Read Too Much Temptation Online

Authors: Lori Foster

Too Much Temptation (8 page)

BOOK: Too Much Temptation
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“You’re fired,” Noah reminded her. “What would you stay for?”

He had her there. When Grace looked at Agatha again, admitting defeat, the older woman shut the door with a snap. Grace sighed.

“Let’s go, Gracie.” Noah stood there with his hands on his hips, the sun behind him gilding his tall, solid form and making Grace’s heart beat double-time. “I can sure as hell think of better things to do today than hang around my grandmother’s walkway.”

Grace shaded her eyes against the glaring afternoon light and wrinkled her nose. “Yeah? Like what?”

In an instant, the air changed, became more charged around her. Noah’s pale blue eyes suddenly appeared hot rather than cool, intimate rather than annoyed. His gaze lingered on her mouth, her breasts, the tops of her thighs. “Like putting you into bed—after I strip you naked.”


“The first time is going to be fast, Grace; I can’t help that. But I’ll make it up to you the second time. Or the third. I promise.”

Second or third?

His jaw locked, his shoulders bunched. In a voice rough with need, Noah asked, “Are you going to keep to your agreement, Grace? Will you do everything I tell you to and give me everything I want?”

Grace sucked in a deep breath of humid air. The previous night’s storm had left everything clean and fresh. New and ripe with promise.

The late spring sunshine suddenly felt sweltering hot, the sidewalk baking beneath her feet. She rushed forward and caught Noah’s hand, and now it was she dragging him toward his car.

“Let’s go, Noah,” she said, in lieu of an answer. She didn’t wait for him to open the door of the Land Rover, but instead quickly seated herself. “We’ve got better things to do,” she agreed, “than hang around your grandmother’s walkway.”

And, Grace thought as Noah climbed behind the wheel with a grin, if she was naked, Noah would be, too. Oh boy. He’d touch her, but she’d get to touch him back. And more.

Under the circumstances, it was easy to forget about the family strife, the loss of a job she loved, and the sight of Kara Callen with huge wounded eyes.

Grace could only think of Noah and imagine what he might want from her, and how quickly she could give it to him.

Chapter Five

oah held on to Grace’s arm as they entered his apartment building. Graham smiled at the sight of them, but his smile faded when he realized Grace still wore the same ruined clothes of the night before.

“Afternoon, Graham.”

Graham nodded. “Mr. Harper.” And then, with a bit of concern, “Ms. Jenkins?”

Grace blushed hotly and growled some incoherent complaint to Noah. She’d wanted to stop at her place and change. When Noah had told her that he couldn’t wait that long, she’d promised to just grab clothes to bring along. He’d nixed that idea, too.

He needed her beneath him in a bad way. Never in his life had he experienced such a driving urgency for a woman, and at the moment it felt like he’d explode if he didn’t sink inside Grace’s soft, welcoming body.

“No visitors, Graham,” Noah announced in passing, and Graham nodded, wearing his best poker face.

Grace sounded as though she was strangling. “Why don’t you just paint a big red
on my forehead, for heaven’s sake?”

He grinned. Grace was more prickly than usual, and Noah hoped part of that mood was caused by sexual frustration. She wanted him, but he’d deliberately kept her from knowing what he’d ask of her. He’d hoped to heighten her anticipation, and help her forget some of her nervousness.

“Gracie, you’re the one who announced to all and sundry that you’d taken advantage of me. What difference does it make if Graham knows your intent?”

She mumbled again and punched the elevator button.

Making no attempt to hide his good humor, Noah asked, “What was that, Grace?”

The elevator doors slid open and he allowed Grace to yank him inside. As the doors shut behind them, she glared, and her brown eyes smoldered. Indicating her clothes, she said, “I’d at least like to look presentable while ruining my reputation.”

The baby-fine hair at Grace’s temple drew him, and Noah reached out to touch it. Her hair was incredible, and quickly becoming an object of sexual obsession. He could already imagine how it’d feel spread over his shoulders and chest while she loomed above him, giving him her breasts to taste and tease. And then on his abdomen when he urged her soft mouth lower and lower…

His hands shook and he curled them into fists. “It’s not too late to change your mind, Grace.” Noah offered her the out even though it pained him to think of calling a halt now, when his body burned for her. He hadn’t shaken with lust since he was sixteen, but now he trembled with the need to have Grace.

Her annoyed frown changed to one of worry and her eyes darkened. “What are you talking about?”

“Your reputation, honey.” He continued to toy with that soft curl, wrapping it around his finger, rubbing it with his thumb. “You know, you can claim that little scene at my grandmother’s was stress-related or something. Odds are, everyone will quickly forget about it, and Agatha would probably even give you your job back.” He shook his head. “Everyone is a little disbelieving that you want me anyway.”

“You have that backward, Noah,” she said gently, “but either way, no, I’m not changing my mind. And neither are you.” She stepped up against him and went on tiptoe to kiss his chin.

Noah was so primed, he froze at the sensation of her mouth brushing his hot skin. “Grace…”

She caught his head in her hands and brought his mouth down to hers. Her kiss was tentative at first, tender, but they quickly became lost in heightened breathing and urgency. Grace tasted so good and felt so right. Her small hot tongue licked against his, and Noah lost it.

He had Grace off her feet, pinned between his body and the elevator wall in the next heartbeat. A ding signaled their arrival, and with an effort, Noah pulled back the tiniest bit. His mouth touching hers, his hand cupping her cheek, he whispered, “You’re sure, Grace? And before you answer, think about it, because once we get into bed I’m not positive I’ll be able to stop.”

Her eyes were heavy, her lips parted. She offered no hesitation.

Noah let out a strangled breath. Thankfully, the hall was empty as he made record time rushing her to his apartment door and then inside. Late afternoon sunlight poured through the open balcony doors, making lamps unnecessary.

Noah caught her hand and said, “To the bedroom, Grace.”

He wanted to race her there, but he could feel her nervousness, so instead he spoke to her as they walked at a very discreet pace. “Do you want to know what I’m going to do to you, Grace?”

She peeked up at him, then away. A pulse throbbed wildly in her throat. “Yes.”

Her voice was so low he barely heard her. He felt like smiling but didn’t want her to misunderstand his happiness for amusement at her expense. They stopped next to the bed and Noah turned her to face him. “First I’m going to get you out of your clothes. All your clothes.”

Her magnificent breasts rose and fell with deep breaths. “Are you sure you want to do that?” She fretted, looking toward the wide wall of windows where yet more sunlight flowed into the room and across the bed.

Very slowly, Noah tackled the tiny top button on her sweater. “Absolutely. You’re a sexy woman, Grace. And,” he added, when she started to shake her head, “I don’t want to hear a word about weight. I have no idea where you got the idea you were too heavy.”

Her mouth dropped open and she momentarily forgot that he was disrobing her. “I’ve always been overweight. Even when I was a little kid.”

“That’s nonsense.”

“It is not. Everyone knows I’m overweight.”


She shrugged. “My parents, friends, relatives. Even Agatha.”

Damn his grandmother. “You’re kidding. What the hell did Agatha say to you?”

“Just that I should try to eat less and exercise more. She offered me use of the pool and the gym equipment in my off hours, and whenever I’m there through lunch, she orders Nan to cook low-fat foods.”

Noah opened the last button and pulled Grace’s sweater open. She turned her head away, but Noah caught her chin and lifted her face. “No, Grace. Don’t hide from me.”

“I’m embarrassed.”

“And here I thought you were excited.” He eyed her breasts and murmured, “Your nipples are puckered.”

Her shoulders slumped. “I am excited,” she admitted in a tiny voice, “but it’s not easy for me to stand here in front of you like this. At least last night you were drunk, and probably not seeing straight anyway.”

“Grace, look at me.”

If anything, she ducked her head even more until her long hair fell like a curtain, hiding her expression.

Gently, Noah lifted her hair over her shoulders. He loved her hair, but he didn’t want anything to shield his view of her body. “This is the bedroom, Gracie, and you agreed to follow my every instruction, remember?”

Her blush intensified. “I remember.”

“Good. Then look at me and keep looking at me.” Tentatively, her gaze locked on his, filling him with primal satisfaction. “That’s right. I like your pretty eyes, Grace. They turn me on.” Knowing she watched his every move, Noah reached behind her and unhooked her sturdy bra, then pulled it away. Without the support, her full, heavy breasts rested softly against her chest.

As Noah examined her, weighing her in his palms, cuddling her, his testicles tightened and his heart pounded. He had big hands, but Grace filled them to overflowing. Her small, tight nipples were flushed a dark rose, and he rubbed his thumbs over her, making her quiver and gasp. He liked it that she watched him, that she saw the lust darkening his face.

Noah smiled. “I want you to forget anything my grandmother told you. You’re lush and curvy and one hell of a temptation, Grace Jenkins. Seeing you like this makes me nuts. Seeing you completely naked will be even better.”

“Clothes hide a lot.”

“Too much.” It’d take time to reassure her, but already Noah felt on the verge of coming. He wanted to be as slow and easy as he could, but he wouldn’t be able to wait much longer. “Hold on to my shoulders while I get your shoes off.”

Noah crouched down, and Grace obediently braced a hand against him as he removed her shoes, tossing them aside with her discarded sweater and bra. Before she had time to anticipate his next move, he trailed his fingertips beneath her long skirt, up her smooth, soft thighs, and hooked his fingers into her panties.

Grace yelped.

Absurdly pleased with her, Noah said, “Relax, Grace.” And he tugged the underpants all the way down. Like her bra, they were white cotton, devoid of any decoration. “Step out of them.”

She did, and Noah stood again, hugging her close. Her breasts were a bountiful cushion, further inciting his lust. Noah jerked off his shirt, wanting to feel her against his bare flesh. “Kiss me, Grace.”

She immediately stretched up and took his mouth. Noah clutched her ample backside, palpating and stroking and enjoying the feel of her naked flesh beneath the fabric of her skirt. But only for a little while, then he needed more. He pulled his mouth away.

“I have to get this off you, Grace. Right now.” The zipper caught, his impatience exploded, and Noah jerked hard, ruining her skirt.


“I’m sorry, Grace,” he rasped, already lost. “I can’t wait.”

She paused, blinking nervously.

Praying she’d understand, that she was ready, he said, “I need you, Grace.”

“Oh.” She smiled. Her beautiful brown eyes were soft, full of understanding, acceptance…love.

Noah shoved the skirt down, over her hips, but one look at Grace’s sweet belly, her rounded thighs, the dark brown curls over her mound, and he was a goner.

“Ah, God, Grace…” He turned with her onto the bed and sprawled out over her, pinning her with his weight. He took her mouth with voracious hunger—and Grace matched him, her hands now gripping his shoulders, her hips lifting into his.

Noah sucked at her tongue, gave her his own. He trailed wet, eating kisses over her throat, her shoulder, down to her breast until he felt a swollen, turgid nipple against his lips, and then he drew it deep, sucking hard.

Grace nearly lurched off the bed with a whimper of surprise and delight. Noah held her still and feasted off her. He moved from one breast to the next, unable to get his fill, wanting more and more of her until her nipples were red and throbbing and Grace writhed mindlessly beneath him.

Absorbing the smooth, silky texture of her skin, he stroked one hand over her body. He luxuriated in the softness against his rough palm, plump hills and dipping valleys and the reverberation of her racing heart.

The curve of her belly charmed him, and Noah had to kiss it, too. While he indulged in that, he wedged his hand between her thighs.

She was hot, nice and wet.

“Grace, damn.”

She stretched, tipping her head back, moaning. Noah slid his fingers over slick lips, opening her for his entry. Grace was remarkably small and tight, even on his middle finger. He was barely inside her and her muscles were clamping down on him, squeezing him, and he just knew when he felt all that sensation on his cock, he’d die with the pleasure of it.

“Tell me how this feels,” he muttered, and pressed deeper into her.


He could smell her, her scent intensified by her excitement, and he reared back to look at her. The sight of his dark hand between her pale thighs, his fingers now shiny wet from her, was a great provocation. Noah bent and kissed her thigh. “How do you taste, Grace?”

She moaned again, her eyes squeezed shut, her thighs tensed.

Noah nuzzled closer while rhythmically fingering her, just barely in and out, bringing her closer and closer, getting her ready. Grace’s shyness was long gone and her thighs fell open, letting him see her, all of her. Her pink flesh glistened, and her small clitoris looked tempting and ripe.

Noah licked her.


“Mmmmm.” He stroked with his tongue, flicked…sucked.

Her hands settled in his hair, urging him on, holding him to her.

Noah pulled his finger out, pleased with her groaning protest, then forced a second finger into her. He knew she was a little uncomfortable with the snug fit, but he said only, “It’ll make it easier for you, Grace. You’re so damn small.”

“I’m big,” was her automatic, nearly incoherent wailing reply.

Noah raised his head and gave her a tender look. She was flushed, damp with perspiration, open and yielding and hot.

Sweet, amazing Grace.

He caught her ass with his free hand, lifting her a bit. “Yeah, here you’re a luscious handful, Gracie. And here.” He rubbed his cheek over her breasts, kissing each puckered nipple in turn.

“But not here, babe.” He worked his fingers into her, out, in deeper again. “Here you’re small and tight and you feel so good, I can’t wait anymore.”

He raised himself up and quickly unfastened his slacks. With a small cry, Grace jerked up next to him and began helping, pushing his slacks down, struggling with his shoes and socks.

Seeing her bottom, the graceful line of her back, only added to Noah’s frenzy. When at last he was naked, she started to crawl on top of him. Her eyes were vague, smoky with need.

BOOK: Too Much Temptation
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