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Authors: Nichol-Louise Andrews

Wrong Kind of Love (3 page)

BOOK: Wrong Kind of Love
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Well” he licked his lips “It

s a chick flick so I dint rate it much but I guess the bit where the popular rebel of the school perused that quiet girl, you know the one that died. I guess I liked that because that girl took a chance on the guy even though her head was telling her not to and people were saying he was bad and not her type and what not but she took a chance on him and they fell in love.” Amelia turned round to look at him knowing he was using the story as a metaphor for the two of them. “Right now I have embarrassed myself , I

m off I just remembered I do have a class after all.”

Really how surprising, well thank you for your input.” Lucas walked out of the class shutting the door behind him. He sat in the hall outside the class and counted to himself. One. Two. Three. Four. The classroom door swung open and Amelia walked out.

Four seconds” he said making her spin round to face him.

Excuse me”

Four seconds, that

s how long it took you to follow me out.”

Oh no I ” she swayed side to side as she spoke curling her hair around her finger “I didn

t follow you out I had to err pee” she blushed, embarrassed by her lame cover up.

Yeah sure. Well don

t let me stop you then” he stood up and stretched out tall, his t-shirt lifting above his belly button revealing a little trail of hair. He walked away from Amelia.

Hey wait” she called out after him “You still want to take me out?” she asked her head hung low and her hands buried deep into her pockets.


m not sure after you blowing me out before.”

Oh. Ok”

Amelia I wunt of asked you if I dint wanna take you out.” She blushed. She did like him but everything about her was telling her to turn and walk away from him. “Here, here

s my number call me and tell me what you fancy doing tonight” he passed her a scrap of paper with his number written on.

Should you not be deciding” she asked confused, she didn

t really talk too guys and she

d definitely never been out on a date with one.

I thought it be better if you chose that way you know your already gonna like it.” His phone rang and Lucas went all quite and secretive, he turned away from Amelia and agreed several times with the caller and finished the conversation with

leave it with me I

ll sort it right away

. He turned back to Amelia “I

m sorry I gotta go, call me yeah let me know what you wanna do” he ran off down the hall and out the Cal High

s entrance.


Chapter Seven

He stood in front of a dingy block of flats and peered down at the crumpled piece of paper in his hand,

Alberto Colleti, Flat 5, Breezes Block

. he walked up the piss drenched steps, passed the graffiti and boarded up elevator shaft. He looked at a door to his left. Flat five. He pounded on the door.

One minute” a man yelled from inside, Lucas pounded on the door again “Jesus! I said one fucking minute”. The door opened and a short, stubby, bald headed man in a white string vest stood in front of him with a blank expression on his face.

Do you know who I am?” Lucas asked.

Boy scout selling cookies” the man laughed “Clear out kid, I

m busy” the man went to close the but Lucas stopped him by jamming his foot in the narrow gap.

Try again Mr Colleti”

Look kid I don

t know who the fuck you are or why the hell your stood in my door so fuck off yeah.” Lucas forced his way into the flat and pushed Colleti to the floor, slamming the door shut behind him. “What the fuck” Colleti yelled out. Lucas stood over him and pulled out his colt which was tucked into his jeans and attached the silencer.


m Lucas Mr Colleti, Lucas Valentino.” fear came over Colleti

s grey eyes. “I

ve been hearing things I don

t like about you and things you have said about my family. As you can understand I don

t like that nor does my father, he is far from impressed and thinks you should be taught a lesson” Colleti begged Lucas to spear his life, he just ignored. “And so do I” Lucas pointed the gun and aimed between Colleti

s eyes. Colleti was paralyzed with fear. Lucas pulled the trigger, a bullet flew into the middle of Colleti

s forehead throwing his body backwards, instantly killing him. Lucas still stood over Colleti

s body, he was charged, alive, he felt such a rush when he pulled the trigger, the look of fear on Colleti

s face was the biggest thrill Lucas had ever felt. His phone rang startling him back to reality.

What” he exasperated into the phone.

Lucas?” a sweet, quite voice asked “Is this a bad time?”

Who is this?” his voice was angered and out of breathe, he was moving Colleti

s body, the bullet had penetrated through his skull leaving an explosion of an exit wound, blood and brain fragments were splattered over the wall and all over the floor where his body laid. He dragged the body into a closet whilst on the phone.

Oh sorry, it

s” the voice paused “It

s Amelia. Sorry you sound busy. I

ll let you go.”

No wait” he exclaimed “Sorry I dint expect you to call”

You gave me your number, did you not want me to call? Should I of called later? Or earlier? Sorry I

m no good at this.”

Amelia” he laughed “Calm down” his voice was calmer now more soothing. “Don

t worry and stop apologising. I just meant I thought you might of blown me off again”

Oh, no sorry, why did you want me to?”

No not at all, I

m glad you called” he threw some water and some rags he found lying around the apartment onto Colleti

s blood and brain fragments to soak up. “So have you thought what you wanna do?”

I don

t mind I

m easy”

I doubt that, so what you want to do”

I really don

t mind.”

Ok you wanna catch a movie or something?”

Oh yeah there

s this old theatre downtown that is showing the Godfather Part One. It

s my all time favourite movie”

Really?” he mocked “I wouldn

t of picked you as a mafia doll wannabe”

Are you kidding, I love it I

ve read the book loads of times and each time I watch it or read it I fall in love with Michael. I think he

s so noble towards his family

Lucas laughed “Your mocking me?”

Not at all I

m just picturing you as a mob doll. So shall I pick you up?”

No it

s ok I

m close by to it, I

ll walk down”

You sure?”

Yeah I

m a big girl I can look after myself.”

Ok. What time does it start?”

Eight” Lucas looked at his watch it was six he had to do a good clean up job so the blood wouldn

t seep through into the downstairs flat, then he

d have to shower and change. “Yeah that

s fine I

ll meet you outside is it the theatre on Broadway?”


s the one”

Ok I

ll see you then” he hung up. The clean up was always the worst part so messy. He

d been wearing gloves so he wasn

t worried about prints. The rags had soaked most of the mess up, he bagged it all in bin liners and threw it in the closet where Colleti

s body was slumped in a heap and then he shut the door. Nicely done he thought. He picked up his colt and tucked it back into his waistband and headed out the door.

She wore green combats that came just below her knees, a black short sleeved shirt unbuttoned so a tiny but noticeable amount of cleavage was showing, she wore a pair of black open toe stilettos and her hair was down in gentle waves. She looked beautiful, a natural beauty that she was unable to see. Passing men commented on her and as Lucas was approaching a young guy that he recognised was attempting to chat her up.

So sexy what you up to? Wanna come to a party with me, I

ll make it worth your while if you know what I mean” the guy smirked putting his hands round her waist.

No thanks I

m meeting someone and I

d prefer if you didn

t have your hands on me” she exclaimed trying to prise the guys hands off her. “Get off me” she tried to wriggle free but the guy had a tight grip on her.

Ah come on baby you know you want it”

Please get off me” she pleaded.

Excuse me” Lucas said tapping the guy on his shoulder.

Clear off mate. Cant you see I

m busy”

Yeah I can see that, your busy man handling my date” the guy turned around letting his grip of Amelia go, he instantly recognised Lucas from Cal High and took a step back.

Shit Lucas sorry mate, I dint realise she was with you. I just thought she was some two bit hoe” Lucas was fuming how could anyone disrespect Amelia, he clenched his hand into a tight fist and punched the guy hard, the crack of the punch caused people to turn around to look, Amelia was backing further away from Lucas and the guy, she was scared.

One I aint your mate and two she

s far from a hoe so I suggest you leave right now before your mouth gets you into more trouble” the guy scrambled to his feet and scurried off. Lucas walked towards Amelia but she stood routed, not daring to walk to him, she was even more unsure of Lucas now his violence had scared her and Lucas could sense this. “Are you ok?” he asked, Amelia just nodded and looked to the ground. “Amelia” he took a step towards her but she stepped back until her back was touching the wall. Lucas looked surprised he figured all girls would like to see their guy defend their honour but Amelia was different and she was not his yet. “Amelia can you look at me please” she raised her head “Did I scare you?” she nodded “I

m sorry, he had his hands all over you, I was jealous, you looked so scared and I wanted to protect you. I don

t want to see you get hurt” he put his hand gently under her chin and coaxed her head up to look at him but she flinched and shuddered under his touch. Lucas never had a girl react to his touch like that before, “Amelia I would never hurt you” she smiled up at him half forced and half real but it was still a smile.

If we go in now we

ll not of missed much, I got the tickets” she held them out her hand shaking a little. Lucas clasped her hand and pulled her into him he wrapped his arms around her gently and kissed the top of her head, he felt her melt in his arms.

Come on then lets go watch you swoon over Michael Corleone” he laughed.

The pair emerged form the theatre more relaxed with each other, both smiling.

How many times have you seen that?” Lucas asked.

I dunno a few”

And you still grab my arm when Sonny got shot and when Michael

s car blew up killing his girl”

BOOK: Wrong Kind of Love
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