VITTORIO'S WOMAN (The Vittorio Series) (9 page)

BOOK: VITTORIO'S WOMAN (The Vittorio Series)
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Lilly’s hands shook as she slipped his legs into his jeans.  “Yes, it did.  I had an…unusual dream though.  I hope I didn’t talk in my sleep and wake you.”

“To tell the truth…”
  Simon paused just long enough to catch the tell tale sign of color coming back into her cheeks before finishing, “I was sleeping so soundly myself a hurricane wouldn’t have woken me.”

“Thank God,” she blurted out then turned a few shades darker.
  Rising hastily from the kneeling position she’d been in, Lilly was halfway across the room when Simon asked where she was going off to in such a hurry.  “To get our breakfast trays, of course,” she called over her shoulder.

She hoped he’d take his cue and wheel himself out onto the balcony before she returned.
  Being so close to both Simon and his bed simultaneously was unnerving and she needed to escape as quickly as possible.

It was too early for Luisa to have brought up their trays
, but Lilly was grateful for the extra minutes of respite from Simon’s inquisitive eyes.  He was too in tuned with her not to notice she was behaving strangely and it wouldn’t take long for him to start asking questions if she didn’t pull herself together.  She blamed her jittery nerves on the erotic dream she’d had, but she could relax now that she knew Simon hadn’t heard her moaning or, heaven forbid, calling out his name.  By the time she got to the kitchen, Lilly managed to produce a genuine smile for Luisa.

“You are up early,” Luisa returned her smile as she seasoned the eggs.
  She turned from the oven and hurried to the refrigerator for a carafe of orange juice and settled it on one of the trays.  “Simon is awake also?”

“We both turned in early last night,” Lilly offered in the way of an explanation for them rising earlier than usual.
  “Is there anything I can do to help?”

“You help already,” Luisa beamed, “you get my Simon to eat and grow strong again.”

“It was nothing,” Lilly said modestly.  “He probably would have snapped out of it by himself eventually.”

“No,” Luisa shook her head with vehemence, “he give up, not want to live no more.
  It is you who bring Simon back.”

Lilly couldn’t help feeling pleased by the older woman’s confidence.
  “I’m glad I could help.  Simon is…he’s a wonderful man.”

“He is good man,” Luisa agreed as she dished out the eggs and set them on the tray then opened the oven to retrieve the bacon and a stack of pancakes.

“Simon’s not the only one gaining weight,” Lilly laughed, eyeing the huge portions of food Luisa piled onto the trays.

“This is
Lilly.  Men do not like their woman to resemble the bones of a chicken.”

“I’ll keep telling myself that while I’m devouring this lovely breakfast.”

Luisa’s face lit up.  “I am happy you do not pick at your food as Milana does.  Too thin, my girl is.”

“Where is Milana?
  I didn’t see her at all yesterday.”

Sono spiacente!  Ho dimenticato di dirlo che sarà andata

“Luisa, in English please
.  I’m afraid I didn’t understand a word you said.”

“I am sorry,” she repeated, wringing her hands together.
  “I forget to tell you Milana is gone.”

  Is something wrong, is she ill?”

, no, no…she go for two days to the
of her

Lilly relaxed, smiling at Luisa’s mixture of English and Italian.
  “She’s visiting her parents?”

, her parents.  She also tell me
De Angelis is to arrive today.  You will let Simon know?”

Lilly ignored the stab of jealousy that sliced through her.
   “This…Miss De Angelis is flying here to see Simon?”

Louisa picked up one of the trays.
, Gabriella is close friend of Simon.  He will be happy to see her.”

Lilly lifted the other tray and trailed after Luisa, fighting the urge to ask just how close this woman and Simon were.
  “Has she been here before?”

“Oh many, many times.
  She stay for few days then leave.  Do not worry, Lilly, I make up another room for her so you no have to move.”

The bottom dropped out of Lilly’s stomach.
  “She…she usually stays in my room?”

“Next to Simon,
.  It is more

The nausea that had risen when Luisa announced Gabriella was coming for a visit quickly morphed into anger.
  Simon, the lying rat, had sworn to her that he’d never invited another woman to his home…or his bed.  Oh, God, she’d made love to him in the same bed that he’d slept with Gabriella in!  Or had they made love in the bed she was sleeping in now?  Another wave of nausea hit her and Lilly nearly dumped the tray as they reached the landing.

“You want me to carry it in?”
  Luisa asked when they reached Simon’s door.

“No, I can manage,” Lilly answered thinly.
  Luisa nodded and set the tray down then turned to go.  “Luisa wait…what time shall I tell him Gabriella will be here?”

“She always come in time for lunch.”

“Great…thank you, I…I’ll be sure to tell him.”

She waited until Luisa had gone before setting the tray on the floor
, then made a mad dash for her own room and the
bathroom.  What little food remained in her stomach from dinner the night before made a hasty exit followed by a couple rounds of the dry heaves.  Lilly flushed the toilet then dragged herself up off the floor and splashed cold water on her face before vigorously brushing her teeth. 

She lifted her head slowly, staring at the pair of wounded eyes in the mirror for several minutes before she heard Simon calling her name.
  Choking back the enormous boulder in her throat, she smoothed her hair back from her face and turned to go just as Simon wheeled his chair in front of the doorway.

  His face lined with concern, Simon inched his chair through the doorway.  “You are sick?”

“I…it was the wine, I think.”

“You are sure it could not be…something else?”

Something that calls herself Gabriella, she thought miserably, before she caught his meaning.
  “I’m not pregnant, Simon, I told you two weeks ago I had my period.”

“Still…it might be best if you did not drink any more alcohol until you have confirmed it with a doctor.”

“I don’t need confirmation from a doctor,” she snapped.

Simon’s jaws flexed.
  “No more alcohol, I insist.”

“Fine, I was never much of a drinker anyway.
  Now would you mind backing out of here so we can have breakfast before it gets cold.”

He hesitated for a moment then did as she asked, not entirely convinced it was the wine that had made her sick but reluctant to work her up any more than she already was.
  He returned to the balcony, carefully weighing the risks of expressing any more concern while she carried in the trays and set out the food.  He noted the slight tremor of her chin and the way she kept her eyes averted, and quickly surmised there was something more worrisome on her mind than the consequences of a hangover. 

Simon tried to concentrate on his meal but the question kept rolling through his mind.
  Had she figured it out?  Had she finally realized it wasn’t a dream after all and that he’d come to her room and made love to her?  He stole a quick glance at her face and tried to read the guarded look she wore. 

She didn’t look angry.
  If anything, she looked scared.  But scared of what; that she had given herself to him again or that she might have conceived his child last night?  The timing was right for it.  Lilly wasn’t the only one who could count back the days and figure when she was fertile.  Unable to endure even another minute of not knowing, Simon worked up the courage to ask. 

…is there something you would like to discuss with me?”

  She lifted her head and looked at him, forcing herself not to wince at the pain gnawing a hole in her gut.  “Oh…yes, I almost forgot.  Luisa asked me to tell you Milana would be gone for a few days because she’s visiting your parents, and…”  Lilly’s eyes shifted to the view of the ocean though she wasn’t really seeing it, “she also asked me to tell you that Gabriella De Angelis would be arriving today.”

  It will be good to see her.  She wanted to come and take care of me after the accident but I refused.”

“Well, now she’ll get her chance,” Lilly said stiffly.

Simon’s eyes narrowed.  “What do you mean?”

She shrugged indifferently.
  “Just that you won’t need both of us taking care of you.  It’ll be a relief actually, I could use a few days off.”

“Then you do not mind if Gabriella stays for awhile?”

“Why should I?  I mean, it’s not as if…as if you and I are involved anymore, right?”

“This is true,” he agreed amicably.

Lilly dabbed the corner of her mouth with the napkin then laid it back on the table and stood up.  “I’m still feeling a little queasy,” she said evenly.  “If it’s all right with you, I think I’ll lay down for awhile.  I’ll clear away the dishes later so…so you and Miss De Angelis can have lunch out here if you like.”

Simon flashed a warm smile.
  “That would be wonderful.”

She blinked back the sting of tears but didn’t quite keep the tremor out of her voice.
  “Okay then…I guess I’ll just go now.”  

He watched the mechanical movements of her slender body as she walked away, wanting more than anything to go after her and kiss her senseless.
  Maybe then she would realize how deeply he felt for her and stop torturing them both by keeping him at arm’s length.  On the other hand, perhaps this visit from Gabriella was just what she needed to open her eyes to her own feelings.

Jealousy was not usually an emotion he tolerated in his women
, but Lilly was not just any woman.  She was the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with and if making her jealous was what it took to make that happen then Simon would just have to see to it that Lilly was pea green with it.

Chapter 9

Shortly before lunch time, Lilly slipped out of her room and went to search out Luisa to let her know Simon would be dining with Gabriella and that she would take her own lunch out in the gardens.  She didn’t think she could handle being right in the next room while he entertained his
and she certainly didn’t want him thinking she was sulking, so she’d decided to Luisa carry up the trays when the time came. 

She was
sizing up the competition, Lilly told herself, but was merely being hospitable to Simon’s guest in Milana’s absence.  The fact that her heart felt like it was being squeezed in a vice had nothing at all to do with Miss Gabriella De Angelis, nor did the knots in her stomach.

Lilly had just reached the bottom of the grand staircase and was still trying to convince herself she wasn’t the least bit jealous when the sound of Luisa’s excited rush of Italian made her stop short.
  There was a flurry of activity coming from the foyer and then another feminine voice responded in the same excited tone.  Obviously Gabriella was a welcome guest here, and a frequent one if the rapid exchange of conversation was any indication of how well the two women knew each other. 

Lilly smoothed her hands down the light cotton sundress she’d put on that morning, resisting the urge to race back upstairs and profess her undying love to Simon before Gabriella had a chance to come between them.
  A ridiculous idea considering Lilly herself had already driven that particular wedge firmly into place, but she thought about it just the same. 

Opting not to make an utter fool of herself, she pasted on a plastic smile and stepped into the main hall to wait for them.
  A few minutes later, Luc appeared, toting two enormous suitcases as well as a shoulder bag.  Good God, was the woman intending to move in indefinitely?

Lilly’s smile faltered as her gaze moved past Luc, her composure completely thrown off balance the moment Gabriella came into view.
  Any hope she’d had that Simon’s relationship with this woman was platonic was instantly shattered.  Tall and elegant, Gabriella moved with the grace of a dancer and was impeccably dressed in a cream colored silk jumpsuit that clung to every dangerous curve like a second skin.  Her dark hair was pulled back in a stylish twist, leaving nothing to detract from the stunning beauty of her face and the almond shaped eyes that could only be described as sultry.  Lilly hated her on sight.

Lilly,” Luisa said with a worried frown, “why are you not in bed?”

Her attention was drawn away from Gabriella by the strange question.
  “Why on earth would I be in bed at this hour?”

“Because Simon tell me you are ill and to no disturb.”

Lilly waved her hand dismissively.  “Oh, that.  I had a little upset stomach this morning but feel perfectly fine now.”  She turned to Gabriella and extended her hand.  “I’m Lillian Barclay, Simon’s physical therapist.”

“Luc was not lying,” Gabriella smiled as she took Lilly’s hand.
  “He said I would have trouble keeping Simon’s attention with such a beautiful woman around attending to his needs.”

“I doubt Simon would even notice I was in the room if you were there,” Lilly replied magnanimously.
  “As it happens, you will have him all to yourself for the next few days while I take some much needed vacation time.”

“You poor thing, I imagine Simon has been an absolute bear
.  But do not worry, Gabriella knows just the thing to tame that awful temper of his.”

“I’m sure you do,” Lilly quipped dryly, then turned a lovely shade of scarlet when Gabriella arched an elegant brow.
  “Simon hasn’t had any visitors,” she rushed on, “so I’m sure seeing you will lift his spirits immensely.”

“Then I shall go to him immediately.”
  She gave Lilly an assessing glance before turning to Luisa.  “Perhaps I will freshen up first.  Which room did that handsome son of yours take my luggage to?”

Luisa blushed with pleasure over Gabriella’s remark about Luc.
  “You take room across hall from Simon.  Lunch will be served in twenty minutes, but you no need to come down to dine.  Lilly and Simon take meals in his room.”

Gabriella gave Lilly a knowing smile.
  “Is that so?”

“It’s easier than having Gaetano carry him downstairs,” Lilly said with a defiant lift of her chin.

“You are welcome to join us, Miss Barclay, though I must say you might be rather bored listening to us chatter about people and things you know nothing about.  Simon and I…we have such a long history, you see…”

“Thank you,” Lilly said stiffly, “but I already have plans to dine outside in the gardens.”

“I would be pleased to join you,” Luc said from behind her.

Lilly could have kissed him for rescuing her from Gabriella’s less than generous invitation.
  It was obvious the woman wanted to be alone with Simon and just as obvious she suspected Lilly had something going on with him.  Turning a grateful smile to Luc, she accepted his offer to join her and asked if he’d like to help her and Luisa make up the trays.  When Luc eagerly agreed then gallantly crooked his elbow, she slipped her hand around his arm and let him lead her away, hopefully squashing any notions Gabriella had that Lilly was jealous of her.


Luc was a wonderful companion.
  He was handsome and charming with a surprising sense of humor that had her smiling and laughing in spite of the misery that hovered just beneath the surface.  She only wished she would have remembered that Simon’s balcony overlooked the gardens because as entertaining as Luc was, she was distracted by the knowledge that all she had to do was look up and she would be able to see Simon and Gabriella. 

She didn’t, of course.
  It was painful enough imagining the two of them huddled together without actually witnessing it with her own eyes.  Her poor heart was already feeling battered and bruised at the indifferent way he’d treated her when she helped Luisa bring up their lunch trays, she certainly didn’t need to abuse it any further by watching the man she loved fawning over another woman.

No, she wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of knowing how deeply she’d been cut when he all but ignored her the minute Gabriella came sniffing around.
  Hadn’t she known all along that he would lose interest in her as soon as he was feeling good about himself again?  And wasn’t it better that she discover now rather than later just how dispensable she was once Simon had someone else to remind him he was still a man? 

Gabriella was more than capable of making Simon feel like a man, Lilly thought resentfully, and she probably wouldn’t even care if he ever walked again.
  Women like her would have only two concerns; whether Simon could still function sexually and how fast she could spend his money.  Well, if that’s what Simon wanted then he was welcome to it, but she wasn’t about to stick around and moon over him like some love-sick teenager!

Lilly jumped up from the table, laughing at the startled look on Luc’s face.
  “Sorry, I didn’t mean scare you.  I just suddenly had an urge to take a stroll through the gardens.” 
And escape the temptation to look up and see what Gabriella and Simon are up to.

“You would like me to accompany you?”

Lilly couldn’t help smile in the face of such open adoration.  “Yes, I’d like that very much.”


Simon nearly fell out of his chair from straining so far out, but short of hopping to his feet and leaning over the balcony, it was the only way he could keep Lilly in his line of
vision.  Beside him, Gabriella was chattering incessantly about nothing in particular and didn’t seem to notice he was paying more attention to what was going on in the flower garden than what she was saying.  He’d been a little unnerved to see Lilly stroll outside with Luc, but when he’d seen her smiling and laughing with the young man as she’d once done with him, a jealous rage began to boil up inside of him. 

His eyes narrowed when Lilly popped up out of her chair then looped her arm through Luc’s and started off down one of the garden paths.
  He genuinely liked Luisa’s son, but right now all Simon could think of was bolting out of the house and strangling Luc with his bare hands.  Lilly was the one who was supposed to be working herself up into a jealous fit and yet she hadn’t so much as stolen a single glance his way.  And now he was stuck here with Gabriella while Luc was making off with his woman.  Simon’s fingers curled around the arms of his chair, gripping it so hard his knuckles turned white.  If Luc kissed her…

“Simon, what on earth are you scowling at?”
  Gabriella leaned around him to see what he was glaring at.  “Have you suddenly developed an intense hatred for flowers?”

“What nonsense are you speaking now?”
 he said impatiently.

Gabriella sat back in her chair, a pretty pout on her lips.
  “You have been very inattentive, darling, and your mood has gone completely sour ever since you started watching the flowers.”

“I am
watching the damn flowers,” he gritted then stopped himself.

Buon Dio
, what was he thinking?  He shuddered to think what would happen if a gossipmonger like Gabriella found out he and Lilly were involved.  After taking such precautions not to show any emotions towards Lilly when she’d helped Luisa bring up the trays, he nearly blew it by telling Gabriella the real reason for his surly mood.  Reluctantly drawing his gaze away from the pathway Lilly had disappeared down, Simon forced himself to focus on Gabriella, offering an apologetic smile.

“It is not the flowers I hate but the fact I cannot be down there enjoying their beauty.”

“Oh, you poor thing,” Gabriella exclaimed.  “It must be just awful being cooped up in your room all day long.  Ah, but I have a grand idea to brighten your day,” she patted his arm. 

Simon groaned inwardly.
  “Let me guess, you are going to run down and pick a hand full of flowers for my room.”

Gabriella laughed as she rose from her chair.
  “Even better than that, my darling.  I am going to fetch Gaetano to help you downstairs so we can sit in the gardens and soak up a little sun.”

“You are right," he smiled, "just thinking of being out there lifts my spirits.”

She leaned down and kissed his cheek.  “If I had known you were such a flower connoisseur I would have suggested it earlier.”

“It is only certain flowers I have a great love for,” he said, thinking of his beautiful Lilly.
  “Now run and get Gaetano, I am anxious to get outside.”

Simon felt a twinge of guilt when Gaetano strained to get him down the stairs and would no doubt experience much of the same when the older man was called upon to take him back to his room, but his greater concern right now was getting down to the gardens so he could find Lilly and make sure Luc didn’t have his hands all over her.

He wasn’t sure what he
would do if he actually found them doing anything more than admiring the flowers…no, that wasn’t true; Simon knew exactly what he would do.  He’d come flying up out of his chair so fast Luc wouldn’t know what hit him.  It was pure torture, imagining his Lilly in another man’s arms, and despite his efforts to remain calm, he was highly agitated by the time Gaetano had him settled back in his chair in front of the same table Luc and Lilly had eaten at.

“It seems Luc has wandered off with your therapist,” Gabriella said as she plucked a ripe strawberry from the bowl of fruit and popped it in her mouth.

Color slashed his cheeks but he was careful to keep his expression passive.  “It would seem so.”

Gabriella cast a sly glance at him and reached for another strawberry.
  “She is very pretty.  I am surprised you have not claimed her for yourself.”

Simon arched a brow.
  “And how would I do that, confined as I am to a wheelchair?”

“My darling, we both know that would not stop you from taking what you wanted.
  You can be very persuasive, and someone as innocent as Lilly obviously is wouldn’t stand a chance against your charms.”

“You assume too much, Gabby.
  Lilly is my therapist and nothing more.”

Gabriella just laughed.
  “You did not see the way she looked at me when I came in.  She is in love with you, Simon, and she is not at all pleased that I have come to spend time with you.”

Simon shrugged indifferently.
  Gabriella was on a fishing expedition and he was not about to endanger Lilly’s reputation by admitting they were having an affair.  Not that he believed his childhood friend would say anything with malicious intent, but she inhaled gossip as if it was the breath of life and exhaled it just as quickly.  If word got out that Lilly had slept with one of her patients she would be shamed to no end and would undoubtedly blame her tarnished reputation on him and convince herself the only thing to do would was to leave.  No, he had to protect Lilly at all costs.

BOOK: VITTORIO'S WOMAN (The Vittorio Series)
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