Read Whatever It Takes Online

Authors: Christy Reece

Tags: #Mystery, #Romantic Suspense

Whatever It Takes (27 page)

BOOK: Whatever It Takes
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Eli channeled his fury and slammed his fist into the heavy leather bag so hard that it swung wildly. He grabbed it, held it still, and then began a series of rapid, focused hits. Every one of them designed for maximum force.

Two weeks. Two frigging weeks, and they weren’t any closer to finding the fucker than they’d been before. Tons of information had been dissected and decimated, dozens of people had been investigated, with many more to go, and all they had to show for all their efforts were more questions and a crapload of possible suspects.

This wasn’t going to work. Eli had felt all along that the attacks were personal. And though he didn’t have a rational reason for that belief, his opinion hadn’t changed. Kathleen and Kennedy had also both mentioned that the attacks might have nothing to do with the business at all. If that was the case, they were wasting time while the bastard was just sitting and waiting, looking for another opportunity to strike.

Damned if he would allow that to happen. He was ready. The injuries he’d sustained in the wreck were healed. It was time to be proactive. Being reactive was pointless. 

Another series of punches slammed into the bag as he thought about today’s revelations. It had started with a statement from Kathleen that had been well justified and one he should have been prepared for. Instead, it had taken him by surprise when she’d said, “Perhaps it would be helpful if we’re all on the same page here. You, Kennedy, and Nick have information I’ve not been privy to. You need to tell me everything about your family.”

Eli had frozen, knowing where it was leading yet unable to verbalize a reasonable objection. She was right. All of them needed all the facts and not just what the general public knew. 

So, he had sat down and told her all he knew about what Mathias and Adam had been guilty of, including the murder of Kennedy’s first husband, Thomas O’Connell. Both Kennedy and Nick had lived and suffered through that. They already knew about Mathias’s responsibility in Jonah’s incarceration and Teri Burke’s death, but Eli had felt the need to take it one step further. For the first time, he’d also revealed that Adam, at Mathias’s urging, had practically forced Shelley to overdose and kill herself. He hadn’t gone into detail of when he’d learned this. That was a revelation he wasn’t quite ready to make.

After that, Eli had called a break. The shock and pity in his friends’ eyes had been hard enough to see. He hadn’t been able to even look at Kathleen. He’d walked out the door and come down here to beat the shit out of a boxing bag because the people responsible were out of his reach. Mathias was dead, Adam was in prison, and Eli couldn’t reach up and kick his own ass. 

Bottom line, he had failed Shelley. He might not have known how ruthless Mathias was at that time, but he’d known enough. Enough to know that his family might be in jeopardy. Shelley had been vulnerable, an easy target. Eli had failed to do his job of protecting her.

Another wave of fury swept through him, and his fists slammed, slammed, slammed again.


Her heart breaking for him, Kathleen watched as Eli punished himself. She had come to the gym to work out, not knowing he was here. When he’d abruptly walked out of their meeting, she hadn’t known where he’d gone, only that she was sure he wanted to be alone. She should have figured he’d come here to work out his demons.

She had been standing in the doorway for at least half an hour watching him deal with those demons. These last two weeks had taught her more than she’d ever believed possible about this man. Honorable, fierce when challenged about something he believed in, yet open-minded enough to listen to other points of view. She’d already known that he was protective about those he cared about, but she hadn’t fully grasped how very deeply he took his responsibilities. 

How had Eli grown up with a hideous father and disgusting older brother and survived? Not just survived. How had he developed into a man of honor, integrity, and depth? The answer, though not simple, was obvious. Eli Slater had purposely become the exact opposite of those two men. 

Was he perfect? Absolutely not. He had proven time and again that he could be ruthless in pursuing what he wanted. But never with intent to harm. 

When at last he stopped pummeling the boxing bag, he pressed his forehead against it. Sweat poured down his shoulders and back. The muscles in his arms and legs bulged from the strain. She had known he was in excellent shape. Having been in his arms, felt the power of his body, the solid strength of his muscles, she had known. Beneath the elegant, expensive clothing, the sophisticated veneer, was a body that spoke of discipline and good health. A man in perfect physical condition.

Her mouth watered, with appreciation, with delight, with desire.

And she knew, with one hundred percent certainty, that she was falling in love with him. Question was, what was she going to do about it?

The last couple of weeks had been so focused on uncovering the person behind the threats, they’d had little time to have any more intimate moments. She had a feeling Eli was deliberately giving her some time and space. He had already apologized for pushing her. And silly her, who’d insisted that she wanted him to stop his advances…she found herself missing them. His touches, those delicious slow kisses, the sexy looks. Even the handholding. She missed it all. 

He abruptly whirled around, startling her. “I’ll leave if you want to work out alone.”

Instead of backing away, she walked toward him. “I don’t want to work out alone.” She jerked her head toward the mat on the other side of the room. “If you’ve still got some juice left, come take me on.”

A sexy smile replaced the grim line of his mouth. His eyes smoldered with the wicked gleam she had missed. “Oh, I believe I have plenty of juice left in me.”

Kathleen headed toward the mat, trying with all her might to ignore the sane, cautious voice inside her asking just what the hell she thought she was doing.

She stopped in the middle of the mat and turned to face him. It had been months since she had sparred with anyone. She kept in shape by running, lifting weights, and yoga. Not only was she out of practice, she was about to take on a man who, with one touch, could turn her body to liquid heat. She wasn’t quite sure if this was the worst idea she’d ever had or the very best.

Eli stopped about five feet in front of Kathleen, took in the sight of her, and decided that the person who invented spandex should be given some kind of humanitarian award, because…damn, she was beautiful. A black, cropped top covered small breasts that showed delightfully tight nipples, as though she was already aroused, and revealed a generous portion of pale, smooth skin and flat, firm abs. Mid-thigh shorts hugged a taut, firm ass and slender, muscular thighs. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and her lovely face already glistened with a fine sheen of perspiration.

He grinned. “Sweating already, baby?”

Those glorious eyes widened slightly, and he saw knowledge in them. Yeah, she knew this would end only one way. They’d been dancing around each other for weeks now. He’d backed off his advances, giving her time to breathe, to think. Telling himself the next move needed to be hers. The waiting had been harder than he’d anticipated, but he was glad he’d waited. No way in hell had he coerced her. She’d made this move on her own. And now, no matter who won this bout, he intended for both of them to come out supremely satisfied.

They circled each other silently, tension thickening with every second. If she looked below his waist, there would be no question of what was on his mind. He was rock hard. The thought of touching her firm, smooth flesh, of putting his tongue on those tight nipples, of sliding between her thighs into her hot, sweet body put him on the point of explosion.

It shouldn’t have surprised him that she attacked first. If he hadn’t been so immersed in his fantasy, he would have been better prepared. As it was, when she nimbly jumped and kicked his shoulder, it was all he could do to keep his balance. Righting himself quickly, his grin grew broader. “Score one for you. Now, let’s play.”

He went after her, ready to tackle her and bring her to the floor. She jumped out of his way, whirled, and managed a stinging punch to his stomach. Eli grunted, laughed again, and threw out a leg, tripping her. She fell onto the mat, and he was on top of her in a flash.

She heaved her body, trying to buck him off. When that didn’t work, she wrapped her legs around him and tried to twist, to turn him over. Eli laughed again and did what he’d been dreaming about for what seemed like forever. Pushing her arms above her head, he loomed over her and kissed her. 

The instant Eli’s mouth touched hers, she stopped struggling. Kathleen had known where this was headed, and while the rational, self-protective part of her screamed dire warnings of impending heartache, she shushed them and went with what her heart, soul, her very being wanted. This man, this beautiful, exasperating, honorable, sexy as hell man, was what she wanted, needed…had been searching forever for. And he was hers. His intent was clear—he would take her. And her intent was just as clear—she would take him, too.

Though her arms were still stretched above her head, she could still use her legs. And since they were already wrapped around him, she made it easy for them both by spreading her legs wider and wrapping them around his hips. When his hard length settled against her sex, she moaned against his mouth. Never had anything felt so good…so damn delicious.

Opening her mouth, she welcomed his tongue, reveled in his taste, in his mastery of how to kiss like no one had ever kissed her. Eli kissed like it mattered. As if he were already making love to her, already inside her. He kissed with purpose.

Arousal swelled within her, and she became a writhing, wanton, needy creature who wanted only one thing. This man…her man, inside her.

Panting slightly, Eli pulled away from her luscious mouth to look down at her. Never had he seen anyone lovelier, more desirable. Eyes glittering with heat and need, she gazed up at him with approval, but beneath that, he also saw vulnerability, fear. He knew the fear had nothing to do with him physically and everything to do with her heart. When this need was sated, Eli swore he would get to the bottom of that worry. But for now…for now, this was what they both needed.

Using one hand, he shoved her top up, revealing small, gorgeous breasts. Groaning, he dropped his mouth onto a raspberry-colored nipple and suckled hard. She screamed softly and jerked upward, causing his cock to press deeper into her sex. Growling his frustration at the clothing impeding their final connection, he rolled away from her. Before she could react, he was pulling her shorts down and flinging them across the room. She surprised him by pushing him onto his back and straddling his knees. Hooking her fingers into his pants, she pulled them down, freeing him.

Eli kicked off his pants, rolled her back onto the mat, and came over her again. They were both breathing heavily, their mouths raking across each other’s skin, their hands grabbing, caressing. 

Looking down at her, he checked once more to make sure she was still onboard, that this was still what she wanted. When he saw the acceptance in her expression, he knew there was no going back for either of them. This moment, this first time, was more than sex, more than the need to connect or satisfy an urge. This was commitment in its most elemental form. She was his…he was hers. It was as simple, as basic, as that.

Pushing her legs farther apart, Eli thrust deep.

She came on a scream. Bright, blinding lights exploded behind her closed eyes, and her entire body took flight, soaring like a rocket. Her face buried in Eli’s hard shoulder, her arms tight around his firm, damp body, Kathleen exulted in the most outrageous pleasure she’d ever experienced.




“Oh yes.”

“Ready to go again?”

Before she could explain that there was no way her body could experience an ounce more pleasure, he was proving her wrong. With short, fast thrusts, followed by long, hard plunges that reached deep inside her. Kathleen felt pleasure spiraling up all over again. Her hands tightening on his back, her fingers digging into his skin, an orgasm, stronger than the one before, approached.

“Eli. Eli. Eli,” she whispered as she plunged over a cliff and once again flew into glorious, mind-blowing ecstasy.

With an animalistic groan that sounded both tortured and exultant, he shouted her name, and she felt him pulse inside her as he came.

They were still panting, his body only beginning to come down from the incredible high it had just experienced, when he felt her pulling away from him. Not physically. They were still wrapped around each other. Their damp skin almost glued them together. He was still inside her, softening but continuing to nestle within her warmth. But she was retreating from him all the same. 

Raising his head, he looked into her eyes and confirmed his thoughts. The regret was there, and behind that, the fear had returned. He was determined to confront them both.

“Talk to me.”

“This isn’t a good time to talk.”

He barked a laugh. “It’s the best time. We’re connected, as close as two people can be. We can’t hide from each other. Tell me what’s on your mind.”

“Very well. I…” She closed her eyes briefly and when she opened them, they were swimming in tears.

“What, sweetheart? Tell me.”

“This shouldn’t have happened,” she whispered. “I realize I instigated it, but I—”

“You instigated it? I think we can both take credit for that. And I totally disagree that it shouldn’t have happened. In fact, I think it should’ve happened a long time ago.”

She shook her head. “No.” Pushing at him lightly, she said, “Let me up.”

“Not until we’ve talked this out. Every time I try to get you to talk to me, you walk away. Not today. Tell me what’s wrong. What are you afraid of?”

“I just can’t have a relationship with you, Eli.”

“Too bad, baby, we already have one.”

“No, I mean…yes, of course we have a relationship. But we can’t have a…a…an intimate relationship.”

BOOK: Whatever It Takes
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