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Authors: Zach Collins

Twisted Time (3 page)

BOOK: Twisted Time
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“MA, stop!” Sasha yelled as her mother fussed around her. After she had healed her, it had been like this. Her mother fluffed her pillow, ordered her food, and made sure she was cleaned up. It was all her brothers' fault.

When her father and brothers walked into the medical room from the fight, they had been pissed when they saw Sasha—
it sucked
. They were dismayed at their parents' poor daughter, their sister, being hurt.

“Young lady, you will lay there and shut it, I am trying to make sure that your hair and stuff are clean from blood. If your father sees you like that again, I am worried he will have a heart attack. Seeing you hurt and bleeding, it took years off my life,” Bria said and Sasha rolled her eyes. Granted she had never been hurt like this before, but still, a bit over-dramatic.

“Fine, whatever, when are they coming back to brief me,” Sasha said and laid back.

“What are you talking about?” Bria said.

“The briefing, I want to be in on it,” Sasha declared stubbornly.

“Oh no, you will not,” Bria argued.

“It was me they were trying to take and impregnate with that bastard’s child. There is no way I will not be in on this,” Sasha yelled and winced when she realized whoever was in the other rooms could probably hear her.

“That's why you are not going to be in on the briefing. You will rest and get well first. I don’t have time to heal you again. I'm too busy. I need to go and talk to Zade, he is in the next room,” Bria said and turned her back,
hank goodness
. If not, she would have seen her daughter stiffen and flinch at the thought of Zade being hurt.

“Oh, did he get hurt in the fight?” Sasha asked politely and then grimaced at how she sounded.

“Yes and no, he was sick beforehand, then joined the fight for some strange reason and received a few minor injuries, but he is healing fine,” Bria said absently and then turned to her daughter, who cleared any emotion from her face. “Just relax.”

Sasha waited and heard her mother in the next room. She waved a hand and frowned when she heard what her mother was telling the shifter.

“It was the mating heat, same as we saw with Crispin, only you had it much worse, I am not sure why, but you are obviously around your mate, you need to claim him. Plus, you have the other injuries. If you mated it would help,” Bria said gently.

“Are you sure that is all? I have felt the pull before and it was nothing like this,” Zade murmured.

Sasha leaned back on the pillow and folded her arms,
oh really
He felt the pull before. What the fuck was that about?
She knew that Zade and Killian were her mates, she had felt it, but so far, she had not done anything about it. She needed time to think about this—not one, but two men. She was not sure how to deal with it. She had to be cautious because when she looked at the men, she could so see losing herself in the two of them. That worried her most.

She thought she had more time to figure this out, but it seemed as if her days were numbered when she looked at things. Crispin had been in terrible pain when the mating heat hit him, she didn’t want Zade to suffer, but she needed to figure a few things out first.



Chapter Three


“Are you okay?” Killian asked quietly. The men were walking back to Zade’s room to pack his things up.

While Zade had been in the hospital, Killian told Bortant that he found his mates, the man had been pissed and stormed off. Killian had not seen hide nor hair of him since. Zade and Sasha were his mates, and therefore his Seconds. Now that Zane healed, he was ready to move on. Crispin was happy for him and supported his mating, although he still didn’t know about the tri-mating.

A new Second to the
Shifter Stratum
was going to be chosen when they could return to their home, until then, Chase was filling in on his duties. Currently, Zade was moving from his set of rooms to the Fae’s in hopes of making the transition smoother.

“Fine, just a little sore still, and the mating heat is better now that my cat sees us together,” Zade said.

“There is a meeting tomorrow with the others, we will be able to see Sasha then. It has been damn hard not to see her, but you know as well as I do, if we want to win her trust, we have to wait.” Killian laughed.

“Yeah, I needed time to figure this whole thing out anyway,” Zade said.

They continued to talk as they moved Zade’s things, getting to know each other and basically thinking of a plan to deal with Sasha. She refused to see them as her mates yet. They moved Zade’s things and then ordered a meal from the kitchen, deciding to remain in their rooms for the night so they could get to know one another.

They finished their meal with comfortable conversation, and then Zade helped Killian clean up the dishes and the kitchen. They seemed to work well together, like they were very in tune with each other. When one moved, the other matched his movements. They joked about who was going to wash and who was going to dry. It was very domesticated.

When they were done, Killian turned to him, looked at him with passion in his eyes, and said, "How about we go and watch a little television?"

Zade shrugged and followed the other man into the living room he had seen when he entered the suite of rooms. It was very tastefully decorated in deep greens and blues. The couch was huge and plush with a lot of pillows all over it. Killian sat in the middle, leaving him a choice of either side to sit, or move to the large chair that was on the side.

Zade decided he wanted to be close to the man and sat down next to him, touching his thigh as he sat. Zade felt the tingle of awareness at being this close to Killian. The pull to him so strong.

Killian had the remote in his hand and turned on the television. He flipped through the channels until they agreed to watch the sports channel. They talked about the teams and were both surprised that they liked the same teams and sports.
Football season was going to be fun
, Zade thought.

Killian let his hand drift over and hold Zade's as they talked. He was shocked that he didn’t feel the awkwardness that you would on a first date, or with someone you just met. Touching him seemed natural to Killian.

"So, you said that you had to be with both your mates in order for us to claim you," Zade said, clearing his throat a little. Killian would not be able to claim a true triad mating unless they did.

"That’s just claiming, it has nothing to do with sex,” Killian laughed.

"Good," Zade said and leaned over and kissed him. He pulled his head firmly toward him, letting him know that he wanted him badly.

Killian moaned into his mouth and then opened his lips, allowing Zade to explore his mouth. The kiss deepened and they dueled with their tongues, both seeming to fight for the best angle.

When Killian pulled back and saw Zade's eyes, he grinned. They turned yellow with a little green and he could swear he felt the heat of the fire that seemed to radiate from them. They actually glowed at him, and then Zade made a strange noise. If he had time to think, Killian would have compared it to a growl and a purr at the same time.

Zade captured his lips again and leaned forward, forcing him back against the cushions of the couch. He wasn’t quite sure how it happened, but the next thing he knew—he was lying on the couch with Zade sprawled on top of him. They were about the same size, so they fit perfectly together.

Zade felt Killian grind his cock against his thigh, and he reached down and grabbed his ass, pulling him closer.

The man was sex on a stick, and he was ready to lick him up. Zade pushed back a little, pulled Killian’s shirt up, and flung it off. He ran his hands across his chest and sighed when he felt the rippling muscles. Killian held so much power, Zade could feel it under his hands as he smoothed them over his chest. He pushed him until they lay side-by-side, and then Zade moved down a little and captured Killian’s nipple in his mouth.

Killian groaned and held the back of his head. "Ah, yeah, you feel so good. I have never felt like this before with anyone. I am so lucky to have found you."

Zade smiled, then nipped at his skin and looked up. "I need you."

Killian pulled Zade's shirt up and over his head until they were chest-to-chest. "Fuck yeah," Killian said as he tossed the shirt on the floor.

Killian smelled like crisp, clean mountain air. He leaned in, kissed him slowly, and felt him run his hands down his back, exploring him.

Suddenly, Zade felt his impatience rise from feeling Killian's naked form against his, and he moved his hands down and began to undress both of them at the same time. First unbuttoning his pants and then doing the same to Killian. He kicked off his shoes and then used his own feet to help Killian get his sandals off.

Slowly but easily, their clothes began to fall off them while they kissed each other and murmured encouraging words at the same time.

When they were finally naked, Zade let out a breath of relief, pulled Killian back over him, and just felt. He explored his back and hips, his chest and ass. He felt his growing erection against his own stomach. He was almost afraid to look down because of the size he was feeling.
Shit, the man was hung like a bear
. Zade wanted to laugh at his own joke, but the feelings he was having prevented him from even taking a deep breath, let alone form two words together.

Killian looked into Zade’s eyes, “Would you like to move this to my bedroom?”

“I’d like that a lot,” Zade answered.

Killian stood and then reached out a hand to Zade. They walked together down the hall kissing and touching each other along the way.

Killian squeezed Zade ass and gave him a smacking kiss. Turning back to the bed, he took a running jump and dove, landing on the bed. Looking back at Zade, he said, “Get over here, I really need to suck you off in this bed.”

At that remark, Zade made another growly purr in his throat. “Then I’m going to suck you off at the same time.” And he leapt on to the bed in one bound. He positioned himself on his left side in a sixty-nine position from Killian.

Killian grabbed Zade's cock in his right hand. He immediately began to lick down the sides to lubricate the movements of his hand.

Zade groaned at the feeling of Killian going down on him, and he was pleased to hear some groaning coming from Killian as well. He immediately took in as much of his mate’s cock as he could and swallowed once, then twice, deep-throating him. He knew Killian loved it, and he loved the way Killian purred around his own cock.

It seemed like they were both on the same page because they each pulled at the other's balls to stave off coming, making the moment last. Then he felt Killian reaching between his legs and rimming his back hole.
Damn that felt good
. He decided to copy Killian's actions and see if he could find his mate’s internal happy spot. Within moments both of them were trying desperately to hold off, to make the wonderful feelings last. They could not and they both felt the tingling at the base of their spines, they started thrusting into each other’s mouths.

Zade felt Killian starting to come just as he was and took the deepest breath he could so he could deep-throat Killian again just as he began to lose it. He wanted to know what Killian tasted like. Then they were both coming, with groans, moans, and growls.

"I have never come that hard before," Killian whispered as he fell over on his back.

Zade chuckled deeply and said, "Me neither."

"Give me a few minutes to recover, and we can have the bottom and top discussion.” He heard Zade chuckle at that.



After last night, they were more than ready for the meeting with everyone. Seeing Sasha would be difficult, but knowing she would soon be theirs, it was enough to make both of them patient while waiting.

Walking into the room both men paused and looked around the table. Sasha sat at the head between her brothers with her head down.

“Killian and Zade, congrats,” Blake said.

“Thanks, we would like to keep it quiet for a while,” Killian said smoothly. It was what they talked about last night; both men hoped with no pressure, Sasha would lighten up.

They had gotten a small reprieve with the mating pull from pleasuring each other, but the need for her escalated at the same time. She was to be the part to bring them all together. They decided patience would help with her; however, they just hoped they would have enough of it to give her the time she seemed to need to come to terms with the tri-mating.

“Noted,” Blake laughed and then said, “So we need to decide on how we are going to proceed.”

“Easily,” Zade said. “We attack before they come back. This challenge can’t go without response.”

That started the conversation out right
Killian thought and stared at Sasha. She had her eyes down and refused to look at him. He knew if she would just look at him, she would be able to see the want and fire in him that he already felt for her. Instead, it pissed him off, she was going to try to avoid them—he could feel it.

Zade must have noticed, too, he stared at her while he spoke with the same look in his eyes that Killian knew he wore on his own. How they were going to pull off the drawing in of their female without everyone keying into it before they actually had time to win her over—he did not know.
This was going to be fun.

It took only a few hours before they concluded the conversation.

Blake stood and said, “We will have weekly planning until the time when we attack. First off, we find out who was working with Dion, we have a few leads there. Next, we decide on when. Until then—we train.”

All of them agreed and before the men could get up and go to their mate and talk, she bolted. Killian and Zade grinned at one another;
this was going to way too much fun
. However, they knew it would be hard, but in the end, victory would be theirs.


BOOK: Twisted Time
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