Winter Wishes (Sharing Space #5) (2 page)

BOOK: Winter Wishes (Sharing Space #5)
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“Keep that up and I’ll tell the driver to turn around and take us back home.”


“Fine with me,” I said, slipping a hand between her thighs. Chloe uncrossed her legs in response, but sighed.


“Too late.”


We’d arrived at the swanky apartment building overlooking Central Park. A doorman assisted Chloe out of the cab and we made our way to the top floor. The apartment was what you would expect from that neighborhood: two stories, immaculate hardwood floors, high ceilings, an amazing view of the park, and expensive art lining the walls. Our host had hired wait staff for the event and, after our coats were taken, champagne flutes were placed in our hands. The apartment was abuzz with conversation, laughter, and instrumental holiday music.


I introduced Chloe to the cast mates and crew that were in attendance. Many men gave Chloe a few appreciative glances that made my chest swell. We were standing under mistletoe when I took Chloe’s hand and asked, “Am I the luckiest guy in the room or what?”


“Damn right you are,” she responded. We kissed and broke apart, smiling like fools. I looked towards the entrance at the exact moment Kelly walked in. Her eyes scanned the room and settled on Chloe and me. With a cat-like grin she headed our way.













Chapter Two
What a Ho-Ho-Ho


I loved my dress
—the way it looked, the way it fit, and, most importantly, I loved the way Patrick looked at me in my dress. I chose red for the holiday. It was fit to my curves like it was made just for me. I felt as if I was floating, and it had nothing to do with the champagne.


Patrick and I deserved this night out. We’d both been working so hard lately it was nice to be out in pretty clothes, in a pretty place, surrounded by pretty people. And speaking of pretty, Kelly Kennedy had just arrived. I was surprised to see her, but was grateful too. It’s always nice to see a familiar face at a party. Besides, I wanted to tell her how happy I was with the way the
Raven Cosmetics
social promos were performing.


Kelly made her way over to where Patrick and I were standing. She paused only to take a glass of champagne from a nearby waiter.  Her party dress, black satin with a puffy knee-length skirt, swayed as she walked. It was an adorable dress, but on Kelly it was seductive. She smiled as she approached and kissed Patrick on the cheek.


“Happy holidays, you two.”


“You too, Kelly.”


Patrick had his arm around my waist and I felt his body stiffen.


“Chloe, I didn’t expect to see you here.”


I frowned in surprise and confusion but, before I could ask why that was, she was already asking Patrick about working on the show.


“It’s been great. Just like you said, everyone’s been really helpful.”


“Have you met the pirate chef yet?”


Patrick laughed and nodded. He turned to me. “That’s what they call one of the chef’s in the cafeteria in the studio. He—”


Kelly cut him off. “But do not make the mistake of calling him that to his face, no matter what anyone tells you. I was told to do it as part of an initiation and he gave me the stink-eye with his one good eye for weeks.”


They laughed and I suddenly felt out of place. Each time Patrick tried to include me in the conversation, Kelly seemed to bring it back around to the show or their old acting class, or anything else I wasn’t familiar with. It reminded me of high school, except back then the girl icing me out was usually way off base. I had no interest in the boy in question, so her attempts of stealing the spotlight were laughable at best and a minor annoyance at worst. But this was different. I was very much interested in the guy in question and, unless I’d had more champagne than I’d realized, so was Kelly.


I decided to play it cool because of their friendship and the fact that Kelly was representing a very important client. Besides, I had the guy. There was no reason for me to trip.


“Kelly, so glad you could make it!” Mr. Robeson walked over, holding a drink in one hand. He exchanged kisses with Kelly and a handshake with Patrick. “And Patrick, good of you to come. We’re really excited to have you aboard.”


“Thanks, Mr. Robeson. I’m happy to be a part of the show. I’d like for you to meet my girlfriend, Chloe.”


There. If she didn’t before, she knows now.


I thought I saw Kelly’s smile falter briefly before I turned my attention to shaking the producer’s hand. “Lovely to meet you, Chloe. Do you mind if I steal Patrick away for just a few moments? There are some people from the network I want him to meet.”


“He’s all yours.”


“Besides, I can keep Chloe company,” Kelly chimed in.


This ought to be fun


I watched Patrick walk away and, even from across the room, he gave me butterflies. We were surrounded by dozens of good-looking people, but there was no one sexier than Patrick in his sharp black suit.


“So, you and Patrick, huh?” Kelly asked, breaking into my thoughts.


I took a sip of my champagne. “Yup. Me and Patrick.”


“Well, can’t say I’m
surprised. He always did like the pretty ones.”


“Thank you,” I said, deciding to take that as a compliment.


“What does surprise me is the fact that you’re still living together.”


It was clear Kelly was playing a game and damn me for being too curious not to play along. “Why’s that?”


“Well, when Patrick and I were together he was definitely a commitment-phobe.”


She continued on, but I was still stuck on
when Patrick and I were together
. Patrick and Kelly had been a couple. And he hadn’t told me. Studying my face, Kelly made the connection.


“Oh, he didn’t mention it?” She tossed back her head and laughed. “Well, that’s probably because he’s embarrassed by his behavior. He really shouldn’t be, though. I’ve told him as much many times. I’m a big girl and can handle casual. It was just sex, and that was okay. Really great sex. But I don’t have to tell you that, huh?”


She laughed again like we were old friends who shared a secret instead of work acquaintances who’d shared the same man. I smiled demurely, though what I really wanted to do was whack her over the head with my champagne glass. But that would cause a scene and be a waste of really good champagne.


“You know, though, you guys may last longer than Patrick and I did.” She scrunched up her little button nose like she’d been deep in thought. “I mean, he’s making a lot more money now. He can afford a better place. A place on his own. That is why he moved in to begin with, right? It was an affordable way to live in the city. Now that money’s not really an issue…”


She let the sentence hang and I found my voice. “We hadn’t really discussed it.”


“Oh. Then take my word for it. A guy like Patrick, it’s probably best if he moves out sooner than later. ‘Cause once he starts to feel tied down… Ugh, will you listen to me? Who cares about ancient history, right? Oops, excuse me. I gotta go mingle with some of my old cast mates. I’ll see you in a bit.”


She walked off and I wanted to snatch her by the bow on the back of her dress and demand she give me details. They couldn’t be any worse than the ones dancing in my head. Patrick and Kelly kissing, holding hands, making love. I needed more champagne. I signaled a waiter and within seconds I was sipping on another glass. I thought about slowing down and getting something to eat, but I didn’t think my stomach could handle food. Every time I envisioned Patrick with Kelly my stomach dropped.


Why hadn’t he told me? And what did she mean by “a guy like Patrick” and “it was just sex?” Is that what she thought Patrick and I were about? Just sex? We were more than that. Couldn’t she tell? 


As I finished my glass I thought about Patrick feeling tied down. Did he? Would he soon? It didn’t seem like it. I mean, he was the one who would suggest we sleep together almost every night even when we didn’t have sex.


I watched Patrick as he chatted across the room. Sensing my gaze, he turned to me and smiled apologetically.


Yeah, get used to it, buddy. You got some ‘splainin’ to do.


And suddenly, I wanted nothing more than to leave. Like he could read my thoughts Patrick started to make his way back to me when he stopped mid-stride. He reached into his pocket, retrieved his cell phone, and answered it. Within a few seconds his face fell. I walked over to him and placed my hand on his arm. All thoughts of Kelly were momentarily forgotten. Something was wrong.


“Yes, I know where it is. I’m on my way.” Patrick disconnected the call and placed the phone back in his pocket.


“What is it?”


“We have to go. Charlotte’s been hurt.”



Chapter Three
Too Little Too Late


Chloe and I walked through the automatic doors, out of the cold and into the hospital. I didn’t have any details
, just that Charlotte had been injured and the name of the triage nurse to ask for once I arrived. The emergency room’s waiting area was decorated with Christmas lights and garland. A small tree sat pathetically in the corner. Next to it a large barrel held canned goods for a food drive. Even as my mind made note of these things I realized how odd it was that I was taking the time to notice these details.


After ten minutes a short nurse with long dark hair entered the emergency room and called out, “Family of Charlotte Murphy?” When Chloe and I stood, she indicated with her head that we should follow her through a set of automatic doors.


“You’re family, right?”


“Yes, I’m her brother. What happened?”


She moved quickly, and we were at a near jog to keep up.


“Charlotte has already been moved to the intensive care burn unit. You can speak with the police officer to get more info, but your sister sustained serious burns in an apartment fire. Her torso, arms, and hands received third degree burns. Right now we’re trying to get her pain managed and prevent infection.”


We followed nurse Hathaway to an elevator bank and she pressed the button signaling the next car going up.


“How did this happen? Where?”


My mind was spinning. Fire? Police? The elevator arrived and we rode it to the fifth floor. Chloe held on to my arm, applying a comforting squeeze every few moments. It kept me steady even as I felt my knees weaken.


“You two can wait here. It’s the ICU waiting area. All I can tell you now is that the fire was chemical in nature and your sister’s burns are substantial. Let me get back in there. I’ll be back when I know more.”


“Give me your phone, Patrick.” I handed Chloe my cell phone without question. “I’ll step outside and call your parents, let them know to come directly to the fifth floor.” She kissed me on the cheek and squeezed my arm before heading for the elevators.


A tall black man in a tan suit approached just as I was about to take a seat. “I’m Detective Clarkson. You’re Charlotte Murphy’s relative?” he asked.


“Yes, I’m her brother, Patrick.”


“Oh, you’re the ice.”




“In Case of Emergency contact. Most of the colleges are advising students to program an emergency contact into their cell phones under the name ICE in their contacts. It helps us and hospital personnel know whom to call when they’re brought in unconscious.”


BOOK: Winter Wishes (Sharing Space #5)
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