Vaulcron (Enigma Series Book 3) (17 page)

BOOK: Vaulcron (Enigma Series Book 3)
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Chapter Thirty-Four


Mallory couldn’t stop grinning as her sister told her of all the people she’d met, the delicious foods she’d tried, and how the ever-patient Zaureth had watched over her like a hawk.

“He’s some sort of a healer,” Amy was saying as the Bracadyte in question came striding into the room.

Stopping next to Amy’s seated form, Zaureth laid his hand in hers. “I will take you downstairs for a snack. We have a big day ahead of us.”

“Has the sun risen already?” Amy accepted his assistance, permitting him to pull her to her feet.

“It has,” Zaureth affirmed, guiding her toward the door.

Mallory nearly teared up as Amy stopped and tilted her face up toward Zaureth’s, her expression open and excited. “May we sit on the beach for a few minutes while you describe it to me?”

Zaureth cleared his throat. “Describe the sun?”

“All of it,” Amy gushed. “The waves, the sun, the sand…everything.”

Her enthusiasm must have been contagious if Zaureth’s expression was any indication. He stared down at her in wonder. “I will describe the entire world to you, if that is your wish.”

“It is!”

Mallory watched them go, gratefulness settling in her chest. “Zaureth is amazing with her. Don’t you think?”

“He is. But I would rather talk about us for a moment.”

Mallory tilted her head. “Is something bothering you?”

Vaulcron shook his head. “Come. Sit. I would have a word with you.”

Dread reared its ugly head. “What is it?”

“Please sit.”

“I don’t want to sit. Please, just tell me.”

His hand drifted over to rest on her abdomen. “You are with child, Mallory.”

Mallory’s stomach turned over, and heat rushed to her face. She had to grab on to Vaulcron’s arm to keep from falling.

Vaulcron steadied her. “Mallory?”

“I’m pregnant?” she asked numbly. “Are you sure?”

“Zaureth sensed it when he touched your hand.”

A shudder instantly passed through her. If she and Vaulcron hadn’t escaped the government’s hold when they did, Howell would have eventually gotten his filthy hands on her baby.

Vaulcron’s face blanked, and sorrow shone from his eyes. “You do not want to bear my child.” It wasn’t a question.

Tears quickly threatened. Mallory reached up and cupped his cheeks in her palms. “I want this child more than anything else in this world.”

“You are not disappointed?”

The insecurity lining his voice tore at her heart. “No, baby. I’m just scared is all. I was thinking about our time at Winchester Industries. What if we hadn’t made it out of that place?”

Her hand immediately went to her abdomen. “They would have…” She couldn’t finish the thought.

Vaulcron pulled her against him. “You are safe now. Both of you.” He laid his palm over hers. “I will never allow anything to harm either of you.”

The tears Mallory fought so hard to contain spilled over to track down her face. “Make love to me, Vaulcron.”

Vaulcron gently picked her up and carried her over to the stand at the foot of the bed. With infinite care, he untied the sash to her robe and slipped it off her shoulders to pool at her feet.

Mallory could only watch in wonder as his passion-filled gaze traveled the length of her body. “Beautiful…”

“You’re the beautiful one, Vaulcron. Everything about you is breathtaking, from your remarkable eyes to your innocent heart.”

She released his sash and opened his robe. “I love you, Vaulcron. More than I ever thought possible.”

His dropped to his knees in front of her, a suspicious moisture appearing in his eyes. “Tell me again. I need to hear it again.”

Mallory brushed her lips across his. “I love you.” She kissed the tip of his nose. “I love you.” Dragging her lips higher, she kissed each eyelid, soaking up the evidence of his tears. “I will love you for forever.”

Vaulcron stood in one fluid motion, hovering over her with hooded eyes. “I cannot put into words the depths of my feelings for you, Mallory. But I can show you.”

He lifted her onto the foot of the bed, gently opened her thighs, and knelt between them.

Mallory stared down at the top of his head as it moved ever closer to her center. He looked up and met her gaze. “Lie back and open yourself to me.”

A wave of lust washed through her at his command.

Easing back onto the bed, Mallory stared up at the ceiling in anticipation of his tongue.

He lifted her legs, draped them over his shoulders, and tugged her forward. His hands slid up over the tops of her thighs, stopping at her exposed mound.

Mallory moaned aloud with the first touch of his fingers on her sex. He carefully opened her and swiped his tongue over her tiny bundle of nerves.

“Vaulcron,” she whispered, gripping his hair as he sucked the throbbing pleasure point into his mouth.

He rolled his tongue with just enough pressure to wring another moan from Mallory.

Applying more suction, Vaulcron lifted her higher, freed one of his hands, and carefully inserted a finger inside her.

Mallory’s hips unconsciously bucked. The feelings created by his swirling tongue, coupled with the slow, erotic slide of his finger, took her breath.

“Vaulcron,” she gasped, an orgasm quickly building, leaving her no choice but to follow it over the edge.

Her legs tightened around his shoulders, and she ground against his commanding mouth, riding out her climax in complete abandon.

He continued to slowly lick her until the release calmed enough that her legs slowed their shaking.

“I need to be inside you now,” he growled, rising from the floor to climb up her body.

Mallory moved to pull herself higher up onto the bed, but Vaulcron gripped her legs, keeping her at the foot of the mattress.

Draping her ankles over his shoulders once again, he gripped his massive erection and guided it to her opening. “I do not want to hurt you or the babe. Stop me if it becomes painful.”

“You won’t hurt me. I want you too much,” Mallory breathed, staring up into his sexy face.

The feel of him pressing against her opening brought on a new sensation, wringing another soft sound from her throat.

He stilled. “Am I hurting you?”

Mallory shook her head, lifting her hips higher for deeper penetration. “Please, don’t stop.”

“You feel incredible,” he rumbled, inching forward, stretching her to a near painful limit.

Vaulcron pulled back slightly before easing back in, seating himself fully inside her. “You belong to me, Mallory. Now and forevermore.”

Chapter Thirty-Five


Vaulcron shook with the force of holding back. A fine sheen of sweat covered his body as he fought the need to thrust into Mallory’s wet heat.

She felt better than he could have ever imagined. And he’d imagined quite often.

The sex they’d shared back in that lab remained on the outskirts of his memory. Bits and pieces would come and go, but nothing stuck long enough to get a lock on it.

The feeling of oneness he shared with her now outshone every fantasy he’d had of her before.

He began to slowly pump into her, basking in the feel of her tightly hugging his shaft.

His gaze lowered to the place their bodies connected, and his already painfully hard erection grew harder, if that was possible.

The sight of her small, sweet sex stretched around his much larger shaft, holding him as he thrust inside her, took his control.

Vaulcron backed up a step to prevent himself from penetrating her too deep. “Relax. I will take you there.”

Mallory’s eyes grew dark with passion. “Don’t hold back with me, Vaulcron. You’re not going to break me.”

Gritting his teeth, Vaulcron surrendered to the feeling inside him, demanding he give up control.

Stepping forward, he brought his knees up to the foot of the bed, bending her own knees up toward her chest, and thrust.

Mallory cried out, throwing her arms around his shoulders, holding him in a grip that surprised him for one so small.

She rose up to meet every downward stroke he gave her, giving him all of herself, demanding all of him.

“Vaulcron,” Mallory panted, her head thrown back. “Oh God, don’t stop.”

He couldn’t have stopped if he tried. Lifting up onto his elbows, he watched her through a seductive haze, fighting his own release to prolong hers.

“I love you, Mallory.”

Her back bowed off the bed, and a scream ripped from her throat with the orgasm that rocked her beneath him.

Her vaginal walls contracted around his thrusting shaft, slowing his movements, demanding his surrender.

A shout burst from him with the force of his seed being wrenched from his body. Still he drove into again and again, unable to control his movements, his thoughts, his feelings.

Rolling to the side to keep his weight off her, Vaulcron tugged her with him until she sat atop him.

A shudder passed through him as more of his seed expelled inside her. He stared up at her in wonder. “That was the most incredible experience of my life.”

Mallory rolled her hips, wringing a groan from him. “I’ve never experienced anything like it either, Vaulcron. I want to share this with you, every day for the rest of our lives.”

“Every day?” Vaulcron teased, reaching up to tuck her hair behind her ear. “You would become sore.”

Mallory grinned. “Are you sure you’re not worried about
becoming tender? Poor baby.”

The breath rushed from Vaulcron’s lungs as she lifted her hips and sank back down onto his still erect length.

She appeared wild and fierce with her eyes glittering, her dark hair falling around her face, and her lips swollen from his kisses.

Vaulcron had never thought her more beautiful than he did in that moment.


* * * *

Mallory emerged from the bathroom, wearing the same robe and her hair wrapped in a towel. She stopped short when her gaze landed on Abbigail Sutherland.

“Doctor Sutherland,” Mallory exclaimed, glancing from Abbie to Vaulcron.

Vaulcron tied the sash on his own robe and waved a hand toward his brother’s mate. “I asked Abbie here to make certain that you and the babe are all right.”

Mallory gripped the top of her robe and stepped forward with her hand extended. “I’m Mallory Cahill. It’s nice to finally meet you. You’re a legend back in the States.”

Abbie blushed, a soft smile on her face. “More like a fugitive.”

“Aren’t we all,” Mallory agreed in a quiet voice. “Won’t you sit down?”

Vaulcron watched in contentment as Mallory interacted with his brother’s mate.

He trailed over to where Mallory stood. “I need to speak with Zaureth. Will you be all right while I am gone?”

“Of course,” Mallory teased. “I’m the Great White Shark. Remember?”

Vaulcron bent and kissed her softly on the lips, his body reacting to the mere scent of her.

He snatched up his clothing and turned toward the door before he embarrassed himself in front of the females.

Once in the hall, Vaulcron strode toward Zaureth’s room and knocked on the door. When no answer came, he tried again before turning toward the stairwell.

Vaulcron changed into his sharkskin shorts and vest, tossing the robe over his shoulder as he jogged down the stairs to the lobby.

Oz sat in an overstuffed chair, sipping on a glass of wine as a dark-haired female stood behind him, massaging his shoulders.

“Have you seen Zaureth?” Vaulcron asked Oz, ignoring the female practically draped across his shoulders.

Oz nodded. “He left.”

“What do you mean he left?” Vaulcron persisted, moving to stand directly in front of the guy’s chair.

“Would you mind leaving us, Juanita?” Oz reached into his pocket and pulled a hundred-dollar bill free, handing it to the female.

She snatched it up and sashayed off with a wink at Vaulcron.

Oz stood. “Walk with me.”

Vaulcron fell into step next to Oz as they made their way toward the double doors. The two of them emerged outside and headed to the water without speaking.

“Zaureth is not like us, Vaulcron.”

Vaulcron nodded. “I am aware. You asked me out here to tell me this?”

Oz laughed. “My time is more precious than that, my friend. I brought you out to be sure we weren’t overheard.”

“I am listening.”

“Zaureth is battling something he fears he can’t win.”

Vaulcron stared out over the rolling waves of the gulf. “How is it that you have come to know this?”

Oz shrugged. “He told me.”

It pained Vaulcron that Zaureth hadn’t come to him. Though Vaulcron was older than Zaureth, he’d been close to the healer since they were children. They trusted each other. Or so Vaulcron had thought.

He turned to face Oz. “He told you what, exactly?”

“His energy has grown weak. Not even meditation seems to help.”

“But why?” Vaulcron had never known Zaureth to show or feel weakness. He was the strongest Bracadyte in Aukrabah. “It makes no sense.”

“Your guess is as good as mine,” Oz replied. “I’m only telling you this because he asked me to.”

Vaulcron rested his palms on the back of his head. “Where did he go?”


Vaulcron’s stomach tightened. “To Aukrabah?”

Oz kept his gaze on the water as he spoke. “Look. The bombing has been stopped, and all divers have been pulled from the gulf. He’ll be okay.”


“He needs this,” Oz insisted, cutting off whatever argument Vaulcron was about to give. “He wanted you to understand, not come after him.”

Vaulcron gritted his teeth in frustration. “He gave you no indication as to what he battles inside?”

Oz hesitated. “Not directly, no. But what I have gathered over the past week and a half, I’d say it has to do with a certain blind girl.”

“Amy?” Vaulcron growled in disbelief.

“Just my opinion.” Oz spun on his heel and strode back toward the hotel.

Vaulcron stood there for several minutes before stepping into the edge of the water and slowly closing his eyes. “

“Do not follow me, son of my king. This is a journey I must travel alone.”

“What troubles you, my friend?”
Vaulcron sent back.

A long pause ensued. “
I am not certain. But I must go back to where it first began for me. Hopefully there, I will find the answers that I seek.”

“When you first realized your gift of healing?”

“Among other things,”
came Zaureth’s hesitant response.

“What other things?”


BOOK: Vaulcron (Enigma Series Book 3)
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