Read Vaalbara; Visions & Shadows Online

Authors: Michelle Horst

Vaalbara; Visions & Shadows (26 page)

BOOK: Vaalbara; Visions & Shadows
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“We can rest here for thirty minutes only, but then we have to get going again. We have to reach the base of the mountain before nightfall.” Lee gave Carlo a stern look before setting down the bags.

Carlo nodded. A terrified breath came through his lips as the ground beneath them began to tremble.


My head hurt so bad. I was lying on my back, with my head on Raighne’s thigh.

“She’s awake!” I tried to focus on Sky’s relieved voice as I pushed myself off the ground, thankful there was no pain this time. I only had thirty minutes to get to Carlo and Lee.

“Slow down! You will only faint again.” Raighne made it sound like an order, one which I chose to ignore.

“I didn’t faint. I need to go. I’ll be back in a little while.” I turned to head back to the curtain of water, when his arm went around my waist and completely stopped me in my tracks. It would be way easier to yell at Raighne if my stomach would stop doing teenage flip-flops every time he touched me.

“You have to let me go,” I breathed.

“No. Not yet. You have to eat something first.” I could hear the worry in his voice.

“Believe me,” I shot back. “I don‘t want to do any of this crap with a full stomach.” I needed to stay in control. “I can eat when they’re all safe.”

I gathered the little bit of willpower I had left and pried my body from his arms. Running for the curtain, picturing the waterfall I’d studied while doing my best to clear my mind of Raighne, I shifted through it.


Taking a few deep breaths, I waited for my head to stop spinning. After wiping the water from my eyes, I scanned the area; it looked the same as my vision.

“Miss…are you okay?” It was Lee, standing not too far from the pool.

Yes, they were still here
Thank you, Awo
. I struggled towards Lee with, what I felt, was a huge goofy grin on my face. By now I was completely sure that I looked like the main character in
. But, with all the waterfalls I’d been through, at least I’d be clean when they put me in that padded room.

Lee reached down and helped me out of the pool. It wasn’t until I stood in front of him that I realized how big he really was. Damn…the guy was massive; he even put G.I. Joe to shame.

“I’m glad you’re still here. Where’s Carlo?”

“What?” He frowned down at me.

“I need you to get Carlo so we can leave.”

He held up his hand. “I’m not letting you near my brother until you tell me who the hell you are. We’ve dealt with a lot of crazy crap back in the city, and had more than our fair share of shocks for the day. So, spill it, lady. What the hell do you want?” Lee took a step forward; his size was threatening, but I didn’t budge. I still had a little spirit left in me.

“My name is Alchera. I’m here to save you and your brother’s lives. I know you want to get to the mountain, but in a few days even that will be gone. I’m here to take you and Carlo to a safe place called Vaalbara. It’s a new Earth only a chosen few will see. This is the beginning of the end, Lee. I have four others waiting for me to return. You and your brother are numbers five and six. So if you could please make this easy for me and just come willingly, I’ll be forever grateful.”

“Wow.” It was Carlo. “Wow.” He stared at me with big, wide eyes. “I can’t believe I am alive to witness this. This is
an honor.”

Lee turned on him. “You weren’t just made prom King, kid. You can’t be serious. The chick is nuts. How can you believe a word she’s saying?”

Carlo’s eyes remained on me. “Think about Lee, the proof is there. The Mayans warned us, Nostradamus warned us, the Bible warned us…the list is endless. It’s all here in my books.” As if waiting for its cue, the wind began to blow harder. There was something coming and I wasn’t going to stick around to find out what.

“Look, whatever’s about to happen won’t be good. Trust me, I’ve had experiences with all th-this. I swear, Lee, come with me and I promise you’ll get th-the answers you need back in Ireland.”

The solider looked at me like he was about to pull the pin from a grenade and wipe me from the face of the earth.

I grabbed his jacket. “Please Lee. We d-don’t have t-time. You can’t hide f-from th-this.”


“But, Lee.”

“Shut up, Carlo! Enemies come in all forms. We trust no one. I said I would keep you alive and I will.” He grabbed me by the arm, dragging me away from Carlo.

“Take your insane stories and get the hell away from us. I don’t care if you’re a woman. I’ll do
to protect my brother.” He shoved me towards the waterfall. “Go back where you came from, or I‘ll bloody kill you!”

He stalked away from me. Lee had firmly and completely rejected life.


I went back empty-handed. I came through the curtain a complete and utter failure.

Raighne stood beside the pool waiting for me.

I moved as quickly as I could, needing to be in his arms. “I failed! Lee didn’t believe me.” I fell into his open arms. “I failed Awo.”

“All will be well. Evin and I will return with you.”

“We don’t have time to go and fetch Evin. Lee and Carlo will be gone by then.”

He took my face in his hands. “Do not worry any longer. Everyone is at the teagarden waiting for you. I called Jason from Doug’s phone when you went to get Sky. They decided to come here and regroup. They all arrived after you left for Lee and Carlo.”

I hugged him close; whatever would I do without my guardian angel?

I didn’t like what was about to happen. I was about to go get Lee against his will. The one thing I said I would never do would be to take a Chosen One by force. But now it was a different story. Either I used force or they would die.

“Sorry, Evin.” I apologized as soon as he stood next to me. I felt like I was inconveniencing him, now that he had to do my work for me.

“There is nothing to apologize for. This is why we are here…to help you.”

I took their hands, clearing my mind before stepping through the curtain with Evin and Raighne on either side of me.

I didn’t know what I thought I’d see when I went back through to the other side, but it definitely wasn’t Lee waiting for us with a gun in his hand. Carlo stood off to one side, biting his nails.

“I told you not to come back!” Lee’s voice echoed through the forest trees.

“Please Lee, we d-don’t want t-to t-take you by f-force.” I was surprised by the compassion I felt for Lee. “I care about you and Carlo. Please, d-don’t do th-this.”

“You don’t know anything about us!”

“I know you’ll d-do anything to protect your brother, just like I’ll d-do anything to protect you.”

We walked out of the water.

“That’s close enough!” Lee pointed the gun at us, which set Raighne and Evin into action. I ran for Lee, just as Evin sent a streak of blue light from his left hand.

I managed to stop and throw my body in front of Lee. But,
, did it hurt! Evin had lied when he’d said it only stunned people; his power felt more like being hit by a lightning bolt square in the chest. I was frozen on the spot; pain flowed through my body. A gun shot echoed in the air as the pain started to fade. I managed to look back and saw Raighne catch the bullet in midair, hurling it back at Lee.

“No!” I lunged myself at Lee, who caught me as I slammed into him. I felt a slight sting in my left arm, before plummeting to the ground with Lee.

“Alchera!” Everyone screamed my name. But the voice that mattered most at the moment was Lee’s.

Rolling me off of him, panic filled his eyes. “Carlo, bring my medical kit!”

“Get away from her!” Raighne was next to me, his hands searching my body. “Tell me where the bullet hit.”

“What bullet? No…check Lee.”

“I felt it hit
.” His eyes were blazing.

“Her arm…there’s blood coming from her arm.” It was Lee’s panicked voice.

“It’s nothing,” I breathed, happy that Lee was okay. “It’s only a flesh wound.”

“How can you say that. I could have killed you!” Raighne pulled me to him as he healed the small wound above my elbow.

I almost thought that other vision was coming true…the one where I was responsible for killing you.
Raighne’s worried thoughts filled my mind.

We’re not at a volcano, and I definitely know I’m not dead.

It suddenly grew dark. Carlo was the first to speak. “Look up. The sun…it‘s black!”

“Damn.”  The word just slipped out. I turned in Raighne’s arms so I could see Lee. Tears began to run down my face.

“Lee, please…you have to come with us.”

Carlo came to stand with us. “We have to go with them, brother. The signs are all here. I trust them, Lee.”

Nodding at his sibling, Lee pointed at Raighne and Evin. “
have to stay away from me.”


When we returned to the teagarden, all eyes turned on me.

“You look like crap.” Trust Jason to say something complimentary.

“Don’t be rude. She’s been through a lot today.” Sky reprimanded Jason and made her way to me. Alandra just smiled.

When I looked at Doug and Sarah, my heart fell. Sarah’s face looked pasty.

Doug chimed in, “Sarah needs to rest. Our house is not far from here, and we could all use the rest. Just for the rest of the day. Please?” Doug was right. We all knew it.

Raighne nodded. “How are we all going to get there in one car?”

“We rented another car at the airport.” Jason smiled. “See? The clever part of me to the rescue again. You
learn to love me still.”

“My hero! What would I ever do without you?” I couldn’t resist teasing him back. “Let’s go then.”

We all mounted up and began our short trek to Doug’s house. I was surprised when Raighne got in the back with me, though I kept quiet. I was going to have to deal with the feelings he brought on someday. Not now, though - now I could barely keep my eyes open. I didn’t argue when his arm came up and pulled my head against his shoulder. It was amazingly comfortable. Snuggling into him for warmth, I fell asleep in my guardian’s arms before we even left the parking lot.






Chapter Ten

Adeth’s Secret.

There are some secrets you can take to your death.

And then there are those revealed by death, itself.


Ready or not…here I come.

I woke with a start; my breaths came fast and hard. Carter’s voice was still echoing through my mind. My killer was out there somewhere…and I could feel him coming closer with every nightmare I had.

Are you all right, Alchera?
Raighne’s voice drifted like a cool breeze through my worn-out brain, banishing the evil memories. My body was rested, though my mind felt like a piece of chewed gum that‘d been spat out on the ground. The visions and nightmares were starting to take their toll on me.

I’m fine, just a nightmare. I’m going to shower.
I grabbed a toiletry bag from the bedside table. And when I completed my task the clean, dry clothes felt awesome.

I found everyone in the living room with all eyes glued to the television set. Leaning against the wall I stared at the screen, wondering what it was that was so riveting. What I saw shocked the hell out of me. I wanted to turn away but I just couldn’t tear my eyes from the screen.

There was a journalist presenting the horrific news as if it was just another boring story in yet another boring day. Pictures of disasters flashed behind her, almost half of the United States had been declared a dead zone. Chile, Hawaii, Japan, New Zealand and many other countries had been swallowed by monster tsunamis, as the reporter called them. Some were said to have been as high as two hundred meters. All communications with those countries had been lost when the tsunamis hit.

There was also no sea or naval rescue due to the ocean’s unstable manner. It was caused by an earthquake, which in turn had led to the San Andreas Fault Line tearing in half. It caused the whole of the San Francisco Bay area to cave into the ocean.

The woman who spoke on the television was so businesslike that she made me sick; there was no emotion whatsoever on her face or in her voice. But the cold fish still brought tears to my eyes. Maybe this was why Awo had decided it was time, because no one actually cared anymore. It was as if the entire population of Earth had grown immune and indifferent to the world around them.

“Bitch,” I mumbled at the television set.

“Switch it off,” Evin told Doug.

The screen faded to black. But I was so upset by what I’d seen, that I didn’t even notice. “Did you see how she spoke without any f-feeling, like none of it mattered t-to her? Millions of people have d-died. I
th-them!” I tried to swallow back my tears. “I saw th-them begging f-for th-their lives. I saw the raw panic - the f-fear in th-their eyes, as th-they f-fell to th-their d-deaths. I heard th-their unanswered prayers! Still, she reads it off a piece of paper like it was a crop report.” I took a ragged breath. “I saw children being killed…innocents!”

Tears flooded my eyes. I couldn’t keep it in anymore. What I’d seen was taking its toll on me; the pure horror of it weighed too heavily on my shoulders for me to carry alone.

“Whole countries have been wiped out and th-that woman d-didn’t shed a t-tear f-for th-them. How is it possible a monster like her was ever created? When d-did mankind t-turn th-that cold?”

My voice grew into a hollow, lifeless whisper as realization dawned. “Now I understand why Adeth wants to wipe out the whole human race. They deserve it!”

I went back to the room, realizing why Earth
to be destroyed.


I heard the door open and close. It wasn’t long before I felt the bed move, as Raighne sat down beside me. His warmth felt good when his arm went around my shoulders. With him around I no longer felt like an island floating alone with my grief. In fact, Raighne stood for the only piece of sanity I had left.

“You were not supposed to see any of that.”

My visions were much worse than what they showed on television. I can’t switch
off…they’ll stay with me forever.
I didn’t want to talk - real or mentally - I was just too defeated.

Raighne sighed. “I wish I could take them from you - your visions. I have also asked Alder why they gave you such a strong stutter, but he just said you will understand in due course, that we must be patient.”

Thanks for always wanting to take care of me.
I looked up at him.
You do so much more than your guardian job

He took a deep, familiar breath which meant there was something big on the horizon. “Remember…I once brought it up that until you are reconciled with your parents I have wardship over you?” Frowning, I wondered where he was going with this.


“I hate to bring this up again so soon after your father’s funeral, but with him now gone, it means my wardship over you has been extended.” He was silent for a few seconds, as if he was scared of what my reaction would be to what he would say next.

“It is extended until you marry someone the King or I approve of.”

“Excuse me? I still have a so-called mother, and then there’s Aurian. How can you say be higher than theirs? For a utopia, Vaalbara is seriously messed-up.” I turned towards him. “What brought this up anyway?”

“Well—” he cleared his throat, clearly uncomfortable. “I see how the new men are looking at you, and—” he cleared his throat again.

He was jealous! Could that be right? I looked into his eyes, but I saw no sign of jealousy there…only worry.

“Your father entrusted me as your guardian. And now that he has passed on, nothing can break his word but your vow to another man.”

I looked at him and a new thought hit me squarely between the eyes. This messed up
life. Here Raighne was, running after me, protecting me, having to heal me the whole time while all I did was complain. His life had stopped dead in its tracks; he was tied to me as if a noose was wrapped tightly around his neck allowing him no freedom whatsoever.

“But, what about you? Besides having to run after me the whole time and save my butt every second of the day, it doesn’t leave you with much of a life for yourself. What does this wardship thing mean, anyway?” My hand was on his arm without me even knowing it.

“Well, it means I have to approve of pretty much everything you do. I have taken over the role your father had in your life. The man who wants to marry you has to ask my permission first. Actually, you cannot engage in a relationship with any man before asking my approval.”

He held up his hand, stopping my words. “Before you get angry with me, let me finish. The law is there to protect you. You have to remember that you are a Princess, and there are men out there who will try to take advantage of you for your title alone. I must protect you from that.”

He looked at me with that something in his eyes I could never quite place. All I knew was that it made me nervous. It made my breathing stop and my heartbeat speed up to that of a hummingbird’s wings.

“Well, I could always just marry the first man you approve of. That way you would have your own life back. That’s the least I could do for you.” I was sure I could do it for him if he asked it of me. Somewhere deep inside me there had to be enough strength to do this one thing for him…to set him free.

I had such a fright when he jumped up, taking me with him. He held me tightly by the shoulders, and my feet barely touched the ground.

“Do not ever say anything like that again!” His words were clipped. For the first time since we had met he actually succeeded in scaring me.

“I’m…I d-didn’t…I’m sorry.” I clung to his forearms for support.

“How could you say that? I thought we—” He dropped me on the bed and turned his back on me.

I placed my hand on his back and peeked around his side.  There were deep lines etched into his face. The last time I had seen him so upset was when I had returned from my horrific episode with Adeth.

“You thought
were what?” I was ready to beg him for an answer.

“Why does it matter?” Raighne looked down at me. His petulant expression told me that I was the one who would have to talk first. But I wasn’t prepared to do that.  I wasn’t prepared to make a fool out of myself…again. I made that promise when I had arrived on Vaalbara, and I wasn’t going to break it now. 

“Well, it just does.
matter to me.” I knew he wanted to hear something else - maybe a proclamation - but before I could say more, the door to the room burst open.

Taking cover behind the bed, we hid from the shards of wood flying everywhere.

Aurian landed between us with a loud thud. In one fluent movement he was standing - his face a mask of worry. “Adeth is here! Help would be appreciated.” Aurian didn’t wait for our response. He turned to storm at Adeth, as she appeared in the doorway.

I was frozen in place - of no use whatsoever - while Raighne jumped up to follow Aurian. I watched the whole fight as if in slow motion. The woman who had killed my father stood there in all her glory. Thorns covered her forehead all the way into her hair, which swayed side to side, although there was no wind. Her eyes shone with a life of their own.

She fought with two massive blades. The very thought of Aurian and Raighne being killed by this monster set me into action. I couldn’t let either one of them die at her hands.

I looked around for a weapon, but there was none. I heard what sounded like gunshots coming from the front of the house. Everything was happening too fast and I couldn’t do a damn thing to help. All I could do was stand there, with this urgent need to scream.

They danced in a circle until Adeth eventually ended up with her back to me, while Aurian fought her from her left and Raighne from her right. Raighne tried to keep an eye on me at the same time, now that she was between us.

I grabbed a pillow; it was all there was. Swinging it back as far as I could, I brought it down hard onto her right shoulder. Maybe I could at least stun her.

Adeth’s right arm swung forward; her blade stabbing into Aurian’s chest. Adeth was propelled by the momentum of my strike and fell onto Aurian’s blade, immobilizing her long enough for Raighne to take her head.

I stared in total devastation at Aurian’s lifeless body. Adeth had managed to take half my family with her in the end. But was she actually the murderer? I was the one who had slammed her right arm into Aurian’s chest. I’d practically stabbed my brother myself! Guilt flooded my soul, bringing with it shame and dishonor.

I felt something stir in me I hadn’t felt before, and if I’d looked into my own eyes I would’ve seen shadows wavering in their depths.

Raighne lifted me over the bodies, and took me to the living room where Alandra and Evin stood guard by my Chosen Ones. I scanned them, to see if everyone was unharmed.

Carlo and Doug sat in the corner, their bodies shielding those of Sky and Sarah. Jason and Lee were guarding their small group, armed to the teeth with guns and knives. It seemed I had worried for no reason.

I looked at Alandra to see if she was okay, only to find her face pale, her eyes looking over my shoulder with…was it hatred?

Turning around, my legs gave way from pure shock. As soon as I hit the ground, I crawled backwards until I felt Alandra’s legs against my back. This was a nightmare that would never end.

Carter stood there in all his dreadfulness, as if he had every right to be there. My eyes jumped from Carter, to Eamar - who grabbed Raighne as he tried to end my torturer’s life. Eamar
him? Why weren’t they killing him? They, who’d seen firsthand what that monster had done to me.

BOOK: Vaalbara; Visions & Shadows
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