Read Valiant Heart Online

Authors: Angela Addams

Tags: #werewolf;The Order of the Wolf;Hunter;Huntress

Valiant Heart (9 page)

BOOK: Valiant Heart
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Chapter Ten


I watched with disgust as Lance seemed to kiss Kelly's wounded hand better. He was so blissful in his task that he didn't realize he had a crowd. His hand was on Kelly's hip, embracing her as he tenderly cared for her wound.

What kind of moron cuts that deep anyway?
I scoffed to myself, not at all wondering what his lips on my palm would feel like.

Nope, not at all.

A few of the Huntresses shot me careful glances, gauging if I was going to react. I was seething, wanting to rip them apart, so fucking jealous that I wanted to break something, like Kelly's face. It was getting worse, these feelings of ownership, a need to possess Lance every time he showed her the least bit of attention. What was killing me, though, was that before I knew he'd been playing to some extent—teasing me with Kelly, this time was for real. He cared about her, was tending to her without thought, love evident in his actions. My heart felt like it was crushing in on itself, like I was losing something I never had in the first place.

Do something
, my gut screamed.
Take your man.
I pushed that nagging voice back and instead I rolled a shoulder, easing the tension down my spine, resheathed my weapon and walked away.

“I'm going to go clean up. Save some of the meat for me.” I snatched up my bag and left the camp.

Artemis had blessed us with a power surge, our sacrifice appeasing the Goddess, Kelly's blood in particular pleasing her immensely it seemed. What I'd told Kelly earlier in the day was true; the Goddess had taken a keen interest in her plight, guiding us so that we had no choice but to help Kelly regain her strength and find her missing mate. What we didn't know was why.

It was obvious to us that having a former Order leader in the hands of the enemy was dangerous. However, we'd never been in league with the Order in the first place so why it was a concern for the tribe, I couldn't say. And if Queen Val knew, she wasn't saying anything either. Although we'd always chanted, sacrificed and prayed to Artemis, it had only been in the past few months that she actually had begun to speak back to us, sending messages, that, although garbled sometimes, led us in certain directions.

In the past six months we'd made contact with Artemis more times than not. Ella's special brand of herbs, her knowledge of different chants, helped us make a connection that had failed us for years. We were desperate to keep the Goddess talking to us, guiding in her convoluted way.

I didn't presume to understand the mystical workings of Artemis and could only hope that her greater plan was something beneficial…with the Goddesses though, that was sometimes iffy. What I did know was that you didn't want to piss off Artemis. Given our history with the woman and the fact that I was feeling the symptoms of one of her ancient punishments already—lusting for my Hunter—I wouldn't want to cross her. If she was directing us to this purpose, then that's what we were going to do. We lived to serve. Or something like that.

I skirted along the edge of the camp, cutting through the forest and down a familiar path. Even with the limited light cast from the rising moon, I knew my way well enough to avoid any major pitfalls and was at the small body of water in only a few minutes.

The lake was surrounded by forest and rocks. Big huge boulders with giant tree roots snaking down and dipping into the water. Moss was everywhere, vines too. It was fed by an underground hot spring. The water was calm, steam rising into the crisp night air. I knelt and opened my bag, then pulled out a small case that held the basic toiletries, including a body wash, shampoo conditioner combo pack that was biodegradable, safe for use in the lake. Just because I was in the wilderness didn't mean I couldn't have some of the comforts of home.

I unstrapped my weapon holsters, then took them off, putting them on the ground, hilt toward the lake, just in case I needed them. I slipped out of my clothes and draped them on a tree trunk. Digging through my bag, I swapped out a clean pair of panties and bra for later, and set them aside on one of the giant boulders that was conveniently set up like a table. The stone was still warm from the sun and I pressed my palm against it. It was another reason why I loved this particular camp. I'd be able to lie out and dry in the night air, not getting too chilled thanks to the thermal heat that the boulders seemed to trap.

If the place wasn't infested with roaming beasts and too close to wolf territory, I'd have made it my home.

Naked, save for the one remaining weapon holster strapped to my calf—a blade I never went without—and shivering a little, I pulled my hair from the ponytail and then waded into the lake. The water cold against my feet at first, warm tendrils snaking around my ankles as I walked farther in.

“Ahhh.” I moaned as the water crept up and around my waist, the soothing current cycling around me. I crouched, soaking myself from the neck down, my butt resting on the muddy, pebbly bottom, the ends of my hair wet and heavy, tugging my head with the churning water. It was like a gentle massage, watery fingers easing the tension away.

Which reminded me of Kelly's massage across Lance's shoulders earlier, her hands on his flesh, the moan he'd given.


I slipped under water and pushed myself deeper, letting the sound of the current wash away any more thoughts of him or her. My hair swirled around me, the water as clear as it could be with the limited light from the moon. Tranquility, peace, if only for a moment. I turned and swam toward the center, the lake so deep it was all darkness below. No weeds or icky things—just warm, fresh bliss.

When I broke the surface, I instantly got a shiver of unease. My heart ramped up, thudding painfully. The lake was silent. The only sound my breathing and the lapping of the water against my body as I swayed to keep upright, treading water. The forest sounds came from a distance, leaves rustling, branches snapping, a few night birds calling. The crickets and frogs around the lake, the other bugs that usually serenaded me with their sounds were not making a peep. Had they been making noise when I first went under? I frowned. I hadn't been paying close enough attention. I turned, searching the forest line for danger, my hackles rising with each sweep as I reached down and unsheathed my blade.

“You want some company in that big bath tub?” Lance stood at the shore, my toiletry case in his hand.

I scowled, letting out a hiss as my pulse quickened for different reasons. “No.”
Yes, fuck yes, hell yes
, I wanted him in here with me. I wanted to slide onto his cock and ride him underwater. I wanted his hands and lips all over my wet skin, pinching my hard nipples, eating my mouth, licking the water from my flesh. “There isn't enough room in here for both of us.”

I resheathed my blade and swam a little closer to shore, the feel of the muddy bottom under my toes giving me a little more stability.

Lance held up my case, a cocky smirk on his mouth. “I think you forgot something over here.” He zipped it open, rummaged around inside. “Body wash, hmmm, shampoo, toothpaste.” He glanced up. “Yep, all necessities for a good wash up. You want it?”

“Zip it up and toss it here,” I said with a wave, the movement splashing water in my face. “It's waterproof and it floats.”

He held it up, pinched between finger and thumb and shook his head. “Nah ah, you're going to have to come and get it.”

I lowered my chin, mouth below the surface so he couldn't see my smile. Did he think I wouldn't? I shrugged, lifted my gaze and boldly met his stare. “Okay.”

Walking in neck deep water is not as graceful as one would think, and I had a bit of a trek to get to the shallower area. Instead I swam, ass skimming the top, lily white skin no doubt like a beacon. Just to make it more fun, I flipped over and floated for a bit, tits breaking the surface as I lazily stroked toward him. I was smiling, not bothering to look at him, knowing that his eyes were probably glued to my breasts.

Okay, flirting was fun. I could do flirting.

I heard a splash, figured he'd shed his clothes and was barreling for me. Was waiting for his hands to come up from underneath, maybe cup my breasts, flick my nipples. And then I felt a wave. It splashed over me from the wrong direction. I bolted up, my feet slipping on the lake bottom before I could get purchase.

Lance was screaming at me. “Ariana, get out, get out! There's a beast in the water with you!”

I looked to the other side. Only about two hundred feet away and there it was—a werewolf swimming at frightening speed toward me. I spun toward Lance, who was knee deep in the lake, sword in his hand, one of my sickles in the other. I made it within a hundred feet of him when the second beast attacked, coming out of the forest to Lance's left, barreling at him with fangs bared.

“Lance! Look out!”

He spun and slashed. The beast in the water caught up with me. With a claw digging into my hip, it spun me so fast that I fell back, my ass hitting the lakebed. I scrambled to unsheathe my blade, my hands clumsy as the pain from the claw wound roared through my hip.

It was on me, rank breath washing over me. “Huntress,” it growled, then pushed me under. With gigantic paws on my shoulders, it curled its claws around my back, puncturing flesh so I cried out, losing my held breath. In a wavy distortion I saw it lift its head and roar, the muffled sound barely penetrating the water.

It adjusted its stance, forcing its massive hips between my thighs. Rape? Not the usual MO. Typically the monsters just ripped us Huntresses to shreds if given the opportunity. It squeezed my shoulders, trying to angle me better for its distended, disfigured cock. Horrified at the idea but not losing my wits, I pulled my knees up, fighting against instinct to scissor my legs closed and instead opened myself wider. With legs splayed, knees brushing against the back of its arms, I snatched my blade. My lungs were screaming, black dots flashing. It was now or never.

He prodded me with his cock again, ready to thrust no doubt, and that was enough to ignite my rage. I brought my feet together and shoved against his groin, toes digging into his flesh, before pulling back and pounding him. His grip on my shoulders loosened. I struck again using my feet to push him away and with my limited mobility sliced across one of his hairy arms, my blade biting deep. He released me, his howl of pain ear piercing. I bounced from the water, sucking in a deep lungful of breath as I simultaneously drove my blade into its chest.

He howled again, my weapon protruding—not deep enough for an instant kill but my poison was at work. He stumbled back, clawing at the knife.

“Here, Ariana.” Lance's hand was on my arm, my sickle shoved in front of me.

I grabbed it without hesitation, spun and rammed it into the beast's chest. Killing it instantly. It fell with a hard splash and I stumbled away.

“Get the foul thing out of the lake,” I said, panting as I moved closer to shore.

Lance had left a bloody mess there, another beast writhing with its guts splayed on the beach. I dragged myself from the lake, water and blood spilling down my body from my various wounds. Sucking in a deep breath, I stood over the pathetic creature, disgust at its mewing, at its begging for mercy. Lance had opened it up—no need to make a new hole. I shoved my sickle in and hacked its heart from below. Another death.

I moved away and slumped to the ground, the wound at my hip throbbing, my shoulders burning.

Lance pulled the first beast out of the water and dumped it on top of the body of the other.

He knelt in front of me, out of breath, hands touching my face, tilting it up so he could look in my eyes. “Are you injured?”

His hair was a mess, scratches lined his cheeks, blood and dirt all over and he was asking if
was okay?

Tears burned the backs of my eyes. I flinched, nodded, lowered my leg so he could see my hip. He gasped. Angry and gaping, it was only a couple of inches but the flesh was gouged and bleeding profusely. He laid his hand over it, and I laid my hand over his, shaking my head. I didn't want his magic. His concern made my heart hurt. I didn't like that.

He snapped his eyes to mine, determination there. I wouldn't win this fight. I didn't have the energy. With a sigh, I lifted my hand and let him do his work.

Feeling his power for the first time was intense. It sparked along my skin, pulling my tattered flesh together from within. There was pain at first, but then something special, different, came from his touch. As he mended, he pulsed an anesthetic of sorts, masking the discomfort and pain. It was amazing and something I totally didn't know how to do. The throbbing of my wound disappeared to numbness and in its place I felt nothing but his euphoric touch. Watching with awe as he healed me in a way that was foreign to me.

His magic did other things to me too. It made me long for things I didn't really want. Like to be held, and comforted…by him.

“Lance…I…” My heart contracted, defenses lowering.

He looked up at me, tenderness in his eyes.

The sound of screams hit us at the same time. The camp. My sisters. We bolted up, I made to run toward the camp and Lance stopped me.

“Clothes, Ariana.” He tossed me my shirt, pants. “You're not completely healed. They'll staunch the blood flow until I can look at it again.”

I pulled them on hastily, my skin still wet, everything taking too long. He helped me with my holster. When I grunted as it slid over my wounded shoulders he frowned, gave me a look that promised more healing. If we survived.

Chapter Eleven


He knew enough about the Huntresses that the scream they heard was not one of fear or a cry for help—it was one of rage. Pure, uninhibited rage.

It took them less than five minutes to make it back to camp, and in that time it was
who feared. For Ariana, for Kelly for what they would find.

There were five beasts piled at the camp entrance, all dead, huge gashes to their chests, eyes glassy, mouths hanging open.

Ariana stopped up short, her hand on her chest, like she was holding her heart in place. Lance put his hand on her shoulder, the tension there radiating.

Two warriors dragged another body between them, the beast's lower half was a bloody mess, entrails coming away in chunks as they heaved it on top of the rest.

“Ariana,” one of them said, her relief evident. “We were attacked.”

Ariana nodded. “So were we. Down at the lake, two beasts.”

“We had seven here.” The warrior nodded behind her. “Another body inside.” She paused, hung her head for a moment. “We lost…”

“She's alive!” Kelly came running out. “Find Lance…oh, there you are! Thank god you're okay!” She ran to him, threw her arms around his shoulders. His own relief came out in a whoosh of breath.

“Who's been hurt?” Ariana demanded as she stormed past him and Kelly, her eyes trained straight ahead, any tenderness, any opening he'd had moments before at the lake long gone.

Kelly pulled away, pressing her forehead briefly to his. “It's bad, Lance, really bad. Between the two of you, you might be able to mend her but I don't know.”

Lance nodded, feeling his gut twist. “How did this happen? How was she hurt?”

“It was her beast,” Kelly said, one hand fluttering to her cheek, the other pointing to the last beast on the pile. “Crazed by Huntress poison and after his mate.”

Lance moved to the beast. On its chest was a wide scar where no hair grew. Lance's thoughts whirled, the pieces falling together. Just like the other Huntresses, she must have gotten her bite, attempted to kill the beast but missed the heart.

“He must have felt her presence in the forest. Was drawn to her.”

Ariana had said that could happen, had told him earlier that the beasts were drawn to the Huntresses.

“She took the hit within minutes of the attack. She wasn't prepared, was kind of shocked I think that he was alive. It was chaos.” Kelly motioned toward the camp. “They rallied fast though. Cut the beasts down fairly quickly. You two were attacked as well? Are you hurt?”

Lance shook his head. “Not me, no.”


He took Kelly's hand and led her into the camp. Ariana was crouched next to Cat, the one who talked to animals. He gasped at the sight of the poor women's body. She was cut from sternum to crotch, four long, deep wounds in one sweep. Blood soaked her clothes, her neck, face and hair all coated. There was more of it outside of her than inside. How could she still be alive?

Ella was at the woman's head, cradling it in her lap, dripping something into her mouth. A sedative, perhaps? Painkiller, maybe? Whatever it was, Cat's moaning ceased as he stood there, her eyelids fluttering as she lost consciousness.

“Help me.” Ariana looked up at him, her eyes filled with tears, anger blasting, not at him but at the situation. “I need you to help me mend her wounds.”

She had to know it was futile.

Lance let go of Kelly's hand and moved next to Ariana, kneeling on one leg. “The wounds are too deep, the blood loss too severe.”

She shook her head. “We're powerful together, you know we are.” She grabbed his hand, pulled it to Cat's body. “Help me heal her.”

Lance sighed, shook his head. Useless. The woman was barely breathing, the blood still flowing freely. He placed his other hand over the wound, probing with his senses to see how deep it went. Organs were pierced, damage severe. He looked over at Ariana, resignation sucking the energy from his body. She had her eyes closed, her fingers hovering over the biggest of the lacerations. She was mumbling as well. A prayer to Artemis? She was not going to give up, not while there was still a chance, as slim as it was.

He sucked in a deep breath, pooled his power, focusing on stoking it, intensifying. A fucking waste.

As soon as he closed his eyes his power surged, digging deep into the gaping wound, tugging at the strands of meaty muscle, tendons, and deeper to the organs that were slashed.

He was so focused that he didn't feel Ariana shaking him at first, her hands on his shoulder, pushing him, his body swaying seemingly part of the magic. He cracked open his eyes, blinking at the blaze of the fire to their side.

“I need your bond, Hunter,” Ariana said quietly. “I'm not powerful enough without it.”

“What?” Was he hallucinating? He gave his head a shake.

“Your bond, Hunter, give it to me.” She was serious, her face set with that same determination.

He frowned. This had to be a dream. He must have passed out.

Go with it.

With a shrug, he pulled his hands away from Cat's body and placed a palm over Ariana's heart. “I give myself to you, my Huntress, with a vow of protection that no beast shall put asunder. Take all of me and use me as you will.”

The bond took hold, tethering them together, jolting them in a way that made Lance want to shout with joy.

Ariana clasped his hand, the one over her heart, and met his gaze. The urge to mate with her, join bodies pounded him from the inside out. He leaned forward, intent on kissing her at least. She was his, finally. There would be time enough later for them to be alone.

She curled her fingers around his, and pulled his hand away, pushing back and then to the side so she could lay her hands on Cat once again.

Rejection crushed him down. His body felt weighted, his heart torn in two. What kind of Huntress could deny the bond? To refuse him immediately after the vow?

One that put her tribe first.

He reached his hand out to pull her back, demand an explanation.

Cat moaned and Lance snapped his gaze to the poor woman's face, his hand falling to his lap instead.

“It's working, Lance,” Ariana said, her voice full of hope, excitement, her eyes sparkling as she looked over at him, telling him things she wouldn't dare say. “The bond made me stronger! Help me!”

When she looked at him in that moment he understood. If she could love a fellow Huntress like that, she could love him too. He just needed more time. Now that he'd gotten his bond, time was the only barrier. He turned toward Cat and got back to work, adding his magic to that of his mate.

A mate he would claim completely and without question once they'd saved a life.

“She's dead. She's dead.” It came as a mournful whisper, touching his ears, making him shiver.

Lance pulled himself from his trance, cracking his eyes open, scanning Cat's body. They'd mended some of the internal damage, but Cat's eyes were wide open and glassy, her mouth agape. The blood from her wounds had stopped flowing. No breath came from her lungs.

Ariana, with eyes closed and brow furrowed, still worked.

He moved quickly, shifting to Cat's other side, nudging the other warriors back as he slipped his hand under her neck, tilted her head up, checked her airway and then breathed for her. Her body didn't respond. It took the air but leaked it out again. One of her wounds must have pierced a lung.
Damn it!
He positioned his hands, pumped her chest, one, two, three…

“Lance, it's no use.” Kelly's hand was on his shoulder, halting him mid-pump. “She's dead. She's been dead for a bit.” She leaned down. “I think the others were just waiting to see if Ariana could evoke Artemis, bring her back.”

He looked at his mate. Tears fell silently down her cheeks. Her eyes were still closed, hands still sparking with magic, her mouth moving as she prayed fervently.

He sat back on his heels. Wiped the sweat from his brow and watched.

Ten minutes passed, twenty, the better part of an hour. Nothing happened. Lance looked around, questioning any who would meet his eyes. No one was willing to stop her.

“Ariana.” He reached across, hand on her arm, sliding to her fingers, pulling her from the body. “Enough.”

“No,” she whispered, forcing her hand back, magic sparking. “I can't.”

“She's dead.” Lance stood, came around to her side, crouched again. “Ariana, stop.” He encircled her in his arms, feeling a moment of bliss as she melted into him. The bond pulled tight, uniting them, making them one. “Let me be your rock.”

She let out a sob, muffled into his chest when she turned toward him. Burying herself for a moment. He sighed. God it felt good.

“Ariana, should we prepare the body?”

Lance glanced up at the warrior who spoke. “Yes, make sure you…”

Ariana's body stiffened. She pulled herself away, her eyes locked on his, anger flashing bright at him. “You will never speak for me.”

She pushed him back and stood, leaving him feeling the emptiness. He breathed a sigh of resignation. He'd had her for a moment.

“Build a pyre, she'll burn at sunrise.” Ariana wiped her cheeks with the back of her hand, leaving a streak of blood. “I need to message Greer, inform her of our loss. Be vigilant. I doubt there will be another attack but all the same, keep watch.”

She turned and left. Seemingly without difficulty. The tether that bound her to him pulled his heart, making him rise, to follow her like some puppy craving attention. It pissed him off.

“Leave me, Lance,” she barked over her shoulder as she stormed through the woods.

“We need to talk.” Lance wasn't going to let her walk out, not without some kind of explanation. “We bonded.”


Ugh, it hurt. Like a hit to the balls again. “So?” His anger flashed. “You're my Huntress and we've bonded. Why doesn't that faze you?”

“Nothing has changed, Lance, there's nothing to talk about.”

He caught her arm, swung her to face him, his simmering anger now boiling. “Like hell!”

Her face was a mask of fury. “Get your hands off me!”

“I won't, not until you tell me how the fuck you can be so damn cold, why you're so against what is natural for us. We're bonded, we belong together. Why are you fighting it?”

“Why are you fighting
it?” she roared.

“I'm your Hunter. This is what I was born to do.”

Her eyes flashed to his biceps, to his Hunter mark. “Just because you wear that mark doesn't make you any different, any more noble. Men who wear that mark can hurt, can betray. I don't know you.”

“All I'm asking for is a chance. Destiny has sent you to me. Artemis, your Goddess has aligned our stars. All I'm asking is that you let me in, slowly, as slow as you need, but quit freezing me out! We're meant to be together.”

“I don't belong to any man!” She hissed, her eyes wild, ranting like she wasn't even hearing what he said. “You will never control me. You will never own me. You will never make me weak.”

Lance shook his head, his heart heavy. “No, never those things,” he whispered with horror. “I only want to love you, support you, make you stronger.”

Her mask crashed, anger slipping away, confusion replacing it. “What?”

“I want to be as important to you as your Huntresses are.” He reached up to brush her hair from her face. She batted his hand away.

And then she launched herself at him.

She bit his bottom lip, before shoving her tongue deep into his mouth, making him swallow a yelp and taste blood. Her hands were at his waist, fingers deftly ripping open the button and then zipper of his pants, yanking the opening so wide that he heard it rip. His dick was hard, throbbing, landing in her hands so she could stroke roughly, almost painfully. Aggression turned him on apparently.

She pulled her mouth away, lips a cherry red. “You want me, Hunter? Take me then.”

She gave his balls a light squeeze, her eyes daring him. He winced at the memory of her hands there once before. And then swatted her away, spinning her quickly. Gripping both her wrists in his hand, he pulled her back into his body.

“I will have you,” he growled before nipping her neck, a fierce beast-like urge to leave his mark on her flesh just as her wolf had done. “You're mine, Huntress.”

She moaned as he bit harder, her body slumping into his. He pushed her away, as far as she could go with her arms trapped behind her. He reached under her shirt, squeezed her breasts. With no bra on, her tits were uncovered and swaying as he bent her forward. He pressed his cock against her ass, frustrated by the leather pants she still wore. She moaned again as he forced her down to her knees, released her hands and then roughly yanked open her pants, before pulling them over her hips. He spun her around and then pushed her down onto her back before ripping her pants off completely.

And there she was, bared and open, pussy soaked. He slid to his knees, ready to take her, to fall into the cradle of her thighs. She lifted a leg as if to kick him and he batted it away, hands on her hips as he flipped her again, brought her up and back, straight onto his cock.

She groaned deep and long as he thrust into her sweet pussy. He lifted her hips to meet him as he pounded her ruthlessly. She was his.
He felt his orgasm rise but pushed it down. No way was he giving this up so quickly. He pulled out, and she spun around immediately, mouth on his cock, licking her juice from his shaft, making him buck and moan, his eyes rolling back in ecstasy. But that wasn't how it was going to end either.

He ran his fingers through her hair, snapped his eyes open to look down at her before gripping tightly and pulling her off, her lips leaving his cock glistening and hard. With two hands, he tore her shirt down the middle then palmed her tits, thumbed her nipples until she cried out. He gripped her wrists again and pulled them high above her body, stretching her out as he laid her down and slid between her legs, forcing them wide. She wrapped her thighs around his waist, lifting her hips so he could slide his cock home, shuddering as he encased himself fully. They bucked in a desperate rhythm, grunting and moaning their way to the peak.

BOOK: Valiant Heart
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