Read War (The True Reign Series) Online

Authors: Jennifer Anne Davis

War (The True Reign Series) (27 page)

BOOK: War (The True Reign Series)
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How do you know people are inside?”

I heard people walking around, plates hitting tables, sometimes people talking.” Savenek shrugged his shoulders. “I can’t help someone who doesn’t want my help.”

Darmik started walking again.
What could scare an entire town enough to make them to hide inside their homes?
He wasn’t sure, but he had a feeling he was going to find out, whether he wanted to or not. For now, they needed to catch up with their group. Maybe he could check another town along the way to see if they were in hiding too.

pair continued walking in silence through the woods. Darmik’s stomach growled, and he wished he had a bow with him. Unsheathing his dagger, he kept his eyes alert for small animals. He spotted a rabbit munching on some grass. With a flick of his wrist, the dagger embedded into the animal.

Next time, warn me,” Savenek said, irritation clear in his voice. “I thought we were being followed.”

Darmik chuckled.

“It’s not funny,” Savenek said.

After skinning the animal, Darmik made a small fire. They sat across from one another, keeping watch for threats. As soon as the
meat finished cooking, Darmik kicked dirt on the fire, putting it out. He tore off a few pieces before passing the rabbit to Savenek.

Can I ask you a question?” Savenek mumbled between bites.

Caught off guard, Darmik looked at him, trying to read his facial expressions and body language.
Savenek’s eyebrows were pulled tight, his body movements jerky.

You can ask,” he finally answered, wondering what had Savenek so irritated.

Savenek licked his fingers clean, and then dried them on his pants.
“What are your intentions?” he demanded.

’s eyes narrowed. “Regarding what?”


That is none of your business.”

She’s my sovereign,” he harshly said.

Darmik couldn
’t help but laugh. “So now you admit she’s your sovereign?” It wasn’t very long ago when Savenek constantly questioned her authority.

Shaking his head, he responded,
“I’d like to know if you plan to accompany her back to Emperion.”

Of course I am. I’m going to be by her side for the rest of my life.”

The corner of Savenek
’s mouth pulled up in a half smile. “Better ask her about that.”

Darmik wondered why Savenek was suddenly being so cocky.
“How do you know I haven’t?” he countered.

The color drained from his face.
“Have you made her an offer of marriage?”

didn’t plan to announce their engagement until after Barjon and Lennek were dealt with, but Savenek needed to understand that he had no hope with Rema. “I have,” Darmik admitted, “and she accepted.”

Savenek blinked several times.
“Oh,” was all he said as his eyes became glossy.

I’m sorry,” Darmik said. “I assumed you knew we were heading in that direction.”

He nodded.
“I did. Hearing it is still hard. I hoped you would stay here on Greenwood Island, leading the army. I thought if you two were apart, that there’d be a chance for me.” He picked up a short stick, twirling it between his fingers.

Darmik ate the last piece of mea
t, throwing the bone on the ground. “I assumed you would stay here on the island.”

snapped the stick in half. “I’d like to be on Rema’s personal guard, so I can protect her. Since she’ll be returning to Emperion, I’d like to go, too.”

Darmik didn
’t think that was a wise decision. “Hasn’t Mako trained you to be a leader?” Savenek nodded. Darmik wanted to suggest that he remain here and command the army; however, that meant leaving Savenek in control of his men. He wasn’t sure he liked that idea either.

I don’t inspire men the way you do,” Savenek said, tossing the sticks behind him.

Everyone at the rebel camp seemed to follow your authority.”

They did,” he admitted. “But I’ve seen you with soldiers. Even the Emperion ones here with us, they’d follow you anywhere. I don’t know how to gain that trust and respect.”

You can learn those things,” Darmik said. “I can teach you.” He couldn’t believe he just offered to help Savenek.

Rema inspires that same devotion, like you.” He leaned forward, resting his arms on his legs.

There was one thing Darmik had to ask before considering Savenek
’s placement. “Knowing we plan to marry, how can you want to be around her every day? Feeling the way you do about her?”

Savenek stood
, brushing the leaves and dirt off his pants. “I don’t know. Sometimes she drives me crazy, and all I want to do is run far away from her. Yet, at the same time, I want to make sure no one hurts her.”

Darmik understood those feelings since he experienced them too.
Looking around the area one last time, he scattered the firewood and bones, removing the footprints and any traces that someone had been there.

Let’s go,” he said. “We don’t have to decide anything right now. Let’s just focus on usurping Barjon and Lennek. Then we can sit down with Mako and talk. Rema might already have an idea of who she wants where. And you know her, what she wants, she gets. We won’t be able to talk her out of it.”

Savenek chuckled.
“You’re right,” he admitted. “She is stubborn.”

A twig snapped
, and Darmik froze. Someone was watching them.



It had been four days since Darmik and Savenek left to investigate the town, and they hadn
’t returned. Rema tried not thinking about it as she left the cover of the forest trees and trekked across the open field. She wanted to stay and wait for Darmik, but Neco insisted they keep moving. Traveling at a brisk pace, everyone vigilantly searched the surrounding area for potential threats. There wasn’t much they could do to cover the trail two hundred and fifty soldiers left through the knee-high grass.

Neco fell in step beside her.
“The scouting party just gave their update. We’ve entered Werden. Trell’s place is just ahead.”

Rema nodded, unable to utter a single word.

Ellie wrapped her arm around Rema’s shoulder. “Don’t worry. They’ll return. I’m sure of it.”

What if something happened to them?”

Don’t,” Ellie said. “Darmik’s well skilled. He’ll be fine. Besides, you can’t let everyone see you sulking.”

All Rema wanted to do was cry.
Yet, that wouldn’t do her, or Darmik, any good. She would be strong for everyone else, and when she was alone, she’d allow herself to feel.

Up ahead, a
large, gray, stone structure stood out among the vibrant green grass surrounding it. The massive house appeared abandoned and lifeless.

’s Trell’s home,” Neco said. “Most of the scouting party has already been admitted.”

“Is anyone there
?” Rema asked.

Mako, along with a large portion of the rebels.”

It seemed as if
the soldiers started walking a little faster, eager to be safely inside with a roof over their heads.

“I suggest a couple squads be
on patrol at all times,” Neco added.

Rema nodded.
“I trust your judgment. Do what is necessary.”

took hold of her arm, pulling her to a stop. “Do you trust me?” Rema nodded. “Then trust me when I say Darmik will return, because he will.”

stared at Neco’s intense gaze, wanting to believe him. But not a single word had been heard from Darmik. Even though he was a highly skilled soldier and an excellent plotter, if he ran into a portion of the army controlled by the king, he might be in trouble.

She voiced her biggest concern. “
Do you think Barjon would hurt his own son?” Rema asked, knowing Neco would tell her the truth.

s eyes darkened. “He would never hurt Lennek. However, Darmik is another matter entirely.”

So what Neco revealed, without specifically saying, was that yes, Barjon wouldn
’t hesitate to hurt Darmik. Her chest tightened with concern.

turned to face Trell’s home, ignoring her piercing gaze. “Let’s get you inside. Rain is coming.”

The wind kicked up, making the tall grass around her sway, as if the field was an ocean. The clouds darkened, indicating a storm was on the horizon. By the time Rema reached the front door, a light rain started falling.

She eagerly stepped inside. A man she vaguely recognized from the rebel compound greeted her. “Welcome, Your Majesty.” He bowed. “Everyone is being taken to a room and fed a hot meal.”

“Thank you,” she said. “What about my personal guard?”

“I will see they are taken care of and shifts are arranged,” Neco informed her. “But for now,” Neco held her elbow, leading her from the room, “someone wants to see you.” He deviously smiled.

took her through several dimly lit hallways before entering a sitting room decorated with tapestries depicting constellations. An enormous, stone fireplace warmed the room. Standing by the hearth, with his back to her, was a figure she recognized.

“Mako,” she said. “It
’s good to see you.”

Turning around, his warm
, brown eyes met hers, and he smiled. His gaze went to the sofa, and Rema followed his line of sight. Her aunt and uncle stood and rushed toward her. Rema threw open her arms, and the three of them embraced.

We never thought we’d see you again!” Maya cried.

Kar took hold of Rema
’s face, staring at her. “My dear child, you’re alive.” Tears slid down his cheeks as he kissed her forehead.

Rema released her aunt and uncle. “We have much to discuss,” she told them, not
even knowing where to start.

“All in due time, dear,” Kar said. “I suspect there are a few things you need to take care of first, since you just arrived. When you get a moment, come to our room. We can speak privately there.”

Rema nodded and glanced over to the hearth where Mako and Neco spoke in hushed voices. Mako’s smile dropped, and his shoulders slumped forward. Neco must have told him about Darmik and Savenek. Rema suspected Neco was worried too, but for some reason, he didn’t want her to fret over the situation.

Mako noticed her watching them. “
Neco has given me a brief overview of what has taken place since your kidnapping. Apparently, events have not unfolded quite as we anticipated.”

What’s wrong?” Kar asked, placing his hand on Rema’s shoulder as if to protect her.

Nothing,” Mako responded. “Just that our dear Rema will not be with us much longer.”

Why not?” Kar demanded. “You said she would be restored to the throne!”

She has been,” Mako said, “to the Emperion throne. Rema is now the Empress of Emperion
Greenwood Island.” He shook his head in disbelief, smiling. “Never in my wildest dreams did I think this would happen.”

Rema was still getting used to the idea of
being an empress. It sounded so strange and foreign to her.

Aunt Maya clasped Rema
’s hands, her face filled with concern. “Are you going to Emperion?”

Rema nodded. “I have to. They need me.
I have a lot of work to do to bring peace and change for the better.”

“Are you ready for this responsibility?” she asked.

Kar patted Rema on the back. “It doesn’t matter if she’s ready or not. Rema is the true reign heir.”

Neco cleared his throat, speaking for the first time, “I
’m sorry to interrupt, but I must get Her Majesty situated and taken care of.”

BOOK: War (The True Reign Series)
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