Read Trust: Betrayed Online

Authors: Cristiane Serruya

Tags: #love_contemporary, #love_erotica

Trust: Betrayed (60 page)

BOOK: Trust: Betrayed
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“He’s your brother and she’s your fiancée,” Lachlann reasoned. “Since he came back from Afghanistan, getting close to Tavish Uilleam has been hard. Once he allows someone in, he embraces them wholeheartedly. I don’t know how, but she found a way into the hearts of each and every one in this family. Besides, you know Tavish is fiercely protective of those he loves. And he loves you, Alistair Connor.”
Alistair fisted his hands and struggled with the jealousy that burned in his veins.
He opened the computer again and unleashed his emotions in shaving down the first guest list he had done.
Sunday, April 18
, 2010.


11.23 a.m.
Sophia was being lulled to sleep by Gabriela and Ariadne’s hushed giggles and the sound of waves, coming through the speakers, in the peaceful pool lounge.
The building that housed the spa was located in a small elevation and faced the stunning Gairloch beach, a small distance from the main castle. Light came in through skylights and the floor-to-ceiling glass wall, where the infinite pool seemed to join the clear green waters of the bay. Hidden from the castle by a hedge of well positioned cheery trees and flowering shrubs, it was a modern construction, taking full advantage of the landscape and the view.
“It’s easy to understand why so many people flock to Airgead, isn’t it?” Leonard commented as he sat on the chair next to Sophia’s.
She opened her yes and looked at him, “Yep, it’s truly breathtaking. A peaceful haven. It... awakens the senses and relaxes the mind.”
“It’s too quiet,” complained Alice, sitting on another chair. “It’s a blissful escape to replenish the energies, but I prefer the city. It’s good for a short visit.”
“I’d like to live in a calmer place,” Sophia sighed, eyeing a couple on their honeymoon, who were staying at the castle.
Alistair propped on an elbow to look at her, surprised, “You wouldn’t. No fancy restaurants, no Chanel, no Van Cleef, no sports cars. What else?”
I wouldn’t miss any of it, Alistair Connor.
“No need for bodyguards, no press gossiping about what you’re doing, wearing and so on. No need to rush around all day, spectacular horses to ride and, more important, more time with Gabriela.” She looked at her daughter playing in the pool and smiled. “Besides, there are enough books in that library for a few lifetimes.”
How about you?
“Aye,” he sneered, “your books. I still think you’d soon be bored.”
“Yeah, my books. And a mother is never bored, Alistair Connor. Once a month, we could take a week off and travel somewhere. This would be home.”
Alistair put a hand on her forehead, teasing, “Are you sick? This is not the Sophia I know.”
The Sophia you know...
She smiled at him. “There are many Sophias in this one.”
And I like this much more.
Who is this new Sophia?
“You would truly live in the country?”
“Why not? Look around. There is this beach, which is as beautiful as any in the Caribbean and lots of fresh shellfish and fish; a stunning garden and woodland where you can walk for miles without meeting anyone, but birds and wild life; mountains where you can go skiing in the winter. And amazing friendly people. What else do you need?”
“You do make it sound better than living in London,” Alice said as Alistair raised his eyebrows not convinced at all.
“Well, London has its appeal like New York or Paris. Or any big city. Lots of traffic, pollution, millions of people hurrying to and fro, who don’t even look you in the eye. As for the museums, theaters, cultural entertainment,” she shrugged, “since you have a chopper and a private airplane, they can be reached in mere hours.”
“Fucking unbelievable,” Tavish muttered. “Do you have sisters, Sophia?”
Sophia laughed. “Well, Carol’s already engaged but there are the twins-”
“Oh, no!” Alistair sat in a fluid movement. “Those two spitfires would drive Tavish Uilleam crazy in a second.”
“I don’t want two, just one,” Tavish informed, amused.
Alistair shook his head, “I don’t think they would survive apart. They are practically... Siamese. They complete each other’s sentences. They can talk telepathically. They even dress alike, matching everything from their hairbands to their shoes. It’s weird.”
“Alistair Connor,” Lachlann intervened, “don’t be rude.”
“It’s okay, Lachlann, they
are.” Sophia smiled. “The twins do talk by telepathy. Felipe and I can also communicate with just a quick look, gesture, or smile. Carolina is the only one who needs words, and still very few. Mmm... Alice! How are we going to pair the couples for the wedding entrance?” She totally ignored Alistair’s distressful moan. “Leonard can take Carol, Lachlann and Grandma. How about the girls?”
“Can’t they be maids of honor?” Alice presented the easiest solution.
Sophia wrinkled her nose. “Oh, no. It’s different in Brazil. We choose couples to stand at the front with us during the ceremony, we call them the godparents of the wedding.” She eyed Leonard, with a pensive look. “Maybe Tavish Uilleam and Edward can take the twins. What do you think?”
Alistair rose, saying, “I think that’s all the wedding talk I can take in a day.”
Sophia looked at him astonished. “We have less than three months to decide lots of important things. Everything must be ready by the beginning of July.”
“I’ve done my part,” he said as he lifted her in his arms and walked to the pool, “I have decided the bride, the day and the place. That’s enough for me.”
“But-but... What about the best man, pageboy and flower girl, menus, music, cake, seating plans, rehearsal dates, photographers, the honeymoon,” she listed as he walked into the pool.
“I’ll take care of the honeymoon. Have you finished?”
“No, of course not. There’re the favors, the gifts for the-”
“I think you have,” he opened his arms and dropped a screaming Sophia in the water.
From his place, Tavish said to Leonard, “It’ll be fun to watch Alistair Connor squirm under her thumb.”
An angelic smile split Leonard’s face as he regarded a sputtering Sophia splash Alistair with water. “He has no idea, Tavish. No idea.”
Atwood House.


8 p.m.
Oh, no, Alistair Connor. This is too much.
She drummed her nails on her desk and tried to sound calm. “Are you always going to be moody like this?”
“I’m not moody. I don’t feel altogether comfortable having your... Err...”
“Ethan,” she supplied, pursing her lips. Sophia did not know if she should be irritated or flattered by Alistair’s jealousy.
He narrowed his eyes at her and rose from the armchair, pacing the length of her home office, until he faced her back garden. “Aye. I don’t want you to invite him. In fact, I think you should leave all the business dealings to your employees.” His tone was even and calm, but danger brewed in his eyes when he whirled to look at her. “Ashford was your lover!”
She leaned back on her chair and crossed her arms over her breasts. “Alistair Connor. Are you serious? I don’t like what I’m hearing.”
“Well, me neither.” The silvery light outlined his powerful and masculine frame in the dim room as he mimicked her pose, crossing his arms over his chest.
Damn. He is serious.
His reaction threw her totally off guard but if she submitted now, he would become a despot and she knew that she should stand her ground. “Well, I’m so sorry, Lord Caveman. I’ll continue my dealings with Ethan in the same way I always have. He is my friend. I like him. And I don’t usually take orders from overbearing, jealous men. Future husband or not.”
Fuck, Sophia!
His sensual lips, so full of wicked promises, thinned to a harsh line. Alistair glared at her and stalked up to where she was. He bent and caged her inside his arms as his hands gripped the arms of her chair. “Are you always going to be so damn independent?”
“Probably. It’s a character trait.”
His gaze ran from her lips to her eyes, and she didn’t miss the flicker of desire and admiration she saw in those green pools.
“More of a character flaw,” he mumbled, straightening.
No one gainsays me, Sophia, but you. And I don’t know if I like it.
She saw in his eyes he was fighting his emotions. But he eased off, walking back to the windows, and stood there with his hands clenched at his sides.
Alistair flinched when she laid her head on his back and her arms circled his waist.
“We are not going to fight over such an inconsequent thing, are we? He is just a friend. You, Lord Difficult of Jealous-land, are the man of my life. I don’t have eyes for anyone else.”
Warmth flowed over him at her gentle touch and loving words. He just couldn’t stay mad at her for long.
Fuck, this is what I want. Her. Just her. My independent, stubborn Sophia.
Alistair spun her in his arms, tucking Sophia against his chest as he burrowed his nose in her hair.
“He doesn’t mean anything to me, Alistair Connor. He’s just a friend.” Her hands stroked the length of his spine, soothing him. “No need to be jealous, my love.”
“I won’t lie. I’m a jealous man. I want to beat the hell out of any man who’s had you, Ethan included.” He pulled her tight against his hips and took her mouth in a fierce kiss, his hands roaming under her silk top. Her skin felt silky and smooth beneath his palms. He wanted to feel her bare breasts against his chest, have her legs wrapped around his waist as he drove into her. He wanted to do the things to her body his tongue was doing to her mouth.
Sophia broke the kiss long before he was ready to let her go. His sweet masculine scent and his hungry kiss left her lightheaded. Her fingers slid into his silky, raven hair, as she softened her voice, “
Eu te amo
He looked down at her and ran his tongue over his lips, still tasting her.
I’ll let you have your way, sweetheart, if you give me a bonus.
“How about we make a deal?”
You’re big into making deals lately.
She raised an eyebrow waiting for his proposal.
“Tell you what. I’ll close my eyes to your
deals with Ashford, if you agree to a trip on your birthday.”
“Alistair Connor. I’ve already explained why it’s impossible to take a week away now.”
He leaned in closer until his lips were millimeters from hers. “Davidoff is competent enough to handle matters alone.”
She bent her head back and stared seriously into his eyes. “Yeah, he is. But who will make all the decisions for our hasty wedding? You’re no help. I have to decide everything alone.”
Christ, woman!
“If I help you, will you agree to come?”
Battle won.
She stifled a smile and nodded, “Yeah.”
Battle won.
“Good. So a week in the Perhentian Islands.” He smiled triumphantly at her. “We are going to sleep in my new boat, the Sun Ray. Gabriela will love to sleep aboard and you’ll love the scuba diving there.”
And I’ll have you all to myself for a whole week.
So sure of yourself, Lord I’m-so-powerful-and-I-know-it. Haven’t you realized I got the best deal?
She couldn’t stop her victorious smile from opening and she stood on her tiptoes to kiss him.
Alistair lost himself in her kiss, but a second later he realized she had maneuvered him to do exactly what she wanted. Breaking the kiss, with an amused smile on his lips, he shook his head at her, whispering, “Witch!”
Ah! Too late.
She threw her head back in a happy laugh, “Be careful, my prince. I can turn you into the Beast.”
He growled and picked her up in his arms, heading for her bedroom.
London, Knightsbridge. One-O-One.


Tuesday, April 20
, 2010.


2.17 p.m.
Sophia looked around the brightly lit room, with its soft, sea blue tones. Large green cushions littered the sofas and sat upon low earthy taupe armchairs. The ambient was unpretentious, graceful and comfortable, perfect for a relaxed and intimate encounter.
Exactly what Ethan wants. To be intimate with me.
She scrutinized the handsome man as he walked back to their table. Ethan’s hair was lighter, with streaks of blond mixed with the caramel and dark-brown, his azure eyes were even more startling now that his face was shaved. As always, he was fashionably dressed in a dark-gray tailored suit with a blood-red tie and a pristine white shirt.
A handsome, intelligent man any woman would be happy to be with. Any woman, but me.
His smile was joyful when he sat beside her on the sofa.
“I loved lunch, Ethan. The pan-roasted Halibut was delicious. And the smell of the truffles, hmm. It’s been a long time since I’ve had such lovely truffles out of season!” Sophia was babbling idiotically, but she was too nervous to stop. “You know I did a Cordon Bleu course, don’t you? This was sensual, epicurean eating. Wow!”
“Yes, Proyart’s cooking shows that he’s the best in England when it comes to fish.” Ethan scooted next to her and put his hand over hers. “Why are you so tense?”
Because I’m going to hurt you.
“Ethan...” she took a deep breath, mustering courage. “I didn’t want you to hear this from anyone else. I-I’m getting married.”
That bastard.
“MacCraig.” Ethan already knew, but to hear the words from her mouth just sliced his heart open again. He drank a gulp of water to dislodge the stale taste that had filled his mouth.
How can you do this to me, Sophia? I trusted you.
“Yes. Alistair Connor. In August. The seventh.”
Oh, damn! Slow down, Sophia! Focus on him.
She remembered Edward’s words.
‘Do be gentle when you break his heart.’
“But I don’t want it to interfere with our friendship. I like you and...” She felt bad for him. She truly did.
BOOK: Trust: Betrayed
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