Read Undying Desire Online

Authors: Jessica Lee

Undying Desire (8 page)

BOOK: Undying Desire
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“Feed… Blood.”

She said something about blood.
His fangs shoved through his upper gums to full extension at the same moment hot pain arrowed through his gut, ricocheting off his spine.

“Oh, fuck,” Guerin moaned, clutched his abdomen, and rolled backward. He’d pushed the hunger aside for too long.
He had to get out.

Guerin lunged for the other side of the bed. Cold sweat rolled down the side of his face and dripped into his eyes. He swiped at it with a trembling hand and forced himself to his feet once more.

“Get your ass back on the bed, vampire!” Eve appeared in front of him again, her fangs bared.

“Move,” he snarled. “Or I’ll do it for you.” In his current state, he didn’t trust being alone with her for one more second.

Instead of stepping aside, Guerin watched—mesmerized—as Eve lifted her wrist to her mouth and bit. A crimson stream bubbled up around the perfect curve of her lips, staining her flesh and evoking a cold shiver over his own.

His mouth watered.

Fangs throbbed.

Air scorched a path into his lungs.

He’d never wanted—craved—anything more in his life. And no way in hell did he have the patience or inclination to analyze which of the visions in front of him he desired more: Eve or the scarlet fluid escaping her vein.

Then she was there, without having to ask, her essence flowing onto his tongue.

And it was ambrosia.

He rocked on his heels, but Eve stretched her other arm across his lower back, steadying him. The assault of her flavor over his taste buds, the heat of her blood mingling with his, was unlike anything he’d ever experienced over the centuries. His cock surged to life. He groaned and gently sank his fangs, needing more. Eve mumbled something in response, then the warmth of her body enveloped him. She pressed into him, breasts to his chest, hip to hip, her heat seeping under his skin as her blood heated his veins. The roar of her heartbeat filled his head to near bursting. Eve was everywhere. Her essence went cell-deep, sparking off his neurons and marking his soul. But the crazy shit was, at that moment, he didn’t give a damn.

She was pure indulgence. Hot, liquid sin. That last piece of delectable chocolate cake you knew you should walk away from, but if you didn’t have at least one more taste, life wouldn’t be worth living.

He glanced at the swell of her breasts against his chest, and it took every remaining fiber of his control not to take her down, bury his face, and continue to drink between what had to be nirvana.

“Enough,” she commanded. “Enough for now.” Eve brushed her fingers up his spine.

Guerin swirled his tongue over the wound, closing it, then kissed the evidence of his feeding. He followed the soft inside of her arm upward with his lips.
Every inch of her was sweet. The rigid length of his erection pulsed behind the thin cotton of his pants. If the taste of her blood and the feel of her skin next to his had him this crazed, he could only imagine what the flavor of her arousal would to do his mind. And he would surely die if he didn’t find out soon.

At her neck, he teased the bounding pulse with his tongue, then lifted his head. Pale-blue eyes, glowing with desire, met his.

“Beautiful,” he breathed. Guerin cupped her face, holding her gaze, and brought her mouth to within a hairbreadth of his own.

“Guerin…,” she whispered. “I—”

He brushed his lips over hers, stealing the small gasp of air she’d released, then pulled back. “Need you.” Before she could respond, Guerin wrapped his arms around her, spun, and lowered her onto the bed. Their mouths, tongues, intertwined in a kiss that threatened to consume him. Before Guerin was ready to let go, Eve broke away, and he found their positions quickly reversed.

“Let’s get one thing straight, Lombardi,” she stated, straddling Guerin’s hips. “I’m not one of your weak human conquests.” Without warning, Eve snatched his arms from the bed, spread them wide, and pinned him to the mattress. Not unusual for a female vamp, except with Eve, the maneuver had been performed by her mind.

He was so fucking hard.

One touch.
One damn touch from her and he’d blow.

Guerin gritted his teeth for strength. Eve reached for the hemline of her T-shirt. Then with a move he never knew could be so seductive, she tugged it over her head. Long midnight tresses fell free and skated over her skin. Full creamy white breasts, their nipples taut and a deep rose color, rocked inches from his chin. Even if he’d wanted to, Guerin couldn’t have contained the groan emanating from his throat.

Eve leaned forward, braced her upper body with one hand against his pec, and gripped his chin with her other. The look she nailed him with had his balls drawn taut. She licked her lips, then added, “
decide when—or if—I’m topped.”

His eyelids shuttered under the assault on his senses. She was dominant lust personified. He sucked in a stabilizing breath.

His former Mistress had pushed his boundaries—his love—to the breaking point. She’d been so eager to see how far he would go to please her. Guerin had learned too late that she had only been about the game of manipulation. After his years with Daniela, Guerin had shut himself down with a vow: he would never repeat the same mistake twice. Never again would he risk falling for a female vampire. Especially one with a taste for domination and sadism.

Yet here he was with Eve and on the verge of unleashing the animal he’d long since locked down inside his mind. But God help him, he didn’t possess the strength to push her away. He’d promised himself he’d never submit again, but right now, he’d die if he didn’t have her. And he wouldn’t have her any other way.

“Yes,” he whispered. “You decide.”

“Yes. I do,” she purred. Eve moved lower, taking Guerin’s sweats down his thighs. His erection sprang free from its confines, arching up to rest on his lower abdomen. The cool night air inside the room did little to subdue the hot need in his shaft. Not when the vision fueling his lust was now naked, and her warm body slid up his. Like a panther stalking its prey, she was grace in motion, shifting and stroking every inch of him, as if she were leaving her scent, her mark, on his flesh in her wake.

Finally, Eve straddled his waist, the heat of her pussy branding him. Guerin tossed his head back. His biceps strained against her hold.
Holy hell.
She was going to kill him before he ever got the chance to love her.


He squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head. Where had that come from? The residual traces of hunger must be messing with his mind. Lust and sex. That’s what this was. She knew it, and he knew it. Besides, he’d long since learned that love had no business in the middle of a good fuck.

Guerin opened his eyes. “Come to me,” he uttered, his voice low and gravelly in his ears. “Let me taste you”—he narrowed his gaze—“pleasure you.”

A shuddering breath escaped her, and she scooted forward. Eve tilted her upper body toward him, grasped the headboard, and teased the hard pebble of her nipple over his lips.

“Take it,” she breathed.

Damn. He didn’t have to be told twice. Guerin sucked it in and gently scraped his teeth across the sensitive tip. Eve hissed.

“Oh, God.” She slipped her fingers into his hair, nails biting into his scalp. Fuck yeah. Guerin opened wider, taking the entire dark areola into his mouth. So soft. Sweet. He circled the hard nub with his tongue before flicking it over the end. She pressed him closer, urging him on with a moan. He sucked hard, then pulsed on the engorged nipple. “Guerin…,” she cried out. “I need…”

Guerin broke his hold. “Let me give you what you need.” Eve glanced down, and in the soft room light, her cheeks were flushed with arousal. Her gaze flickered toward either of his arms and the pressure holding them in place vanished. Guerin didn’t waste another second questioning her motives or her reason for releasing him. Instinct had him gripping her hips and pulling her forward until her bare sex rested over his face. He darted his tongue out, sinking it between her folds and stroking upward to her swollen clit. Eve arched in response and rocked her hips as if searching for more. Guerin slid his palms down and cupped her ass, holding her in place. Right where he wanted her. So damn delicious. He worked up and down, back and forth, sucking, licking, pushing her to the edge, then reeling her back. At the apex of her swollen, pulsing core, Guerin drew lazy circles. Everything about her from the way she tasted, her scent—hell—even the feel of her pussy on his tongue drove him wild. He didn’t care if he never came up for air.

“Guerin…,” she gasped, a hard quake rocking her body. “I need to come… Now.”

His cock twitched, and he glanced up. “Once more.”

“What?” Eve dropped her gaze to his.

“Beg.” Guerin lifted a brow. “So fucking hot.”

“Never,” she growled. “I don’t beg.” Her voice dropped to a sexy purr, and her almond-shaped eyes narrowed on him.

Tucking his chin, Guerin sent a hot puff of air over her clit. Her breath hitched, and the headboard jerked in her grasp.

“Oh God. I swear, Lombardi, I’m going to…” She shook her head.

“Don’t tease, beautiful.” Guerin slowly shifted one hand, allowing the tip of his finger to ease inside her slick core. Eve’s head lolled between her shoulders.

“More. Yes…” Her hips flexed, beckoning. And he obliged, sinking deeper.
She was so hot, wet, her muscles tightening around him. He squeezed his eyes shut. How in the hell would he survive with his shaft buried inside her? His heart slammed against his chest at the thought. In and out he pumped. Panting hard, Eve rocked in time with him. Guerin slid a second digit inside and flicked his tongue over her engorged nub.

“Not enough,” she groaned. “Dammit, Guerin… Do it!”

Guerin wrapped his lips around the swollen bundle of nerves and sucked. As if lightning had reached through the plaster ceiling and arrowed down her spine, Eve jolted and cried out. Guerin continued working her clit. Hot arousal flowed over his hand, her sweet flavor making its way inside his mouth and coating his tongue. He groaned.

Eve released her hold on the headboard and melted backward onto the mattress. But he didn’t let go. Not yet. Guerin rose, following her.

“No more,” she uttered on a groan. Tiny tremors shook her thighs with each gentle pull he gave to her clit. Guerin made one more pass from where his fingers still stroked inside her to her sensitive bud, taking in every drop, then moved to the throbbing pulse at her groin. He nuzzled her there. The heat of the fast-moving blood beneath warmed his cheeks, his lips. His fangs burst from his gums, and he dragged the pointed tips over her soft flesh. As if on their own accord, her legs spread wider in response. “Oh my God…,” Eve called out, her tone desperate with need. “Yes. Christ, yes.”

He struck. Hot blood filled his mouth as his name filled the room. Guerin held her in place with one hand as another orgasm erupted along her arms and legs. He swallowed hard, reveling in the strength and potency of her blood. But it wasn’t enough.

With everything in his being, he needed to be inside her, feel the silken walls of her pussy grip his cock. Guerin sealed her wound with his tongue and slipped his fingers free.

“Come to me, beautiful.” He slid his forearms under her shoulders, taking her into a sitting position before lifting her slightly from the mattress and easing her toward him. “Take me,” he growled. Eve placed her legs over his thighs and hovered over the head of his pulsing erection. She wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned in, balancing herself over his cock.

“You want to fuck me?” she whispered in his ear.

Electricity zigzagged down his back. He arched and thrust his hands into the hair at her nape. “Christ!” He pressed her down in the direction of his aching rod, but she wouldn’t be moved.
Holy mother of…
She was so damn close. The hot trickle of her arousal trailed down the backside of his cock.

“Answer me, Guerino.” She yanked a handful of hair at the back of his head, sending a jolt straight to his shaft. He sucked in a lungful of air through his teeth. “Do you want to fuck me?” This time, her tongue followed her words, the tip tracing the curve of his ear.

“Yes.” He tightened his hold around her body, pressing her into his chest. God, he loved the way she felt in his arms. The way her curves molded to his frame. The full swell of her breasts next to his heart—a perfect fit.
Lust had damn near fried his brain cells.

“Yes, what?”

A groan rolled from his throat. “Please allow me to fuck you.”

She plunged onto his shaft, the heat and clasp of her body short-circuiting what was left of his brain cells.

“Eve,” he cried out.

Again she surged up, then drove herself onto him once more. His balls tightened, and the pressure of his release pulsed at the base of his cock. No way would he last. Christ. It was too good. Guerin reached for her hips, working her up and down his length. Eve teased his lips with her own, and Guerin hungrily opened, welcoming her inside. Their tongues mimicked the lust-filled dance their bodies performed. The pounding of his heart beat a deafening staccato in his ears.

He could barely breathe.

So good.

Guerin broke away and buried his face in the curve of her neck, the sweet smell of her skin and sweat a heady feast to his senses
. Have to focus. Don’t want to let go.

Need to come.

No. Fuck. No.

Need to hold on.

Just one more minute. So good.

So damn good.

Eve’s nails raked down his back, leaving a trail of fire in their wake and catching him off guard. Guerin’s neck arched at the same moment his fragile control snapped. He cried out in pain—in ecstasy—and the head of his cock erupted. On and on his release pumped, and Guerin rocked his hips in time to the waves of his orgasm. His eyelids shuttered under the pleasure, and on the other side of the lids, a dazzling swirl of stars swam. It was as if he was on some kind of mind-altering drug trip—and he never wanted the high to end.

BOOK: Undying Desire
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