Tiger in Her Bed Revised Kindle (9 page)

BOOK: Tiger in Her Bed Revised Kindle
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“Upset? No.” Vanessa waved him off. “You should know me better. I think you’re very cool. What are you, Bengal? I imagine from the stripes. You fur patterns are very vivid.”


“Aren’t Bengals from India? I thought you have Latino blood in you.”

“My paternal grandfather came from Assam. My mother’s family came from Chernogolovka, Siberia.”

“Ah. No wonder. Your brothers are shifters too?”


“What about your mother?”

“My mom came from of pure-blooded shifter family.”

“And your dad?”


“How about your extended family? Any of them married to a human?”

“Some. I have a half-blooded niece and a few first cousins.”

“Can they transform?”

“Transmutation genes in mixed blood don’t start until they hit puberty. But for full-blooded shifters, it triggers immediately. Weretiger babies are quite the handful. One second you cradle an infant and the next you are trying to wrangle a willful cub.”

“Oooh, that is so cute. Do you have any infant relatives we could visit?”

Quinn looked relaxed for the first time since he saved her. He seemed relieved. “No relatives, but I know a shifter couple that just had a baby.”

“Can we visit?”

“Once you get better. Not in the condition you’re in now. You’re pretty banged up.”

“This?” Vanessa snorted. “No big deal. Just some scratches. Can werewolf scratches turn you into one?”

“That’s just a myth. Werewolves bite.”

“That’s a relief. I still can’t believe Ivy is a werewolf. No wonder she’s a bitch.” She winked. “No pun intended.”

Quinn seized her and kissed her deeply. “You made me worry. I can’t take my eyes off you for one second without you getting in trouble. I’m sorry I failed to protect you. It’s my fault. I should have known better. Ivy was raised as an alpha female—an alpha female is aggressive and won’t hesitate to eliminate her competition. I didn’t think she’d go to those extremes.”

“Quinn, it’s not your fault. She’s got a loose screw. You can’t reason with that kind of person. What’s going to happen to her?”

From the four wolves that had attacked, Ivy was the only one spared. Her companions were brutally killed by John and Trent. The brothers took this incident seriously. Vanessa was glad she wasn’t mauled to death, but she wished nobody had to die.

When she came to after fainting, she’d already been strapped into a stretcher and trundled into a waiting ambulance. There were a lot people on the property. Cops, firefighters, paramedics, wildlife park rangers. And for some reason, dogs. Big, gray, scary-looking dogs. Wolves? Ugh, she couldn’t distinguish between dogs and wolves.
They ain’t Chihuahuas.

Quinn came with her, riding in the ambulance, while Trent and John—still pissed-looking—gave statements to the officers.

“I talked to Jason Bishop, the alpha of the Bishop pack while we were waiting for the ambulance. He’d expressed his regrets and promised me a swift punishment for his niece. His pack is ruled by a strict code to not harm innocent bystanders. The fact you’re a human makes the matter more delicate.

“People like us prefer to keep our existence hidden from the general public. Jason didn’t tell me about Ivy’s punishment, but I think she’ll be banished from the pack and sent into exile. She won’t be a danger to you anymore, Vanessa. I’ll make sure she won’t be.”

“Don’t you think that’s kind of harsh, though? Ivy is already miserable; she can’t have you, Quinn. In times like this, she needs her family support more than ever. If her family disowns her, she could go even crazier.”

A wan smile surfaced. He stroked her hair fondly. “This is what I like about you. You have such a big heart, Vanessa.” He sighed. “I can’t dictate what Jason should do to his niece. Werewolves are proud creatures. They hate losing face. If Jason isn’t strict, he’d lose control of his pack and be replaced. The pack dynamic is quite ruthless.”

“Wow. Interesting. Who knew?”

Quinn cut his gaze to her arms. His eyes filled with anguish. This man really cared for her. She believed him when he told her he’d never made any marriage arrangement with Ivy’s uncle. Quinn was offered Ivy to marry, but he refused. He’d never been interested in that she-wolf.

Instead, Quinn chose her.

His feeling for her was real.

“Were you ever going to tell me the truth about being a shifter?” she asked.

“I was waiting for the right moment to reveal my secret.” Quinn managed to look sheepish this time, which didn’t suit him at all. “I failed to woo you in the conventional way. I told you, desperate times call for desperate measures. When you kissed me at the New Year’s party, I thought, this was it. I won’t get another chance like this. I had to make my move now. Do you want to know what you said to me at that party?”

What she’d drunkenly mumbled that made him push her against the wall and kiss the life out of her. “What did I say?”

Quinn, I want to be your mate

She widened her eyes. “No way. Why would I say ‘mate’?”

“I don’t know. Maybe your subconscious mind knew the truth: that you were to be a mate to an alpha. Or perhaps it was divine intervention. I took it as a sign. You didn’t say ‘I want to be your woman. Or girlfriend.’ You said ‘mate.’ Humans can get married and divorced, but for us, mating is forever. You belong to me, Vanessa Lyle.” He held her face and kissed her until she was breathless. “I’ll never let you go.”

“Not even to the bathroom or to the store?” she joked.

“Getting cheeky, aren’t you?”
Quinn pinched her.

“Ouch.” Vanessa giggled. “Sorry, I can’t help myself. I can’t resist it each time you talk in bad poetry.”

His jaw twitched. “That’s it. You’re going to get it tonight, woman. I don’t care if your arm’s in bandages. I’m going to fuck you. And you’re going to get spanked. I won’t stop until your ass is red and—”

There was a commotion in the hallway and Quinn’s mom’s voice overrode the nurse with full authority. A second later, she burst into the examination room.

“Vanessa! Poor child! Are you all right? Were you hurt badly?” Savannah took one look at her arms and gasped. She shoved her son aside unceremoniously. “That bitch! How dare she? John called me and told me what happened. This is unacceptable. I will speak to her alpha and demand justice. I want that bitch’s head on a platter, and I won’t accept any less.” Savannah growled like a mad tigress after someone had messed with one of her cubs. “The gall of that lowly dog!”

“Mom. Your tail is sticking out,” Quinn pointed.

Savannah totally ignored him. “What am I going to say to your parents? That you got hurt while under my watch? I’m so ashamed.”

“Mom, your ears are showing,” said Quinn again.

Vanessa saw the transformation. It was very cute. Two furry-striped ears emerged on top of Quinn’s mom’s head. Having Savannah as an in-law would be very interesting. She found herself looking forward to it.

Savannah quickly recovered. She turned to make sure none of the nurses witnessed her spontaneous transformation. Nobody but the three of them were in the room. “Ah, forgive me, dear. I get so worked up when someone threatens my family. Yes, I think of you as my new daughter and you’re important to me.” She turned to her son, inquiring. “You
going to marry this girl, right, Quinn? I’m going to bring back your father from the dead if you’re not.”

“Yes, mother. I’m going to marry Vanessa,” said Quinn in mock tone. “As soon as she says yes, which isn’t going to happen because I haven’t had the chance to propose to her yet.”

Savannah waved him off. “We’re passed that kind of formality already. How about we arrange to meet your parents and your sisters next? Over a nice dinner party, of course. I personally know a chef who worked at
Le Bernardin
and I could ask him to oversee the menu. And naturally, we’ll need to go shopping for a new dress, shoes and—”

“That’s it. Out.” Quinn herded his mother to the door. John and Trent had just arrived at the hospital and were about to enter. “We’ll see you all at home. Goodbye.” He closed the door, ignoring his mother’s protests. His wicked grin returned. “Where were we?”

Vanessa smiled. “You have a lovely family.”

“They’re insane.”

“Mine, too. But I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Quinn closed their distance in two steps. “I have an idea—let’s go somewhere, just the two of us, for a few days. You need someplace with a lot of sun to recover. I’m thinking the Bahamas.”

“You want us to play hooky from work?”

“As your boss, I approve your extra vacation days. You can’t say no.”

“Hmm. I hear the weather is nice there this time of year.”

“Then it’s settled. I’ll buy us tickets then get our stuff from the house and go straight to the airport. I need a real vacation and we need to work on getting you pregnant.”


“Don’t make me beg with bad poetry.”

Vanessa laughed. She pulled him down and kissed him. “Deal.”


The End.





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Smuttily Yours,




About the Author:


Lizzie Lynn Lee is a gutter-minded hopeless romantic who doesn’t live in this world most of the time. In her perfect utopia, her heroes never take their women for granted, love at first sight exists and soul mates always find a way to be together. She invites you to visit her world, where she spins her tales because the men are sizzling hot, master the art of sex and they are really into their ladies—be that a slim girl, or curvy, interracial, interspecies, sassy or shy—their adventures redefine erotica. Are you ready to be thrilled?








Lizzie Lynn Lee Bibliography


Shunga Chronicles: Lady of the Snow

Love in the Elevator

Shunga Chronicles: Prince and the Assassin


Shunga Chronicles: Flight of the Heron

Wicked Game

Eve Aizawa: Eve of Seduction


Eve Aizawa: Deus Eve Machina



Cyber Lover

Jumping Bones

The Wolf She Married

Savannah’s Menage

Charly’s Chocolate Factory with Celia Kyle

Original Sin

Lycan Wars 1: Instinct



Fierce Heat with Celia Kyle

Orient Fevre

Gilded Cage

Corporate Plaything

Spirit World: Maison Plaisir

To Bed A Goddess

The Last Siren

The Donor

The Alien King and I

Dangerous Curves: Wet

Lions of the Serengeti: Jennifer’s Lion

Lions of the Serengeti: Sarah’s Lion

Bound to Me: Fever Lust

Private Sessions

Lions of the Serengeti: Caly’s Lion



Dragon Hunts

Night of the Lions

Chain of Lust

Taken By a Nymph

Maiden and the Lion

Dominate Me with Noelle Ashford

To Blackmail a Billionaire with Noelle Ashford

Her Dragon Billionaire

Kidnapped and Claimed

Her Tiger Billionaire

Raven’s Bride

Her Lion Billionaire

Bad Dick

Naughty Librarian

Lions of the Serengeti: Yazmina’s Lion

Naughty Boys



The Man with the Dragon Wings

Tiger In Her Bed



Special Preview





Available now!





For Emily:


She never would’ve imagined her knight in shining armor is a bounty hunter.

He’s too bastardly wicked to walk only the right side of the law.

Granted, he’s hot and sexy as hell, but when he surrenders to the nature of his beast, he’s more terrifying than a scary monster.

Her brain tells her to run. Her body wants her to stay.

But why does her heart ache when he’s in danger?

For Rovik:


He never believed in love at first sight, and yet, the moment he laid eyes on her, he knows he must have her.

Save her.

She’s a runaway bride and the man she was forced to marry doesn’t deserve her, but will stop at nothing to get her back. Including bringing in the whole clan to take down Rovik.

True mates are real, and he plans to convince her that nothing on earth could stop him from making her his.



Author note:
This story contains graphic dragon-on-dragon violence, a runaway bride who drives like a homicidal maniac, and a young dragon king who thinks every problem in the world can be solved with an orgasm.


Chapter One

BOOK: Tiger in Her Bed Revised Kindle
2.68Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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