Read Xan's Feisty Mate Online

Authors: Elle Boon

Xan's Feisty Mate (18 page)

BOOK: Xan's Feisty Mate
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Although they were sure the danger had been eliminated, she was glad he took her safety seriously. She stood with the door to her back, watching him prowl around the small space, coming back to her with a determined look. “All’s clear. Now, where were we?”

“Well, I have a few things in mind. I do think Kellen mentioned something about air fucking, but that sounds a little hard.”

Xan swept her up into his arms. “I am able to turn any words into something dirty, too. Wanna know what’s hard? Me,” he growled, covering her lips with his. The soul searing kiss took her breath away, and gave her his.

He bit her bottom lip, making her open for his tongue, licking inside, dueling for supremacy. She gave it to him gladly, loving his flavor, the sweet minty taste of the gum he’d been chewing still clung to him.

“I love your taste. Love everything about you, Breezy.” He began walking toward the bedroom.

She hummed, sucking on his tongue. “Not as much as I love you.”

Desire slammed into her as he gently placed her on the bed, making it hard for her to breathe. She scooted to the middle, watching him shuck his clothes, each bare piece of skin made restraint near impossible.

He put one knee on the bed, grabbed her foot and nibbled on the sensitive arch. Breezy shivered, a fresh rush of moisture coating her slick folds. Lord, she was all too aware of her clit and the ache there.

Breezy closed her eyes, the touch of his callused hands running up her inner thighs, a wonderful sensation that had shards of desire burning through her body.

“Look at me, bella.” He leaned back on his knees.

Everything inside her wanted to obey his commands. His smooth, rich voice, the hint of steel combined with the love, tugged at her. The thought of pleasure made her stomach clench...and desire shoot straight to her core. The man did it for her. An aggressive predator. A wolf who would fight to protect those who he loved, would kill for those under his protection. Her mate was all those and he was hers.

Finally, she opened her heavy lids to stare at his. “Yes, my love.”

A wicked grin curled his mouth. “You’re the greatest gift I could’ve asked for. I always thought of you as cotton candy when you walked in the room. Do you know I have a thing for the sweet treat?” His fingers met at the apex of her thighs. “Your taste is even better than that, and you melt so delectable on my tongue.” He moved in closer, brushing his lips across her folds, all hint of teasing gone. “I could eat you up day and night, and never get tired of you. I want you all the time. Under me, above me, beside me. As long as you’re with me, I’m happy.”

Breezy swallowed. What was she supposed to say? The man stole her heart and soul with his. “Xan, you are my everything. Thank you for...well everything seems so damn lame, but there it is.” Tears formed in her eyes, but she let him see she meant every word.

He gave a swipe of his tongue up and down her pussy, making her moan and want more, then climbed up her body. “Then we are even, cause you are that to me. Now, enough of the mushy shit. I’m hungry for my own version of cotton candy.” He kissed her hard and fast, then retraced his path back down her body, paying homage to her breasts first.

His hands tweaked each hard nipple, brushed across her abdomen making tingles of awareness everywhere he touched. She gasped, felt her body come alive from head to toe, and couldn’t tear her gaze away from the blond head between her thighs.

“Watch me, Breezy.”

His lips feathered over her clit, tongue swirled over, but didn’t quite give her the pressure she needed.

Her hands came up to twist and torment her own breasts, making him growl, the vibrations made her bolder. She lifted her hips up to his face. One large arm came over her abdomen, holding her down. “Damn it, Xan.” Her own voice came out a growl.

“I want to see you play with your pretty nipples. Get them nice and hard for me.” He finally sucked the bundle of nerves screaming for him into the warm cavern of his mouth.

Flames of desire bubbled within her, jolting pleasure lit up her nerve endings. She did as he instructed, a direct connection had a throb shooting straight to the point where he was sucking.

Xan inserted two fingers and began pumping them in and out. She was ready to come when he removed them, stroking his way further down, over the clenching entrance to her ass. An all new sensation filled her as he toyed with the puckered opening. She lifted into his mouth, the sucking and flicking he was doing pulled her closer to orgasm, yet the dark, erotic touch of the finger near her rear entrance sent shivers down her spine.

He pressed a little harder with one finger, her breath came out choppy, hips moving back and forth, giving him total access. The tip of the slicked digit slipped in to the first knuckle and she came apart, bucking against the mouth that was trying to destroy her senses.

“Damn, your pussy is so fucking sweet and hot,” he growled, the sound sent a pulse against her clit making her hungry for more.

Xan rested against her thigh, licking the juices like he couldn’t get enough. His hot breath, and groan of pleasure filled their small room. “I need more, Breezy.” He began licking again, his fingers started moving again.

“Oh, god, no. I can’t.” She gripped his hair. “Please, fill me.” He was trying to kill her. Headlines would read something crazy about woman dies from being orally pleasured too much or some shit.

His face was set in hard lines, dark eyes were electric blue, then he climbed between her thighs. Carnal hunger filled his gaze as he rose and guided the mushroom shaped head to her opening.

She lifted her hips, anticipation of him filling her made her grip the bedding.

With her legs gripping his hips, the wide head parting her, the slight sting of that first thrust stretching her, pressing into her, she felt closer to him than ever before. When he pulled back, he was coated with her juices, the veins throbbed on his cock.

He snarled, making her look up at him. “You keep looking like that and I’ll come in the next thrust.”

Her hips arched, and she inhaled a deep breath. “Feels amazing.” The throbbing length of him dragging in and out, hitting her clit tore another cry from her, shocks of brutal pleasure that verged on this side of pain.

“Need you to come first. Come on, squeeze my dick with those muscles, bella.” He pulled her legs up higher on his waist, bumping her mound with each downward thrust, increasing the speed and then she was falling into an orgasm that stole her breath, pleasure that she was sure rocked their foundation.

When she opened her eyes, Xan was staring at the point their bodies connected, her body was clenching on him, the moisture of her release coating his, the sounds of their fucking loud. She loved it. Loved the look on his face.

Harder, deeper, he thrust. His arms came to rest beside her head, and then he was kissing her while his hips continued to pump, his cock pulsing deep inside her. She felt him jerk, her pussy still twitching, tightened again. Gods, she wondered if a girl could die from too much pleasure as another orgasm rocked her, another destructive release built and with his jackhammer movements, rapture stole over her.

Xan bit down, solidifying their connection, then turned his neck, allowing her to claim him.

Locked together, he rolled. Her body flexed around the swollen member, drawing an agonized groan from her mate. “Don’t do that, love.”

Breezy giggled. “Can’t help it. I think you killed me.”

He nuzzled her neck. “Where you go I follow. Remember that.”


an didn’t think he’d ever come so hard or long in his entire life. If she’d been in her fertile time, he was sure there’d be a little Carmichael coming in nine months. The thought didn’t have him scared, or running for the hills. Although he wanted a little more time for the two of them to be just a couple.

The too snug flesh fluttered, and he gave her firm ass a pat. “What are you thinking?”

“I was thinking about babies. But, not for a while yet. I want it to be just you and me for a year or so. What do you think?” She looked up at him. He’d give her the fucking moon on a silver platter if she asked.

He nodded, a knot in his throat. How the hell did a tiny slip of a woman turn his world upside down so easily? “I was thinking the same thing. Wouldn’t a little girl with your hair in pigtails be perfect?” He tugged on one of her pink curls.

“You realize our kiddos aren’t going to have these colorful streaks, right?” She laughed.

“Of course not. Besides, I’d have to beat the shit out of a bunch of boys if they thought of my baby girl, the way I think of you. I take back my want of a girl. I want all boys. No girl for us.” The thought of anyone with a penis and his daughter had his wolf growling. His mate laughed, making him narrow his eyes.

“Um, newsflash, Xan. We don’t get to order the sex of our children.”

The knot eased, and it took monumental effort to drag his cock from the liquid silk of Breezy. “That’s a bunch of bullshit.” He rolled to his back, pulling his mate on top of him.

“Am I your official blanket?” she asked, making herself comfortable while he reached for the cover with his arm.

“Yep,” he said.

A jaw cracking yawn kept Breezy from coming back with a remark.

“Sleep, love. When we wake, we’ll practice on making those kiddos. Boys. All boys. I’ll figure out the best position to ensure we only have boys.”

She patted his chest. “Yes, dear.”

Chapter Thirteen


reezy closed the locker in the women’s dressing room at the hospital she worked. Her coworker Cheyenne came in, a smile on her cute face. “Hey, girl. How are you?” Breezy asked.

Cheyenne looked at Breezy’s ring finger. “Damn, you went and got engaged? Congrats. Who’s the lucky guy?”

Standing, Breezy grabbed her crossbody bag. “He’s a friend I’ve known my entire life.”

“Is that why you never gave Dr Hottie a chance?” Cheyenne waggled her eyebrows.

There was no use denying the truth, and besides she’d never led the man on. In fact she’d always told him no every single time. If he didn’t know how to take a rejection, then that was his issue, not Breezy’s. It wasn’t up to her to coddle him or anyone else for that matter. She’d found a man, or rather her wolf, who was more than willing to take care of every need she had. Over the last couple of weeks, she’d found out a lot about herself. A blush stole up her neck.

“Now, I want to know what has caused that look on your face.” Cheyenne began stripping out of her scrubs.

Breezy grunted. No way in heck was she sharing the intimate details of her sex life with anyone. “I’ll walk out with you if you’re ready.” Breezy offered instead. Her first night back at the hospital, and she was a bit nervous, since the last time she was there she’d been attacked in the garage. Although Xan and Kellen were sure the man who’d grabbed her was probably dead, or captured, she still thought it was safer in numbers.

“Sure, just give me a minute.” It only took the other woman a few more to gather her belongings, and then they were walking out of the staff locker room together.

Exhausted, but glad she was finally back at work, Breezy kept her eyes and ears open when they hit the basement garage.

Something like panic tightened in her chest.

“What’s wrong, Breezy?” Cheyenne asked as they neared her car.

A large figure stepped out from beside Breezy’s recently repaired Mustang Cobra, the sleek looking Harley, made her exhale when she realized it was Xan.

“Nothing, I was just thinking about other things.” She couldn’t tear her eyes away from the tall drink of water that was her mate.

“Damn, who is that?”

Xan dressed in a black tank, with jeans covered in black leather chaps walking toward them, was a sight to behold. “That’s my fiancé.” She almost slipped and said mate.

“Holy, fuck me running.” Cheyenne’s eyes ate him up, making Breezy’s wolf come to the surface, but she pushed her back.

“He does like to chase me down and fuck me in all places. Even in the air.” She couldn’t help but add.

“Hello, gorgeous.” Xan’s expression was intent, lust gleamed in his blue eyes.

She fucking loved this man. “Hi. What are you doing here?”

He indicated his bike, and that’s when she noticed Shaw was leaning against her car. “I thought I’d see if you wanted to ride home with me.”

She looked down at her jeans and T-shirt, and wished she’d thought to pack her own set of leather chaps.

Xan swept her against him, his lips covered hers, his tongue pushing past her lips, stealing any refusal she might have made.

“I packed your gear in my saddlebags.”

It was crazy how easily he turned her on. Completely insane. “And is Shaw gonna drive my baby home?”

Shaw raised his hand and waved.

“He says he’s not riding bitch with me ever again. Something about my speeding and taking turns no sane person should. I think he’s a pussy, but whatever.” His grin was positively wicked.

Memories of the last time they’d ridden together had her clenching her thighs together, and her head nodding.

A throat cleared behind her. “Oh shit, sorry. Cheyenne, this is Xan. Xan, this is Cheyenne.”

“It’s very nice to meet you. Congratulations on your upcoming nuptials. Now, I’ll only say this once, but if you break my girl’s heart, I’ll cut your nuts off and use them for research. I work in the right place for that, you know.”

Breezy looked at the dark haired woman she’d worked with in the ER and laughed. Her friend was full of surprises, but she scented no lies wafting from her.

“I like this one, Breezy.” Xan stated.

Shaw ambled over. “What’s your name, girl?”

Cheyenne raised her brows. “Well, it’s certainly not girl, boy.”

Breezy stepped between the two, sensing a fight about to brew. “Now, Shaw, this is my friend, Cheyenne. Chey, this is my brother Shaw. I’ve told you about him and his twin Parker.”

A curious light entered Cheyenne’s dark brown eyes.

The sound of the elevator dinging had them all tensing. Xan moved so his body blocked hers, while Shaw put his in front of Cheyenne’s. The doctor they’d dubbed Hottie, strolled out, a cellphone to his ear. When he spotted Xan, he paused. Breezy looking around her mate’s shoulder, finally stepping out and waved.

BOOK: Xan's Feisty Mate
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