Read Witchlock Online

Authors: Dianna Love

Witchlock (9 page)

BOOK: Witchlock
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Evalle whispered, “She what?”

“She screams. She rarely sleeps. She moans constantly, but it’s the screaming that is so ... difficult to endure.”

Storm had run for hours to get here and had been angry to find Evalle left alone to fight a demon, then he’d been terrified to find her falling off a mountain. He was not looking forward to the circus in her apartment when they went home, and definitely not ready to let her near a bunch of dark witches, but hearing Adrianna’s story made all of his problems appear trivial and manageable.

He couldn’t say that he would have been able to maintain the quiet calm she exuded every time he saw her. He asked, “What do we have to do to reach Ragan?”

Adrianna’s gaze faltered for the first time. She was hiding something. She stretched her fingers and clasped them loosely again. “Veronika’s ancestors will stand in the way to prevent us from reaching the center of the realm. I know where Ragan is only because she was placed in the realm before Veronika blinded her. If we do get past the guardians, the minute Ragan realizes I am near, Veronika might also know. I’ve searched and traded favors for any bit of information, but I don’t know everything. The one thing I do know is the guardians are there to keep anyone from touching Ragan. If you’re going to walk away, now is the time to do it.”

Time to wrap this up. Storm could smell the food almost ready to come
out and Evalle’s stomach growled.

Storm said, “To avoid arguing, let’s say that we’re both on board to go after your sister and getting her out of there. You said you’d like me to stand guard. Why not take me?”

“To travel there takes stepping out of our bodies and crossing through a different plane.”

Evalle’s face fell. “Is this going to be like me doing that astral travel thing to find Storm in Mitnal?”

“Similar, but no. I’ll be guiding you instead of unknown spirits. With Storm staying behind to protect us, he can help send us there and insure you get back.”

“How does he do that?”

Adrianna pointed at Evalle’s chest. “You’re wearing something akin to a chakra stone, right?”

Evalle’s hand moved to her chest. “He glued an emerald on me.”

“I did
glue it,” he corrected her. “I used

Rolling her eyes, Evalle said. “He majik-glued a stone on my chest to use like a tracking device.”

He scowled. “That’s not–”  Then he caught Adrianna’s smirk and looked over to find Evalle grinning. He leaned close to Evalle’s ear and said, “You’ll pay for that.”

She murmured, “I sure as hell hope so.”

,” Adrianna stressed, eyes twinkling for a moment before turning serious again. “If we can’t leave the realm on our own, I’m banking on Storm jazzing up the majik on that stone so that you can alert him that we’re in trouble. He’ll pull you out the minute he senses it.”

Now Storm understood why Adrianna wanted him to stay behind. She was creating a safety net for Evalle. Evalle could hold her own with pretty much any supernatural being, but if she got into real danger, the stone
alert him and he’d yank Evalle out so fast she’d lose a day of time.

That was
he went along with her going, which was still a no in his book.

The other thing he’d noticed about Adrianna’s plan? She had no safety net for herself. “Would I be able to pull you both out?”

“No. You’ll only be withdrawing one person.”

Caught in the middle of another yawn, Evalle snapped her jaws shut and gave Adrianna a hard look. “What
you really saying?”

Adrianna had returned to her subdued self, fingers steepled and tapping silently against each other. She stilled all her motions and addressed Storm. “We need to do this. Veronika would have a battle taking over your
power, Storm, but she wouldn’t tackle that fight first. She’d go after Evalle, who is vulnerable.”

Evalle said, “What? I’ll show you and Veronika vulnerable with my boot.”

“You misunderstand me, Evalle. I’m not saying you’re weak. I’m saying that you are vulnerable because you care for so many people. The KievRus majik preys on emotional vulnerabilities. When Veronika possesses Witchlock, she’ll learn everything about every powerful being that she chooses as prey. She’d especially want someone like you with Belador and Medb blood, plus you’re a gryphon to boot. When you least expect it, she’ll set a trap and catch you with your mental shields down. Once that happens, she’ll use your powers and your gifts to kill everyone who trusts you ... starting with Storm.”

Chills crawled up Storm’s spine at what Adrianna described. If she had her information right, that would be catastrophic and he could see why Evalle would be a prize to capture. “How do we stop her, Adrianna?”

She inclined her head toward him, indicating he’d finally asked the right question. “Veronika has only one weak spot right now and it’s her connection to Ragan. We have to use that link to destroy her no matter what.”

Evalle sat up as the waitress arrived.  

Once the young lady left, Adrianna dipped her tea bag into the mug of hot water and continued in a low voice. “We have very little time.”

“Explain,” Storm said and took a bite of his baby back ribs. They tasted damn good, and he was starving.

“Witchlock requires specific astronomic and astrologic conditions to come into full power. Those conditions happen no more than once each millennium and not always then. Veronika’s people kept the time frame secret for many reasons, but mainly so another coven wouldn’t tamper with the power. I’ve spent every free minute trying to pin down her end game. I now have that. We have until the upcoming solar eclipse to stop her. It’s directly following a blue moon.”

Storm had just lifted his fork, but lowered it before asking. “Do you mean–”

“Yes. The solar eclipse is in two days and will be visible in this hemisphere. If we miss that window, Veronika will have no more use for Ragan. At that point, everyone with any power will be at risk, including some of the gods and goddesses. If I can get to my sister before that and open the bond link, she’ll trust me to do whatever I have to do at that point.” Adrianna put her tea bag down and dried her fingers on the napkin,
then lifted her chin to face both of them.

Evalle toyed with her napkin, but she had deep thought lines marring her forehead. “Where is Veronika right now?”

“My sources say she’s in the KievRus compound in Ukraine, but the best view of the total eclipse will be in the US, so she’ll be on this continent in time for that.”

Storm considered all the things that could, and would, go wrong on any mission, especially one with little confirmed intel. “What if you can’t get Ragan out of the realm, Adrianna?”

“I have a backup plan.”

Evalle said, “Which is?”

“I’ve kept the link between Ragan and me shut down to a bare minimum connection so that Veronika doesn’t catch me not looking and find a way to latch onto my powers, too. If I can’t get Ragan out alive, I’ll open that link all the way to bond completely with her again. Together, we should be able to destroy Ragan’s connection to Veronika. That may not stop Veronika from accepting ownership of Witchlock, but it will significantly limit her range of power.”

“That might kill Ragan,” Storm pointed out.

“There’s no question that it will.”

“I hate to point out the obvious, Adrianna,” Evalle said in a sarcastic and weary voice. “But that means you both die. How is that a good plan?”

Putting her tea aside, Adrianna replied, “If I don’t stop Veronika, my sister will turn into a shade, plus none of us will be able to defend ourselves against Witchlock.  Even the Medb may be vulnerable, but their new queen might just join sides with Veronika against the Beladors. I’m not suicidal, and I want to free my sister more than anything, but I’m accepting the responsibility to do what I have to if this doesn’t work.”

Storm had heard enough. “I’ll go with you, but not Evalle, and the plan will be to rescue your sister and return both of you here.”

“Wait a damn minute,” Evalle said, lighting into him. “You don’t get to say what I can do and not do.”

Adrianna said, “I haven’t told you–”

“I’m not dictating your life, I’m trying to keep you safe,” Storm told Evalle, who had moved so that the light shining on her face showed the dark shadows of exhaustion. He hated for her to be run so hard and could tell how close she was to going ballistic mainly because she was too tired to prevent it.

Storm held his temper and kept his voice low. “I’m the most qualified to go with Adrianna since I carry very strong witch blood and powerful
shaman blood.”

Adrianna leaned in. “If you would just listen–”

“No, he won’t listen to anyone,” Evalle snapped. “Especially me. What I say doesn’t count all of a sudden.”

“That’s not true,” Storm argued.

“Yes, it is. I’m telling you I’m just as qualified to kill anything out there as you are and you
that. But you’re dismissing me outright.”

Storm wiped a hand over his mouth. “I need you to–”

Shut. Up!”
Adrianna said just loud enough to cut through their angry words.

He turned to her and could feel Evalle’s frustration roll into anger, ready to lunge at the witch. He put his hand on Evalle’s arm and felt the pulse of her temper beating hard beneath the thumb he rubbed back and forth over the vein to calm her. She was upset because of
, not Adrianna, and the Sterling witch didn’t need Evalle’s misdirected anger at this point.

She stayed there an extra second, then quieted and sat back in her seat.

Adrianna leaned in, hands clutched together. “I’ve spent a very long time researching this and I get one shot at making it happen. I am not going to let whatever issues you two have get in the way of going after my sister. You said you’d help. If Evalle isn’t going, then tell me now, because I’m running out of time and I have to know.”

Storm held back his thoughts, allowing Evalle a chance to reply first.

Maybe he
being overbearing, but he would not lose her.

Evalle said, “I fulfill my commitments and I told you I would help you when the time came. I’m in.”  She turned to Storm and her silence challenged him.

He gave in for now. “We’ll both help you.”

The smile he received from Evalle lit up his world. He couldn’t back up on his word to her or Adrianna, so he nodded to let Evalle know they’d do this together.

Evalle asked, “Does that mean you give your word to not fight my going with Adrianna?”


He got a double blast of happy Evalle for that admission. She didn’t need to know that he already had a shaman in mind who could be the anchor in this world, which would allow Storm to travel with Evalle and Adrianna. He had faith in his ability to protect her anywhere, even in the Jafnan Mir realm.

Now that they had peace between them again, he leaned over and
kissed Evalle’s cheek. “Sorry.”

She whispered, “Me, too.”

“Maybe we can get done now that you two have made up,” Adrianna muttered.

Evalle lifted her eyebrows. “Hmm?”

The witch smirked and said, “Thank you both, because I’m sure I can’t pull this off alone or I’d have already gone after my sister. I waited, because if there is a chance to bring Ragan home alive then I do want that first and foremost. She’s all I have.”

Storm said, “Tell us everything you have in mind so we can plan.”

“I have a couple of locations that should be perfect on a Sunday evening, but I’ll have the best one figured out this afternoon. We can’t wait until the last moment, so we’ll do this after sunset.” Shifting her gaze to Storm, Adrianna could finally finish explaining. “As for the plan, what I was trying to tell you is that I can only take one person into the realm with me and it has to be a woman. So Evalle and I will travel there together and you will be our protection in this world.”

What. The. Hell?
Now that he’d given his word, how was he going to stick to it
keep Evalle safe?


Chapter 8


“Where. Is. Brina?” Tzader Burke asked Macha, the Celtic goddess he’d sworn his allegiance to and the person responsible for the homicidal fantasies he was trying hard not to act upon.

With alabaster skin as pale as his was dark, Macha’s high cheeks and narrow nose would be thought patrician by today’s standards, but she’d lived far longer than aristocrats of recent centuries. Mink brown hair woven into finger-thick braids hung in front of her shoulders and down her back to her waist.

BOOK: Witchlock
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