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Authors: Allyson Young

Tags: #Romance

Vulnerable (10 page)

BOOK: Vulnerable
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Ross pulled her against him and spoke quietly against her temple. “Elise, honey, I really want you to have this done.”

Her eyes misted, and she shook her head. Again, he read her mind. “After what I did in the dressing room, do you really think I care if you have pubic hair? It’s not about me, honey. It will make things even better for you, and you deserve it.”

Damn him. All of her arguments collapsed in one fell swoop. Elise felt herself nod, almost as if another part of her brain had taken over. This was so going to hurt and then she would have to keep returning for
torture. Even the thought of increased sexual pleasure didn’t ease her mind.

“I can come in with you, honey,” Ross murmured. “I’ll hold your hand, distract you or something. It won’t be so bad.”

The little imp of mischief that Elise thought had died six months into her disastrous marriage came back to life, and she pushed away from Ross and gave him a brilliant smile.

“That’s okay, darling!” she warbled and smothered a laugh at the surprised look on his face. “You go off and get your chest done like you promised you’d do if I got my kootch done like you wanted. And if I have time, they can do my Mohawk, too. I’m so excited!”

She turned to the receptionist and burbled, “You do have someone who could wax my darling’s chest, don’t you? He would be so disappointed not to honor our pact, you see. And if you don’t have a stylist available to cut my hair, maybe I can make an appointment for this weekend.”

There was an ominous silence behind her as the receptionist turned pages of her large date book and announced that they could fit Ross in within the half hour. Elise flashed him another smile and asked the receptionist to lead on. The look on his face should have scared the dickens out of her, but instead she knew she would have to stop by a washroom to mop up her arousal before she met the hair removal expert. She was so going to pay for this later, and damned if it wasn’t something she was looking forward to.

The waxing wasn’t excruciating, but close to it. Ross had specified the Brazilian, and the young woman, Miriam, who did the job wasn’t unkind, just efficient and thorough. The lotion used afterward calmed the burn and took some of the discomfort away, but it was still an experience Elise would never have considered. For a moment she very nearly went through with her threat to have her hair cut into a Mohawk and get it died purple or bright blue, and then see how Ross felt about taking her out in public! Instead, mindful of her job, she inquired about wigs and was rewarded with a cute little black one, the short, spiked strands tipped in scarlet. Marjorie entered into the spirit of things and helped Elise pin her hair up tightly before fitting the wig on. She then wielded dark liner and mascara, followed by plum blush and a nearly black purple lipstick. Elise didn’t know her reflection, and if she looked under her staid cotton undies, she knew she wouldn’t recognize herself there either. Marjorie assured her that Ross had made arrangements to pay for everything she needed done, and Elise told her to add a twenty percent tip for the waxing as well as the wig and makeover. Her revenge felt complete, although if Ross had gone through with the chest wax, as she thought he might feel honor bound to do, considering the way she had set him up, well…

Her musings were cut short as she arrived back in the waiting room. Ross was sitting there, hunched over a magazine that seemed to feature how to look better naked as well as thirty ways to make your man happier. He didn’t look terribly out of place until he glanced up and saw her, and Elise recognized a hint of discomfort on his face. He gave her a little nod and his eyes drifted past before yanking back to focus on her as if tugged by invisible wires. He shot to his feet, his face a study in incredulity, and then winced, before stalking toward her. Elise somehow held her ground and kept what she hoped was a coquettish smile on her lips. Ross took her by her shoulders and gave her a little shake.

“Let’s get home, honey,” he said very quietly. “I have something to show you.”

Elise’s pussy drenched her inner thighs, and she couldn’t take a deep breath. “Okay,” she managed to say, and to her chagrin, it emerged as a faint squeak.

The drive home was silent with the exception of her heart hammering in her temples. She wanted to laugh, she really did, and loved it that Ross was seeing this side of her, so long buried. Not that he appeared to be finding anything particularly funny about the situation. Well, he didn’t have to sit on tender private parts. Her pussy and buttocks throbbed in concert, although it wasn’t anything she couldn’t live with, not that she was going to tell Ross. When they pulled up to his place, Elise was in such a state of chaotic emotions that she was vibrating. Ross grabbed the bag of lingerie out of the back seat before coming around to open her door. She eased out of the seat and to her feet, taking his free hand in a regal gesture, allowing the car door to slam shut behind her. Ross winced again at the treatment of his car. It seemed to be a day for winces.

He released her hand to open the door to his building, only to take it again. It was as if he thought she might flee. Elise wasn’t going anywhere. The evening was shaping up to be something memorable, and she wondered at her anticipation and hope. She allowed him to escort her to his home and stood patiently as he opened the locks and ushered her inside before shutting the door with such care that it underscored the control he was maintaining.

He tossed the bag on the floor and gestured to her clothing. Elise let the imp run free, slowly releasing each snap on her sweater before allowing it to slide down her arms and drop off the end of her fingertips. Her cotton bra no longer seemed as staid, what with her nipples poking at it, their darker color evident behind the stretched white fabric. She ran her fingers over them and Ross made a sound deep in his chest. Elise froze at it and realized she had overstepped. She reached behind her to free the hooks and shrugged first one shoulder and then the other to work the straps down over her arms and to her wrists, the cups dropping free as she did so. Ross’s gaze fixed on her breasts, and for an instant, she wished she had gotten a piercing or a tattoo. She stood as long as she dared before slipping the button at the waist of her skirt free and pulling the little zipper down. A shimmy of her hips was all that it took for the garment to slip to pool around her feet. She had daringly eschewed panties, although really hadn’t been able to entertain the idea of wearing anything against her tender folds. Ross made another sound, but this one sounded garbled, and his face lost that impassive look. Elise felt intensively feminine and once again absurdly happy that she pleased him.


* * * *


Ross stood gaping at his Amazon’s swollen naked pussy like some dweeb looking at his first nude woman. Fuck, she was magnificent! He managed to shut his mouth and act. When she had come down that hallway with her hair done in that funky style, he very nearly hadn’t recognized her, and she was going to get her ass beaten raw for teasing him and ruining her beautiful hair, too. She had looked like a submissive playing the kinky Domme, and his alpha had erupted to the surface to deal with her.

“Go to the kitchen and sit on the breakfast bar,” he grated, and watched her immediately do as he asked. It was true. He wasn’t telling her anymore. He was asking, and she was complying. It felt evolved. Her full buttocks swayed enticingly and still bore the marks of his correction. He kicked off his shoes and followed the tapping of her sandals. When he saw her sitting demurely on the granite, buttocks spread beneath her, hands gripping the furled edge of the counter, her legs crossed at the ankles, his cock went from hard to set in concrete. It throbbed and ached. He fumbled to pull a stool toward her and commanded her to spread her legs. When she did so, he sat between them, the breakfast bar putting her at nearly the perfect height for his tall frame. He carefully pulled her labia apart, her quiet hiss registering in the depths of his brain, just as the beauty of her cunt imprinted. There would be no fucking her tonight, but he couldn’t resist pressing a tender kiss on her core. He stood up and let her thighs close and then unbuttoned his shirt in a parody of her earlier evocative striptease. Her eyes widened, and he thought he saw quickly suppressed mirth.

The waxing had made him want to scream like a girl, although screaming was highly underrated in his opinion when it came to bringing a woman to her best sexual effort. Having his chest hair yanked from the depths of his skin, especially around the flat discs of his nipples was an experience he never planned to repeat, however, not even for Elise, and if she chose to shave her pussy from here on in instead of waxing, not only would he support her, he would help. He had hung in beneath the esthetician’s efficient hands only by thinking evilly of how Elise’s nipples would be chafed as his hair grew back. Ross dropped his shirt and let her look her fill. She made a little face of disappointment, and Ross couldn’t help but laugh until she spoke.

“I like your chest better with hair, Ross. Did it hurt?”

Her too sweet, innocent question, belied by the harsh raven-black of her hair and the startling red tips, not to mention the exotic look of the exaggerated makeup, had him yanking her off the counter to her feet. Her buttocks squeaked against the granite, and she gasped at his sudden movement.

“It hurt, honey, and I get the lesson, but now you can make it better. Get on your knees.”

She sank down, and Ross wished he had brought a pillow to soften the tile, but then forgot his good intentions when she glanced up at him, and her amusement glinted through her lashes. Game, set, but not the match. He freed his cock.


Her purple-painted lips parted and glistened as she licked them. Ross shoved inside and as always, the heat and wetness of a woman’s mouth, the hint of sharp little teeth, thrilled him, but this was even better. This was his woman, and today had been a thrill a minute. She closed her lips and sucked hard, and Ross bit back a groan. She was really good at this, and he wanted to last.

“You aren’t required to do anything but take me, Elise,” he commanded, and she immediately relaxed her mouth. He worked his cock back and forth, building a rhythm and his orgasm. He bumped the back of her throat with every other stroke and felt his spine prickle.

“Swallow, honey!” He reached down to guide her head and hold it steady so he could pour himself down her throat and the coarse feel of her hair momentarily disconcerted him. She gulped, and his balls drew up and he let go, erupting until his knees felt weak. He managed to tuck himself away, and then help her to her feet and pull her to him, rubbing his hand down her back.

“I need the bathroom,” she whispered, and he let her go, sinking down on the abandoned stool. As soon as he thought his legs would work, Ross stood and went to the fridge. He pulled out two beers and cracked them and made his way to the living room where he took a seat on the couch. He heard the sound of her shoes on the tile and called to her.

“In here, Elise.”

His intended walked into the room, naked except for her sandals and a little pair of gold earrings, her face washed free of makeup and her hair flowing down around her shoulders. Her mass of dark-blonde wavy hair. The wench had poked the bear, but this particular bear was sated and really pleased that she hadn’t cut her hair. He extended a hand and she curled up beside him, accepting the bottle he handed her.

“I’m not fond of beer,” she said after taking a cautious sip.

“I’ll stock the fridge with whatever you want, honey,” he promised.

“I like wine, red or white, and dry,” Elise announced.

“Done.” Ross noted how comfortable she was becoming with him, sharing her likes and dislikes, yet without being pushy or presumptuous. He tugged her hair.

“You saved yourself a correction by not really doing that dreadful black-and-red deal, Elise, although I’m going to think about the teasing.”

Her nipples hardened against his forearm, and he hid a smile. Her ass might still be tender, but spanking wasn’t really a deterrent. She drifted a hand down his chest and spoke again.

“I need to get home. I have class first thing.” She sat up suddenly and stared at him. “Oh my God. I forgot Emily again this morning. What am I going to tell her?”

“She called this morning while you were still sleeping, Elise, to remind you. I guess I caught the phone before it woke you. I saw her name come up. I told her that you weren’t feeling well, and she said she wasn’t surprised. Apparently you weren’t yourself all evening when you were visiting her. She
surprised to hear my voice though.”

Elise backed away from him, knee walking her way down the couch. Her eyes were wide, and a flush was climbing from the tops of her breasts toward her face. “You answered my phone? You told Emily I was sick and who you were?”

Ross answered patiently, “All of that, Elise.”

She sat back on her heels, giving him a spectacular view of her pussy, and his cock gave a feeble twitch. Then she shrugged and her breasts bobbled enticingly. “Okay then. You’ve just inherited my strange collection of friends as well as my assorted hobbies and volunteer efforts. Emily is better at disseminating gossip than any of the social media, because she lives and breathes them. Expect to see yourself front and center at every turn.”

Ross shrugged in response and motioned for her to return to him, snuggling her close when she did so. “I’ll take you in whatever form, Elise, just as you’ll take me. I’m thinking that Emily should be convinced to return to the Club. She’s a self-centered little brat, and I know just the man for her.”

BOOK: Vulnerable
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