Read Trusting Them Online

Authors: Marla Monroe

Tags: #Menage a Trois (m/f/m), #Menage Amour, #Fiction, #Romance, #Adult, #Erotica, #Western

Trusting Them (8 page)

BOOK: Trusting Them
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She paced in front of the fireplace holding his brother’s sweatpants up with one hand and running her other hand through her hair over and over again. At this rate, she would be bald and have worn a hole in the floor. When he thought he was going to have to intervene, she finally spoke again.

“How can you let your brother touch me after you have? If I’m important to you…” She drew in a deep breath and continued. “Or is it that I’m not really that important, so it doesn’t matter?”

“Don’t ever think that. You’re important to us. We both think you’re very important to us. Why would we be trying to convince you to stay otherwise?” Brock felt the old anger resurface. She didn’t trust them to care about her.

“I don’t know what to think. You’ve thrown me.”

Brady finally went into action. He walked across to the fireplace and leaned into her. He kissed her sweetly on the lips, and then drew her into the circle of his arms.

“We want you to stay with us. You feel right to us. Don’t throw away something like this until we’ve explored where it can take us.”

Brock watched her sway towards his brother and smiled. Brady always did have a way with the ladies. Brock wasn’t too proud to take a back burner where she was concerned. He wanted her any way he could get her. That included letting his brother lead. She obviously felt safer and more comfortable with Brady.

“I can’t stay with you. Glenn will find me and hurt you both.”

“Don’t worry about that. We can take care of the likes of him. He’s just an overgrown bully that needs taking down a notch or two.” Brady lifted a strand of her hair and twirled it between his fingers.

“No one’s been able to do that with him—ever.” She stared him in the eyes.

His brother just kept her eye contact, and she was the one who lowered her eyes first. What had they just won, though? Brady would say a battle.

Brady wondered if she’d declared war on them, or if they were waging a war with her and her past demons. Either way, he planned to win. There was never really an option in the first place. He drew in a deep breath through his nose and smelled her arousal. Their little confrontation had excited her. He filed that tidbit away to take out later and think over what it meant. For now, Brock wanted to touch her. He wanted to wrap his arms around her and pull her so close to him that she became a part of him.

He watched as his brother took her hands in his and slowly pulled her back to the couch where Brady pulled her onto his lap. She straddled him, kneeling on the couch without making a fuss. Her eyes never left his. She rested her hands on his shoulders but didn’t squeeze them.

Brady’s hands rested on the swell of her hip on either side. He looked up at her, and she down at him. Without breaking eye contact, Brady unbuttoned the first button on the shirt she wore. She didn’t try to stop him, so he unbuttoned another one. She kept her eyes on his. He unbuttoned another button and then another. There was only one left and he took her hands from his shoulders and placed them around the button. For several long moments, Brock wasn’t sure what she would do. Finally, she unbuttoned the last button and sat with her hands on her thighs, looking down.

Brady slowly swept the blouse from her body and leaned in and kissed her neck and shoulders. Brock could see the sweat break out over his brother’s brow. It was taking a monumental effort for him to remain in control right then. He was envious of his brother then, only because he wanted to be there too. She wasn’t ready yet for both of them. Let Brady charm her first. He knew he could be a little intense. Okay, a lot intense.

He watched as his brother brushed aside the shirt until it fell from her shoulders to pool in her lap. She sat with the entire top part of her body nude and bathed in the light of the fire. He longed to lean into her back and sandwich her between him and his brother. It wasn’t time yet, he reminded himself.

Then Brady flicked his tongue over her nipple, and Brock lost it.

Chapter Six

Brady’s tongue touched her nipple and Jeni lost it. She moaned and thrust her breast out towards him. He sucked her nipple into his mouth and, at the same time, she felt Brock move in behind her and lift her hair from her back. He kissed her neck and down her shoulder. Between Brock’s mouth on her shoulder and Brady’s mouth suckling at her breast, Jeni didn’t stand a chance.

She wasn’t the least surprised to feel the thick length of Brady’s cock between her legs pushing up through his jeans. The press of another one at her back startled her. She grew still beneath them. She could almost feel their collective breaths holding, waiting on her to decide if she could accept them or not. Could she?

The idea of two men at one time frightened her and turned her on all at the same time. Was she brave enough to take them on? What happened when she left? Could she leave them afterwards? She had to. She couldn’t let them be hurt. She pushed that thought from her mind and concentrated on the problem at hand. She made her decision and leaned back to allow Brock to reach over and palm her other breast. She groaned out his name as he rubbed her nipple between his first finger and thumb. The electric sparks shot straight to her womb.

“There you go. You like that, don’t you, baby girl?” Brock’s rough voice reached her ears as she gave herself over to the pleasure of having two men taking care of her.

Brady’s mouth sucked hard on her breast until he had all he could possibly take into his mouth. Then he slowly backed off until all that remained inside his mouth was her hard nipple. He nipped at it and she jerked. His cock jerked with her. It caused her to rub back against Brock’s hard rod at her back. Fingers twisted at her other nipple until she groaned out loud.

“I love hearing that sound from your lips.” Brady pushed up with his hips, trying to get closer to her sweet channel.

Jeni reveled in the feel of two sets of hands on her body. There were two randy cocks pushing against her, eager to get inside of her. What woman wouldn’t let it go to her head? She leaned back against Brock, knowing he wouldn’t let her fall. Instead, the thickness of his cock kept her sitting up. The ridge of Brock’s cock pressed just right into the V of her legs. His hard phallus lined up just perfect with her pussy and clit. The more she moaned, the harder he sucked and the more he flexed his hips up towards her.

It felt so good. She rode his erection for all she was worth. The harder she pushed against him, the more he bucked beneath her. Brock’s hand pulled and tugged on her other nipple, driving her further and further up the twisted road of ecstasy. Suddenly, Brady let go of her nipple and it was immediately replaced by Brock’s other hand. Brady took control of her hips. He pulled her down to meet his upward thrust, then jerked her back up again. Over and over, he drove her higher and higher. Brock’s fingers were relentless in their quest to drive her insane. He twisted and squeezed them until she thought one more tug and she’d go up in flames. Between the two of them, they were turning her into a molten mass of need.

Jeni lost her breath as her orgasm swallowed her in its wake. She screamed when it came back to her. Nothing could have prepared her for the unrelenting pleasure that suffused her body with ecstasy. Long moments later, she hung over Brady’s chest like a limp piece of grass while Brock knelt behind her, rubbing slow easy circles around her back. She’d never come like that in her life. What was going on with her? Two men?

She jerked upright and struggled to move.

“Careful now, baby. You’ll hurt yourself,” Brady said as he helped her right her clothes.

“I…I” she stuttered.

She couldn’t put into words what she wanted to say. What did she want to say, anyway? That she had made a mistake and she hadn’t really enjoyed it? Her climax would prove her a liar there. Instead, she slipped from Brady’s lap and nearly fell when her weak legs took the brunt of the weight of her body for the first time in hours.

“You’re going to hurt yourself. Calm down. Nothing happened you didn’t enjoy. We’re not going to jump on you.” Brock’s rough voice cut into her thoughts.

“I shouldn’t have let you,” she began.

“Let us what? Please you? Make you feel good?” Brock held her against him when she swayed.

Jeni attempted to turn around and give him a piece of her mind, but when she did turn around, it was to find herself looking up into the ravaged eyes of a hurt animal. It broke her heart to think she had hurt either of them after all they had done for her.

“I don’t usually do this. I mean, with two men,” she finished lamely.

“We didn’t think you did, but it doesn’t change the fact that you enjoyed it.” Brady let his hands rest on her hips.

He remained sitting on the couch at her back now. She faced Brock, and when he reached down and picked her up, she had no choice but to wrap her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck.

“You’re beautiful when you come apart like that. I want to watch you again and again.” He leaned in and kissed her.

It was a chaste kiss by some measures, but it still burned her with its intensity. Her body, already primed and ready for more, grew wetter with each lick of his tongue and nip of his teeth. Her womb tightened in preparation of being filled. Her body knew what she needed. Did her mind know what she wanted?

Brady’s body soon pushed against her back. He pulled her hair away from her back and kissed and nibbled along her neck and across one shoulder. Her skin heated wherever his lips touched. She cursed having put the shirt back on now. Brock turned away from Brady and started towards the stairs. She knew where they were going and what would happen. Right then, she welcomed it. How she would feel about it later, she didn’t know. But for right now, it was what she wanted.

A sudden pounding on the door jarred her out of her sexual haze. Brock’s arms tightened around her.

“Brady, go see who it is. I’ll be upstairs.” Brock continued up the stairs as Brady left to check the door.

“Who could it be?” she asked in a whisper.

“Probably one of the ranch hands with a sick heifer or some missing cows.” Brock stepped on the last stair step and turned towards the master bedroom.

“Don’t you need to go see about it?”

“You trying to get rid of me?” he asked with an amused voice.

“No!” She answered in too much of a hurry.

Brock grinned down at her and dropped her on the bed. Her legs gave way from his hips, and she bounced once on the bed. Brock began unbuttoning his shirt when the sudden flight of boots up the stairs penetrated his intentions. He turned in time to see Brady rush through the bedroom door.

“Got a dozen head missing. The snow has started coming down again too.” Brady had his hat on his head and his coat halfway on.

“Fuck.” Brock threw back his head and closed his eyes for a few seconds.

“Honey, I want you to stay up here in the bed with the electric blanket on while the generator is going. We might be awhile.” Brock pulled back the covers for her to climb under them.

“Brady, go get several bottles of water and that package of cookies for her while we’re gone.”

Brock was tucking her in when Brady returned with a half dozen bottles of water and a package of sugar cookies. He left them on the bedside table along with a flashlight.

“If the lights go out, use the flashlight to get around with,” Brady told her.

He bent over and kissed her hard on the lips, then stepped back to let Brock kiss her as well. The two men touched her gently on the cheeks and then turned and walked out the bedroom door, closing it gently behind them. They left her confused, relieved, and aroused.

It wasn’t lost on her that they had been heading up to have sex. Sex with two men, no less. Would she have really gone through with it? Jeni wasn’t sure now that the temptation was out of the picture. Maybe she would have. They were good at keeping her aroused, that was for sure. Enough so that she might have lost all her inhibitions and let them both make love to her. Then what would have happened?

They would take you into town and let you go. They wouldn’t be able to respect her after she gave herself to both of them, would they? What are you going to do when they come back?

BOOK: Trusting Them
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