Read Tutus & Cowboy Boots (Part 2) Online

Authors: Casey Peeler

Tags: #social issues, #north carolina, #performing arts, #family relationships, #americas, #new adult, #country boy city girl, #dancer romance, #country and small town life, #country farm life

Tutus & Cowboy Boots (Part 2) (17 page)

BOOK: Tutus & Cowboy Boots (Part 2)
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“Daisy?” she politely questions.

“One of the cows.”

She doesn’t say anything for a minute. “So
let me guess. You are worried about the calf because it lost her
mom like you lost your dad, so to speak?” I nod because I can’t
verbally admit it. “I know it’s hard to see the light in all of
this, but maybe you were sent to Ms. Mae’s for a reason? Maybe it
was part of the plan? Maybe you needed to come here to realize you
can have more than one dream. Cadence, we can’t control the actions
of others, but we can control our own. You can forgive your dad and
you can figure out the dream that will make you happiest. You can
make things right. That’s the beauty of being an adult,” she says
with a smile. She stands and turns to me as I wipe my tears on my
tank top. “Now, go make things right.” I look up at her in
confusion. “Go home, Cadence,” she says as she walks out to start

Jade comes in as I pick up my bag. “Hey
girl, just wanted to check on you. Are you going to come to

“No. I’ve got to go home and fix some
things, but I’ll be okay. When Daisy died today, I kinda lost it on

“Including my brother?” she questions.

“Mostly your brother.” She pulls me in for a
hug. She doesn’t ask me to explain and when we pull apart she gives
me a half smile.

“Call me if you need me, but I promise he’ll
understand. Sometimes it’s the people we love the most that get the
raw end of the deal.”

“Thanks,” I say as we hug once more and I
hurry to the farm.

Looking at the clock, I know I don’t have
long before he will be leaving for the day. I can’t get home fast
enough, but I have no idea what I’m going to say when I get


When Cadence left for the studio, I lost my
damn mind. I hated seeing her leave without saying goodbye and
giving her a kiss. I know I have to give her space but it kills me
that I can’t hold her in my arms and make her feel better. I
continue to work but I can’t concentrate. All I can do is think
about her and what I’m going to do to make her see that she has a

As I take a quick break to cool off, I see
Ms. Mae walking toward me.

“Why don’t you call it a day?” she says.

“Thank you,” I say because honestly I need
to get out of here.

As I put up a few tools, I hear Ms. Mae
talking to Paisley. “I’m sorry about your mama, but we love you
‘round here.” The calf lets out a small sound. “Cadence will be
back. I promise you that,” she says as she winks at me.

“I’ll see you in the morning,” I say and
hurry to my truck.

Putting my truck in reverse, I have no idea
what to do. I sure don’t want to go home because Mom will have a
million and one questions about why I’m home early. Realizing I
just need to clear my mind, I do what I always do and head to the
middle of nowhere.

Arriving in our spot, I realize this might
have been a stupid idea. Everything about this place makes me think
about her, and all I want to do is clear my mind. Glancing in the
back of my truck, I see my old fishing pole. I take it, and my
tackle box, and walk down to the little pond.

After baiting my hook, I cast the line and
take a seat on the bank. I sit back and take in my surroundings.
The peace and quiet does a soul good. I have no idea how long I sit
there before I feel a nibble on the line. I reel in the line only
to find it took the bait.

I don’t bother putting new bait on; instead,
I sit on the bank and watch the ripples in the pond. As they move
across the water, all I can see is Cadence’s body swaying in my

Pausing to just listen, I
hear the wind in the trees, birds chirping, and an engine.
What in the world? Nah.
Seeing a frog on the bank, I watch as it catches an insect
before jumping into the water, and that’s when I hear my

“Barrick!” I hear the sweetest voice I know
call for me. Quickly, I move from the bank and into the clearing
and that’s when I see her.


Where is he? His truck’s here. I’m crazy and
shouldn’t have come. I start to turn around and leave when I hear

“Cade, wait!” he says, and a smile spreads
across my face. Turning to see the smile on his face lets me know
everything will be fine. I drop my keys and sprint to him as he
jogs to me but I swear it feels as if we’re in slow motion. I can’t
get to him fast enough.

As I reach him, his arms extend and I jump
into them. His arms wrap around my waist and my legs around his.
Looking into his eyes I say, “I’m sorry.”

“Shhh. It’s okay,” he says and places a
sweet kiss on my nose before he places me back on the ground. We
don’t say anything for a few minutes as we just hold on to one
another. When we finally pull apart, he leads me to the pond and he
casts his line as we listen to the world around us.

After a few minutes, I know I need to tell
him what I came here to say. Taking his hand in mine, I turn to
him. “Barrick, I’m sorry I lost it back there. I never meant to
hurt you like I did,” I say as tears begin to roll down my face. He
takes the reel, and places it on the ground before turning to wipe
my tears away.

“Cade, we always hurt the ones we love the
most. Just talk to me.” My heart warms thinking about Jade’s

“It’s not you. It was never you. You’ve
always been there for me and I shouldn’t have tried to push you
away. I think I thought if I pushed you away first, I couldn’t get
hurt. My dad really hurt me when he left my mom and me. I trusted
him to be there and he wasn’t. I didn’t think I’d trust anyone
again and then I did. I came here and met you and Jade and learned
what real friends were like. I’m still dealing with my dad stuff
because every time I’d get used to him not being there, he’d text
or do something to make me think things were better. Like he just
sent me this great birthday present and it made me happy. Bare, I
want to hate him, but what he gave me makes me not hate him.”

Barrick takes me under his arm. “He’s your
dad. You’re supposed to love him. Forgiveness is hard, but we have
to forgive people.”

“Have to?” I question.

“I don’t want to get all biblical on ya, but
that’s the only way I can explain it. We all have done things that
aren’t great, but God forgave us. It’s what we are born to do. We
have to forgive; it’s the only way to free ourselves from the hold
it has on us.”

I sit and ponder a minute. Just as I’m about
to speak, I see Barrick’s fishing rod go flying into the water.
“What in the world!” I say as he jumps into the water after it.
“Are you crazy?” I question as he retrieves it and comes out
soaking wet.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to do that. I kinda
just reacted without thinkin’.”

“It’s okay. I think I understand what you’re
saying, but it’s so hard.”

“If it were easy, it wouldn’t mean as much.
Can I ask you something?”


“What did he give you? It had to be a
present money couldn’t buy.” With those words, I know Barrick
Carpenter knows me better than anyone else.

“I’ll show you. Get changed and meet me at
the barn,” I say, as I stand to leave.

He pulls me into his arms. “I really
like-love you. Don’t you ever forget it,” he says.

“I really like-love you too,” I say as we
walk to our vehicles.

Chapter 25


My heart hurts when Barrick turns at his
house. I know he won’t be long, but I have to get all of this out.
For the first time, I’m ready to talk and I can’t wait to share
everything with Barrick. Hurrying to my room, I grab the box and
almost make it out of the door without being seen.

“Hold it young lady!” I hear Gran say
abruptly. “Shouldn’t you be at dance?”

“Ms. Lyndsay sent me home. I’m making things
right. I promise, Gran.”

She smiles and walks toward me. “I always knew you
would. Stop being afraid to let love in. Not everyone is out to get
you, and if they are send them my way.”

“Thanks, Gran.”

“For what?” she asks.

“For being my gran,” I say as I hug her with
all of my might.

I talk to Paisley while I wait for Barrick.
Ten minutes later, he arrives and looks amazing in a worn out
t-shirt and worn jeans.

“What y’all talkin’ ‘bout?” he asks as he
walks up to her stall.

“I was showing her my wooden box,” I

“How about you show us together,” he says as
he walks in and takes a seat on the hay.

For the next thirty minutes, I explain each
picture and tell him what each memory means to me. When Barrick
looks at the note inside, I know what’s coming. He’s going to tell
me to forgive and let go. My heart is telling me to do so as well,
but I’m scared to death.

“I’ll go with you to see him or be here when
you call him. Whatever you want,” he says.

“Thanks.” I take a deep, cleansing breath.
“It feels as if an elephant just got off of my chest.”

“Imagine what it will be like once you make
amends with him.” I know he’s right, but I’m not sure how I’m going
to do it yet. He holds me and I let it all soak in. “Hold on a
second,” he says as he stands then disappears for a brief moment.
When he returns I know he’s up to something. “Come on. There’s
something I want you to see.”

Walking outside, I see that the sun is
setting and there are fluttering lights in the sky.

“What are those?” I question.

“Lightenin’ bugs.”

“Wow. There are so many of them. It’s
amazing,” I say.

“Dance with me,” he whispers as he extends
his hand to me.

“What? There’s no music.”

“We don’t need any. Just listen,” he says as
he pulls me into his chest. Closing my eyes, we sway to our own
beat. The crickets sing with an occasional solo from a cow in the
background while I feel his heart beating like a drum against my
ear. It flutters to a beat and as it increases, so do our
movements. Opening my eyes, I see the flicker of the lightening
bugs as the sunset fades to darkness.

I don’t say a word as I take it all in. He
pulls me in closer and I don’t ever want to let go. As Barrick
rests his chin on the top of my head, a tear escapes my eye. I
don’t cry because I’m upset; I cry because his heartbeat makes
everything around us fall into rhythm.

“Can we do this forever?” I whisper.

“As long as you’ll let me,” he says, looking
me in the eyes. He wipes the single tear from my face and

As he leans in to kiss me, I try to memorize
this moment. When our lips touch, I feel an explosion inside. I
meet him with every motion and never want to let go.

“It’s about damn time!” We hear Gran yell
from the front porch. We jump apart and start laughing.

“I bet she’s watched the entire show,” I say
to him as we rest our foreheads against each other.

“Well, she has been our biggest
cheerleader,” he says as he kisses me once more. “Come on, let me
walk you in.”

“Do you have to go?” I question.

“I wish I didn’t, but it’s getting

I understand, but that doesn’t mean I like
it. “Will you stay while I call my dad?”

“Of course,” he says as he takes my hand and
we walk toward the house.

Chapter 26


Gran gives us a smile as we walk up the
front steps. “Told ya she’d be back,” she says to Barrick. I look
at both of them and he shrugs.

“I’m going to make a phone call,” I say to
Gran and Mom as we walk inside. I start to walk toward my room when
Mom puts a stop to it. Instead, we walk to the back porch and
Barrick takes a seat beside me as I find Dad’s number in my
contacts and press send.

My heart begins to beat rapidly and when I
think it’s going to voicemail, I hear a groggy voice.

“Cade?” he says.

“Hey Dad. Did I wake you?”

“It’s fine. Is everything okay?” he

“Everything’s fine,” I say as Barrick
caresses my hand with his thumb. “I just wanted to say thank you
for my present. It meant a lot.” I can hear him moving around and
can only assume that the bimbo is trying to get her beauty

“I love you. I’ve finally realized that I
can’t buy your love. Cadence, I was always busy, but I always made
time for you up until the past five years. I wish I could take it
back, but I can’t. Please forgive me.”

As tears fight to escape, I try to make a
sound but the words are hard to get out. Finally, they come.
“Daddy, I forgive you,” I say as the floodgates open. Barrick
comforts me as I hear a sob escape the other end. “Don’t cry, Dad.
I didn’t mean to upset you,” I say, starting to panic.

“Upset, I’m not upset. I’m relieved. I’ve
been beating myself up over this, Cadence. I’ve never wanted you to
feel like I was going to replace you. You are my daughter and I’m
proud of you.”

After a pause in the line he speaks again.
“Cadence, it’s okay to be happy and believe in others. Hope and
love are what make this world go round. Sometimes it takes losing
it all to realize what matters the most.”

“I love you, Dad.”

“I love you too. I’ll talk to you soon,” he
says as he hangs up.

Barrick holds me tight until I hear
footsteps behind us and I know it’s Mom. I stand and walk into her
arms and cry happy tears. We might not be a traditional family
anymore, but we are a family. I look up at the stars and count my


I’m not an overly emotional guy but hearing
Cadence making amends with her dad and then watching Regina support
her made me appreciate my family. They might not be perfect but I’m
glad we don’t have to deal with these types of struggles. Once
Regina goes back inside, I spend a few more minutes with Cadence
before going home.

Jade is waiting for me on the front porch.
“It’s about time! I was about to wear a hole in these boards from
pacin’!” she exclaims. “Please tell me she’s okay? Y’all didn’t
break up did you? I don’t know if I could take it.”

BOOK: Tutus & Cowboy Boots (Part 2)
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