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Authors: Fenella J Miller

To Marry a Duke (11 page)

BOOK: To Marry a Duke
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Allegra acknowledged his remark with a nod and hastened
towards the two figures under the tray. Her brother was still sitting his back
against the trunk, his legs stretched out in front of him. Tremayne knelt in
front of him. She could not quite discern what he was doing.

As she approached, closely followed by the servants, she
could hear Tremayne talking softly to

Richard. ‘You need to sit still,
lad; hold a pad hard against your eye. The doctor will be with us soon.’

His eye?
The cat had damaged
Richard’s eye by its frantic clawing. Maybe it was not as bad as she had
feared. ‘Mr Tremayne I have brought boiled water and clean cloths. I am quite
able to deal with Richard’s injuries. I am not missish - I will not swoon away
at the sight of his blood.’

Tremayne straightened, patting Richard on the shoulder as he
stepped back. He indicated she should move with him until they were out of
earshot of the patient. ‘It’s very serious, my dear. I fear Richard has lost
his eye.’

Allegra almost dropped the items she was holding. He took
them from her and handed them to Charles, standing silently, his face ashen,
beside them. ‘Take these over and put them beside Witherton. Drape the blankets
over him and give him some brandy. Don’t touch his face, or allow him to remove
his hand. Is that clear?’

Charles nodded.
‘Yes, sir.’

‘Get on then. I’ll be there in a minute.’ He turned back to
her. She tried to step round him, rush over to her twin, and see the injury for
herself. ‘No, sweetheart, it’s better if you don’t see him now.’

‘I must, please; we have always shared everything.’
She tried to push past but he restrained her,
enclosing her gently in his arms.

‘He doesn’t want you or Demelza to see him like this. He has
told me so. Let me deal with it, please. It’s for the best and it is what he

For a moment she continued to struggle. She caught her
breath as a sob threatened to escape. Somehow she found herself enveloped in
the arms of the man she believed she hated and despised. She rested her face
against his shoulder allowing him to stroke her back; his hands tracing paths
of comfort up and down her spine.

Shuddering she raised her head, her eyes awash. ‘He will not
die, will he? Please tell me he will not?’

He smiled and dropped a kiss on her parted lips before
holding her at arm’s length. ‘Of course he will not die, you ninny. But he will
be disfigured and very likely have the sight of only one eye.’

‘As if I care about his looks.
is my dearest brother. If I can be sure he will not perish then I am happy to
leave him in your capable hands and will retire to the house. Do you think the
doctor will suggest he stays here? Charles is having a downstairs apartment
prepared at this very moment for that eventuality.’

‘I’m certain it won’t be safe to drive him home today.’ He
pulled her in to rest securely against
his heart. Allegra, stunned by his unexpected action, parted her lips in
bemusement, and gazed up at him.

He lowered his head, covering her mouth with his own.
Allegra froze – for a moment it hung in the balance. Then her lips softened
under his she relaxed into his embrace with a sigh. They both forgot the
hideous situation, the watching servants, but unwisely he deepened the kiss.
Allegra stiffened, jerking her head back in fright. Instantly he stepped away,
removing his hands from her arms.

his expression sincere.
‘I most humbly apologize, Lady Allegra. That was an unforgivable lapse on my

She stared at him, unsure how to reply. Then, unexpectedly,
she smiled. ‘We are both overwrought, sir. But as we are an engaged couple, I
do not believe we have offended propriety in any way.’

His eyes blazed, his mouth curved. His smile was so powerful
Allegra felt her stomach lurch in a very peculiar way.

‘Go in, sweetheart; there’s nothing you can do here. This is
going to be difficult time for everyone.’

The sound of pounding feet caused them to look round. Dr
Jones, bag in hand, was arriving, two footmen carrying a hurdle between them,
bumping along behind.

Tremayne gave Allegra a gentle push in the direction of the
Hall. ‘Take care of things inside. Anything that can be done for your brother
will be done.’

Reluctantly she did as she was bid. She could hardly believe
that in the space of a few minutes what had seemed to be an amusing incident
had turned into a tragedy.


Cook had sent out runners to
recall all the senior staff that could be found. The butler was now inside to
greet her.

‘Lady Allegra, the housekeeper has taken Miss Tremayne to
lie down. Lady Arabella and Mrs Murrell have gone up with her. I have to inform
you, Miss Grierson is here with Mr Edward. I have placed them in the small
withdrawing room.’

‘Thank you. Please have some refreshments sent upstairs and
also to the drawing-room.’

An attentive footman escorted Allegra to where the visitors
were waiting. She was well acquainted with both Charles’s younger brother and
his oldest sister. Miss Grierson was standing, miserably twisting her hands,
watching from her vantage point by the open window, the figures gathered under
the chestnut tree. Of Edward there was no sign.

‘Emily, what a time to meet again.
Richard has severely injured his right eye but his life is in no danger, merely
his sight.’

, how awful!
For poor Richard to be so
disfigured when he is so proud of his looks. I cannot bear to think of it.’

‘Then, I pray you, do not. He has more than enough people
worrying over him. Where is Mr Edward? I was told he was in here with you.’

‘He has gone out to the garden to see if he can be of any
assistance.’ Emily wiped her eyes. ‘I can hardly credit there has been a second
serious accident in the space of two short years. Last time it was my dear
brother Charles they bought in on a hurdle, this time it is yours.’ She blew
her nose noisily and mercifully stopped talking for a moment.

Allegra joined her at the window. She could see a sombre
group carrying the prostrate figure of her brother. Even from here she could
see the bandage covering his face. Dr Jones was walking on one side of the
makeshift stretcher, Jago on the other. Charles was leading, his face serious,
his limp more pronounced than usual.

‘They are bringing Richard into the house. Please excuse me,
Miss Grierson, I must go to him.’

As she hurried across the hall she realized that not only
Richard’s life had changed. She was so astonished she stopped, shaking her head
in disbelief. Somehow over the past few minutes she had stopped thinking of her
betrothed as a man beneath her touch. He was no longer ‘Tremayne’, to her he
had become ‘her dearest Jago’ and she, for some inexplicable reason, had fallen
totally in love with him.




Allegra paused, not sure in which
direction to go for Great Bentley Hall was a vast modern edifice and
this her
first visit. The property had been given to Charles
on his marriage to Arabella in March, by his foster sister, Marianne, now the
Countess of Wister.

She spied the butler crossing the hall and beckoned him
over. ‘Please conduct me to the rooms in which Lord Witherton is to be housed.’

The black garbed gentleman bowed politely. ‘They have
prepared the ground floor apartment, the one old Sir James used,
lady. I will take you, if you would care to follow me.’

She could hear voices as they rounded the corner. The rooms
she sought were situated at the rear of the building, away from any bustle and
having convenient access to the garden. Allegra hesitated at the doorway, not
wishing to interfere. The bed chamber door, which led from the large, airy
sitting-room, was ajar, but she could not see what was happening inside.

She guessed the footman would be placing Richard on the bed.
She would not go in, not yet, not until Jago told her Richard was ready to
receive visitors. She walked further into the room, not sure whether to sit or
remain standing. She selected an upright wooden chair, with a padded seat,

on it. Scarcely two minutes had passed when, unable to keep still, she stood up
and began pacing, back and forth, her half boots silent on the thick pile of
the oriental carpet.

What was happening behind the door? Why didn’t Jago come out
of tell her how Richard was doing? She felt hollow - as if someone had reached
in and scooped out her insides - making it impossible for her to breathe or

She halted in front of the French doors, her back to the
bedroom, staring out over the garden. She wrapped her arms tightly around her
middle as if attempting to console herself. She did not hear Jago approaching.

His arms slid around her, pulling her close. He said nothing
but his warmth, his strength, gave her the comfort she needed. She leant back,
turning her face into the softness of his crumpled shirt, loving the experience
of being held safe in the embrace of the man she loved.

Slowly her tension drained away and she felt strong enough
to turn, to study his face for the answer to the question she could not bring
herself to ask. He met her enquiring gaze, his eyes filled with regret and she

‘Oh no!
My poor

‘He’ll make a full recovery, but his eye cannot be saved. Dr
Jones is doing what he can to repair the damage. There will be
his face will no longer be a thing of beauty.’
His hands clenched behind her. ‘If I can lay
my hands on the dratted animal I’ll break its neck.’


He should drop his hands, release her. But to his delight
Allegra tentatively stretched up to run her fingers over his cheeks. He froze,
not wishing to spoil the moment by a sudden, off-putting movement.

‘You need a shave, Jago. I can feel the stubble of your

Her fingers traced the outline of his lips and he could
remain still no longer. One hand moved to cup her head the other pressed her so
close that he could feel her soft contours against his heated body. Then her
fingers travelled lightly round to link behind his neck, dragging his head
down. Her eyes told him what he wanted to know. His mouth enveloped hers, his
lips moving slowly, seductively. This time she didn’t pull back.

He crushed her breasts against his chest and lifted her from
the floor. Then she was back on the carpet, and she swayed, needing his arms to
keep her upright.

’Jago, you have no jacket on. You are still in your shirt

‘I am, my darling; I must apologize for having the temerity
to kiss you improperly dressed.’

A gurgle of laughter greeted his dry comment. ‘I do believe,
sir, that you are dressed as befits the occasion. Improper behaviour does not
require a jacket.’ He smiled and she was obliged to clutch at his shirt front
for support.

A discreet cough from just behind caused them to jump apart,
but he kept his arm around her waist as they turned round to face the
sir, Lord Witherton is comfortable and asleep. I have given him laudanum to
facilitate his rest and allow his body to recover from the trauma.’

‘What is the prognosis, Dr Jones?’ He was relieved her voice
was firm.

‘He has lost the sight in his right eye. I have done what I
can to repair the damage but he will never see from it again, of that I am

‘How badly is he disfigured?’ Jago asked the question she
had not voiced.

‘The majority of the scratches are superficial and they will
heal completely. However those around his right eye and cheek will not. Lord
Witherton might feel more comfortable with a patch in future; that should cover
up the worst.’

Allegra swallowed a gasp of horror. Jago tightened his hold
protectively. ‘Thank you, Dr Jones. My brother is a strong man; he will not
allow this to ruin his life. When will we be able to move him, take him back to
the Priory?’

The doctor’s brow furrowed. ‘If he does not develop a fever
overnight then I should think it will be safe to move him tomorrow or the next
day. I will reassess the situation when I return in the morning.’

Charles had emerged from the sickroom as the doctor
concluded his speech. He waited quietly until the butler escorted the physician
out. ‘Blake, my housekeeper, is willing to act as nurse. But Richard has made
it abundantly clear he doesn’t wish
either you
Allegra, or Miss Tremayne, to be involved in his care.’

‘He is right, my love; you take Demelza home. I shall stay
here. Grierson and I can do what is necessary for Witherton.’

She nodded. ‘Thank you, Jago. If I cannot be by Richard’s
side myself then I am content you should be here in my stead.’

‘Will you take some refreshment before you leave, Lady Allegra?’

‘I am not hungry, thank you Mr Grierson. I would prefer to
return as soon as possible.’

‘No, Allegra, you must eat before you leave. I believe there
are other guests here, it would

rude to
leave so abruptly, would it not?’ Jago said softly.

She smiled, finding she had no energy to argue. ‘I had
forgotten about Emily and Edward Grierson being here. Mr Grierson, are you and Lady
Arabella joining us?’

‘I shall endeavour to locate my wife. If you go to the small
drawing-room we shall be there presently.’


Allegra attempted to follow him from the room but he refused
to release her. ‘My love, we need to talk before you go. Will you walk in the
garden with me?’

He guided her to the French window and expertly released the
two catches. The terrace was pleasantly warm, but thankfully shaded from the
heat of the sun. They strolled in companionable silence, a new experience for
both of them. He was the first to speak.

‘Allegra, I’ll be blunt, you know I cannot tolerate deceit
or prevarication. Have you had a change of heart? Am I wrong in thinking you no
this union of ours repugnant?’

She could not face him, finding his penetrating gaze
unnerving. ‘Yes, you are correct. I am now reconciled to our match.’ Her heart
raced uncomfortably but he did not react as she expected.

‘I’m relieved to hear that, my dear. I understand how hard
this has been for you. But I promise I’ll not make any demands on you after we
are married, if that’s what you wish.’

She did not answer. He mistook her silence for lack of
comprehension. She heard him clear his throat before continuing.

‘What I mean,
we can remain
married in name only. I’ll not come to your bed unless you ask me to.’

This this was plain speaking indeed! He wanted a response.
Hastily she nodded, indicating she understood, but remained mute. For the
moment she had not the words to tell him she was eagerly anticipating sharing
her bed, and body, with him.

She was not a cold
woman like her mother had been, one who wished to shun all physical intimacy.
The reason she had never been able to respond to her many admirers was because
her feelings had not been engaged. The instant she had recognized her love for
Jago she had thawed, from the inside out. She had finally solved a conundrum
she had never understood.

She was a woman who reacted only to a man she had feelings
for. All her reticence, her strict upbringing, made it impossible for her to
tell him what was in her heart. She prayed that when the time came her actions
would show she wished to be a real wife, to experience everything he had to
offer. Her lips bowed and she felt a second surge of heat as she imagined just
how much her future husband might have to share. This gave her the courage she
needed to speak.

She knew he was waiting, assessing every nuance of her
behaviour. Slowly she faced him, eyes wide, her mouth smiling. ‘Jago, I am
innocent but not ignorant. I know what will be expected of me when we are wed
and I am content with that.’ His eyes darkened and his neck, revealed by his
lack of a neck-cloth, convulsed. ‘I have behaved badly, and for that I beg your
pardon. You have done nothing to deserve my enmity. It is I who
behaved like a person of no breeding.’

He reacted as if she had slapped him. His face hardened and
he viewed her with a look of icy contempt. ‘I see I have been deluding myself.
You will never change. In your eyes I shall always be your inferior, you will
always despise me.’ He loomed over her and she could not prevent herself recoiling.
‘I’m glad you understand what you’re
will be, my lady. These
the only reason I wish to marry you. If I could offer you a
then believe me I would
do so.’

‘You are despicable. How could I have considered otherwise?’
Her heart in pieces, but her back straight, she fled, hurriedly retracing her
steps to the small drawing-room. Outside she paused, her breathing ragged,
trying to regain control before entering.

The sound of feet pushed her into action and she almost fell
into the room in her anxiety not to renew the conversation with a man who was
buying her favours - who thought of her as no more than Haymarket ware. He was
prepared to put a ring on her finger first, but the intention was still the

Edward Grierson, now grown into his looks, jumped to her
aid. ‘Lady Allegra, what’s wrong? I hope the news is not worse than expected?’

‘No, thank you, Mr Edward, Richard has lost the sight of his
right eye, which is tragic, but no more than I anticipated. I am afraid I
clumsily tripped on my hem.’ She paused, was Jago going to follow her in? His
heavy footsteps receded and she released her breath.

Allegra accepted Edward’s arm and walked over to greet
Emily. She noticed the abundance of food laid out on the side tables. Miss Grierson,
I see our luncheon is here. Shall we make a start? Mr Tremayne will not be
joining us and I believe Miss Tremayne and Miss Murrell have had trays sent up
to them.’

Emily rose gracefully from the padded settle, the ribbons
and bows that decorated her primrose-yellow walking dress swirling round her
matching slippers.

‘Good heavens, Miss Grierson!
Were you intending to tramp around the fair in
those? You would ruin them in five minutes,’ Allegra could not prevent herself

‘I have half-boots here; I sent them to the boot-room. But
they do not look well with my
intended to
change before we ventured out. I suppose we will not be visiting the fair now.’

She embraced Allegra fondly, as though they were bosom bows
and had been parted for weeks and not less than an hour. ‘Do you admire my new
bonnet? I adore it but I am finding the plethora of fruit is making me quite
dizzy. For every time I move my head it jounces and bounces in front of my

Allegra was forced to smile. ‘Then I should remove it, my
dear. I intend to remove mine. We are friends, and as your father, Lord
frequently heard to say, we do not stand
on ceremony here.’

‘I shall do so. Pray excuse me whilst I run upstairs to find
someone to assist me.’ She watched in horror as Allegra prepared to untie the
silk ribbon that secured her bonnet. ‘Surely you don’t intend to do so in here,
in a drawing-room?’

‘Indeed I do. But please do not let my doing so prevent you
from seeking assistance. Perhaps you can discover your brother and Lady Arabella
and bring them back with you.’

She had heard the younger girl had recently become engaged
to a thrusting young major. He was temporarily stationed at the barracks in
Colchester whilst he trained up a troop of reserves to transport back to the

‘I had forgotten how pretty your sister is,’ she paused
before continuing, ‘but rather young for her years.’

Edward, who had watched his sister dash out shrugged his
shoulders philosophically. ‘She is a sweet girl, the best sister any fellow
could have, but I’m forced to admit she’s not exactly a blue-stocking.’

Allegra nodded. ‘And you, Mr Edward, you have changed so
much in the three years since I last saw you. I do believe you are now
considerably taller than me.’

Edward sauntered over to stand beside her. He topped her by
half a head. ‘I’ve grown and filled out. I am taller than Charles now.’ He
picked up a plate. ‘Allow me to serve you some of this delicious cold
collation. Heaven knows how long Em will be.’

She viewed the plates of elegantly arranged cold cuts,
salmon in aspic, meat pasties, pickles, chutney and cheese. ‘I wish I had the
appetite to do this justice. I will have a small portion of the salmon, some
salad leaves and a sweet roll, thank you, sir.’ Allegra left him at the buffet
and sat at the octagonal marquetry table that had been laid ready for them.

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