Read Undying Embrace Online

Authors: Jessica Lee

Tags: #Romance, #entangled publishing, #The Enclave Series, #romance series, #Paranormal, #Fiction, #Undying Destiny, #Undying Embrace, #General

Undying Embrace (18 page)

BOOK: Undying Embrace
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“So beautiful,” he whispered at her ear, and his palms slid upward and cupped her breasts.

“Touch me,” she moaned.

For God’s sake, touch me.” Her voice trembled along with the rest of her body, and her head toppled back onto his shoulder. His hands traveled higher, until his fingertips reached the aching tips of her nipples. The broad pads of his fingers grazed the sensitive points. A flood of sensation erupted along her nerve endings and shot straight to her clit. Her knees crumpled. If it weren’t for his arms holding her up, she’d have been kissing the carpet. She gasped. “I need you so bad.”

“Soon, lass. I’m going to give you everything.” He gently squeezed both nipples, then tugged. A groan tore from her throat, along with a torrent of arousal from her core. The demanding ache between her legs was undeniable. “Palms down on the bench.” He guided them over the three steps required, and with a slight press of his hand between her shoulder blades he placed her into the position he wanted. She shivered, the anticipation driving her to the edge. With her bottom lip in a death clamp between her teeth, she glanced below. The sight of him kneeling behind her, taking her jeans and panties down her legs and to the floor had her clamping down on the brink of orgasm.

“Spread your legs.” Warm, callous palms slid between her thighs and skated down the insides of her flesh right before a hot puff of air flowed over her sex.

“Yes, oh God. Right there.” She panted. He spread her cheeks, and she braced herself with her hands on the cushioned bench. His warm tongue speared her core, knocking the breath from her lungs. Her thighs trembled, waiting for the next thrust. But he withdrew, way, way too soon. “Please don’t stop,” she begged, the words tumbling from her lips.

The flat surface of his tongue covered her anus, then probed at the opening. She groaned and pushed back into the pressure. So new, the sensation was nothing like she’d ever experienced. But better than she’d imagined.

“Relax,” he said, then eased the tip of his finger inside her hole. “There’s not a part of you I don’t want to make mine.”

Oh God
. Elle panted and rocked back, sliding him deeper.

Rotating beneath her, he kept his finger in place and moved to the swollen folds that surrounded her center. Each pass of his tongue over her opening, and every thrust in her bottom, drew a whimper from her throat. Her whole body shook. She couldn’t take much more. It took every ounce of her control not to lower her hips and work her pelvis over that seductive tongue. Even the shadow of his stubble, scratching the inside of her thigh was a provocative stroke, threatening to shatter her.

His tongue slid up and brushed against her clit. “Arran!” A hard quake rocked her. But then the pressure was gone. “Please…” She cried out and rocked against the feel of him between her folds. “I need to come.” Her voice quivered.

The tip of a finger probed her center and drove deep. She gasped and rotated her pelvis. “More. Please…” A second finger joined the first, stretching her entrance while the third probed her from behind. Elle groaned. Her heart galloped in her chest.
So close.

In and out, his fingers grazed the sensitive nerves buried inside. His tongue glided over her clit, sending a mass of quakes to her thighs. “Yes.” She tossed her head back and squeezed her eyes shut. Her inner walls clamped down
, and her
world narrowed to one spot. She wanted to curl in and hold on to the fantastic explosions detonating between her legs. “I don’t know if I can do this,” she cried out.

A strong arm circled one of her legs, holding her steady. “I’ve got you.” Elle’s head dropped. The erotic sight of him beneath her, loving her, tightened the noose on her impending climax. “And I’m never letting you go.” He buried his mouth over the swollen bundle that screamed for attention.

“Arran!” Tiny bursts of lights flashed before her eyes. Her knees lost all ability to hold her, but Arran was there, keeping her upright. She must have died because nothing on Earth she knew had ever felt this amazing. Every muscle shook, and her world tilted, suspended on its axis by the pleasure slamming in and out of her pussy. “Arran…” She gasped for a hungry breath. “Oh God.” Over and over, the wave of contractions gripped her, shooting her higher. It was a ride she never wanted to end.

All too soon her tremors calmed, and the red haze of the room came back into focus. The feel of Arran’s hand and mouth were gone. She started to rise from the bench when warm and heavy palms brushed her hips and the top of her ass.

“Don’t move.” Elle settled back on her hands. Whatever he wanted, or needed, it was his. Broad fingers explored the sensitive depths of her folds, sparking a firestorm of sensation. “You have no idea,” he groaned. The broad head of his cock breached her entrance, stretching her tight. Elle curled her fingers, digging her nails into the bench’s vinyl. She’d just had the best mind-altering climax of her life, yet the feel of him sinking inside her had her shooting back to the edge of release in zero minutes flat.

In one long push, his cock surged inside her. She cried out. God, she was so full. His hands gripped her hips, but he didn’t move. “When I’m with you, kitten…” he began, and each word sounded like a heavy load lifted off his soul. “I can breathe again. Before, each night felt like a battle not to drown in its dark abyss.” His cock slid back, grazing nerves already switched on high. She moaned as a tear rolled down her cheek and fell onto the red vinyl of the bench. He thrust back into her.

“Yes!” The word tumbled from her lips.

“You’re my reason to live, Gabrielle.” He pulled back and thrust deep again. “My life.” Again, he thrust, stoking her fire higher and higher.

As if his declaration had stripped away the last layer of his restraint, he growled and drove into her. The loss of his control ramped up her sensations. Her orgasm raced up her spine and shattered over her body. She couldn’t hold back the scream tearing from her throat.

The roar filling her ears seconds later told her Arran had joined her for the ride. The heat of his release deep inside filled more than her body. He circled her waist with his arms and lifted her away from the bench. His cock, still hard, flexed against her womb. Arran pulled her back against him. His chest heaved against her shoulders.

“Mine.” The deep groan of the word in her ear spiraled like an electric current straight to her core. His fangs pierced her throat, driving her inner walls back into a hard clench.

She was his.

Chapter Sixteen

It was true.

Markus’s body did miss Marguerite. His cock jerked behind the leather and zipper holding it back. But the fucked-up shit she did to his mind… Well, that was another story.

Walking away from her… Now that was a whole different section of the bookstore.

He clawed once more at the relentless burn just beneath the surface of his skin. The constant exposure to the silver was maddening. He drove his fingers through his hair and shook his head.

His gaze brushed over Alexandria sitting in the middle of her cage. He started to look away, but a slight movement made him take a second glance. A gentle back-and-forth action rocked her upper body. She was trying to soothe herself. Shit, the disconnect between them
affecting her. He could touch her mind, but they were too far apart that physical contact was impossible. She needed both. Not in a sexual manner, but his physical presence reassured and stabilized her mind.

He had to get them out of here before both of them went crazy from starvation.

Slight problem, though. He wasn’t convinced that Marguerite would compromise her security for him. Even if he did hold one large, explosive secret of Marguerite’s he was sure she never wanted Kenric to learn. Not after he’d driven a figurative stake through her heart by mating with another female. But still, he wasn’t sure that she would come. If he’d learned one thing and one thing only, in the past two years, it was to never overestimate one’s importance in her world.

The bottom of his gut twisted hard. His hand jerked and settled over the spot right below his belt. Markus bit back a groan. Logan stood only a few feet away. No way in hell was he going to give him any indication that the withdrawal from her blood had already begun. Fuck, he didn’t have much time to come up with a plan.

A slight hum drifted from Alexandria’s cage. Markus cocked his head and listened. A melody. She was singing. He eased closer to the bars separating them.

“Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are.” A child’s lullaby. “Up above the world so high. Like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are.”

He smoothed his palm over his goatee. His mind barely recalled any such time in his life, if ever, that he’d been sung to in such a manner. He pushed aside his trip down that dark path and back to her. She looped for the third time back to the lullaby’s beginning.

Logan approached the front of her cage and lowered onto his haunches. “Alex…can you hear me?”

“She won’t respond to you, warrior.”

Logan snarled. “What have you done to her?” The lethal tone in his voice blasted him.

“Your question should be, what have
done to her.”

“What the fuck are you babbling about?” Logan surged to his full height.

Markus lunged for the bars but snatched his hands back at the last second. Fueled by his rage, his fangs blasted through his gums. “She needs me!” he roared and slapped both palms hard against his chest. “The separation is threatening her mind.” Markus narrowed his gaze. “Bring her to me, warrior. Or do you want to be the one to tell Elle that you’re responsible for destroying her sister?”

A snarl formed on Logan’s face before he turned and appeared to assess Alexandria. “I think you’re already doing a bang-up job.” He reached into his jeans pocket and pulled out his cell. After punching a number onto the touch screen, Logan lifted the phone to his ear. A few seconds later, he said, “Elle, I think you should come down here. It’s your sister.” Logan lowered the device from his ear, and his gaze locked with Markus’s, one that promised his next words would not be a threat. “You’d better hope she can help her sister hang on.” He flashed his fangs before adding. “Because your continued existence depends on it.”

Markus lowered his voice to a level rivaling the message Logan’s stare had brought. “I told you what she needs, vampire.”

Again with the fangs, Logan spat, “And I’m telling you to go fuck yourself, because you’ve touched that female for the last time.”

Kenric stepped into the room. “What’s the problem?” He glided toward Alexandria’s cage and Logan.

“It’s Alex,” Logan said. “Something’s changed.” Kenric crouched in front of the bars.

A minute later, Elle rushed in, leaving Arran standing in the doorway. “What’s going on? What’s wrong with my sister?” Suddenly, chaos dropped its ugly head dead center in the room.

Son of a bitch
. Enrique. And about a dozen minion vampires appeared in the heart of the small space. The former commander of Marguerite’s army swung around, his blade drawn. The moment their eyes met, Enrique flashed him a self-assured grin. Cocky asshole, but the bastard had actually come for him. No pun intended.

A battle cry sounded from the master of the Enclave and echoed off the concrete walls, followed by an explosion of knives, fangs, and claws slashing through the air. The scent of fresh blood rushed to his nostrils.
. The scene, the smell; Markus’s heart raced, and his cock ached. He needed out of the damn cell!

Kenric’s warriors were pitifully outnumbered, but of course, they seemed to be holding their own. All Markus could do was watch as Enrique and his team pressed them back and out of sight. The sound of steel slamming into steel, and the occasional grunt and curse, painted him a mental image of the battle. And it was brutal.

“It’s going to be all right, Alex. You’re going to be okay. You have to hang on for me.” The sweet crooning of Elle’s voice drew his attention away from the vicious sounds outside the doorway. An idea jumped to the forefront of his mind. Oh, this was perfect timing. With the Enclave heavily engaged, and Elle alone and hovering over her sister, it was as if the moment had been preordained.

Reaching out with his mind, he yanked on the mental tether he shared with Alexandria. With his command planted, her singing ceased at once. To pull this off, it would take most of his energy reserves. But if it worked… It would be brilliant, and he would be home tonight.

Alexandria’s head lifted. She took one glance at her sister and then slowly turned and faced Markus.

“Go on, Alexandria. Go to your sister.” She swung her head back around.

“Elle?” Her soft voice barely registered above a whisper.

Elle scrambled to her feet from her knees. “Alex? Oh my God! You know who I am?” Elle’s gaze darted from Alexandria to Markus.

Pushing at the floor with her hands, Alexandria stood. “Of course, I know who you are.” She gave her sister a lopsided smile, then she appeared to take in her surroundings. “The question is, what am I doing in a cage?” Her gaze swung back to Elle. “You have to get me out of here.” Alexandria went for the cage door and wrapped her hands around the bars.

“Don’t! Stop!” Markus yelled. Elle gasped. But it was too late.

Alexandria hissed and leaped away from the door. At the back of the cage, she stared down into her open palms. Delicate tendrils of smoke rose from her burned flesh. Even though he was the master of this charade, Markus’s heart lurched at the confused and pained expression written on her face.

“Alex! Oh, God, I’m so sorry,” Elle cried and latched on to the very bars that had scorched her sister. “These bars are coated in silver. It was our only choice at the time.” Elle gave him an
eat shit
sideways glance, and her voice broke. “I couldn’t risk losing you again.”

“She’s yours now,” Markus said, cutting into their tearful reunion. It was sweet, but there was a battle raging on the other side of the wall, and he needed to move things along. Elle studied him, lines of doubt drawn on her forehead. “Take her. If Enrique succeeds in breaking me out of here, she’s dead anyway.”

“What do you mean?” Elle’s expression turned desperate. He could see the wheels spinning into overdrive in her head, trying to determine if he spoke the truth.

“Marguerite will punish me for betraying her in coming to Wicked Ways without permission. So what do you think is the first thing she’ll take away?” With a tilt of his head and a glance, he indicated Alexandria. “She’ll kill my pet.”

“Shit!” Elle dropped her gaze and shook her head.

“You have to get me out of here!” Alexandria was back at the front of her cage. Elle jerked her head up and in the direction of her sister.

“If I’m to return to Marguerite,” Markus began, “help me to do something right before I go.” Elle stepped back from both cages. Her fingers curled into tight fists, blanching her knuckles. “Even if Enrique doesn’t win, you’ll have your sister, and the choice will have been made for me.” Back and forth, Elle’s gaze pinged between them.

“Elle, please! What’s wrong?” Alexandria cried out again, cradling her burned hands to her chest. “I don’t understand. Let me out of here!”

“It’s a win-win situation here, Elle.” Time was running out. She had to move now. “Go! Take your sister and get out of here, before Enrique returns. If he does, he won’t let you have her. His orders are to bring us both back.”

“Shit. Shit. Shit,” Elle muttered, shifting her feet.

Damn. Her indecisiveness didn’t help him, was costing him time. Suddenly, she turned and raced for the desk where the warriors had sat during their guard duty. She jerked open the first drawer, then flung out a curse and banged it shut. Another drawer rattled and he heard a soft, “Yes.”

Blood pounded in Markus’s ears. Sweat beaded on his forehead from the mental exertion it took to allow Alexandria some mental freedom while still exerting control. It trailed down the sides of his face. He wiped away the moisture and continued to stroke Alexandria’s mind. She was performing marvelously, even better than expected, considering…
Soon, love. A few more minutes, and we’ll be back together

The keys jingled in Elle’s hand as she darted across the room. Markus’s eyelids sealed and a deep breath filled his lungs.
Elle inserted one of the keys into the slot and turned. Nothing happened. “Damn!” She yanked it out and rotated to the next one.

“Hurry, woman, if you want your sister alive,” he growled.

“Shut up!” She shot him a glare, her amber eyes sparking before getting back to work. Now there is where she and her sister were alike. The fire. She had a temper that burned like Alexandria’s. He could see why Arran’s attraction to her was one he couldn’t escape. “Got it!” Elle announced and swung the door open before stepping into the opening.

Alexandria didn’t move. Her eyelids drifted closed, and her head lolled back on her shoulders. The humming returned, but this time, no melody came forth. Only a hum. One that grew louder and louder as the seconds passed.

You know what you have to do, Alexandria

Markus reinforced his directive. She would do it. She had to.

“Alex, what’s the matter? You’re scaring me.” Elle stepped farther inside the cage and closer to her sister. “What’s wrong? Alex, you’re free now. We have to hurry.” Elle reached out and grasped the fingers of her sister’s right hand. Alexandria’s head snapped forward. She shrieked and lunged with her arms outstretched, aiming for Elle’s throat and rammed into her, knocking her back through the door and onto the basement’s concrete floor. The base of Elle’s skull impacted with a loud
, and her arms and legs went limp. Her body lay motionless.

“The keys, now!” Markus shouted to Alexandria, who stood over her sister’s body like a damn statue. She lurched into motion. Spinning around, she headed back toward her cage door. The key ring still hung from the keyhole. Markus thrummed his fingers against his thigh as she eased the keys free, avoiding the silver surrounding the lock.

The air felt trapped in his lungs as she finally made it to his cage and inserted the key. Her wrist rotated clockwise, releasing a metal clink of pins. The door swung wide, and the breath he’d been holding rushed from his chest. She’d done it.

He flew from his cage and swept her into his arms. His heart galloped in his chest. She didn’t return his embrace, but damn, she felt good pressed against his body. He set her swiftly back to her feet. There wasn’t time for a celebration. They needed to get out of there alive first. He hurried to Elle’s still form and sank to one knee, placing two fingers at her throat. Her heartbeat was strong. Good. He needed her alive, for now.

Placing one arm under her neck and another beneath her, Markus lifted Elle and cradled her in his arms. Alexandria joined him by his side.

“We’re going home, Alexandria. Follow me.” Placing one hand on his arm, she joined him in a swift phase.

The dim yellow glow of Markus’s suite grew in clarity moments later as they rematerialized beside his bed. Markus lowered Elle’s unconscious form on top of his deep purple feather comforter. When Marguerite learned of his return, Elle would be the perfect peace offering for his pissed-off mistress. Instead of exercising her foul temper on Alexandria, she would be more than pleased to be handed Kenric’s prized female Enclave member. And what better way to end this battle with his former partner.

I’d say I won this round, Arran
. The corners of his mouth twitched with his attempt at a smile.

But first things first. Markus had to deal with one small possible kink in his plan: the ability for Arran to track his new lover. Grasping Elle by the chin, he pushed her head to the side. As he’d suspected, fresh bite marks. He sighed. “Sorry, lover boy. But I can’t have you following me.” And there was only one way to make sure that didn’t occur. Markus slowly shook his head, licked the tips of his descended fangs, and struck.

This was taking longer than he liked.

Arran crouched and spun on his heels, just missing the hard swing of the other vampire’s blade. It whizzed over the top of his head. Unable to stop the momentum, the minion’s arm arched wide, opening his torso for a direct assault. Arran couldn’t pass on such an opportune moment. He sprung, sinking his silver-plated dagger deep in the bloodsucker’s chest. That made what? Six…seven. Shit, he’d lost count. He yanked his blade out of the male’s chest, and the vampire crumpled, already beginning to reek of rotting flesh.

BOOK: Undying Embrace
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