Read Wrecked Online

Authors: Cat Johnson

Wrecked (8 page)

BOOK: Wrecked
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He stepped in closer between her legs, forcing her to open them wider. “Hush up. And if you can’t bring yourself to do that, just wrap these gorgeous legs of yours around my head so I won’t have to hear you.”

Before she could protest he’d leaned low between her spread thighs. He separated her flesh with his thumbs and his mouth connected with her clit.

She gasped. “Wade. Really, stop. Someone could come—”

He lifted his head just enough to say, “Someone is gonna come all right and it’s gonna be you. Lay back, hush up and enjoy.”

He yanked her closer to him, which forced her to fall back onto the bench seat, but she wasn’t sure she could do what else he asked her to.

She was all for a little bit of exhibitionism, but that had been in the back of her private limo with tinted windows and the privacy glass raised. Not in a bar parking lot in the cab of a truck with the door wide open.

Thank goodness Wade was parked toward the back where the lights didn’t reach. Since he’d backed into the spot along the edge of the lot, the open passenger door shielded them a bit from view. Not nearly enough. If anyone walked by to get to any of the many nearby vehicles, they’d be sure to figure out what Wade was doing with CeCe’s legs wrapped around his head.

The man was obviously a danger junkie, from his career choice to his sexual recreation.

She was about to tell him that when he pushed his fingers into her while sucking her clit between his lips, working her inside and out.

His mouth was hot and wet, treating her to just the right amount of suction and pressure. His hands were big and strong, the rough skin abrasive where he held onto her one bare hip. The fingers inside her were just as rough as he moved them hard and fast, in and out.

The combination was enough to have her breathing faster.

Amazingly, it was even enough for her to start to not care where they were or who might see as long as he made her come.

He increased the speed and intensity of his actions and she felt the first wave of the orgasm break over her.

Her muscles clenched around Wade’s fingers inside her as her cries filled the interior of the truck.

Her body was still convulsing when he lifted his head. He was breathing as heavily as she was as he said, “I need to fuck you. Now.”

He reached for the glove compartment. It popped open next to her.

Before she knew what was happening, he’d opened his belt and jeans. “Wade. Not here—”

“Yes, here.” He pulled out his erection from his underwear and rolled on the condom he’d grabbed from inside the dashboard.

Before she had time to convince him that she didn’t think full out sex in the parking lot was a good idea he’d slid inside her with one fast thrust.

The force of it drove the breath from her lungs.

Wade clenched his jaw as he stroked in and out of her. He hissed in a breath between his teeth. “God, you feel good.”

She hated to admit it, but what he was doing to her felt good too.

So good.

She’d needed this, to be taken, hard and rough.

How he knew that, if he knew that, she didn’t know, but he was giving her exactly what she needed.

He must have needed this as much as she did. He didn’t last too long. No surprise considering how hard he took her.

In a few minutes he was grunting with every thrust, before he finally drove in hard and held deep.

His back bowed and he let out a groan that anyone within hearing distance would have been able to identify for what it was.

Wade didn’t move. He just held inside her, panting, his head dropped forward so his forehead rested against her chest.

She had yet to catch her breath herself when she couldn’t wait any longer to chastise him. “Seriously, Wade, why did we have to do this in your truck?”

Wade raised his head and took a step back from her. Horrified, CeCe watched him snap the used condom off and toss it onto the ground. He ignored her reaction and instead grinned and began to right his clothing.

“I’m assuming you came here tonight to experience how the other half lives. So I showed you.” He lifted one shoulder.

“As if the cheap hotel right next door wouldn’t have been enough of a taste of how the other half lives? We had to have sex in the parking lot instead?”

He tipped his head to the side. “Hey, you should be glad. My truck is a big step up from a stall in the bathroom of the bar. That’s as far as some women have gotten when I fucked them.”

A frown wrinkled her brow as she began to revaluate her opinion of Wade one more time, back to her initial view that he was just a womanizing pig.

He probably figured he could ditch her faster here than if she’d gone to his room. And she’d played right into his hand and let him have his way with her.

CeCe realized she was staying true to form. Poor decisions, every time.

Wade reached out and smoothed his thumb over her cheek. “Hey. You wanna know why it had to be here?”

“Yes.” She couldn’t wait to hear this bullshit excuse.

“I couldn’t wait. Not one more minute to have you.”

She rolled her eyes. “Come on. The hotel is right next door.”

“Which means I’d have to get in the truck, drive over there, park. Get out, walk through the damn lobby with a hard-on ain’t nobody gonna miss seeing, take the elevator up to my floor where my room is at the end of a very long hallway. And if I remember correctly, I left my room looking like a pigsty. I figured that would be a mood killer for you so . . .” He shrugged.

He sounded sincere enough. But still, she was having trouble believing him. “You really couldn’t wait to have me?”

“Nope. There was a very real chance I would have taken you in the elevator if we had tried to make it to the room. Though I’m sure the night staff watching the security monitors would have enjoyed the show.” He leaned in and pressed a kiss to her mouth. Soft. Almost chaste.

Their first kiss. It was odd. They’d fucked. He’d had his mouth in much more personal places tonight, but this kiss felt intimate.

He pulled back far enough to ask, “So do you forgive me?”

“Yes.” She’d never had a man want her so badly he couldn’t wait even five minutes.

“So, first time having sex in a pick-up truck, I assume?”

Did he really have to ask? She laughed. “Uh, yes.”

“Good.” He looked particularly satisfied with her answer.

“Why is that good?” she asked, surprised.

“Then you’ll always remember it. A girl always remembers her first time.” He winked.

“I suppose I will.” As if she would ever forget this incredibly strange man, truck sex or not.

Wade reached toward the floorboard and handed her the underwear he’d taken off her. “Put these on and fix your clothes so we can go.”

“Where are we going? The hotel?” That figured. Now. After they were done.

“No.” He took a step back to give her room to maneuver getting her underwear on in the tight space. “The diner. I’m hungry and I’m betting, judging by the looks of you, you didn’t eat tonight.”

“What do you mean
looks of me
?” She was so insulted she stopped with the panties halfway up her legs.

“I mean you’re too skinny, woman.” Even as he said it, she did notice he hadn’t taken his eyes off her legs or the high heels she still wore.

Apparently he wasn’t that upset with her being too skinny, judging by the look of appreciation she saw in his eyes.

“I am not too skinny.” She finished wiggling into the lace panties and then had to work her tight skirt back down over them.

Wade had sure managed to mess up her clothing fast enough. But it wasn’t nearly as fast or easy to put it all right again.

“Yes, you are. You need some meat on those bones and I intend on helping you do that right now. The diner has the best chili cheese fries I’ve ever had.”

“I don’t eat chili cheese fries.” If she did she certainly wouldn’t have maintained the same size figure she’d had since she started modeling in her teens.

“Tonight you do.” He slammed her door closed and walked around to the other side of the truck, cutting off her protest until he was inside the cab with her.

“And what makes you think I’ll do what you ask?”

He shot her a sideways glance as he slid the key into the ignition. “You have so far.”

She wanted to protest but when she thought about it, dammit, he was right. Instead she asked, “Are you okay to drive?”

“Me? Yeah. Besides, the diner is just on the other side of the hotel. I figure I’ll move the truck to the hotel lot and we can walk to the diner.”

He drove through the back entrance of the bar’s lot and directly into the hotel parking spots. From there she could see the lights of the diner next door. Everything a person could ever need—food, drink and a place to sleep—all within a few steps.

This slumming it—as Wade called it—wasn’t so bad. But she’d come in a car that probably cost more than Wade’s annual salary. “Is it okay to leave my car parked at the bar?”

“Sure. Drunks leave their vehicles overnight at bars all the time but I’ll walk over and move it for you later so it’s not there all night.”

“All night?” She lifted her brow in question.

Safely parked in the spot, he cut the engine and turned to her. “Yup. I’m not nearly done with you yet.”

“Oh.” That was all CeCe could come up with as he grinned.

In a surprising show of manners, Wade ran around the truck and opened her door for her. Then her hand was in his as he led her next door to the diner.

It was all so surreal all she could do was let him lead the way.

When they walked through the door, one of the waitresses inside barely glanced their direction before telling them to seat themselves anywhere.

With his hand pressed to CeCe’s lower back, Wade led them toward a back booth. She slid into one side and to her surprise he slid in right next to her.

CeCe frowned. “You do know there’s a whole other side to sit on right over there, right?”

“Yup. But from over there, I can’t do this.” He settled his hand on her knee.

CeCe had the distinct feeling that Wade’s hand wasn’t going to stay where it rested now. That it wouldn’t be long before he moved it up her leg, beneath her skirt, seeking more. “You are insatiable.”

“Only for you, beautiful.”

She didn’t believe that one bit, but couldn’t comment because the waitress was there and looking at them to order.

“Hey, yeah. Coke for me. CeCe?”

“Water, please.” She cringed when she realized that the water here would no doubt be from the tap and not imported and in a bottle like she usually drank.

“And to eat?” The waitress stood, poised with a pen and pad in her hands.

“One order of chili cheese fries and a burger. Well done.” Wade turned to CeCe. “You?”

“No, I’m good.”

The waitress nodded. “I’ll be right back with your drinks.” Then she was gone.

Wade shot her a sideways glance. “You’re eating some of mine.”

“Why? I’m not hungry.”

“Sure you are. You just don’t know it yet.”

She laughed. “How can you know what I am?”

He lifted one shoulder in a casual half-shrug. “You’ll see.”

Damned if Wade wasn’t right. The moment the plates arrived on the table and the aroma of hot fresh food penetrated the air, CeCe’s stomach let out a low grumble.

Wade’s grin turned into a chuckle. “Told you. Eat.”

He pushed the plate closer to her, even as she shook her head. “No, thanks.”

“Eat. I’m not going to listen to your stomach growling all night.” As Wade focused on the giant burger on the plate in front of him, CeCe took note of his words.

All night.

As she considered the implications of those words, CeCe decided to give in. She’d try one French fry just to make him happy. Hopefully that would prevent him from trying to force the giant burger on her as well.

One fry wouldn’t kill her. She popped the hot, salty, deep-fried golden strip dripping in melted cheese into her mouth. The flavor and texture combined in a culinary pleasure that defied logic.

This was greasy diner food yet she wanted more.

When she reached for another fry, Wade shot her a sideways glance.

“It you say
I told you so
, I’m going to dump this plate of fries right in your lap.”

Shaking his head, Wade said,
“Wasn’t going to say a word.”

CeCe didn’t miss the hint of his smile just visible past the burger he brought up to his mouth.

BOOK: Wrecked
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