. Vincent and I are hammering out the legalities, so that I can adopt him."

Emma watched Tyler and Brian make eye contact. She was happy that the kid would have a good life, and remain a part of their lives, but it also made him a sitting duck along with the rest of them.

"That's such great news," began Renee. "But is it a good idea for him to be around us with Robert coming? If the newscast didn't disclose his identity, then there's a chance that my maniac husband doesn't know who he is. He's already been shot once. Is it right for us to risk it again?"

"I'm not going anywhere, Renee. I know you're worried about me, and I appreciate it, but you don't know
for sure whether he knows who I am or not. If you guys move me to a new location, that could get out to the press as well."

"He's right," said Jacob. "I think this place is the best chance we have right now." Jacob moved the nasogastric tube, which was hanging from his nose, over his shoulder.

"The staff and the detectives have spoken with the doctors. Barring any complications, we should be able to move upstairs in the morning, farther away from the hospital entrances. Remember, no one leaves the floor. If you want something from the cafeteria, ask an officer to go downstairs. Stay away from the elevators."

"Tyler, where do we go after they're discharged?" asked Emma. "We can't stay in the hospital forever." She could just imagine Robert shooting everyone, going from floor to floor, searching for them.

"I lived with that pathetic monster for years. Robert likes to make other people do his dirty work. I wouldn't put it past him to hold someone at gunpoint, a nurse or something, and make them tell him our location." Renee put her hands over her face.

"Honey, we can't think like that," Tyler said softly. "If we come up with every scenario he could use, we'll be too paralyzed by fear to move."

Emma agreed with Renee. "Robert has connections inside of the police department. You don't know if any of the officers who are guarding us, have friends on the force in Southfield. There's a manhunt for him, so they'll all be in contact with one another."

BOOK: Through the Storm (The Montclair Brothers)
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