Read Worth the Scandal Online

Authors: Karen Erickson

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

Worth the Scandal (6 page)

BOOK: Worth the Scandal
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Yes, she was his employee but he fairly demanded she do what he asked. Actually, there was no asking where Alex was involved. What he said, went and he didn’t deal with any sort of argument.

But what did freshen up mean? She’d love to take a shower, perhaps wash her hair but she couldn’t do it all in twenty minutes. And what was she supposed to wear?

Precious minutes wasting, she hurried into the bathroom, pausing when she saw what awaited her. A sunken in tub and a glass-enclosed shower with three shower heads that could house a party of four, it was so large. The tub sat close to the floor to ceiling expanse of window that nearly took up the entire wall, offering a glittering view of the city that was positively breathtaking.

The bathroom she’d used growing up had been small, the only one in their apartment and always a mess what with all her siblings. Her apartment bathroom was tiny, too, though at least it had a shower and a tub, which she used quite often in the winter. The tub tempted her but she didn’t have enough time so she started the water for the shower, hurriedly changing out of her clothes.

She’d use the tub later tonight. Or maybe tomorrow. No matter, she was going to use it before they left Milan. It was too dreamy to ignore.

Fifteen minutes later she was ready after a quick scrub down and a fresh change of clothes. She went for simple, wearing a new pair of black pants, a white T-shirt with an embellished, jeweled neck and a light gray cashmere cardigan. She wore her hair down. The steam from the shower had coaxed the curl out and simple pearl stud earrings rested in her ears, a gift from her grandmother for her eighteenth birthday.

Glancing at herself in the mirror, she sighed resignedly. She wasn’t supermodel caliber but it would have to do. After all, Alex knew what he was dealing with. He’d seen her every day for the last six months, and she was his employee. He probably wanted to discuss what the plan was for tomorrow over dinner.

Boring but she could endure, what with the view that would be sitting across from her at the table.

When she opened the door and caught sight of Alex waiting for her, he didn’t disappoint. Lounging on one of the plush velvet couches, his arms sprawled on either side of him, he looked every inch the impatient man waiting for his date to get ready so they could get on with it.

Oh, how she wished.

“Are you ready?” He drew himself to his full height and strode toward her, his gaze intent, his steps quick. He’d showered and changed as well, wearing a simple black pullover sweater and black trousers. His hair was still damp from the shower and it curled at the ends. He hadn’t shaved either, the shadow of stubble across his jaw giving him a dangerous air.

She trembled with desire when he took hold of her arm and started to lead her toward the door. “I need my purse.”

“Are you going to pay tonight?” He glanced down at her.

“I—hadn’t planned on it.” Not that she could afford a meal where he was most likely taking her.

“Then you don’t need it,” he said simply as he reached for the door handle.

“But my phone and my lipstick…”

He cut her off with a look. “You don’t need your phone, and you look beautiful. You don’t need any lipstick.”

His statement stunned Tessa silent and she remained quiet for the entire elevator ride down to the ground level, as did he. He thought she was beautiful? She found it incredibly hard to believe. He was just being kind. She couldn’t come close to competing with the beautiful women he encountered.

“Your mind is working overtime,” he murmured close to her ear as they exited the elevator and headed toward the lobby. “I’m almost afraid to ask what you might be thinking.”

As if she could ever confess her true thoughts. “I’m, um, overwhelmed by how beautiful everything is.”

“As am I.” He sent her a meaningful look, and she swallowed hard. If she was being hopeful she’d almost believe he was referring to her.

But that was ridiculous. He was only being kind.

“Alexander Worth.”

Alex turned at the sound of the heavily accented voice, a polite smile curving his lips when he caught sight of the man who stood in the lobby next to a small, bubbling fountain. A woman half his age draped over his arm, dripping with the largest jewels Tessa had ever seen. “Giorgio Ricci, how are you?”

Placing his hand upon her lower back, Alex led Tessa to the couple. The man smiled and reached for Alex, giving him a kiss on each cheek, causing Alex to chuckle. “I heard you were in the city.”

“We’re relaunching one of the stores tomorrow,” Alex said.

.” The man nodded, beaming. “I shall be there. I cannot wait to see the store.”

“I’m glad to hear it. The store is beautiful.” Alex paused. “What brings you here to the hotel?”

“Escorting my Giovanna for the evening.” Giorgio indicated the woman on his arm who offered a brittle smile in greeting. “I keep her here when she comes to visit. Cannot have the wife know, eh?”

Tessa’s skin chilled. This woman with the twinkling diamonds and dress cut so low her breasts threatened to fall out was Giorgio’s mistress. How…sleazy.

“No, I imagine you can’t.” Alex shifted, looking vaguely uncomfortable.

“Tomorrow evening, the wife, she is in charge of a very exclusive charity ball, and I’d be pleased if you and your lady friend were to attend.” Giorgio sent her a leering look and she recoiled slightly.

“Oh, I’m not his—” Tessa started but Alex cut her off with a smooth, “We’ll be there. What time does it start?”

They discussed times and locations in rapid fire Italian. Giovanna the mistress appeared bored though she shot Alex a hungry look, licking her lips when he glanced her way.

Tessa’s appetite vanished. Again she was reminded of her meager looks, her feeble wardrobe and her lack of polish.

She was in way too far over her head.

“Why did you agree to escort me to the ball tomorrow night?” she asked after Alex hustled her out of the lobby and into the bustling crowds walking along the sidewalk.

“You don’t want to go?” He glanced down at her, his hand still upon her back, guiding her through the throng of people.

She wanted to go more than anything, especially with him. “I have nothing to wear.”

“I can remedy that,” he said easily.

“If you’re going to offer me a dress, please don’t do it.” She couldn’t take clothes from him. She’d be no better than that mistress with the diamonds.

“How about I let you borrow a dress,” he suggested.


“The fashion houses do it all the time. Lend out their clothes for the exposure.”

Of course, she knew that. “No one will care what I’m wearing, let alone take a photo of me.”

“If you’re going to this charity ball on my arm tomorrow, trust me, someone will take your photograph.”

She didn’t get it. Why would he want to take her? She wasn’t paying attention as he led her down the sidewalk, turning down a short, dark alley before they came to a quaint wooden door that looked like it was once part of a castle. He opened the door for her, the delicious scents wafting from within making her stomach growl all over again and she eagerly went inside.

The restaurant was tiny, quaint and nearly every table filled despite the late hour. A short, stout man with a thick black beard came to greet them, his familiarity with Alex indicating he’d been at this restaurant before.

Tessa couldn’t help but wonder with who.

They were seated in the farthest corner of the restaurant by a small window. The location intimate, the table so small she bumped into Alex’s knees when she sat down. A fat, sputtering candle sat in a red glass votive, casting him in a fiery glow.

He’d never looked more handsome—and that was saying a lot considering she’d never seen him look horrible. She was starting to believe it just wasn’t possible.

“So why do you want to take me tomorrow night?” she asked after Alex ordered for the both of them.

“You won’t let it go, will you?”

She shrugged. “I’m curious as to your reasons.”

“I need your help.” His expression solemn, he reached for the glass of wine recently poured for them and took a sip.

“My help?” Now she was intrigued.

He nodded. “The barracudas will feast upon me if I go alone.”

She frowned. “What are you talking about?”

“Tomorrow night, you’re going to pretend to be my date,” his tone nonchalant, he reached for a piece of bread from the basket. Steamy warmth rose when he flipped back the black cloth and he tore off a piece, offering it to her. She shook her head, and he shrugged, biting off a piece before he further explained. “Every time I go to one of these events alone in Europe, it doesn’t matter what country, I’m propositioned all evening.”

“Having me on your arm is going to prevent that? I doubt it.” Her stomach grumbled as she watched him eat the bread with relish. It looked so good but she couldn’t. Bread was her weakness, and it would go straight to her thighs.

“I’m not going to let you out of my sight. They won’t be able to get me alone.”

A thrill shivered down her spine at his words. He sounded downright possessive. “Considering the man we just met flaunts his mistress in such a public manner, I don’t think I’ll be much of a deterrent.” She stared at his hands with longing as he reached into the basket and tore off another hunk of fragrant bread.

“Stop depriving yourself and take some,” he growled, shoving his hand—and the bread—under her nose.

Unable to resist she plucked it from his fingers and took a bite, nearly melting in her chair when the buttery taste exploded on her tongue. “Won’t it cause unwarranted gossip? Being seen with me?”

“I doubt it. And if anything, it’ll hit the Euro mags and that’s it.” Alex shrugged. “No one cares that much what I do.”

He was being modest. He’d been the talk of tabloids for years. Young and successful, handsome and straight, such a rarity in the fashion industry, he and his brothers all made the tabloids and various gossip sites, especially Rhett.

“Someone will care,” Tessa said softly. “What about Hunter? He’s in charge of marketing. What if this is a wrong move on your part? For the company vision and future?”

“Tessa.” He reached across the table and took her hand, holding it loosely in his. “Being seen with you is the absolute right image for the company. You look—respectable. Wholesome. Trust me a sweetly beautiful woman on my arm at a charity event is a good thing. Hunter will be pleased.”

“Are you using me for my wholesome and respectable image?” For whatever reason, his words fired her up. He thought she was sweet. She’d show him sweet.

“I’m not using you.” He didn’t release his grip on her hand. In fact, he stroked his thumb across her knuckles, sending a scattering of tingles across her skin. “I don’t use people. I never do.”

Her mouth went dry at the seriousness she saw in his gaze, heard in his tone. He meant what he said. But why her? Because she was easy—and convenient?

“I don’t want to get hurt,” she murmured, expressing her biggest fear.

“I won’t hurt you. I promise,” he vowed.

She nodded once, her fingers curling about his. She trusted him. He would never do her wrong. “Then I’ll do it. I’ll go to the charity event with you tomorrow.”

He smiled and squeezed her hand, dropping it when the waiter arrived with their food. “I never had a doubt.”

Tessa bet he didn’t. Knowing Alex, he wouldn’t have let her say no. Would’ve demanded she go with him despite her doubts.

And knowing her, she would’ve agreed despite all the worry.


He waited. Again. Fidgeting with the clasp on his watch, tightening his cufflinks, tugging at the collar of his shirt for what felt like the millionth time. She wasn’t late. He was early. He paced the length of the suite’s living area, turning on his heel before he made the trek back the way he came.

The flagship store opening had gone off without a hitch, thanks to Tessa keeping him on track. The media came out in droves, snapping his photo so much in front of the store before it officially reopened he thought he might go blind from the flashes.

He’d sent Tessa back to the suite the moment the official launch duties had wrapped up. She’d looked ragged, smudges under her eyes, her skin pale. He’d ordered her to take a nap and she’d readily agreed, escaping the store so fast he wondered if there were imaginary dogs nipping at her heels.

After the opening he’d asked the store manager if she would accompany him and they’d shopped for a dress for Tessa for tonight’s ball. They’d found it in the third store they entered, Alex spotting the dress in the window. He’d known upon first glance, without a doubt it belonged to Tessa.

He’d paid for it too—and it had cost a substantial amount, not that it mattered. Not that he would ever tell her. On loan, he’d say and she wouldn’t be the wiser.

It was best.
deserved the best.

While out, he’d also purchased shoes and accessories for Tessa’s outfit. The stores had promised delivery of all the items to the hotel to Tessa and when he’d finally come back to the suite, she wasn’t in sight though her door had been closed. Neither were the items he had delivered. He figured they were in the room with her.

Alex ran a hand through his hair. He wished he was in the room with her too.

Last night’s dinner had been a study in torture. So beautiful, so sweet, once he’d calmed Tessa down over the charity event, she’d relaxed. Full of laughter and stories—as well as full of good wine—she’d enjoyed herself, devouring the plate of delicious food, munching on the irresistible bread and asking for another basket. She’d even indulged in dessert, sharing the plate with him and he’d been so damn tempted to feed her a bite. Bad enough he’d watched her lick chocolate sauce from the corner of her mouth.

It had all been rather intimate. Like a date, though she hadn’t seemed aware of it.

He’d been. Extremely aware. Of the way her knees brushed against his throughout the night, how they’d clasped hands for those few moments when he’d reassured her. How the candlelight had given her an ethereal glow, her dark hair tumbling over her shoulders, fueling his imagination. He could envision her long hair spread out across his pillow while he had her naked and pinned beneath him in bed. Her plump breasts crushed against his chest, her legs spread, cradling his hips as he slowly entered her for the first time…

BOOK: Worth the Scandal
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