Wicked Games (Denver Rebels) (37 page)

BOOK: Wicked Games (Denver Rebels)
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He smiled, then leaned in and gently brushed his lips over hers. “Look outside,” he whispered.

She turned her head to look out the window. A light snow had begun to fall, dusting the treetops and windshield.

She and Reid stared at each other. She knew he was thinking the same thing she was, that the falling snow signaled a fresh start for them. A new beginning.

“Are you hungry?” he murmured.

“I am.” She paused. “For the first time in weeks.”

He gently stroked her cheek. “Let’s get some lunch, then stop by your place so you can pack an overnight bag.”

She smiled. “Are we having a sleepover at your house?”

“Yeah.” His eyes glinted. “We have to make up for lost time.”

“Sounds good.” She nipped at his lips, then climbed off his lap and crawled back into her seat. When her bare ass hit the cool leather, she gave a startled squeak and lifted her hips, tugging her skirt down over her bottom.

Reid chuckled, tucking himself back into his pants and refastening his belt.

“Can we stop at my place
we go to lunch?” She gestured pointedly to her torn panties on the floor. “It’s too cold to be going commando.”

He grinned wickedly. “I like knowing you’re naked under there.”

“Yeah? Well,
like not freezing my coochie off.”

He threw back his head with a shout of laughter.

As she grinned and adjusted her sheer black tights, he winked at her, then turned on the engine and backed out of the parking space.

When “In Your Eyes” suddenly came on the radio, they stared at each other in surprised wonder…and then smiled.








Third Period








re you nervous?”

Reid gave Nadia an amused look. “Maybe I’m the one who should be asking you that question.”

She let out a small laugh. “Why? Do I seem nervous?”

He cocked an eyebrow. “Is that a serious question? You haven’t stopped fidgeting and plucking at your shirt since you got in the car.”

“That’s not true,” she protested.

His eyebrow climbed higher.

She grinned sheepishly and dropped her hand to her lap before turning away to stare out the window.

It was Thanksgiving Day, and they had just pulled up to her parents’ house for dinner. Several gleaming cars filled the driveway and lined the curb in front of the large stone-and-stucco house. The gang was all here.

So why was she so reluctant to get out of the car?

Everyone in her family had been pleased to learn that she and Reid were back together. Everyone but her father. He still didn’t approve of their relationship, and he believed Nadia was making a terrible mistake by giving Reid another chance. After much pleading and cajoling from his wife, he’d grudgingly consented to having Reid over for Thanksgiving dinner—operative word being
. There was no telling what he would say or do once Reid stepped foot inside his home.

So, yeah, Nadia was nervous as hell. Who could blame her?


She turned back to Reid. He looked breathtakingly handsome in charcoal dress pants, a crisp white shirt and an expensively tailored jacket that fit his wide shoulders to perfection. His dark hair curled slightly over the collar; the thick locks were noticeably shorter after his visit to the barber. Not only had he gotten a haircut, he’d also shaved for the special occasion. The shave made his jaw look squarer, his cheekbones more chiseled.

Even without the dark stubble that normally shadowed his face, he still looked like the rough and tough badass who’d stolen Nadia’s heart. Rugged masculinity oozed from the man’s pores. It didn’t hurt that his knuckles were raw and a bruise bloomed over his right cheekbone, courtesy of the brawl he’d gotten into during last night’s bruising home game against the Washington Capitals. 

Nadia’s mouth watered just looking at him. She wanted to lick him from top to bottom and back up again. She wanted to ride him until her ass muscles cramped.

And she would—later.

But first she had to make sure he survived his first meeting with her father.

The very thought summoned another wave of apprehension. She bit her lip, staring anxiously at Reid. “Whatever happens today—”

“Relax.” He cupped her face, stroking the curve of her cheek with his thumb. “It’s going to be okay. Remember what I told you before. I’m not going anywhere.”

She gave him a rueful smile. “You might change your mind after today.”

“Not a chance.” The corner of his mouth quirked with a wry smile. “So can we get out of the car now? Or are you still contemplating making a run for it?”

She took a deep breath, let it out slowly and then grinned. “Let’s do this.”

“Atta girl.” Reid got out and came around to open her door, extending his hand to her. She took it as he helped her out of the Tesla and then closed the door. He held onto her hand, linking their fingers as they started up the long walk together.

It was a crisp, golden afternoon with a clear blue sky overhead. Nadia felt soft and elegant in a ruffled beige blouse with a high collar tucked into black slacks that tapered to hug her ankles. The heels of her nude pumps clicked lightly on the cobblestone path.

“So this is where you grew up,” Reid remarked, looking around at the well-kept houses and meticulously manicured lawns that populated the quiet neighborhood.

“Yup,” Nadia said with a sigh. “This is where it all started.”

“I’m picturing you as a little girl riding your bike up and down this street, or sitting under that big tree with your nose buried in a book.”

Nadia gave Reid a pleased smile. “I did enjoy reading under that tree. It was one of my favorite spots, actually. How did you know?”

He just smiled, bringing her wrist to his lips. The warmth of his mouth against her skin sent a rush of tingles through her body that heated her all over.

Just as they reached the house, the mahogany front door swung open. Nadia grinned when she saw her mother standing there with a wide, welcoming smile.

“Hello, you two,” she greeted them warmly. “Happy Thanksgiving.”

“Same to you,” they responded.

Eden kissed Nadia’s cheek and pulled her close in an affectionate embrace. Then she drew back and smiled at Reid as Nadia began the introductions. “Mom, this is—”

“I know who he is.” Her mother clasped his hand in a warm handshake. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Reid.” 

He grinned. “The pleasure’s all mine, Mrs. Warner. Thank you for having me.”

“Thank you for coming.” Eden opened the door wider, ushering them inside the house. The air was fragrant with the aromas of roast turkey and baked ham.

Reid smiled at Nadia’s mother. “Dinner smells wonderful.”

She beamed with pleasure. “Thank you, baby. I hope you brought your appetite.”

“Are you kidding?” Nadia joked. “He never goes anywhere without it.”

They all laughed.

The sound of their voices drew the rest of Nadia’s family to the foyer. As they came forward with friendly smiles, she introduced Reid to everyone, skipping over Nelson and Bianca. Her uncle and cousins greeted Reid with firm handshakes, their grins wide and a bit awed. When Reid smiled at Aunt Sherise and Ana, they looked ready to swoon, clearly dazzled by his hotness.

When he glanced away to answer someone’s question, Scarlett met Nadia’s eyes and mouthed,

She merely grinned.

“Well, well, well. Look who’s coming to dinner.”

Everyone turned to see Lincoln Warner approaching. It was the moment Nadia had been dreading. She gave her father a silently pleading look, but his attention was focused solely on Reid.

Reid made the first move, politely extending his hand. “Nice to meet you, Dr. Warner.”


Lincoln and Reid gripped hands. Both men’s jaws were tight, their postures rigid as they sized each other up. They reminded Nadia of two gunslingers squaring off in the Old West.

Apparently she wasn’t alone, because someone began whistling the theme song from
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

A rumble of laughter swept through the foyer, breaking up some of the tension. It was only then that Nadia’s father released Reid’s hand. Reid looked somewhat relieved as he flexed his fingers, earning a sympathetic clap on the back from Nelson.

As everyone began drifting from the foyer, Nadia’s mother tucked her arm through Reid’s. “I’m sorry Nadia’s grandparents couldn’t be here today. They live two hours away and don’t like to travel very often. But they usually come stay with us for Christmas, so you’ll get to meet them at that time. My parents and siblings will also be visiting from Virginia, and they can’t wait to meet you.”

Reid smiled. “I look forward to meeting them.”

“Assuming you’re still around by then,” Nadia’s father grumbled under his breath.

His wife and daughter shot him a warning look.

Aunt Sherise deliberately cleared her throat. “Why don’t you fellas head back downstairs to finish watching the early game? The girls and I need to put the finishing touches on dinner and set the table. That means you too, Scarlett.”

Scarlett responded with a disgruntled scowl.

As the men began leading Reid away, he glanced over his shoulder, met Nadia’s concerned gaze and winked.

She was still frowning as she followed the women to the kitchen.

Her mother came up beside her, draping an arm around her shoulders. “He’ll be all right.”

“I don’t know, Ma,” Nadia said worriedly. “I’m not comfortable leaving him alone with Dad. God only knows what Dad might say to him.”

“Reid’s a big boy. I’m sure he can handle anything your father has to say to him—no matter how abrasive it may be.”

Nadia grimaced. “That’s not very reassuring.”

Her mother laughed and gave her shoulders a comforting squeeze as they entered the kitchen. Every square inch of counter space was covered with food. Nadia’s mother and aunt had been up since early that morning preparing the turkey and ham and all the trimmings—candied yams, collard greens, macaroni and cheese, green bean casserole, garlic mashed potatoes and gravy, crusty sourdough rolls. There were two different types of stuffing, and three sweet potato pies cooled on wire racks.

Nadia felt a pang of guilt as she surveyed the mouthwatering spread. “Look at all this food. I should have been here to help—”

Her mother waved her off. “Nonsense. You and Reid were where you needed to be this morning—serving meals to the homeless.”

“That’s right,” Aunt Sherise agreed, opening a can of cranberry sauce. “We had all the help we needed. Scarlett and Ana did our grocery runs, and we assigned the men to kitchen duty later this evening. Besides, your mama and I are old pros at whipping up these holiday feasts. Been doing it for years, long before you kids were born.”

“We know,” Nadia and Scarlett chorused with grins. “You tell us every year.”

Aunt Sherise laughed. “And someday it’ll be the four of you slaving away in this kitchen for your families.”

Nadia, Scarlett, Ana and Bianca shared an amused glance.

Then Scarlett cleared her throat and raised her hand. “I’m probably never getting married, so you can count me out of that cozy little scenario.”

Bianca grinned. “And unless you all know something about Nelson and me that

It was all Nadia could do not to blurt out Nelson’s secret.

“Well, Bianca, all I can tell you is that I’ve never seen my son so smitten by a woman,” Eden remarked with a twinkle in her eyes. “You’ve got that boy wrapped around your finger.”

As the others murmured in agreement, Bianca smiled and demurely lowered her lashes. “He’s pretty special to me too.”

“Aww,” everyone cooed.

Aunt Sherise grinned. “Whenever Nelson’s ready to pop the question, his twin will be the first to know. So, Nadia, we expect you to give us the goods, y’hear?”

Nadia gave a mock salute. “Yes, ma’am.”

Everyone laughed.

Looking around with a wicked grin, Scarlett announced in a sly voice, “Since no one else is going to say what we’ve all been thinking, let me be the first: Reid is fine as

The room erupted in raucous female laughter.

“I’m glad someone else beat me to it,” Ana confessed, her eyes sparkling with mischief. “I didn’t want to get in trouble for saying it, but…whew, chile!”

This set off more laughter and lusty hums of agreement.

Scarlett grinned impishly, fanning her face. “I mean, we’ve all watched his games on TV and seen his face plastered everywhere, so we already knew he was hot. But
prepares you for seeing the man in person. Lordy, he’s gorgeous. Those eyes are to die for. And he’s got that whole ‘badass roughneck’ thing going on. And that voice…” She pretended to swoon into a chair, drawing more giggles and feminine sighs.

Aunt Sherise tsk-tsked. “Now, now, Scarlett. You need to stop lusting after your cousin’s man.” She paused. “Or at least wait until she’s not around to hear you.”

Another burst of laughter pealed through the kitchen.

Nadia grinned and shook her head as Scarlett slung an arm around her shoulders and kissed her cheek. “He happens to think you’re gorgeous too,” she told her cousin in a wry tone. “So maybe I’d better keep a close eye on both of you.”

“Girl, please,” Scarlett said with an amused snort. “That man ain’t thinking about no one but you.”

“I know that’s right,” Bianca confirmed. “I’ve been around them. I’ve seen the way he looks at her and touches her. It’s so freakin’

Nadia blushed as everyone sighed deeply and fanned themselves. Even her mother seemed to be enjoying this.

Ana grinned at her. “So how’d everything go at the shelter? We saw you and Reid on the news this morning. You looked right at home with him and his teammates.”

“Didn’t she?” Aunt Sherise agreed. “She looked like she belonged at Reid’s side, wearing his jersey and serving meals right alongside him. They make such a beautiful couple.”

“They certainly do.” Nadia’s mother smiled, her eyes twinkling. “I know you were a little nervous about accompanying Reid to the volunteer event. Now that you’ve had a chance to mingle with some of the players’ wives and girlfriends, what did you think? Were they friendly?”

“For the most part,” Nadia answered, tucking her hair behind her ear. “Some of them were pretty standoffish, and I could tell they were wondering what I was doing there with Reid. But I just ignored them and interacted with the ones who seemed genuinely interested in getting to know me.” She smiled. “I really hit it off with the goalie’s wife, Jenna. She’s a former actress and model, but she’s really nice and down to earth. She invited me and Reid to dinner at their house next month.”

BOOK: Wicked Games (Denver Rebels)
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