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Authors: S.G. Harkness

Zombie X (11 page)

BOOK: Zombie X
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Everything is disgusting as usual. We take the stairs, which is a long way up. I’m not fond that my apartment is all the way on the top floor. With no elevator working, this is going to suck fat hairy balls. It’s a long way up. We slowly take our time climbing the stairs, but we have all the time in the world. It’s not like we have somewhere important to be. I don’t have a job to go to. My waitressing days are over. I have no idea what Norman used to do before the world went to shit. It could be better that I don’t know, but the mystery arouses me. He looks like he was a student and played college football. I’m dying to know what Norman was like before he turned. He must have had a lot of girlfriends. He’s a wild animal now, though I wonder how good he was with girls before he turned.

Climbing the stairs seems like it will never end. It’s so creepy and musty. We finally reach my apartment, and I open the door. It’s like I never left my apartment, and Norman seems to enjoy himself as he wanders around my apartment. We should stay at my apartment for at least a couple of days since there’s no place like home. As shitty as my apartment is, I consider it my real home, so I sit down and make myself comfortable. It’s quiet inside my apartment, and all I can hear is Norman’s groaning as Norman stands still and looks out the window. He observes the devastated city as I wonder what he is thinking.

“What do you think of my place, Norman? This place is where I lived, before the world went crappy. I didn’t have much of a life. I went to work, and I came home. Waitressing sucked fat hairy balls, and I don’t think that I’ve ever served you. I would remember a face like yours, even before your face got all fucked and zombified. I remember the cheap asses who never liked to tip well, or tip at all. We’re all alone, Norman. What do you want to do? I can think of some stuff that we can do together. I think you know what I mean.”

For all I know, Norman understands every word that comes out of my mouth. He just needs to express himself to show that he understands me. It’s obvious that he loves having his way with me. I’m more than happy to have him in my life. He seems to feel at home, though I wonder what he did for work before the world ended. If only Norman had a wallet on him. A wallet can tell a lot about a person, and Norman is a real mystery to me. He would certainly take a bullet for me, and I trust Norman. I need him more than ever. It’s hard to find a dedicated dead guy like Norman. He’s everything I want in a dead guy, and he doesn’t want to eat the flesh from my bones. The dead love nothing more than to eat bloody flesh from the living. I wonder if I will ever know why I’m still alive. I’m not sure if I deserve to be alive, but I’m glad to be alive.

I finally have some purpose in my life. I know what I’m meant to do, and wonder how many people are alive in the world. I’m dying to know the answer. I know that I have to travel to search for answers, and I’m not going to stop until I’m dead. Nobody is going to stop me, as long as I have Norman by my side. There’s a lot of time to kill, so I stand up and take Norman by the hand. I want to have some fun with Norman, so I assume the position, and I get on my knees. I start to run my hands around Norman’s crotch. He starts to groan and looks excited. He looks down at me with an evil smile since he knows exactly what I’m doing. I know this part of Norman too well. I slowly unzip Norman’s pants, and I slowly pull them down. Norman is so hard as I pull at his manhood, and I like to stroke it with my hands.

I tease the tip of Norman’s hard thingy with my tongue. Norman growls as I tease him, and I start to suck on his hardness. I’m able to deep throat as I thrust my head back and forth. Norman loves this so much. I can certainly tell that Norman is about to explode, so I prepare for this special event, and I open my mouth. My mouth is wide open as I hold Norman’s hard thing in position. Norman grunts as his stuff bursts out, and I manage to catch and swallow everything that flies out. Norman seems satisfied. I will do anything to please him.

Swallowing is the easy part, but keeping the stuff inside me is a challenge. The taste and smell are horrific. Suddenly, I puke—it out! Norman watches as I vomit all over the floor. I look at the mess, and I start puking some more. The sight and smell are unbearable, but I love to do nasty things to make Norman happy. I start to clean up the mess. I feel sick to my stomach, and I’m nauseous. I have a seat on the couch as Norman stands over me and watches me.

Norman starts to groan, and I think he’s hungry again. Norman sure has an enormous appetite for raw human flesh. I have second thoughts about killing people in order to feed Norman. There has to be another way that I can teach Norman to eat other foods. I wonder if he will consider becoming a vegan. There has to be something else that he likes to eat. I wonder if I can convince him to like other foods, so I offer him all kinds of food. I try to feed canned goods like pasta and canned peaches to him, but he refuses to eat it, and I try to put it in his mouth, so he growls in disgust.

There’s only one thing he will eat so I will have to find humans for him to eat, and I hate that I have to do this. I doubt that there are many innocent people out there. I feel like a serial killer, and it’s not going to be easy. I wonder how long he can go without eating. We spend the next couple of days doing the same things. Doing the same things every day satisfies us.

It’s a new day, and we leave the apartment. The travel home doesn’t seem as long. We finally arrive back home, and we walk inside the house. The smell is horrible. The rotting brothers in the basement make the house smell bad. I clean up Norman’s mess, and I shove the remains into the fireplace. The remains burn to a crisp as Norman wanders around the house. He is very curious. I wonder what goes through that mind of his.

He must be thinking something in order to be wandering around the way he does. The days are long. I’m thinking of killing people so that Norman can eat something soon. I wonder how I’m going to do it since there are many ways I can pull this off. I might go out and randomly find someone for Norman to eat, and I know that time is running out. I need to find fresh meat for Norman to eat. I’m sure nothing serious will happen to him if he doesn’t eat, but I can’t stand to see Norman grumpy.


Episode 11


The day finally arrives, and it’s time to hunt for Norman’s food since he must be hungry, and I know that he has an appetite. He always seems to eat like there is no tomorrow. There’s a severe storm outside, but no storm is going to stop me today. I’m going to defy Mother Nature today, and I’m going to take Norman with me. We leave my apartment, and I escort Norman into the car. I’m fully loaded. I have my assault rifle, knives, a few grenades, and a lot of ammunition. I have no idea where I’m going to end up. I’m just going to drive far away until I find a place with people. I’m on my way out.

The weather doesn’t help my journey since it makes everything hard to see, but at least the air smells better than usual today. I drive around from place to place, and it is as if I’m going in circles, but I guess I’m just tired of driving. I search parts of the city, but I find nothing as I drive out of the city. I need to expand my search. This trip is going to take longer than I expected. I really hope that I don’t run out of gas because that will not be a good thing. I pull out of the city and head out to the unknown. The fierce storm hits down hard. Norman groans as the thunder erupts. I wonder how Norman feels. I try the radio to see if there is any sign of life. It’s just as I suspected. There’s nothing but static again. I must be losing my mind to think there would be any broadcast. We could use some music right now. It’s kind of depressing to be in a world without music.

“Come on Norman, sing! You should at least groan something. Do you like music? I bet you loved music before the world changed, and there is no way that you liked rap music. You probably loved country music. I think you were the type of guy who loved to sing in the shower. I will never know. Only you know the truth, Norman.”

Norman looks at me and growls. He occasionally turns to look outside so he must be enjoying the countryside. I wonder if Norman understands me and if he is holding back from communicating with me.

“You understand me when I talk to you, right, Norman? I’m pretty sure you have some idea of what I’m saying. If only you could speak, what would you say? I think you would ask me to marry you, and I know that sounds cheesy, but it has to be true. You love doing me, so you must love me, Norman. I know you do, you have feelings, and you may be a dead guy, but you’re not like the rest of the dead. You still have some feelings left. You know how to use your wiener, and that’s a bonus. You know what good food is, and you give me a reason to live. I wonder if there are other dead ones like you. You probably wouldn’t like that since that would be competition for you, Norman. You wouldn’t allow another dead guy to try to do me. I could just imagine what that would be like. We could always have a threesome if we ever find another dead guy like you. I wonder what you would do if I find a dead girl like you, Norman. Would you do her? I would love to see that. You’re fascinating for a dead guy.”

The drive is long, but I manage to keep the conversation going. It helps the time pass. I love talking to Norman since he seems to understand me. I guess I’m trying too hard to convince myself. It must be all in my head. There are some things that I’m certain of. Norman must know that I love him, and he knows his role in his dead life. He knows that he has to be with me for the rest of my life. As I continue to drive along the long road ahead, I look at Norman and admire him. I take Norman’s hand, and I hold it tight as he glances over at me and gives me an evil smile. He growls at me. Norman may be dead, but he knows exactly what he wants. I’m madly in love with Norman, but I wonder if he senses my love for him. My heart beats faster as I hold his hand.

The truth is out there in the new world. Someone must know something about what causes the dead to rise. It could be some new virus. The military might have something to do with it. Aliens could be taking over the world, and could be responsible for controlling the dead. If Norman is being controlled by an alien, then that’s just creepy. The devil could be at work and could be playing an evil game. It could also be the work of witches. It could be absolutely anything.

I don’t want to be killed by a zombie since being eaten alive is not pretty. I might be having a bad dream that I can’t wake up from. I don’t believe there is a cure out there. I’m not sure if a cure even matters. The only cure we need is to prevent the dead from rising. I’m having different thoughts on whether or not Norman should be cured. Norman shouldn’t be cured since he is too mutilated. He is perfect the way he is. I’m starting to think that it would be weird if Norman suddenly started to talk.

I think that a talking zombie would creep me the fuck out. I wonder what his personality would be like. I’m starting to have negative thoughts. What would happen if Norman could be cured? Would he reject me? What will happen if he says the wrong things to me? What if he turns out to be a total goof? I prefer the silent Norman. Norman should never be able to speak. That would just be wrong.

“Sorry, Norman. You will never speak. That’s the way it’s going to be. I’m being honest with you, Norman. I guess you don’t understand me, but if you did, you would probably be very upset with me. I love you, Norman.”

I’m still curious about what caused the world to plunge. I guess it doesn’t matter since it won’t change anything. It will still give me peace of mind if I know the truth. The majority of the world is gone, and I wonder what percentage of the world survived. I hope I don’t end up like Norman. If I die, I just want to be gone for good. I don’t want to walk around rotten and disgusting like a zombie. I have complete freedom to do what I want in the new world. There’s nobody to stop me from doing the things that I want.

I have a lot of freedom in my life. I want to sleep in, dance around naked outside, drive as fast as I can and not get a ticket for speeding. I still have some responsibilities. My responsibilities are all about taking care of Norman, though it sure beats what I was used to. I never liked waking up in the morning to serve the dirty old men who didn’t have any respect for me, since they treated me like shit.

Things are better in the new world. I wake up in the morning, and I take care of Norman. That’s my responsibility. 
Norman is everything to me, and I will kill for Norman. If only my father could see me now. I wonder what his reaction would be like. I guess I should be realistic because my father would seriously freak out! He would probably shit his pants. He would never accept Norman, and he would probably try to blast Norman with his rifle. I would have to stop him. He would just have to accept Norman. I would do everything in my power to convince my father to accept Norman because Norman is my family now.

My father is probably one of the dead by now. If my father tries to eat me, I will take care of him. I will have to take him out like the rest of the dead. He technically wouldn’t be my father. I wouldn’t want to see my father become like Norman. That would also be so screwed up if that ever happened. There can only be one Norman. Norman can’t be replaced. That is impossible.

If my father turned out like Norman, he would probably have the same tendencies. That would be insane if my father tried to have his way with me. That would be wrong in every way possible. I would destroy him right away, and I don’t think Norman would approve. I have many crazy thoughts going through my mind. I’m just a crazy girl in a crazy world, and there is no crazier girl in the world.

These driving conditions are getting a little too dangerous, and I’m very uncomfortable driving in this storm. I’m driving on such a long stretch of road that doesn’t seem to end. I should take a break and stop the vehicle. I pull over and stop the vehicle. I hate this crappy weather so much. Norman doesn’t seem to be bothered with anything. He doesn’t have a care in the world. I envy Norman, and I wonder if he envies me. I’m thinking crazy thoughts again. Norman probably doesn’t think anything.

He’s a dead guy with unbelievable desires. All I can hear is the rain hitting the vehicle hard. There is barely any driving visibility outside since the storm is so furious, though I hope it continues to rain hard because I love sitting with Norman.

“You don’t mind if I take a little break, do you Norman? Unlike you, I get tired and need a break. If only you knew how to drive. I should teach you because I’m so sick of driving. It does get tiring, especially in this weather. I guess we can just sit here. You don’t mind if open a can of peaches, do you? Don’t answer that question, Norman. I’m sure you don’t want any. Let me know if you do, but I don’t think a can of peaches would satisfy your hunger. I know your appetite too well, Norman. I don’t have any beef jerky for you. You are a beast. I bet you can eat beef jerky all day.”

I open the can of peaches, and I start to eat. I watch Norman, as he watches me. It’s arousing as he watches me. Norman groans as I eat, and I guess he likes watching me. I’m dying to know what’s on his mind. The rain looks like it’s slowing down, so I should start driving again after a few minutes. I want to finish this can of peaches, and I relish every bite since every bite is sweet and crunchy. I finish my break, prepare to start up the vehicle, and I continue to drive down the long road.

It’s time to look for civilization, but I’m running low on gas, yet it is probably better than not having any gas at all. I’m very fortunate to have a vehicle with gas. I have a bad feeling about this trip. I hate being negative about almost everything, but it’s hard to think positive about things because I'm not exactly on vacation. I would love to be on a beach right now. Things could probably get worse. I still have enough gas to keep driving. I will take advantage of the fuel that I have left and try to cover as much ground as possible.

I continue to drive for a short time. I finally run out of gas, but I still managed to cover enough ground considering that things could have been worse. I turn to look at Norman. I don’t know what to say to him since I feel as if I let him down. He shouldn’t care much since he’s a zombie. It looks like we have to abandon the vehicle for good. I didn’t think this would happen this way. I thought I could find a place to stay before running out of gas. I should have known better. I took a chance, and this is what happens. I will have to deal with whatever happens next.

“Norman, it looks like we hit the end of the road. We have to walk from here. Sorry, I tried to do my best to make things happen, but we live in this kind of world now. You don't need to worry about anything, Norman. You’re lucky that you don’t need to rest. Let’s get going now. We have a long way to go, Norman. Let’s go. Don’t just stand there and look at me.”

Norman begins to follow my lead. He’s like a dog. I have to tell him twice or even three times for him to listen. Norman probably doesn’t even care that we have to walk. He just follows me wherever I go as we continue our journey to wherever the long road takes us. The rain starts up again, and it hits down hard on us. I predict many wet days ahead. There is something about a zombie apocalypse and stormy days.

We have been walking for a while. My feet are sore, and I can use a foot massage right now. It starts to get dark outside, I’m exhausted, and I wish that I could be back at home in my cozy apartment. That’s such a long way from here. We continue our mysterious journey. The rain decides to stop, so I guess Mother Nature wants to give me a break, and it’s about time. Mother Nature is still such a bitch. There’s a strange mist that starts to pick up, as we walk, and I can barely see what is ahead of us.

It’s silent as we make our way out of the mist, and the only thing I hear is our footsteps down the long road. I think I see something ahead of us as we get closer, and I can make out what I see. I suddenly see movement ahead of us. It looks like there is a complex ahead. The area is open, and there are no gates surrounding the area. There are several people patrolling the area.

They have assault rifles. I have a bad feeling about this place. I’m not sure how I’m going to get past this place. There are large machine gun nests with sandbag barricades all around the complex. There are watchtowers with guards who keep watch. I don’t like the looks of this place. This place is trouble just waiting to happen. I quickly take Norman off the road, and we walk around the complex. It’s a long walk, but we seem to be out of sight. I don’t want any trouble, so we continue around the complex. I can see about a dozen guards watching in our direction. We are spotted immediately. Flares illuminate the sky; alarms go off, several heavily armed trucks rush out of the complex, and there is no place to go as a guard points his weapon at me!


I don’t hesitate as I pull Norman down, and he falls on me!


The guard hits me in the head! It hurts like a bitch! I need to close my eyes. As I slowly open my eyes; my vision is blurry, and the lights irritate my eyes. I feel drowsy, so I close my eyes. My eyes slowly open up, I must have passed out, and I have such a bad headache, but my vision starts to improve. I’m in a room that looks like an interrogation room. I’m tied up on a chair, and there’s a guard who stands above me. He wears military pants and a tank top. He looks like he is ready to kill someone. Another man stands beside him, and I don’t like his face because he looks like a fucking dickhead. He has the kind of face you just want to punch. The man looks like a scientist. He is tall, thin, wears thick glasses, a white coat, and has thick eyebrows and a long white beard with a shaved head. He smiles at me.

“Do you know where you are? How do you feel?”

He seems to speak with a German accent.

BOOK: Zombie X
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