Read White Tiger (A Shifter's Unbound Novel) Online

Authors: Jennifer Ashley

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Fantasy, #Paranormal, #Science Fiction & Fantasy

White Tiger (A Shifter's Unbound Novel) (24 page)

BOOK: White Tiger (A Shifter's Unbound Novel)
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Charlie’s graying brows shot up. “Buy it? But you’re Shifter.” He waved his hands. “No, never mind. We’ll discuss it. Huh.” He looked around the crowd climbing from vehicles, stretching, chattering. “Well, I’m gonna need some more groceries.”

The Shifters surged around and into the house, through it, out into the back. Zane and Brett, who’d shifted to tiger, as they did when excited, ran among them. Robbie remained human but dashed about greeting the Shifters, being lifted for big hugs or kisses from the females, everyone babbling about a hundred miles an hour.

Kendrick knew full well that there could be enemies among them, spies Lachlan sent. Short of locking up every Shifter and interrogating them, though, he’d never find them. He’d have to trust his trackers to keep an eye out, and himself to spot a betrayal.

Addison moved among them without fear. She was wary, yes, but not afraid. She explained where everything was around the ranch, helped the younger ones, smiled at the older. Kendrick’s Shifters seemed to understand without being told, without the scent mark, that she was with him, and there to stay.

Dimitri carried Jaycee into the bedroom she’d chosen for
herself and laid her gently on the bed. Zander followed and checked her over. She’d been given a dose of some tranquilizer, Zander said, but she’d sleep it off.

“Good for you, Addie,” Zander said when he came out. “If you hadn’t run after those guys, Jaycee could be who knows where right now.” He sent Kendrick a significant look, as though Kendrick would never be able to figure out that Addison had courageously saved the day.

Dimitri said nothing, but his glance at Addison showed vast gratitude. Then he returned to Jaycee’s room in silence.

Kendrick spent a long time walking among his Shifters, settling them in for the night. They were used to living rough, camping where they had to. The horse was a bit nervous about all the animals moving in with her, but she settled down when she started to grow interested and enjoy the company. Horses were herd animals—they liked communities as much as Shifters did.

Some Shifters camped under the stars and the few bears in Kendrick’s group moved into the basement. As Kendrick had found, a large door in the basement opened from a small space behind the generator and icebox to cavernous rooms. Storm shelters, he decided, or maybe built in the day when bomb shelters had been a popular thing. Whatever reason, Charlie had an enormous basement under his house, and the bears liked it.

With Dimitri and Jaycee out of it, Kendrick had to rely on Seamus, Ben, and Zander to move among the Shifters with him and keep an eye out for any who might be Lachlan’s. Seamus’s mate had returned with him, along with her brother, who started helping out without being asked.

In the small hours of the morning, Zander found Kendrick outside the barn with a crowd of his Shifters and put a heavy hand on his shoulder. “Go to bed,” Zander said in his outsized voice. “You’re all in, and your mate’s already there. Go snuggle up with her.”

The Shifters of his band said, “Yeah go for it,” and other encouraging comments. Kendrick stretched his back, the weight of the sword dragging at him. “You know what happens if I sleep with Addison,” he said to Zander in a low voice. “And what it will mean.”

Zander’s grin split his face. “Of course I do. We all do.” His hand dug into Kendrick’s shoulder, and he made an expansive gesture at the other Shifters. “It’s natural—enjoy it. Take one for the team.”

Kendrick shrugged off his hold. “She’s human. Do
stand under the window cheering.”

Amid disappointed groans, Zander said, “Aw, you know how to ruin all the fun. A leader in a mating frenzy is momentous, Kendrick. We’ll cheer from the barn. And the basement. And the fields. It’s catching, you know. Mating frenzy.”

Kendrick knew that—especially a leader’s mating. Other Shifters would catch the wave of need and find partners for the night.

Kendrick gave Zander a severe look. “If you get a cub on any of my Shifters, polar bear, you’re taking care of it and its mother forever. No love ’em and leave ’em on my watch.”

Zander raised his hands. “Don’t worry. I wasn’t planning on touching anyone. I like that you all love each other, but your way of life is . . . complicated. I like striding alone under the stars, on fields of endless ice.”

“You lived in a house with satellite TV,” Kendrick said. “And central heating.”

“Hey, even polar bears get cold. And bored. You know, those programs about searching for ghosts are hilarious. Humans are good with comedy.” Zander stepped back and let him go. “Need to talk to you about something after,” he said.

Kendrick barely heard him. Afterward meant everything in his life would be different. He ended the conversation by turning his back and walking without a word to the house. Zander’s laughter drifted after him.

Addison was in bed, as Zander had said. The room was warm, the windows shut, and Addison was sound asleep.

Kendrick locked the bedroom door, pulled off his clothes, and climbed into the high bed. He slid his hand under Addison’s body, and when she fluttered her eyes open, Kendrick brought her up to him.

“Addison,” he said, his voice low. “I can’t stay away from you. I try and try, but you defeat me in the end.”


ddie came fully awake to find her arms around Kendrick’s very naked, hot-skinned body. She flattened herself against him as his mouth came down on hers, and she kissed him back, tasting fire.

Something had changed in him, and not just the fact that he’d abandoned his vow to keep himself from her. Kendrick tonight was wilder, more vibrant, more

She pressed her hands to his shoulders to break the kiss. “Wow. I’d say finding your friends really made you happy.”

make me happy.” Kendrick spoke in a growl. “Jaycee might have died, might never have come home—except for you.”

“Yeah, throwing myself into three pissed-off, diabolical Shifters is nothing to me.” Addie shivered. “Scared the shit out of me. Is she all right?”

Kendrick smoothed a lock of Addie’s hair, fingers warm. “Zander says she’ll be fine.”

“He told me that too. But I mean, is she
all right?”

“Dimitri’s with her. He’ll take care of her.”

Addie traced Kendrick’s cheekbone. “Jaycee’s in love with you.”

“I know.” Kendrick cupped Addison’s face in his hands, his touch both hard and shaking. “I know she is.”

“Dimitri loves her.” Addie felt the need to add this.

“I know. All of us are fucked up.”

Kendrick pushed her back into the mattress, hands dragging her T-shirt from her body. He dipped his head to lick one breast. Addie arched as her nipple went into his mouth, his tongue stirring fire. She stroked his hair, thick and sleek, his warm neck, smooth back.

Kendrick wasn’t gentle—he tugged and pulled with his teeth, his hand coming up to cup her breast. He teased that nipple with thumb and forefingers at the same time he nipped and suckled the other.

Addie drew her foot up his leg, the covers dropping aside. It was too hot for blankets anyway. Addie pushed off the rest of the covers, nothing but the cool bottom sheet under them now.

High on this tall bed, it was as though they floated in an aerie, where nothing could reach them. Addie hugged Kendrick to her as he went on, his touch making magic. He knew how to pleasure with only hands and tongue, as he’d showed her in the barn, and Addie’s body came alive in response.

When Kendrick released her breasts to take her mouth again, Addie let her hand move to the thick hardness between his legs.

Kendrick sucked in a breath and lifted his head, eyes glittering.

Addie gave him a hot smile. “You think only one of us can play that game?”

“I think you don’t understand your danger.” His voice was gravelly rough.

“I understand it just fine.” Addie squeezed, and Kendrick let out a groan.

Bree had confided in Addie, confirming the rumor that Shifters were big. Very, very big. Addie had put this down to exaggeration, but she realized now that Bree was right.

It had been a while since Addie had been in bed with a man, but she’d never been shy about sex. She’d been curious and she’d discovered.

Exploring Kendrick opened up a whole new world to her. Addie wrapped her hand around his cock, marveling how sleek it could be. Kendrick growled, his eyes half closing then filling with something like pain.

Addie eased off. “Sorry—am I hurting you?”

Kendrick seized her wrist and pressed her hand over him again. “No. You’re helping. I’m going to burn up.”

“I know,” Addie said. “It’s hot tonight.”

Kendrick squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head, kept on shaking it. “Not what I meant.”

Addie had known exactly what he meant. Kendrick’s body was fever-heated, his skin tight. Addie ran her hand up his cock, cupping the tip, and Kendrick arched into her palm.

“Like that.” His jaw relaxed, his eyes drifting open again. “Like that, Addison. Goddess, you are so beautiful.”

Addie touched his strong cheek, loving the rough of his whiskers. Kendrick looked straight into her eyes, the green of his bright in the starlight.

He kissed her as Addie stroked, his hips moving in time with what she did. Addie skimmed her hand all the way down to the tight balls at his base, the heat there the hottest. Wiry hair tickled her hand, and then Kendrick’s strength came to her as he thrust up through her closed fingers.

Kendrick tore his mouth from hers and raised his hips away so she lost hold of him. “No. I need more. I need

“All right then,” Addie said. “You’ll have to help me out of my underwear.”

Kendrick snarled. The fingers of one hand became tiger claws, which tore her bikini panties without touching the slightest bit of her skin. Kendrick’s claws receded, and he pulled the shreds away.

“I knew I needed you as soon as I saw you,” Kendrick said rapidly. “I put you in danger, but I couldn’t stay away. I had to see you, be near you, every night.”

“Aw, and I thought Bo’s frozen pies were just that good.”

“Stop.” Kendrick brought his face to hers. “You are beautiful. Desirable. Perfect. Why the hell
I want you?”

Addie could think of many reasons, but his expression was furious, his gorgeous, heart-stopping body right on top
of hers. This wasn’t the time to tease, argue, play. This was the time to savor Kendrick and worry about the
s later.

“Have it your way,” she said softly.

Kendrick snarled again. His strong hand moved her thighs apart, and he was speaking, but in such a low voice she barely caught the words.

“I can’t go slow. I can’t, can’t. Damn it.” He was at her opening, Addie so slick with heat there was nothing to keep him out.

She gasped out loud, her whole body opening as Kendrick closed his eyes and drove heavily inside.

*   *   *

endrick’s words died as soon as he felt Addison around him. He opened his eyes again, finding her face softening with pleasure, her blue eyes warming.

He slid right in without barrier—she’d been with a man before. She wasn’t hurting; her gasp had been surprise, but most human women weren’t used to Shifters.

Shifters weren’t used to human women either, as a rule, but Kendrick’s body didn’t care. Addison was warm, welcoming, hot, beautiful. The hunger he’d carried for her since he’d laid eyes on her rose up and consumed him.

She’d smiled at him when he’d first walked into the diner, she wearing that awful salmon pink polyester dress and holding a coffeepot. But her eyes had been kind, sparkling with good humor, her smile, genuine. Kendrick had pictured himself lifting her to the countertop, throwing aside the coffee, ripping open the ugly dress, and taking her.

The fantasy had sustained him every night, but every night he’d renewed it, going back to see her. He’d tried to stay away and couldn’t.

He couldn’t now. He was in grave danger, as was every Shifter out there who looked to him for protection. And Kendrick couldn’t not be with Addison.

He stroked her hair back, lifting the weight of it. Kendrick kissed her as he pushed further inside, then raised his head as he eased back.

Addison’s chest rose with her breath, her hips lifting with
his. Kendrick thrust, closing his eyes on the incredible sensation, opening them again to find her looking at him. She touched his face, pressed her fingers against his back, her body rising to him.

Kendrick eased out and thrust again, Addie making a faint noise in her throat. Kendrick balled his fist into the mattress, the next thrust coming faster.

Again he slid inside and out, speeding up, mating frenzy closing on him.

He didn’t realize he’d said the word out loud until the guttural sound floated back to him.
Addison. Beautiful.

Her cries joined his as Kendrick rocked faster, Addison winding her legs around him, drawing him deeper into her. Her face was flushed, her head turned on the pillow, eyes closing as she cried out.

Down into the bed, up only enough to make the next thrust deeper. Sensation became a swirl of color and light, like the stars against the night.

Growls escaped him, Addie’s body tight against his while he buried himself deep inside her. The touch of her hands, legs, arms, propelled him on, any thought of gentleness gone.

They were bound together, rocking, he shouting, Addison laughing. Kendrick knew the noise they made floated to the Shifters inside and out—Shifter hearing being what it was. He didn’t care. The frenzy caught him up and spun him around, and Addison clung to him, coming along with him.

Their bodies were slick together. Kendrick punched the bed beside him, need gathering deep behind his balls, telling him his coming would be powerful.

It was. Kendrick lost it too soon, but he was wrapped in Addison, his being dissolved in her. He cried her name as he gave up his seed, and she met him with her climax, the two of them clinging, holding, hungry.

After a long, long time they dropped back to the bed, Kendrick barely remembering how to breathe. He kept pushing into her, unable to stop, while she touched him and smiled.

A few Shifters in the distance
cheer, and Kendrick growled. He continued his thrusts as Addison laughed and kissed his chin, Kendrick moving until he could think and feel no more.

*   *   *

aves of Kendrick’s frenzy touched Dimitri, or maybe it was just all the noise they were making down the hall. He held Jaycee’s hand more tightly, rejoicing she was home and well.

Jaycee opened her eyes. She took a startled look around, tried to sit up, then sank back with a groan.

“What the hell happened to me?” she demanded.

“Sh.” Dimitri put a soothing hand on her shoulder. “You’re at th-the ranch. You’re all . . .” He couldn’t make his mouth say
and gave up.

Jaycee put her hand to her head, brushing back her thick hair. Her golden brown eyes shone in the lamplight, so beautiful. “Are you going to tell me what happened?”

Dimitri gave her a truncated account of her near kidnapping, telling her how Addie had distracted Jaycee’s abductors, giving Kendrick and the others time to come for her.

“Addie did that?” Jaycee asked in surprise. “I thought she’d have been glad to let them take me.”

“She w-w-wou . . .” Again Dimitri gave up. His stupid stammer grew whenever he was agitated, and he got agitated a lot around Jaycee. “She’s not like that,” he said in a rush.

“Yeah, I know.” Jaycee looked slightly disappointed that Addie wasn’t as bad as she’d hoped, but also a bit more respectful. “So, what are you doing in here?”

“L-looking out for you.”

“I’m all right.” Jaycee’s hand was still in Dimitri’s. She closed her fingers around it, losing some of her bravado. “Thank you.”

Dimitri squeezed her hand. “Any t-time.”

They looked at each other. Whether Kendrick’s mating frenzy was so strong it really did touch them, or they were simply alone in the night, lonely, relieved, safe for now—it didn’t matter.

Jaycee lifted herself to Dimitri, cupped his face, and kissed his mouth.

Dimitri’s heart hammered, and joy blossomed inside him. He slid his hand behind Jaycee’s head, her hair trickling through his fingers, and pressed her up to him.

His return kiss parted her lips, wild fires building as his tongue swept over hers. Jaycee wrapped her strong self around him and pulled him down to the bed. Dimitri didn’t even bother to fight his surrender.

*   *   *

ots of shagging going on tonight,” Ben remarked.

Zander, flat on his back in the dirt and dried grass, arms outstretched as he gazed up into the stars, crossed his booted feet. “Yep.”

Ben sat cross-legged next to him. Zander still wasn’t sure what the guy was. Vampire? Fae? Creature from the Black Lagoon? But with so many Shifters getting busy in the house and barn—all rejoicing that their god on earth, Kendrick, was back in their lives—Zander had felt the need to walk away, seeking the isolation of the back fields.

Zander didn’t belong here—he was not part of Kendrick’s group—and neither was Ben. Therefore, the two outsiders left the others to their fun. Zander had also realized something tonight, an ugly truth that had smacked him in the face when he’d seen the scarred face of the half-human Shifter who’d confronted Kendrick.

“So,” Zander said, studying the constellations that were slightly off from where they were way up in the northern latitudes. “Why aren’t you with a lady? You have someone special waiting for you at home?”

Ben snorted a laugh. “Not me. I’m a thousand years old, the last of my kind. Any woman I took up with would live out her lifespan while I never changed. She’d get a little pissed off at me for that.”

“A thousand?” Zander said in surprise. “Even Shifters will live out their lifespan before that. And we thought
had age hang-ups.”

Ben shrugged. “I’ve gotten used to it.”

No, he hadn’t. Zander had a little bit of empathic ability in him, which was part of how he healed—as far as he knew. In all the years he’d been a healer, he hadn’t figured out exactly how his Goddess magic worked. That empathy told him Ben was lonely and hated being alone, but didn’t think there was anything he could do about it.

BOOK: White Tiger (A Shifter's Unbound Novel)
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