Read Zombies Ahead (Club Zombie, Book One) Online

Authors: Z. Allora

Tags: #Erotica

Zombies Ahead (Club Zombie, Book One) (13 page)

BOOK: Zombies Ahead (Club Zombie, Book One)
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Kai opened his mouth to speak for himself, but Beau put a finger to his lip. When Jasper had turned the corner, Beau said, “Talon and Tom’s story.”


“Read their story in the mated book. It will help you understand about the exchange that’s needed to solidify the bonds of matehood.”

“Talon and Tom?”

“Yes. Call me or Lafayette if you have any questions.” The pretty man gave him a big happy hug. “I can’t wait to congratulate you on your mating. But I’ll wait for now.” Beau looked at the door. “Oh and no worries about your cousin’s dorm mate taking advantage of him. Alex’s quite shy but I have a feeling they will become good friends. I adore your cousin. He is really sweet and outgoing.” Beau swirled and left Kai standing they’re wondering what he meant about the exchange.

Chapter Eleven: Talon & Tom


When Kai got back to Jasper’s apartment, the man’s bedroom door was shut.
That was a
clear indication he wasn’t in the mood to answer all the questions that were racing around Kai’s head. With nothing else to do, he climbed into bed with the giant book he continually kept on the table next to the Murphy bed. He opened
Tales from Club Zombie

Over the past few months, he started to enjoy reading about all the couples getting together. It was a beautiful concept; mates finding each other and getting to stay with each other forever. It struck a romantic chord in him that he didn’t know he had. He paged through to the chapter Beau told him to read. He realized it was about the two men he had seen in the room with the red door. He took a deep breath and started reading.

* * * *

Chapter 123: Talon and his Master

Talon walked into Club Zombie one more time. He told himself it needed to stop. He couldn’t keep doing this to himself, but couldn’t seem to stop. He tried to stay away. Talon really did. Sometimes a week would pass before he found himself once again pushing open the doors that led to his obsession.

Ignoring the questioning looks of promise, he strode quickly to his destination. Once at the red door, he stopped and took a deep breath. Would his addiction be there? Would he be playing with someone else? There was no agreement between them. There had been no discussion. There was only domination and his submission that Dom Tom sweetly took. Never had he felt so free as when he gave himself completely over to Tom.

Opening the door, Talon saw his addiction lean in against the corner of the room giving instruction to a newer Dominant who was playing with a cute little newbie. As if he felt Talon there, his Dominant of choice looked up. His breath caught, and the moment was pulled to a slow stop. The man embodied everything Talon had longed for in a Master. Time started again when Dom T leaned in to speak quietly to the other Top, but those all seeing eyes never moved from Talon’s eyes. He was pinned in place by them, awaiting his Sir’s desire.

Before long, Dom T was in front of him. He didn’t speak, he only held out his hand. Without a thought, Talon took it. Staring deeply into his eyes, Talon felt his soul being touched. Ever so slowly his hand was bought up for a tender kiss before he was led out the side door down a hallway. Once they were in the private room away from eyes that wanted to see, Dom T hugged Talon close against his warm body. A sense of safety and contentment washed over Talon as he held tight drinking in the sensation of what he could easily confuse
love if he allowed.

Once he was released he began to undress. Slowly, he took off and folded each piece of clothing, setting each piece on the chair in the corner. When he was naked, except for his protective dragon chastity device, he dropped to his knees. His position was well practiced, so it required little thought to find the perfect posture. His knees were slightly apart, hands behind his back, and his eyes down. But his unruly cock was trying to test the bounds of his beautifully crafted chastity device.

His obsession circled him, seeing all of him as if he were trying to drink him in. Talon swallowed the emotion that rose to the surface. He knew the man saw him, really saw everything, and always wanted to see more.

“I didn’t think you’d be back,” the dominant male stated.

Talon audibly sighed.

“Speak, boy. Use your words. You’ve never hesitated before.” Dom T’s voice was rich, deep and infused with the steel that made every submissive in Club Zombie shudder with anticipation.

Talon was no exception. He wanted to give this Dominant male everything he had, but Dom T wouldn’t accept it. The pain that went with acknowledging that fact sliced at his heart.
It was
why Talon tried so hard to break his need for him. The Dominant male could never be just his.

The protective dragon chastity device expanded as far as it could as Talon’s cock tried to fill with his need for this man. The silver dragon was an ingenious device. It was made of mesh and steel allowing for expansion, but not full extension of his lust. The dragon’s tail wrapped around the base of his cock, and the body wound around his shaft. The tip of his cock came right out of the mythical creature’s mouth. At times, Talon believed the dragon was alive
ensuring he throbbed every moment for the satisfaction he was not allowed.

“Speak,” Dom T demanded.

If he was nothing else, Talon was honest. “I tried not to come back, Sir.” It was the first time that he had admitted that he was consciously trying to stay away from Club Zombie and from the man in front of him.

The Dom’s intake of breath was the only indication that he was not pleased with the answer. “Why?”

There was softness in the question ripped through him. Talon’s head fell forward allowing his long dark hair to shroud his face from the Dominant’s eyes. He wanted to remain hidden in the shadows.

When the question continued to be met with silence, the sexy Top stopped circling him to stand in front of him. Waves of power and control rolled off making Talon want. A hand gently caressed his hair for a moment before firm fingers wrapped themselves in his length tugging his head back. The position forced his face to look directly at what he had been trying to avoid.

“I asked you a question, my kitten.” Dom T articulated each and every syllable so there could be no misunderstanding. “Why were you trying not to come back to…here?” The Dominant released his hair but tucked it gently behind Talon’s ears. The message was clear: Hiding was not acceptable.

“Sir, please.” He didn’t want to admit his infatuation had turned into a heartbreaking love that would never be returned.

“Was it the dragon that finally forced you to return? Needing that release, my sweet little kitten?” Dom T asked almost softly causing a shiver of want race through Talon.

“No, Sir.” Talon inhaled through his nose as the man traced the dragon’s tail, swirling around the base of his cock ever so slowly. A warm finger trailed up his shaft following the twisted silver scales until it got to the dragon’s head.

“Does the dragon want to spit fire?” His addiction tapped the dragon head making his manhood bounce.

Closing his eyes, Talon tried to block out the intensity of sensation that crashed through him as the Dominant touched the sticky wetness that was coating his tip and the dragon’s head. The tears of excitement were rubbed down his length along the dragon’s twisted tail
making him breathless.

The male standing over him commanded. “Open your eyes. You know better. There is no hiding from me, my sweet kitten.”

Talon’s eyes opened without his permission. His body obeyed his would-be-lover without question. He hissed out a plea as the tip of cock that emerged from the top of the device was teased.

“Please what? Have I been too hard on you
little one?” The teasing torment at the head of his cock disappeared. The absence of the tease was both a relief and another form of torment forcing a moan from Talon.

“No, Sir.” He craved everything the man did. He filled up places he didn’t even know ached with emptiness. It was just that
needed so much more. He wanted so much more than would ever be offered.

One finger skimmed up and down Talon’s dripping cock. Again Dom T caressed the wetness that seeped from the tip and rolled down the shaft over the ridged body of the dragon. Talon had been without satisfaction for so long he almost passed out at the blissful sensations that ran through him at the attention.

“Have you come since the last little mishap?” A confident hand moved down lower to feel the weight of Talon’s balls as if he were weighing the stored up arousal.

Choking on his words, Talon responded, “No, Sir.” He hadn’t spilled himself in full pleasure the entire two months he had been coming to Club Zombie. Only that one time when Dom T had edged him for a full three hours did he fail in his attempt at self-control. He couldn’t stop his cock from throbbing out its load, but the guilt of coming without his Top’s permission had ruined the orgasm and stole any undeserved pleasure away from him. He had begged to be punished, but Dom T simply left the room. The man’s refusal and absence hurt more than any of the painful toys that remained in the locked cabinet.

The Dominant never used anything other than the dragon on him. Dom T didn’t take his ass; Talon would so willingly have given up to him. Talon wasn’t even allowed to service his cock with his mouth or hands. Obliviously, Talon had not earned the right to please the man who controlled his heart. Maybe he wasn’t good enough…

“Perhaps you need another milking?” The Dominant suggested as his fingers twirled over the silver chastity device.

, “As you wish… Sir.” The word was on his lips, but he was forbidden to use it. Dom T had made certain Talon knew it was inappropriate for him to use the word Master when referring to him. His heart shattered when the word had been denied to him because he longed for nothing more.

Dom T stepped back and pinched both of Talon’s sensitive nipples at the same time making him cry out reminding him of the perpetual lust he was in constantly. The kneeling man swallowed down his desire to beg Dom T for more. He learned to take what he was given and to be grateful for the opportunity.

“What I wish is for you to tell me why you were avoiding me.” The powerful man walked around him again.

Tears of frustration and humiliation gathered in his eyes, but he wouldn’t let them fall. He had disgraced himself enough. He couldn’t do this. He wouldn’t admit the love he shouldn’t allowed himself because he knew it would never be returned. Talon broke position and stood.

His movement clearly surprised the dominant male into a moment that looked similar to inaction and lack of control. It evaporated with a question. “Where do you think you’re going?”

“Away.” He barely bit the words out through his teeth. Talon stalked over to where his clothing was still neatly folded in a pile as if his whole world wasn’t imploding.

“You are still locked by the dragon.”

Talon swallowed down a sob, “I don’t care.” He didn’t care if he ever had his physical freedom again because his heart would always remain a prisoner. No parole would ever be granted from this man who would never return his love.

“Where are you going?” The dominant male persisted.

“Anywhere but here.” He was at the end of his rope and could no longer sustain himself on the scraps he was allowed. He had to leave now, or he would never be able to do so.

The bigger male grabbed him by the wrist. “I don’t think so.” He propelled him directly to a padded table and easily moved him onto it.

Talon tried to sit up, but Dom T’s hand was there lightly pressing down on him indicating he should remain still. “Safe word or you will stay put.” His words held a sternness that invited defiance.

If it were anyone else, Talon would have been out of there with the use of a word. But his obsessive craving for this man immobilized him. That was the problem. He couldn’t untangle himself from the nest of his own wants and needs. He closed his eyes and let his head thump back on the table.

Ropes padded in all the right places secured Talon to the table. All hope of escape deserted him. He would not safe word
not when he desperately wanted anything Dom T was willing to give him. He lay there trying not to think, trying not to do anything, but breathe and absorb.

It would have been so much easier if the Dom had picked up a paddle or the tawse and used it on him. He would have welcomed the bite of pain. It would have given him a physical manifestation of what tore his insides up. Something he could
deal with instead of the mess that was running through his head. But the stronger male wouldn’t allow that kind of escape.

Instead, Dom T used the tools of a different nature. Tools that destroyed Talon’s hope of maintaining the distance he desperately tried to create from his pain. Dom T utilized gentleness and tenderness to systematically eliminate the distance and break Talon. Those powerful hands lovingly caressed and fondled his body. Hands stroked down the length of his sides and massaged his legs.

His resistance was broken down piece
piece until there was nothing left, but the harsh reality of what would never be. Talon lay there devastated. Tears rolled down his face, but he remained. Waiting.

The dominant male was quiet for a long while. Just standing next to Talon softly tracing his fingers over his muscles. When Talon thought he would go deaf from the silence, Tom broke it. “Why are you avoiding me, my fierce little kitten?”

Shattered and emotionally exposed, Talon replied, “I can’t do this anymore.” A sob escaped before he could bury it deep inside with the rest of his pain.

“Why?” The tenderness the voice held broke Talon’s heart all over again.

It was such a simple question, but the answer would complicate everything. To answer it honestly would render him completely desolate. To lie was impossible.

Swallowing, Talon answered, “I love you.” He broke. He couldn’t bear it any longer. The words just tumbled out, and it was too late to take them back. He pulled at his binds as if he could break free of the knots and away from the overwhelming emotions that swamped him.

BOOK: Zombies Ahead (Club Zombie, Book One)
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