Twin Ties 1: My Brother's Lover (35 page)

BOOK: Twin Ties 1: My Brother's Lover
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Unconsciously clenching around Brennan’s fingers, Evan’s eyes rolled up in his head and he swallowed back a guttural, wrenching groan. It was so wrong, so dirty and he was losing his mind from how much he was getting off on it. His body decided for him, his ass pushing up off the bed and hips tilting, back bowing as he took more of Brennan’s fingers. Hand splayed on the bed, Evan felt the fingers spread apart inside him and panted with helpless, low grunts.

Brennan’s fingers plunged deeply, twisted and bent as they pulled back out, prying Evan open wide. No sooner were they plucking free of Evan’s rim than he felt Brennan’s thickness there, thrusting up through his crack again, but skin on skin now, nothing keeping them apart, not anymore. The silken head caught on Evan’s hole on the next thrust and Evan keened. Brennan spit on his hand and pushed Evan’s underwear down the rest of the way, kicking them free of his feet. He spread Evan’s legs apart by nudging at the insides of them with his knees and settled there, lining up, his stiffened flesh fitted gently against Evan.


When it happened, at first Evan was simply blank. He had no thought, no reaction other than the burning of the stretch as Brennan entered him, filling him too full, too fast. With no experience on how to make it easy on his lover, Brennan initially thrust too hard, trying to go deep, and it hurt a little. He thrust into Evan like he wouldn’t stop until he had taken everything, and all of him. So Evan gave in to him. But he begged, softly, “Easy. Easy.” And, right away, Brennan moved more gently, more shallowly.

Relaxing into the push and pull, he felt Brennan slide further and further into him. It was when Brennan tugged almost all of the way back out, the head of his cock catching on Evan’s outer ring of muscle before he plunged back inside, that jolted Evan back to his senses. The blankness was gone, just like that. Brennan thrust again, and the friction of him sliding against Evan’s inner walls, the desperate, scorching, sexy and shattered mewls coming from Brennan as he moved in a gentle easy rhythm, curling his arms around Evan’s shoulders, and nuzzling against Evan’s neck—it took Evan apart. There was fear but desire was much stronger. Evan came hot and messy over the bed sheet under him, rutting into the mattress counter to Brennan’s thrusts and tugs. It shocked Evan, catching him unawares. His orgasm was like cleansing fire, burning everything away but Brennan.

Only seconds later, Brennan cried out. It was tender and beautiful, and Evan could feel Brennan’s tears dampening the shell of his ear. One fell and landed on Evan’s cheek, trailing down his skin. Even after he was spent, Brennan stayed there, in Evan, molded to his back in the most intimate of ways and hiccupping softly with his fading tears.

Sounding terrified, Brennan asked faintly, “Did I just lose you?”

“You’re never gonna lose me. Not ever,” Evan whispered, finding Brennan’s hand and holding it.

“Promise me.”

“I promise.”

The light was surprisingly bright in Evan’s bedroom, since it faced east. The morning sun hit it directly as soon as it was over the horizon and had cleared the tree line far across the fields surrounding the house. It trickled in around the curtains’ edges and glowed golden-white. The rumpled sheets on the bed, tangled around their nude, entwined bodies were a crisp white, in contrast to the slight suntanned hue of their skin. Both of them were awake, lying together with nowhere else they wanted to be, simply enjoying the comfortable warmth of the air and each other.

Brennan was still curled up around Evan, possessively so. His right arm was folded under Evan’s head, his bicep functioning as Evan’s pillow. Evan was brushing the backs of his fingers along the underside of it, idly. His other hand was wrapped behind him, draped atop Brennan’s upper thigh, enjoying the soft texture of the fine hair dusting it. But the focus of Evan’s attention was the particular way Brennan’s left hand was braced against him, just below his navel, his pinkie finger nestled in the nest of soft curls of Evan’s pubic hair, his thumb caressing the taut skin under his belly button. Only Evan’s lower legs were covered by the sheet, and Brennan was bare from mid-thigh down, his hips tucked up snugly against the curve of Evan’s backside, his chest flush to Evan’s back. Every now and then Brennan dragged his lower lip lightly over the smooth patch of skin behind Evan’s ear, making Evan’s eyes close in pleasure.

Unsure how long, exactly, they’d been there just like that, soon they both seemed to realize at almost the same time, that they were no longer alone. In the shadows of the doorway leading out to the hall was a tall, broad-shouldered figure with cascading, long dark hair that was tucked behind his ears. Dark, piercing eyes peered from the gloom, seeing everything, every detail. His jaw was shaved smooth, and the figure was wearing a non-descript pair of cotton shorts and a tank top with sneakers.

Evan didn’t have any idea if it was Alek or Luka. The silence drew out as they laid there, displayed, staring back, and waiting.

The figure stepped forward, leaning against the door frame.

“I’m headed out for a run. You wanna come with?”

Evan felt more than heard the soft exhale of Brennan’s amusement, and the way his lips curled up at the ends as he sucked a kiss softly to the side of Evan’s neck.

“I think it’s for you,” Evan said.

“Unless it’s a trick,” Brennan hummed. With the tip of his tongue, he traced up the sweeping arc of Evan’s neck, his breath quickly heating the cooler, dampened skin. Brennan’s left hand shifted, stroking down the inside of Evan’s thigh then slowly back up, his knuckles dragging gently over the softness of his brother’s genitals before reclaiming the spot centered on Evan’s pelvis.

“You two look awfully cozy,” Luka observed with a raised eyebrow, stepping closer.

“Wanna join us?”

He appeared to think about it before answering with a dark, heated look, “Maybe later. So, what d’you say?”

“Yeah, gimme a sec to get dressed. I’ll just shower after.” Brennan surged up, leaning over Evan to catch his mouth in a brief but tender kiss. “You don’t mind, right?”

“Nah, go ahead.”

Brennan dashed, naked, past Luka to his room. Luka lingered behind, still watching Evan. At first, Evan managed to hold his gaze, but then bashfulness won out. Seconds ticked away and Luka didn’t leave, didn’t move. Then, he asked Evan quietly, “He treat you good?”

The question affected Evan in a surprisingly intense way, making him feel more self-conscious than ever. “Yeah,” he rasped, grabbing for the sheet, though he knew it made no difference. Luka had been staring at him for a while. He’d seen it all.

“I know it was his idea. You must trust him a lot, to give him that much power over you.”

“I do,” Evan answered after a pause, without having to think about it long. “With my life.” He realized he did trust Brennan that much.

“It was kind of hard on me, mentally, when Alek first went that far with me. He led and I followed, and I just let him do what he wanted to me, because I loved him. It was different circumstances, of course, but I just want you to know that if you want to talk about it or anything, I’m here, and I understand.”

The kindness and concern in the words hit Evan strongly. He nodded and said, “Thanks.”

“You okay if I...?” He gestured back over his shoulder. “Alek’s around here somewhere. I’ll tell him you’re up.”

“Yeah, I’m good,” Evan told him. As Luka smiled in goodbye, turning away, Evan added, “Hey, Luka?”


“Are you cool with this?”

“I am,” he nodded. “You need each other. I get that. And I appreciate it.”

“I guess you do. And, um....”


In a small voice, Evan asked, “Are we gonna be okay? Me and Bren?”

“Yes,” Luka answered, his expression anguished and overcome in a way that made Evan’s heart beat faster. “I promise.”

“You really think so?”

“I do.”

“Okay. Thanks.”

Luka only made it three steps away from Evan when the extremity of his emotion stopped him in his tracks. He clapped a hand over his mouth, moaning softly as he seemed to try to force it back down, but it wouldn’t go. He pivoted on a heel and crossed to Evan, whose eyes widened the closer Luka got. Luka placed a soft kiss to the center of Evan’s forehead, whispering, “You’re gonna be okay. Make your peace with it. This is between him and you, and the four of us, and no one else. Other people will judge you for it if they figure it out, and they won’t understand, but they don’t have to. Alek and I are living proof of that. We take what we need. No regrets. No apologies. Got it?”


Luka squeezed Evan’s hand briefly, then went, for good this time, leaving Evan bewildered, but sated and grateful.

The room grew even brighter, and Evan began to eye the free weights in the far corner by his dresser, feeling guilted into doing some sort of morning exercise himself. His stomach was growling too and, worst of all, he
wanted a cigarette.

Alek appeared before Evan could decide what he should do, coming quietly into the room and planting himself on the floor right by the side of the bed where Evan lay, leaning back against the nightstand and stretching out his legs. Evan dropped his hand over the side of the bed and Alek took it, linking them.

“Morning, sunshine.”

Evan smiled helplessly, but his raging confusion quickly melted it away.

Watching him from the corner of his eye, Alek seemed to take it all in, but for the moment, said nothing.

When Evan groaned, Alek raised his eyebrows in question.

“I just really want a smoke. It sucks.”


“Trying to quit, I guess,” Evan mumbled. He glanced up at Alek, to see his reaction.

Alek looked pleased. “It’ll be a hard habit to break. Worth it though.”

“Yeah,” Evan sighed. He didn’t quite know what Alek knew, or what to say, so he settled on, “You can ask if you want.”

Turning to look squarely at Evan, Alek reached up with his free hand, cupping Evan’s face.

“How far did it go?”

“Pretty far,” Evan admitted quietly. “Bren and Luka should probably get tested, if they haven’t. Bren didn’t use a condom. Or pull out.”

He couldn’t look at Alek. He couldn’t breathe either, but Alek’s hand stayed there, holding Evan’s face. It felt good, like forgiveness.

“I’ll let them know. Did you say yes to him?”

Evan nodded.

“Do I need to worry about you?”

“I wanted it, okay? I asked him to go through with it. It was consensual,” Evan answered defensively.

“That’s not what I meant,” Alek countered gently. He gripped Evan’s hand more tightly. “Do I need to
worry about you

Evan’s lips shaped the word ‘no,’ but there was no sound behind it, only a restless storm of emotion.

“You fuckin’ be honest with me, Evan,” Alek growled.

“Okay! You want honesty? I’m glad Bren got rid of my gun.”

The air left Alek’s lungs in a rush, and he had this bad look in his eyes like he was falling, tumbling, slipping into quicksand.

“Why?” Alek hissed.

“Because. I mean, I accept this—who I am, that I want him like this. I ain’t hiding from it. But....”

Tell me
,” Alek growled viciously through gritted teeth, his eyes damp now.

“But if I wasn’t here, he wouldn’t be able to do this. He wouldn’t be guilty of it, or want this.”

“What? To love you?!”

“I wouldn’t do it,” Evan insisted, embarrassed and shamefaced. “But I’m still glad the gun’s gone.”

He was convinced Alek was pissed at him, so he tried to explain. “Look, I’ve told you how hard it is for me to talk about this kind of stuff, so it’s a big deal that I can even admit that to you. I’m trying to deal with it, okay? I’m trying. I realize how much Brennan needs me to be here for him. He’s counting on me. And you, Aleksy,” Evan sighed, choking up. “How could I do that to you?”

It was a struggle for Alek to compose himself. First, all he could do was lean with his face pressed against the bed, gripping Evan like he might disperse into thin air if Alek wasn’t careful. Eventually, Alek began to breathe more evenly, and finally found his voice.

“I’m getting you out of this bed, you hear me? You’re getting up and showered and dressed. If you want, we’ll get breakfast out somewhere. Then I’m taking you to my place. We’ll hang out there. Maybe with Presley and Carter. After that, I don’t know. We’ll take it from there.”

“Okay,” Evan said softly.

Alek dug his phone out of his pocket and stood, throwing the sheet back off of Evan and taking his hand to pull him up out of bed. Putting the phone to his ear, Alek said, “Yeah. I’m taking Evan to our house for the day, but you’ve got a job. Take Bren to the clinic and both of you get tested. Today. From now on, all of us are going to be more safe and careful. Call me later, okay? Yeah. Me too. Bye.”

BOOK: Twin Ties 1: My Brother's Lover
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