Read Words You Should Know How to Spell Online

Authors: David Hatcher

Tags: #epub, ebook

Words You Should Know How to Spell (57 page)

BOOK: Words You Should Know How to Spell
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Unfortunately, most so-called rules about English spelling can take you only so far. So take a look at the following tips and start thinking about those execeptions.

  • Dyeing
    (changing color) is an exception to the rule “Drop a final ‘e’ before adding ‘ing.’” Other exceptions include
    , and

  • When spelling
    , think “minus,” not “mini.” If you subtract material, you make something smaller, or even

  • This often
    word is a classic example of the prefix “mis-” followed by a word starting with an “s.” That's why there's a double “s.”

  • The “k” in the middle of
    helps retain the pronunciation.

  • Sieve
    is an example of the much-quoted “i-before-e” rule.

  • Shoeing
    has three vowels in a row. This is one of those exceptions to the rule about dropping the vowel before “-ing.”

  • You might see the variant
    , but
    is much more common for the adjective referring to space.

  • Truly
    drops an e before the -ly while
    keeps it.

  • A ruler of old Russia is most commonly spelled
    , and can also be spelled
    or even
    , but
    is more common in American use and is the form almost always used informally to mean “someone in charge,” as in “grammar czar” or “budget czar.”

  • Technically,
    is the proper spelling only for Irish whiskey (as opposed to the
    from Scotland or other countries), but in the United States it's customarily used for all of them.

About the Authors

David Hatcher
(Winston-Salem, NC) has taught commu-nication skills for three universities and more than twenty government and private-industry clients. He has written and cowritten several books, workbooks, and other training materials on writing, vocabulary, proofreading, editing, and related subjects. Mr. Hatcher earned an MA from Indiana University. His writing has been published in the
Washington Post
, national magazines, and a collection of short stories by Mid-Atlantic writers.

Jane Mallison
(New York, NY) has taught on the middle school, high school, and college levels. She currently teaches at Trinity School in New York, where she was head of the English Department for more than twenty years. She has worked extensively with the writing section of the SAT tests and continues to work with the Advanced Placement English examination. She has an MA from Duke University, and is the author of several books on vocabulary development, grammar, and reading for pleasure. She was the runner-up in her junior high spelling bee, done in by the word “souvenir.”

BOOK: Words You Should Know How to Spell
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