Read When Opposites Attract Online

Authors: Romina Valdes-Alsina

When Opposites Attract (13 page)

BOOK: When Opposites Attract
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Chapter 24

A few weeks have passed by and things have somewhat blown over. The cheerleaders have been acting weird. They have been slightly quiet, and, since Sakura has been too busy sucking face with her latest victim, the most perverted, disgusting, sweatiest guy on the football team, she hasn't been saying much to us. It's disgusting, but I prefer it
to having to deal with her. Daggers head my way ever so often, but the thing is, I couldn't care less anymore. I'm actually genuinely happy! I hung out with Pete, and I got to say, I love the kid! We have become very close lately and I feel like he's a brother to me. Plus, there has been some flirting going on between him and Hailey. It's too early to tell yet, but who knows.

Angel and I hold hands in school. We try not to show too much
affection, since things are still a bit rocky. Although, people are now starting to treat me the same as before, they are actually coming up to me and say hi. When I dropped the bomb on Angel and me having sex, Hailey freaked out on me. She was happy that we were happy, but like a good friend she was worried if I had made the right decision. I reassured her and put her at ease. Derek hasn't shown his face around here anymore. Good, he needs to just stick to girl over at his school.

I was having lunch, Angel's arm was wrapped around my waist, and Pete sat across from us. It was just like any other day. Pete was fooling around and making us all laugh
, when Amber and Kelly approached our table. I looked up at them in confusion.

"Can we help you?" I asked looking up at them.

"Anastasia, we need you back. Sakura is just plain horrible! All she does is show off in front of Jack, and when she does work she barely has any ideas. We have our end of the year competition and performances coming up and we are totally unprepared." I laughed, I didn't mean to laugh, since I did feel sorry for them, but I knew this would happen. I stood up and faced them.

"So, you thought it would be that easy? Just come here and apologize? You
 how much I love cheerleading! You 
 all the blood, sweat, and tears I have put into that squad. You all 
 that, and I was the best captain I could have possibly been; I listened to you guys, put your opinions, ideas, and inputs into consideration. I made the routine to fit all of 
 strongest points. I wanted the best for all of you and you guys kick me out without giving it a second thought, like it's all good, for the stupidest reason I have ever heard of,
 now you want me back? Just like 
?" I kept my cool throughout the whole lecture, but towards the end I could feel my emotions rising. 

"Please! We are begging! We will do everything you say and endure any form of punishment you have for us,

"The only reason I'm going back is because I love cheerleading, but you guys really pissed me off so be prepared. Oh, also, I get to tell Sakura.
  I will also make some cuts."

"Oh thank you! Thank you! So you can come back to our table now."

"No I don't think so. I'm staying right here. The only time I will associate myself with any of you is during practice. You can leave now."

"But today we have practice."


"Never mind."

"Alright, see you then."

"See you then," they repeated then walked away towards the others. I turned toward my table, just as
Hailey sat down with her food.

Hailey want to be a cheerleader?" She looked confused, having missed my speech.

"Um... no thanks."

"Why not?"

"You know that ever since that gymnastics accident I cant really do my flips the same."

"How would you know? You never tried afterwards."

She sigh, "fine, I'm going to regret it later."

"Yay! You're going to love it!"




Today we had a pep rally, and I would actually have to attend this one because it's Anastasia's first performance since being kicked out.
  I can't wait to see her in her little uniform again. I walked through school until I spotted her. She was talking to Hailey with her back turned to me; they were both dressed up in their uniforms. I came up behind her wrapping my arms around her waist, and kissed her neck.
 I rest my head on her shoulders and whispered into her ear.

"You look very sexy in that uniform." I felt her giggle under my embrace.

I smiled at Hailey, "hey Hailey."

"Hey Angel, have you seen Pete?"

"I think he's running a bit late today."

"Oh, okay. I'll see you later, Ana."
Hailey said smiling at both of us.

"Okay," Anastasia said then turned around in my arms to face me. She placed her hands around my neck and smiled up at me. A few people looked, some were still not used to us. She kissed me, and I spun her around. That always made her laugh, and of course that made me laugh. Even
our laughs were so different. She had a high giggling sound and mine was more of a low chuckle, but they sounded very nice together.

"Good luck at the pep rally today,
” I told her. She smiled her brilliant smile.

"Thank you, baby


Anastasia was an amazing cheerleader. Flip after flip and running from here and there and she still looked like she had energy. Hailey was amazing too, I don't understand why she was so hesitant about joining. Pete wouldn't stop talking about her throughout the entire routine.

"Pete, why don't you just ask her out?"

"What? Like a cheerleader would ever be interested in me."

I gave him a look, "you're kidding right?"

"Just because it happened to you that doesn't mean it'll happen to all of us."

"You know, she was asking about you this morning." Hope
flashed in his eyes.

"Fine, fine, I'll try."


After the show Anastasia met me outside.

"Ana, you were incredible!" I said as she collapsed in my arms.

"I'm tired,
" I laughed and carried her up.

"Pete is going to try to ask
Hailey out." Her eyes sprung open.

Oh, my god! That's so awesome!" She jumped out of my arms and seemed to have all the energy in the world.

"Why don't I take you home? I feel like you might crash at any moment."

She nodded, "you might be right." We walked to my car and in a few minutes she was asleep. I sneaked a few looks. She was so cute; I just have the biggest urge to kiss her at all times. During a red light I examined her peaceful face. In the sunlight I saw a tiny scar just above her eyebrow, a tiny flaw on her beautiful face. It didn’t look out of place, if anything it made her that much more lovable. I drove her to her house, but when I got to her driveway it was packed. Usually her house is empty, I have never seen so many cars parked here at once. I gently woke her up. Placing soft kisses on various facial features, including the faint scar.

"What's up with all the cars?" I asked as she came into consciousness.

"Everyone's home," she said smiling. "I guess it's about time you meet my family.





Five years later

Anastasia drove home to the apartment she and Angel now shared. She walked up the stairs and opened the door to a dim apartment. She was taken aback, she was usually the first one home. Surely no robber would take the time to light candles.

"Angel?" She called out as she set down her keys and took off her coat.

"I'm in here!" He called back. A smile appeared on her face as she made her way through their apartment and up to their bedroom door. The door was slightly opened and there were rose petals sticking out of the bottom. Anastasia's heart skipped a beat. They've talked about marriage before, but could this be the night? She took a deep breath and slowly pushed the door open. Angel laid on the bed, in a pair of boxer shorts, while holding a rose in his hand. His smile grew as she walked in the room. She made her way to the bed and sat down in front of him. He sat up and met her gaze.

"Hello, love," he whispered before kissing her lips. The kiss lingered on, neither of them wanting to let the other go. Her hands made their way about his body, while his held her firmly against
his chest. A familiar warm feeling sparked in them. Angel slowly ended the kiss and looked at her.

"I love you, and after everything, I can't believe that I get to call you my girl. You mean more to me than I can ever begin to explain. I am, truly, the luckiest man in the world." Anastasia blushed at the statement and smiled. She looked up at him through her eyelashes.

"I am the lucky one. I thought I was happy before I met you, but now I know that that was nothing compared to how I feel now. The fact that we had such a tough time getting here makes this moment that more special to me. I love you, Angel." She threw herself on him and they both fell backwards off the bed. Burst of laughter escaped out of them.

"I think I should give you the present before you kill me." Angel said as he helped her up off the floor.

"Okay," she replied with a nervous smile. He led her back to the bed and pulled out an envelope from underneath the pillow. Anastasia couldn't help but feel disappointed, but smiled nonetheless. He handed her the envelope. She kissed his cheek and proceeded to open it.

"Two plane tickets to New York!" She stared at him in shock.

"I wanted to do something special for our anniversary." He explained with a sheepish smile.

"Wait, these are for tomorrow at six in the morning! I haven't packed!" Anastasia began to freak out.

"Baby… Babe… Babe…don’t worry. I took the liberty of packing for you."

"I love you so much! You're the best!" She threw herself on him, and this time they landed on the bed. She kissed him time and time again.

"We probably should get some sleep tonight, but-"

"We can sleep on the plane," Angel finished as he flipped her over.

"I love you," he said before proceeding to kiss her neck.


The next day Angel and Anastasia slept through their entire flight. The flight attendant took the liberty of waking them up once they had landed. They both, quickly, made their way off the plane, embarrassed, but couldn't help laugh. Angel seemed to be on a schedule as he dragged Anastasia through the city.

"Annie, we need to
change quickly. The flight took longer than expected and messed with my plans."

"Okay," they managed to get the room, get ready, and be at
Time Square while still sticking to Angel's mysterious schedule. He led her to the center of Time Square.

"Why are we here?" He held her by her shoulders.

"Annie, you know how much I love you, and how much I love being with you. You have made my life better by just being there for me. You have changed me in ways I thought no one could. You are my world, and I don't know what I would do without you. I brought you here, so that you will do me the great favor of looking over there."

"I didn't expect that ending." She said with a giggle and turned in the direction he gestured to. She met her own surprised and confused expression on a huge screen. Words flashed pointing her to another screen. The phrase, "Will you marry me, Anastasia," shined bright against the dark sky, managing to outshine the city lights. She was shocked, not being able to comprehend the fact that those words were meant for her. She looked around the entire square and all screens were on her.
Some displayed pictures of the two of them, others flashed the proposal, and others were recording her live. The people around her were waiting for a reaction, and she could see others in the background searching for her. She turned back to Angel and found him down on one knee and a blue box in his hands. She looked back around; the camera had widened the angle to show both of them. She could hear people gasping and whispering. Time Square had fallen silent. You could hear the sounds of cars driving by and some beeps far away.

"So, what do you say?" Angel said grabbing her attention. "Will you do me the honor and give me the great pleasure of calling you my wife?" Tears formed in her eyes as reality sunk in. She tried to say yes, but she choked on her words. Instead she nodded frantically and threw her arms around him. Angel rose to his feet and spun her around. The crowd cheered as she wept on his shoulder. Angel pulled back and gave her a kiss, then proceeded to slip the ring on her shaky finger.

BOOK: When Opposites Attract
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