Read Unwrapped Online

Authors: Gennifer Albin

Tags: #New Adult, #Romance

Unwrapped (3 page)

BOOK: Unwrapped
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After a few seconds of that all-consuming gaze, she looked away. “Ah, come on. A girl’s got to have some secrets.”

He missed her stare already. And the heat from where their legs were touching burned through his thighs to his groin. He wanted her. Again. There was no denying that.

But she deserved so much more—holding hands, footsies, dates at Open Mic Night. And if he had his way, he’d give it to her. All of it.

Kira wiped her mouth with a napkin and pushed her chair away from the table. “Are you ready?”

“Uh, sure. Where we going?”
Please, God, don’t let her say the date was over.
He wasn’t ready to leave her. He held his breath while he waited for her response.

“You wanted to see Greeley, right? I thought of someplace worth showing off.”

Goddam, this just might be the best day of Chase’s life.

Chapter Six


On the drive back to town, Chase couldn’t stop touching Kira. He nuzzled and sucked along her neck. His hands stroked her thighs through her jeans. At the few stoplights they hit when they reached civilization, he claimed her lips with deep, promising kisses. Except for the one horn honk they received from a vehicle behind them when they lingered too long in their embrace, she remained an excellent driver. It was surprising considering how distracting he’d been.

In between kissing and fondling, Chase directed her to his place. She didn’t offer her home, and, since he assumed she still lived with her parents, that was fine with him. He’d rather sneak around his obnoxious roommates than have to sneak around President Satchell.

Luckily, Chase’s bedroom was just off the kitchen. They slipped through the back door and into his room without being seen. Also fortunate was the state his room was in. It was semi-clean, except for the pile of dirty clothes which he was easily able to scoop up and throw into the closet.

Something about the walk from car to house, however, infused a dose of awkward between them. They were no longer touching and Chase wasn’t exactly sure how to correct that.

He shut the door and clicked the lock. The sound echoed ominously through the quiet space. Maybe he shouldn’t have locked the door. Did that seem too presumptuous?

“No, you’re being prepared. It’s all good.”

Shit, he hadn’t realized he’d said that out loud. And why did Kira seem more comfortable than he did? He was supposed to be the expert.

“Make yourself—,” he started to say at the same time she said, “Nice place you—“

They laughed together and, damn, the anticipation of what else they could be doing together—
be doing together—had him stiff in the pants.

“You go first,” he offered, not even remembering what it was he was going to say.

“Just…nice room.” She peered up at him.

Maybe she was more nervous than he thought. Somehow, that made him feel better.

“What were you going to say?”

He shook his head, the thought long gone by now. Besides, he didn’t want to say anything. He wanted to kiss those incredibly pouty lips and wrap his hands around her perfectly round tits. He met her eyes and hoped that she could read all that in his gaze.

It must have worked.

Because the next thing he knew, they were no longer standing several feet apart, but wrapped in each other. He wasn’t even sure who had moved first, just that they’d come together and that the feel of her in his arms was both natural and electrifying—was that possible? Her lips burned him in such a fabulously amazing way, her tongue stirring the fire he felt singeing at his crotch. Her touch was searing and exquisite, like a hot shower. Like sitting by a blazing fire. Like drowning in heat.

He moved quickly to take off her shirt—that ridiculous Cherry Saver t-shirt—then slowed down, pulling away to gaze at her tits through the blue lace bra she still wore. Her breasts had stayed kept away when they’d got it on in the storage room of the bar. Now he wanted to see them, to touch them. To properly experience them. He wasn’t the “take his time” sort. His exploration of her body would take exactly what it would take, whether it be hurried or drawn out. But her breasts? Those, required a minute to savor.

He started to reach behind to undo the clasp of her bra, but she stopped him to do it herself. Which was hot. Watching her strip bare in front of him, displaying her beautiful chest with only a slight hint of shyness—totally hot. He reached out to touch them, grasping one in each hand.

Oh, God. The feel of them…Tits never failed to get him going. Tits were amazing.

He flicked his thumbs over Kira’s nipples and she sighed. The sound snapped him out of his worship. He still had more worshiping to do— just maybe he could make it more comfortable for her.

He started to lead her over to his bed, but before he could lay her down, she tugged at his shirt. “Hey. Why am I the only one half-naked?”

He pulled his shirt off and threw it behind him. “The better question is: why are you only

“I’ll race you.”

In a blur of clothes flying, both of them giggling—yes, even Chase had to admit his laugh sounded a bit like a girly giggle—they scrambled to remove the rest of their clothing. And there was the condom to put on. Then, their lips found each other again, and with their bodies pressed together they fell on to the bed.

“I think I won,” Kira said, straddling Chase so that his dick knocked at her butt cheeks.

It was hard to concentrate with his throbbing erection so close to the goal, but he cleared his head enough for the short conversation. “It wasn’t a fair race. You weren’t wearing socks.”

He ran his hands up and down her upper legs, totally transfixed by her shapely thighs and the vee in the middle where they met her torso. His thumb reached up to rub the bump hidden in between her folds.

Her back arched at his touch. “How about I share the prize, then?” Her voice was breathy and uneven.

“Fantastic idea.” After sliding his fingers low enough to discover the moisture pooled at her hole, Chase flipped her underneath him. He positioned himself at her entrance. “I hope your idea of the prize is the same as mine.”

“Can you stop talking about it and stick it in already?”

Too horny to laugh, he made a mental note to dwell on his appreciation of her candor at another time and abided by her instruction. He slid in—carefully, more cautiously than the last time. Closing his eyes, he stilled, enjoying the feel of her tight walls encased around his dick.

Kira bucked her hips beneath him. “Move!”

“I’m moving. I’m moving.” And he was. Gliding in and out of her with rhythmic thrusts. Vaguely he remembered that he’d thought being inside Kira Larson was like being in heaven. He was wrong. There was no way heaven could be this good, this perfect, this fanfuckingamazing. And maybe that was blasphemous to think, but it was the goddammed truth.

From the look of it, Kira agreed. She writhed and wriggled, digging her fingernails into Chase’s shoulders all the while making those sexy little moans that had been permanently seared into his memory. The bed jostled with their movement, but thankfully didn’t squeak. Squeaking beds were definitely hot, but the sound would carry and attract nosy roommates. Plus, he might have missed the hotter sound of slapping thighs as he picked up the speed of his thrusts. And the even hotter sound of bodily fluids squishing between them.

“Oh my God.” Kira tried to freeze at the sloshing. “I’m so embarrassed.”

“Shh.” Chase tangled his fingers in her hair and kissed her. “That’s perfectly natural and totally a turn-on.”

“It is?” The sultriness of her tone suggested she didn’t disbelieve him, but rather wanted to hear more of what he was saying.

“Such a turn-on.” It was getting harder to talk. “Can’t you feel me getting harder for you?”

“Yeah. Yeah, I can.” Kira wrapped her legs around him and locked her mouth to his.

The new position was going to do him in. “God, Kira, I’m going to come.”

“Me, too. Me, too.” She squeezed around him just as his climax surged through him.

He groaned out her name. This time he didn’t think it was weird, but right. Yeah, it was right.

Everything about Kira Larson was totally right.


They dozed for a little, tangled in each other’s arms. When Chase awoke, Kira was watching him, her eyes and smile saying she was content. At least, that’s what he thought they were saying.

“Hi.” She ran her hand through his hair.

It felt so perfect to have her there beside him. He dreaded the thought of the day ending. A quick glance at the clock on the nightstand said it was almost nine in the evening.

Without even giving it a second thought, Chase drew her closer and asked the question he was dying to ask. “Can you stay here tonight? Or will Satchell send out campus police if you miss curfew.”

“I don’t live with my parents, asshole.” She nipped playfully at his ear. “I live with my sister.”

“With Asia?” He hoped to impress her with his memory.

“You remembered her name.” She rewarded him with a peck at the side of his mouth. “Yeah, since the beginning of the summer. I help her take care of her kids during the week when I’m not in class.”

He felt like a cad for not knowing that. They still had so much to learn about each other. But if she stayed, they could keep learning all through the night. “And the weekends?”

“Are mine, free and clear.” She stretched her hands above her head, the movement showing off her awesome tits. “And no, she doesn’t check up on me. So, yes. I’ll stay.” She wrapped her arms around his neck, cuddling into him.

Chase turned his torso to press against her. “You don’t know how happy that makes me.”

“I could find out.” Kira’s hand was already traveling downward.

Chase stopped her by grabbing her wrist. He was hard again and eager for another round, except their activities had worked up quite an appetite. “Yes, you could. And I would be glad to show you, but first…” As if on cue, his stomach growled. “Are you hungry?”

She giggled. “Starving. But I don’t want to go anywhere.”

She was so adorable. Her comfort level around him, the sound of her laughter, her pouty lips—he regretted his need for food.

But she was staying the night! So a timeout for dinner was tolerable.

Chase swung his legs off the bed, found his jeans, and quickly pulled them on skipping the underwear. “I’ll go raid the kitchen.”

Kira pointed to where Chase had flung her clothing. “Hand me my t-shirt. I’ll come help you.”

“No, no, no. Not a good idea. The guys might be home.” He could just imagine the harassment they’d suffer. He didn’t mind so much for himself, but Kira didn’t deserve to meet them like this. Especially since he intended to have her around in the future. A lot, if he had his way about it.

He glanced down at the girl in his bed and realized her smile had disappeared. Shit! He hadn’t meant that the way she apparently assumed.

He leaned down, putting a hand on her shoulder, and kissed her temple. “I know what you’re thinking and it’s wrong. I’m not embarrassed by you. I’m not ashamed to have you here. I’d like to shout to the whole world that Kira Larson is naked in my bedroom.” He paused for her to smile. “But my roommates are assholes and I don’t want to force you through an encounter with them. If you want to still join me, it’s up to you.”

She bit her lip as she considered. “How about I stay here and keep the bed warm?”

“That sounds like a fabulous idea.”

Chase managed to make it in and out of the kitchen without anyone seeing him. He could hear some of the guys in the other room shooting pool. They sounded like they were having a good time. But he’d bet they weren’t having near as good of a time as he was having.

He returned to his room with an armful of snack foods and two cans of pop. “Sorry. We’re guys. There’s not much to choose from.”

Kira sat up against the headboard. “You got Doritos, and that’s all I need.”

“A girl after my own heart.” He sat on the bed facing her and spread the snacks between them. He grabbed a handful of chips and passed the bag to her.

While he’d been gone, she’d gotten her shirt off the floor and was now wearing it. That silly ridiculous slogan teased him. “So.” He nodded toward her shirt. “Are you still going to be a Cherry Saver?”

Kira waited to swallow before answering. “I’ll finish up my reign this year, yeah.” About to pop another chip in her mouth, she paused. “Will that bother you?”

He thought about it. “Except that you aren’t completely naked at the moment, nothing about you bothers me.”

Her eyes twinkled. “You’re not naked either.”

This was true. He stood and removed his jeans. Putting his hands out in a ta-da pose, he declared, “Now I am.”

Kira pulled off her t-shirt, threw it aside and mimicked his pose. “So am I.”

So awesome.
It was cool how she wasn’t shy around him. Lots of girls liked to cover up and play prude, even after they’d done the horizontal hustle. Kira seemed comfortable with her body and he liked that.

He thought for a moment about her question from earlier. “As for the Cherry Saver thing, it really doesn’t bother me.” It was odd, though. Would he have to pretend they were just friends when he saw her in public? Could she even hang around him in public? Did she even want to?

Chase took a swallow of his pop and tried to figure out the best way to address his questions. “I just need to know how to play it.”

She shrugged. “Discreetly, I guess.”

Well, that wasn’t saying much. He’d have to be more forward. “Like, can you date? Are you allowed to hold hands? Can you kiss in front of other people?” Mustering his courage he added, “Can
kiss you in front of other people?”

“Of course. I’m not a monk.” She poured a handful of peanuts into her hand from the jar Chase had brought in. She seemed to consider for a minute. “Truth?”

He nodded.

“Half the Cherry Savers are sexually active.”

Huh. He guessed Jared was right about the rep of the girls in the group.

“But as Princess, I should try harder to maintain appearances.” Her cheeks pinked up and she peered at him under lowered lids. “But I’m definitely hoping you’ll kiss me in front of other people.”

“Then, I will.” He grinned, feeling more elated than he probably should. “I’ll kiss you whenever you let me.”

Still, the whole thing was a little phony. “If you’re all putting out, why do you even join? Isn’t that a bit…” He trailed off, not sure what word to use that wouldn’t offend her.


Thank God she’d said it for him. “Yeah, that.”

“Maybe. But there are lots of good values we focus on besides purity.”

“Such as…?”

“Like, how to handle pressure to put out. Not using sex as a way to judge your worth. Waiting for the right person.” Her eyes gleamed as she talked. “Admittedly, some people are only there to please their parents or have an organization on their resume. But others take it seriously to varying degrees.”

BOOK: Unwrapped
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