Read Trust: Betrayed Online

Authors: Cristiane Serruya

Tags: #love_contemporary, #love_erotica

Trust: Betrayed (33 page)

BOOK: Trust: Betrayed
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Alistair thinned his lips and started to rise from the bench, but she raised a hand to stop him and keep him away as she paced the room shoving her hands into her hair. If he touched her right now, she would lose it.
“Gabriela had a nervous attack when they came for her three days after Gabriel’s funeral with a warrant and policemen.
, do you believe it? She was only two years old. TWO!” she shouted, her body trembling with wrath. “Oh, but he thought he was the über powerful man and I was the young idiot. He was nothing,” she hissed as she slashed her hand in the air and paced away. “I had many lawyer friends and my grandparents had connections in the High Courts. The next morning, I had Gabriela back and they were humiliated.” She dug her nails in her palms and breathed in and out, trying to calm herself. “I sued them for everything I could devise.” She turned to look at him, her chest heaving with labored breaths. “I had the last laugh, but it was bitter.”
He was frozen on the bench, thunderstruck, looking at a woman he didn’t know. Gone was the gentle and happy Sophia and the sensible lawyer who had a charitable foundation. The former glimpses he’d had of her as the avenging angel where nothing compared to this. Sophia looked like she was possessed by the devil himself.
He lifted an eyebrow, “Was it worth it?”
“No.” She shook her head with conviction. “They lost their only son, I lost my husband and Gabriela lost her father. And I-”
I got eleven men killed.
She swallowed and fought down another wave of nausea. “I couldn’t stand it anymore so I decided to leave. It was too much for me, and for Gabriela. Edward was in Rio when the Leibowitzes took Gabriela. He knows how much she cried and screamed. The very next day after I got her back, we packed and traveled to London. Edward gave me shelter, he took care of everything for me. Everything.”
Alistair didn’t know if he should be jealous or grateful for Edward’s help.
She shook her head in disgust. “How innocent and immature I was. It was all about money. Dirty, bloody money. It can come and go so easily. They don’t see that life is what’s important. Love, friendship, trust, respect, a daily routine, someone to grow old with, siblings to cherish, family, a home; things people don’t give a damn about until they lose them, things money can’t bring back. How much is your life worth, Alistair Connor?” She heaved. “How much?”
Oh, Christ!
He went to her this time, pulling her in his arms, his large frame involving her in warmth.
She lamely banged her fists on his chest, “Your life is priceless! Priceless!”
He put his chin on her head and caressed her hair, soothing her, “Shhh. It’s okay.”
They stood there for a while. As Alistair felt her breathing and heart calming down, he curled his finger under her chin to look at her eyes. The deep hurt and damage she concealed so well on a daily basis were bared to him. He kissed her forehead and murmured, “So much pain for someone so young. I wish I could ease it.”
“You do,” she whispered. “You do.”
He picked up her fists in his hands and entwined his fingers with hers. He was completely serious when he spoke, “I promise you this, Sophia, I won’t let anyone or anything hurt you or Gabriela ever again.”
7.57 p.m.
Sophia almost tripped on the stairs when she saw Ethan talking to Leonard in the hallway. She blinked twice not believing her eyes.
What the hell is he doing here?
As if she had spoken the question out loud, he looked up and his beautiful azure eyes shone brighter.
Exotic, sexy and hot, Sophia.
Leonard looked up too and his brows shot up. Despite being almost her brother-in-law, Leonard was still surprised at how beautiful Sophia was.
Sliding her palms down her Louis Vuitton pale rose wool-and-cotton dress, she climbed down the stairs, her stomach fluttering.
Ethan approached her and kissed her cheeks as he adjusted the Emilio Pucci beige fringed scarf around her shoulders just for the sake of touching her. “Beautiful as ever, darling.” Although her long dress covered her from neck to the tips of her Nina Ricci leather and lace open-toe boots, she was utterly delicious and provocative
“Hi, Ethan. What brings you here?” Sophia immediately cringed from the way she worded her question.
He raised an eyebrow. “Why, Sophia? Isn’t this the best hotel in the Highlands?”
But what, Sophia?
“What about your place?”
“Altreck Caisteal is being refurbished. I have a meeting there on Monday so I came earlier to relax a bit.” He looked up over her shoulder and smiled. “Ah! There you are, Paola.”
Sophia turned and her mouth dropped open as Paola Di Luca, the supermodel, walked up to them. She had been on the cover of every magazine since she started appearing at Fashion Week events around the world. Almost as tall as Ethan, she was dressed in a Michael Kors short tight red dress, her dark-brown hair falling over the daring neckline.
“Sophia, this is a friend of mine, Paola di Luca. Paola, this is Sophia Leibowitz.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Sophia,” Paola bent down to kiss Sophia on both cheeks.
“How do you do?” Sophia answered in Italian and Paola’s smile flashed bright and she started chatting with Sophia in Italian, as Leonard invited Ethan to join their party in the Laird Library.
Chapter 16
Alistair turned and his lips slightly parted in surprise as he saw Sophia entering the Laird Library on Leonard’s arm, followed by Ethan and Paola. Fuck. What is this son of a bitch doing here?
Sophia patted Leonard’s arm and disengaged herself, walking to Alistair with her hands outstretched as Alistair approached her with predator-like grace, his eyes hard and sharp as a hawk’s. The sexy smile on her lips told Alistair she knew the effect her transformation had on him.
“Alistair Connor,” she purred. His dark grin in return was enough to make her desire spark.
“Don’t you look lovely.” I want to carry you to the bedroom, rip your dress off and fuck you right now. Alistair reached out, his hand delving in her hair, the other cupping the small of her back and pulling her onto his body, in a blatant demonstration of ownership. His lips brushed over hers gently and he whispered in her ear, “Delectable. I want you now.”
She tsked and breathed to him, “Remember the doctor’s orders: Light exercise.”
He shook his head amazed, and let her go, putting his arm over her shoulders and turned to greet Ethan and Paola.
Sophia watched as the two men measured each other and exchanged civil greetings. Both were so breathtakingly handsome and male. Ethan controlled his masculine nature more than Alistair did and that was what attracted her to Alistair from the beginning. The danger of the unexpected and the wildness of his personality provoked strange feelings in her.
11.03 p.m.
“I still don’t understand why Sophia works so hard to remain... terra incognita.” Ethan squeezed her hand and released it.
And if you think you’re going to explore that territory once more, think again. “Sophia is anything but mysterious.” Alistair bristled from the other end of the table and received a kick on the shin from Alice.
His mood hung over the dining room like a storm cloud. Alice wasn’t sure others felt it, but she did, and it was wearing on her nerves.
Alistair Connor, you should have proposed already. Alistair wanted a real engagement ring on her finger not a commitment ring. He wanted to shout to Ethan to take his paws off Sophia. He wanted to drag her by the hair to his bedroom and make love to her until she didn’t know up from down. In fact, that’s exactly what I’m going to do as soon as this dinner ends. He smiled darkly and received another kick on the shin from Alice.
“I’m going to end up with a black-and-blue shin, sister dear,” he hissed.
Tavish, who was sitting in front of him, murmured back, “Then stop being an ogre and pay attention to the conversation.”
Alistair looked at the other end of the table where Ethan was seated, his hand over Sophia’s. “As if he weren’t conceited enough. Father gave him an unfair advantage placing him next to Sophia.”
“If you had been paying attention instead of fuming,” Alice said, “you would have noticed that she’s been repeatedly trying to bring you into the conversation.”
“She just said your name again a few seconds ago, but you didn’t even notice.” Tavish scolded. “Pay attention.”
Alistair huffed and raked his hand in his hair, trying to control his disordered emotions as he turned to the center of the table where Sophia was sitting.
“Adding insult to injury,” Ethan was saying, “he’s kept you to himself for all this time.”
“An eternity,” mocked Sophia. “Edward was just trying to help, Ethan. Don’t you think, Alistair Connor?”
“Aye,” Alistair snorted, “he had no interest in keeping you to himself. You are so naïve, Sophia.”
“Have you noticed too, MacCraig? Davidoff is fiercely protective of Sophia.”
Sophia rolled her eyes at the ridiculous banter. Both men are jealous of dear Edward. Ridiculous!
Paola, who was sitting in front of her, was accompanying the whole scene with keen eyes. Sophia looked at her apologetically and the beautiful woman just shrugged discreetly.
“My mother is looking forward to seeing you again, Sophia,” said Leonard. “She told me she’s invited an Afghan lecturer to speak in a month’s time and she would love it if you could participate too.” He stifled a sigh as he noticed that Ethan’s hand was over Sophia’s again.
“Darling,” Ethan said, “I didn’t tell you before because you cancelled our meeting on Friday, but I’m planning to host a gala ball to announce our partnership. Perhaps at The Dorchester. Their ballroom is beautiful. What do you think?”
What? A public event? Not ever, Mr. Ashford. “Ah, Ethan. I will have to think about it and talk with Mrs. Chanda and Edward-”
“My darling,” he drawled, “I must insist. We will make it very refined and small. Around two hundred guests. Seating could be charged at ten thousand pounds per person and it will help us raise a greater amount for a cause we are so passionate about.”
Dammit, Ethan! “Yes, I know. It would be great-”
“It will be great, Sophia. You and I will share our motivations and I’m sure it would be a huge success. I can’t wait,” Ethan picked up Sophia’s hand and kissed it. Lachlann, who was entertaining Leonard and Paola, stopped mid-sentence at the gesture.
Before Alistair could lunge across the table and strangle Ethan, Alice rose, “Shall we move to the game room for coffee, chocolates and a movie?” She walked over to Sophia and linking arms, said, “I bought those chocolates and macaroons you brought my father the other time. They are absolutely delicious.”
Paola and Lachlann followed them out of the room, leaving Tavish and Leonard behind to try and simmer down the animosity brewing between Ethan and Alistair.
Alistair’s blood was bubbling with anger and jealousy. “He’s still in love with you.”
But I’m not with him. “Of course not. Alistair Connor, he is just being courteous and, besides, this is just work.”
“You don’t need his money.”
“No, I don’t need his money. However, my foundation cannot waste this opportunity. It’s fifty-million pounds, per year. We don’t receive a donation like that every day.”
She caught the flicker of surprise in his eyes before he dismissed the amount with a slight gesture of his hand. “It’s no big deal.”
Indeed. “No big deal,” she repeated the words sarcastically. Don’t create reasons for a fight, Sophia. Appease him.
She put her hands on his chest and standing on her tiptoes kissed him lightly on the lips, trying to soothe his fears. “You shouldn’t worry when other men try and get my attention,” she stated. “I’m with you, Alistair Connor. I won’t look at anybody else. I don’t need anybody else.”
She felt his green gaze drift downward along her body and back to her face. “It’s unavoidable. You are too beautiful, too enticing.”
“And you’re fiercely protective and jealous, Lord Caveman of Distrustful-land,” she said, trying for a lighter mood.
“Aye, I am.” He lowered his face until their noses touched and he hissed, “Get used to it.”
Sophia rolled her eyes.
She was trying to be patient and understanding. She reminded herself that men could be the most irrational of creatures and that he had a past that didn’t help. She told herself a great many sensible things, yet she felt her temper slipping. “I’m sorry if I hurt your manly pride, but Ethan and I are friends and we have business together. There is nothing to be jealous of.”
“I don’t want you around him.” He impatiently raked his hand in his long ink-black hair. “Fifty-million pounds or not.”
Before she could respond, Tavish approached. And just in the nick of time, because Sophia was strongly tempted to pick up his mother’s antique Ming Dynasty vase and smash it on Alistair’s skull.
“Monopolizing Sophia again, I see,” said Tavish.
“She’s mine to monopolize. When I wish, as I wish,” Alistair answered darkly.
“Right, Lord Caveman.” Sophia turned and winked at Tavish. “I’m going to-”
Alistair’s eyes widened for a second and his hand shot up to her arm, keeping her in place. Frowning ominously at her, he said, “Don’t you dare go over there.”
She looked at his hand on her arm and back at his face, with a raised eyebrow, “Take back what you said.”
He gapped at her, “What did I say?”
“He is incorrigible, Sophia.” Tavish laughed. “Get used to his overbearing personality. We are going to watch a movie. Will you join us, Sophia?”
Fuck! Don’t even think of saying yes.
Sophia looked at Alistair, “Why not? Yes, Tavish Uilleam, we’d love-”
“That’s enough!” Alistair exited the game room through the glass door towing her by the arm with Tavish’s laughter following them out onto the Elm Courtyard. He stopped and whipped round to look at her. “Don’t provoke my ire, Sophia.”
BOOK: Trust: Betrayed
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