With Cherry on Top [Loving in Silver 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (18 page)

BOOK: With Cherry on Top [Loving in Silver 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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“As much as I’d like to get naked for you right now, I think we’d shock Gray when he shows up.”

Gracie blushed and then giggled as he had hoped she would. Damn, how close he had come to never hearing that lovely sound again. The thought made him sick as he saw that the tears were drying up. Her beautiful green eyes sparkled like jewels as she stared at him.

A sudden thought made him tense. Lifting a hand, he patted his shirt pocket. He relaxed as he felt the slender box. “What’s that?” she asked, her gaze shifting, following his panicked action. “What do you have?”

Collin exchanged a glance with Mick over her head. Mick’s face, which had been grim following the initial fear, lightened with an encouraging smile. He nodded. It would have been nice if their brothers were there, but Jake and Cody would understand.

Dipping his fingers into his pocket, he pulled out the box. When he opened the box a beautiful solitaire diamond was revealed. “Will you marry me, Gracie?” he asked huskily, ruefully noting her shocked expression.

The shock turned to joy a moment later when she threw her arms around his neck and peppered his face with kisses. “Yes! I’ll marry you.” She held out her hand as he took the ring from the box. They were both shaking. Taking a deep breath he slipped it onto her finger. It was a perfect fit. “Oh, it’s so beautiful.” She stared at it silently for a few moments, and then looked at him with worry in her eyes. “What about Cody and Jake?” She bit her lip. “It doesn’t seem quite fair. There’s only one of me.”

“But you love all of us, right? Even ugly old Mick there.” She scowled at him for that, but nodded. “It was going to be the four of us with Cherry. Then we found you. We all agreed Mick would marry Cherry. And we were all good with that. We’re not jealous of one another. If you would rather marry Jake or Cody, I’ll understand. It’s not about who loves or wants you more. Or who deserves you more. We’ll be together for the rest of our lives. We’ll love you and Cherry until we all turn to dust.”

Gracie grimaced. “I suppose that’s romantic, though I think it should have been something like until the stars fall from the sky. Stars are more romantic than dust.”

“I’m a cowboy, baby.” Collin laughed, bending stiffly to kiss her nose then her pouty lips. Lord, they were sweet and soft. He imagined their plumpness wrapped around his cock. “I talk to cows all day.”

“Well, I guess dust is better than comparing our love to a cow patty or until the last coyote sings.” She grinned and hugged him, then admired the ring as it sparkled on her dainty finger.

The sheriff chose that moment to save Collin from himself. He was also damn ready to get off this rock and get home, though he doubted he would see that for hours yet. And he was right. An ambulance followed the fire trucks. They had managed to get everything out of the car before the fire prevention was seen to by the men. Charlie Granger, the fire chief, shook his head over it.

“You’re a lucky bastard, Collin. If that damned tree hadn’t stopped you, you would have gone all the way down to the river.”

By the time Collin was back up to the road, with Mick’s help, his parents, his brothers, Cherry, her sister and her husbands were all there along the road, adding to the general confusion. The sheriff asked his questions, obviously concerned by the event, but still hesitant to call it anything more than an accident at that moment.

Though he didn’t think it was necessary, Collin was put into an ambulance and hauled away, Gracie clinging to his hand as he lay strapped to a gurney.

Chapter Ten


Cherry watched with amusement as Gracie fussed over Collin. The man was tucked into his own bed and had been for almost two days. When he had arrived home from the hospital the tiny woman had taken charge with all the starch of a five-star general, insisting he was to rest as the doctor had instructed. To say Collin was getting a little grumpy was an understatement. He did not, however, let his little love know it. Every time she came in with water, juice, a magazine, or DVD, he smiled and thanked her, accepting her help and her kisses.

Cherry was in the room talking to him when the door opened and Gracie came in carrying a tray with his lunch on it. She had to bite her lip to keep from laughing out loud when Collin saw what the woman was wearing and his jaw hit his chest.

One call to a friend in town by Logan and the outfit Gracie was now wearing had been delivered within an hour. The very saucy nurse’s minidress costume was formfitting. Its hem just managed to cover her sweet behind, showing off her slender thighs and the thigh-high white stockings. She wore a pair of red stilettos on her dainty feet and a crisp white cap pinned to her black hair. A stethoscope hung from her neck and, when she turned from setting the tray down, there was a thermometer in her hand.

Walking across the room she stood, waiting expectantly beside the bed as Collin lay there drooling. Then he realized what she had and scowled at her. “Where do you plan on putting that?”

“I have to check your temperature, Mr. Preston.”

“You’re not sticking that up my…” She didn’t. She tucked it into his mouth then began fussing over his bed, straightening the blankets, leaning over so he could get a good look down the gaping V exposing her small, round breasts. Cherry grinned as she heard his moan.

“Are you in pain, Mr. Preston?” A small hand pressed to his forehead. “You feel hot.” She pulled the thermometer out of his mouth and looked at it. “You seem a little feverish. I think it would be best if you stayed in bed another day. We can’t take any chances that you have a relapse.”

“I’m not going to get in a car wreck in my bedroom, Gracie.”

“That’s Nurse Gracie to you,” she told him tartly, turning and walking back across to where she had placed the tray, her hips twitching enticingly. Cherry heard another moan from Collin as Gracie dropped the napkin on the floor. It was accidently done, of course. When she bent over to retrieve it her panty-covered ass was exposed to him. She had to agree with the men. Those white cotton panties were very sexy. “Are you staring at my ass?”

“No, Nurse Gracie.”

“Oh, you are starting to sound terrible. Do you have a sore throat?” she asked, again with great concern, as she straightened and hurried back to the bed. “Open up.”

Collin opened his mouth obediently. Cherry thought his brain was now fried and running on autopilot as his grayish-blue eyes were fixed on the sexy nurse at his bedside.

“I think you are too hot. We better get these blankets off you.” They were tossed to the end of the bed. She pressed a hand to his forehead. “Yes, you’re quite feverish. We better get your clothes off, too.” Collin hadn’t owned a pair of pajamas since moving out of his parents’ house, but somehow a pair had appeared the moment Gracie had requested them for him. Now she began unbuttoning the shirt, peeling the fabric off his powerful torso. She straddled his lap as she did so. “Lean forward, please.” When he did so his face was pressed between her breasts.

Cherry lost it, laughing almost hysterically as the man groaned with pleasure while Gracie pulled the shirt off and tossed it to the floor. The door opened and the rest of their men walked in, curious to see what was causing her to laugh so hard. They stopped dead as they watched the sexy nurse, whom they hadn’t seen after her transformation into Nurse Gracie, begin to shimmy along Collin’s long legs as she removed the pajama bottoms.

“Oh, fuck me sideways!” Jake groaned. “Lucky bastard.”

Gracie ignored them as she began to run her small hands up along powerful, hairy thighs, caressing and stroking until it looked like Collin was going to lose what was left of his mind. She never got close to the “important bits.” He looked like he was in serious pain. His cock was about as hard as a cock could get, shiny and straight, the thick head a dark purple, and jumping with every touch of Gracie’s hands on his body.

“You are very hot all over, Mr. Preston.” Those hands skirted around his cock and balls as she slid them up over his pelvis, his washboard abs, to his powerful chest. Slender fingers ran through the light covering of dark brown hair, rubbing over his nipples, before leaning forward to kiss him on the mouth. Collin’s big hands curved over her backside, his fingers spreading over the mounds of her ass. The hem of the dress was above them, the waistband of her panties sliding down as he caressed and snagged them with his thumbs. “Oh, you shouldn’t do that, Mr. Preston. What if we’re caught?”

Considering there were four people standing there watching beside the bed, Cherry thought she should get an award for her acting skills. She was very good, even if the lines were corny.

Collin kissed the curves of her breasts. “We’re not going to get caught,” he reassured her thickly. A couple of good tugs on her panties were his answer. They ripped down the side seam and were pushed out of the way. “I think the best treatment would be for you to ride this hot cock I have for you, Nurse Gracie.”

Those small hands of hers braced themselves on his chest, holding him off when he would have come up for another kiss. Gracie’s brow furrowed in thought. “Are you sure? It seems you would only get hotter if I rode your cock.”

“We have to break the fever, Nurse Gracie. It’s dangerous, but it’s the only way,” Collin insisted gravely, with a completely straight face, though his eyes were dancing with mirth. “We have to risk it.” He caught the condom that was tossed his way, quickly opening the package and rolling it on.

Though Gracie still didn’t look convinced, she obediently rose on her knees so he could guide the head of his cock to the entrance of her pussy. The brothers had moved to a better position at the end of the bed from which they could appreciate the action. There was a collective groan from them as her swollen, dripping pussy slid down the length of his cock, the creamy arousal making the descent an easy one.

Since Nurse Gracie was determined to do whatever it took to save her patient, she began riding his cock, alternating between sliding up and down its length and rocking and grinding, driving her patient into the throes of something between agony and ecstasy.

Knowing she was going to reap the benefits of this special treatment, Cherry hurried to her bedroom, quickly stripping off her clothes and tossing them carelessly in every direction. It wouldn’t be long before three very horny cowboy voyeurs were going to be charging into the bedroom to slake their sexual needs on her willing body.

They weren’t the only ones affected. Gracie was so darn sexy in her nurse’s costume. She had some of her own needs to be seen to. Cherry’s pussy was throbbing with desire. Actually, she felt as if she were aware of every inch of her skin. She was hot, on fire, and suspected she was now suffering from the same ailment as Collin was.

Laughing softly to herself she suspected there would be an outbreak very soon. Pulling the blankets from the bed, she dropped them to the floor. She was about to climb up on the bed when she heard Gracie shrieking.

Hurrying back to Collin’s room, Cherry stopped abruptly in the doorway just as Mick applied his hand to Gracie’s milky white ass. Their lover was bouncing vigorously on Collin’s long, thick cock. She cried out with each stinging connection of a hard hand to her soft flesh. Her skin was reddening quickly.

Shifting her gaze she saw that both Cody and Jake had their cocks out and in hand, stroking vigorously as Gracie and Collin strained to wring out every ounce of pleasure they could from their passionate coupling.

They bucked against one another, crying and moaning, hands grasping at hard and soft flesh, until their passion exploded into white-hot ecstasy.

Even as Gracie collapsed onto Collin’s chest Cherry was calling her men. “Come on, boys. You don’t want to be wasting any of that beautiful cream of yours.”

Mick laughed and strode purposely toward her, scooping her up and throwing her naked ass up over his shoulder. Cherry laughed softly, pleased she could enjoy the physicality of her men. Her pains were becoming less and less as the days and nights passed. The first couple of days she was sore as hell after they gave her a workout. Now she was just what she would call pleasantly reminded of their amorous activities.

Mick tossed her onto the bed before he stepped back and started stripping. His cobalt blue eyes stared down at her. “You ready for this, darling? I’m going to fuck you through that mattress.”

Cherry laughed at his bold prediction. “Give it your best shot, cowboy,” she taunted, lifting her hands to her breasts. She squeezed them, her fingers toying with the pink nipples. They were hard and aching, ready to be loved by an eager mouth. Her lovers’ gazes were locked on them as they all finished undressing and climbed onto the bed. She arched, her slender body undulating on the bed. “Give me that,” she told Jake as he kneeled beside her head. When he offered the head of his cock to her she took it into her mouth. The hiss of pleasure she heard almost had her smiling around the throbbing flesh as she rubbed the sensitive triangle beneath the spongy head. She caressed it with the flat of her tongue, rubbing it vigorously as she concaved her lips and sucked hard.

“Oh, fuck, baby, do that again!” Jake moaned, his hips jerking so that he gave her another inch of his thick cock. She licked at the tiny slit then along the large vein running the length, slackening her jaw as she did so. “Oh, yes. I love your mouth. Suck it harder. Fuck!”

Even though Cherry was devoting her special brand of loving to Jake’s cock, she was more than aware of what was happening with the other two men, though she didn’t know which one was doing what. She laughed inwardly. It didn’t matter. What their hands and mouths were doing to her body was going to bring forth no complaints from her afterward. Oh, no. No complaints from her.

BOOK: With Cherry on Top [Loving in Silver 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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