Read Waking Sarah Online

Authors: Krystal Shannan

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal, #Werewolves, #Shifters

Waking Sarah (9 page)

BOOK: Waking Sarah
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“Just think about being in human form, Sarah. You can do this, but you have to calm down.”


I can’t! I’m hanging from a fucking cliff!


“Sarah, look at me. Think about kissing me.”


She did, and then it happened. That strange energy blanket trembled and shivered, and she changed back. The warmth of the magick flowed over her body, calming and settling the fear and nausea she’d felt at first. Chris’s strong fingers wrapped around her biceps, and he pulled her up over the edge of the cliff and into the safety of his arms.


He stood and carried her a dozen paces before sinking back to the ground. The energy flowing between them felt strange, yet so comforting. He pushed her down onto her back and pressed his lips over hers. She threw her arms around his neck and arched up against his chest.


His lips trailed from her mouth down to her bare breasts, and he laved each one with attention until both buds were rock hard. She moaned, distressed when he pulled his mouth away.


“When did you know?”


“Know what?” she asked.


“That we were mates.”


She sighed. “She told me in my dream last night. But you left before I figured out how to explain.”


“I’m sorry. I just couldn’t take from you what wasn’t mine. You would have resented me later.”


“Just tell him we’re over it and kiss him already!”


Sarah giggled. It was so odd to feel the wolf’s excitement. The giddiness was catching.


“What?” Chris raised an eyebrow quizzically.


“She’s very excited.”


“So is mine. We’ve been arguing the past few days because I felt a connection he didn’t.”


“No more arguing,” Sarah said, pulling his mouth back down to meet hers.


He kissed her hard, and his hands found her breasts again, kneading them gently and rubbing the sensitive nipples until they hardened. His erection pressed against her abdomen, and she ground her hips, wanting him completely. Her body wouldn’t be sated without taking him. He slid lower until his face was even with her sex. She shuddered in anticipation.


“I’ve wanted to taste you since I removed your clothes earlier. You smell so good.”


She whined and looked up at the stars through the tree canopy. His tongue swept across her slit and circled her swollen clit. She closed her eyes and moaned. The warm blanket of energy surrounding her, the magick, trembled, and a connection to Chris snapped into place between them.
So strange.
She could sense his mood and emotions. He was very aroused, and those desires crossed through the newly established connection, raising her arousal level exponentially.


What is this? I’m going to be horny for the rest of my life if I  always feel his arousal like this.


A light tinkling laugh echoed in the back of her mind.
“And that’s a bad thing?”
her wolf asked.




Chris closed his mouth hard around her clit. All the questions were instantly forgotten. She gasped. The building orgasm peaked, and everything around her shattered. She screamed his name, and her hands clenched into fists. He sucked harder, and another wave of pleasure allowed her to soar even higher. The magick flowed around them both, heating and penetrating every cell.


Her body throbbed, desperately wanting to be filled by his hard length. “Please.”


“Yes, love,” he answered, his mouth trailing kisses up her stomach, along her breasts, collarbone, and back to her mouth.


The taste of her musky juices only made her desire hotter. She arched her back, trying to get what she wanted, but he chuckled against her mouth and pressed her firmly down to the ground.


“Do you want me?”


“Yes,” she whined. “Now.”


In the space of a second, he filled her completely. His hard length pushed against her womb, and she gasped at the glorious intrusion. He paused for only a moment before slowly starting to move inside her.


“You feel like heaven,” he whispered in her ear and nuzzled the side of her neck. His teeth scraped against her sensitive skin, and she jerked.


No. No more biting!


He froze and lifted his head, catching her gaze and holding it in the filtered moonlight.


“What’s wrong?”


“No biting. Please, I don’t want you to bite me.”


“I know and I promise we won’t do that until you’re ready.”


She nodded and sighed, letting the panic subside and slide away until all she could feel was the pleasure of him again. He went deeper, stretching her until he was completely seated. She shuddered in pleasure and wrapped her legs around his waist, drawing him even closer. She’d never felt this close to anyone before. Her connection with Brad hadn’t been anything close to the feelings of love and loyalty she felt toward Chris. And she’d only known him a few days.


He increased the speed of his thrusts, and another scream tore from her lungs as she came again, milking him for everything he had. His body stiffened, and he roared, grabbing her hips and seating himself to his balls again. Warm seed flowed and filled her body.


Contentment with her mate soothed her soul. He lay down beside her and pulled her body snug against his. Magick hummed around her, feeling as natural now as her own skin.










He nuzzled Sarah’s neck, inhaling her citrusy-scented shampoo. “Sarah,” he whispered.


She stretched out an arm and turned to face him, a lazy smile curving her mouth upward.


“That’s the face of a satisfied woman.” He grinned and stole a quick kiss.


“I haven’t slept so soundly...” She paused. “I can’t remember ever sleeping so well.”


“Good.” He sat up and rolled his neck from side to side, popping each vertebrae loudly. “We need to shift and head back to the inn. I’m sure the others would like to be assured we are alive and well.”


Her green eyes flickered with worry. Concern flowed through their bond, and he smiled encouragingly.


“Just think about being a wolf. It will come. She will help you.”


“How did you... It’s that connection thing.”


He laughed. “Yes, that connection thing is our mate bond. We can communicate feelings through it. I felt your worry and uncertainty about shifting.”


She took a deep breath. The magick around her shimmered in the early dawn light, and she turned into a beautiful, nearly all-black wolf. She had just a hint of gray running along the underside of her neck and down between her front legs. Her glowing golden eyes watched him quizzically. She was waiting for him to shift.


“I was just admiring my beautiful mate,” he answered before willing himself into wolf form.


They trotted along together for ten minutes or so before reaching the clearing in front of the inn. The quiet of the walk was inturrupted by Scott’s large black pickup rumbling into the drive of the inn. Scott got out and waved.


Chris barked and continued leading Sarah toward the side door, stopping suddenly when the scent of two unfamiliar humans invaded his nostrils.
Shit. Who the hell is he bringing now?
Two other scents were mixed with them. Kyle and Griffin Taylor hopped out of the the back seat.


“It’s the other latents. Remember they found Leslie and Paul in Oklahoma?”
his wolf reminded him.




He pushed a reassuring vibe to Sarah, feeling her anxiety over his stress building through their bond. She wimpered a little and touched her nose to his muzzle.


“Hey, Chris!” Kyle hollered and waved. “Is that Sarah?”


Chris barked.
No, you dumb ass.
But it was too late. The two humans behind Kyle and Griffin locked gazes with him and started over.
Damn it.
Sarah was trembling. The last thing he needed was her freaking out and shifting in front of strangers. She wasn’t used to being naked all the time like the rest of them. Not to mention, Bonnie would have his hide tanned if she caught him with her daughter naked in the driveway.


He curled a lip and gave a small snarl. The boys took the hint immediately, but the humans weren’t as quick on the uptake.


“They are so beautiful,” the little female exclaimed. “I can’t believe we will both be able to turn into wolves.”


“Uh, sis, the gray one looks pissed.” The guy grabbed her hand and pulled her back to the side of the truck.


She yanked her arm free. “They aren’t going to attack me. It’s a person. Haven’t you been listening to what everyone’s been saying?”


“I don’t give a shit, Leslie. That one is not pleased.”


“I’d listen to your brother. Sarah is new and just learning to control her wolf. Be respectful and give her some space,” Scott bellowed.


Chris barked his thanks and nuzzled Sarah toward the far side of the inn. They could shift between the workshed and the side entrance, away from prying eyes. The girls always kept a stash of sweats just inside that door too.


He shifted and stood once they reached the little side alcove. “Think about being human, Sarah. Just like before.” He opened the door and reached inside. Sure enough, a variety of clothes were hidden in a little ottoman just inside to the right. He dug through them, grabbing a pair of sweats. After putting them on, he pulled out a pair for Sarah and a skimpy blue tank top.


He turned back and grinned. She was nervously glancing over her shoulder and trying to figure out how to cover all her bits with only two arms.




“Yes.” She snatched them from his hand and was dressed in three seconds flat, her beautiful breasts hidden quickly by a thin layer of blue material. Her waist peeked out between the shirt and the waistband of the pants. “I was afraid we’d have to sneak through the house naked. I was ready to turn back into a wolf until I got to my bedroom door.”


“We always try to have clothes out. Just stash some of your things here,” he said, pointing to the ottoman as they started down the hallway.


“How long are we staying here?”


“Not sure. I think it depends on how comfortable you’re in your new skin.”


“Haha. Aren’t you funny.”


“I will be anything you need, love, to help you relax.”


“You can tell?”


“That you’re strung tighter than the string on a bow? Yes.”


“It’s going to be hard to keep much private with this four-lane emotional highway connecting our brains.”


A laugh rumbled from his chest. He couldn’t hold it back. He loved her matter-of-fact way of putting things. He’d spent nearly a century wondering if he’d ever find the right one, and she’d been right under his nose. Sarah had gone to high school with his sister, Maggie. He’d probably had even met her before. Sarah knew his parents. She’d been in his parent’s home on numerous occasions.


Why didn’t I see it?


“She was human.”


I love her more than I can put into words. I knew the mate bond was powerful, but I could never have imagined this. And I knew it before she turned. Admit it.


No answer. His wolf was sulking. It hated that Chris had realized the connection first. They were both so competitive, and the damn wolf was used to winning.


A light hand on his arm brought him back to the present. He looked down into sad green eyes.


“What’s wrong?” Her panic was flooding his system.
Gods, how had she existed like this for so long?
So anxious. So nervous about any little thing. The stress was tearing him apart from the inside out. “Sarah?”


“I just...what will our children be like? Will they be like me and go through what I did?”


The thought of her belly round and heavy with his child sent a thrill of pride coursing through him. How long would it take for that dream to become reality? He stopped his train of thought and met her intense gaze.


“Our children will be perfect,” he assured her. “You aren’t human anymore. You’re supernatural now.”


“I don’t know how to do this. I don’t know how to be this way.”


“Sarah,” he said tenderly, “we are all here for you, but you have to calm down. This is why we wanted you at Woodhaven. It’s quiet and out of the way. Lots of uninhabited land. Perfect for exploring your wolfy side.”


The wolfy comment worked. A smile pulled at the corners of her mouth. The anxiety loosened its hold over her mind, and the emotional overflow drained away.


She sniffed the air, and he followed suit. The smell of warm, buttery pancakes saturated the air. Bonnie was cooking. No one else in this inn could cook something that smelled like heaven.


“Hungry?” he asked.


She nodded.


He caught her hand before she turned. “One step at a time. Deal?”


“Deal.” She sighed and pulled him down the hallway toward the source of the divine scent.


Halfway down the hall, Scott and Margaret joined them. “Good morning,” Margaret said and smiled. She gave Sarah a quick squeeze, and the two women slowed down a step behind the men to talk.


Scott nodded, and Chris mirrored the action.


“What’s the scoop on the two newbies?”


“They were suspicious of what they were already and were eager to find a solution for the voices that plagued their dreams. Both are purposeful insomniacs. They drink energy drinks like a typical person drinks water. The girl, Leslie, is a computer science genius, and her brother, Paul, is a criminal defense attorny for the state of Oklahoma.”


“They seemed plenty interested in us outside. The insomnia explains why they both looked like warmed-over death.”


“Yes, I think the McLains’ idea of taking sleeping pills was the healthier approach. Both are eager to go through the transformation, but with the new developments in Vegas with Renata, I’m not sure when Kate will be back. Heath took her to the airport right after Sarah’s ceremony was completed.”


Chris’s thoughts drifted away from the pack problems to Sarah, her luscious curves and perfect-for-him breasts. He eyed the staircase and rolled his neck in irritation. He needed to be responsible and introduce himself to the new latents, but all he could think about was stripping his mate of her clothes and ravaging her again and again until she was a sweating, panting, shivering, happy woman.








“You will have to excuse us.” Sarah winked at Margaret and grabbed Chris’s hand as they passed the main staircase in the center of the inn. “We’ll be a few minutes late to breakfast.” Her was breathing in short pants, and liquid heat pooled between her legs. Her clit throbbed with need. That damn man was thinking about sex again.


Scott’s and Margaret’s laughter echoed down the hallway of the inn as she pulled Chris along behind her. His hands circled around her waist, and he lifted her off the ground, gently tossing her over his shoulder and bounding up the stairs two at a time.


“How are we going to live if every time you think about sex I get horny!”


“Very happily.” He chuckled, setting her on her feet in front of his door. He opened it and gently pushed her inside.


The door clicked shut, and his hands were instantly everywhere. He tugged her shirt over her head in a second and pulled her pants down. Kneeling in front of her, he closed his mouth over her already wet sex.


A moan rolled from her throat, and she grabbed at his short brown curls. The sensations were overwhelming. He thrust his tongue into her vagina, threatening to turn her knees to gelatin.


“Please,” she begged. She needed him. Wanted him inside her, now. The magick and emotions of her wolf and his swirled around her like a living being.


An orgasm surged forward as he pushed her backward against the wall of the room. She bucked her hips, but he put a palm over each and held her still. A moan of pleasure vibrated against her clit, and another orgasm began building in her center.


Her leg muscles shook, and he took the cue to move her to the bed. As he guided her across the room, his mouth captured hers, and his tongue swept through it, dancing with her tongue. The taste of her juices on his lips made her want to taste him even more.

BOOK: Waking Sarah
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