A Kiss of Darkness (Gothos Series) (10 page)

BOOK: A Kiss of Darkness (Gothos Series)
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They traveled through the rest of the day and set up camp at night. Sera helped him put up the tent
to show that she wasn’t useless and quickly realized that it was very small quarters. Cabel was standing there, his chest plate in hand. He cast it aside next to the tent and looked at her. A smile played across his lips noticing that she was staring at his bare chest. Feeling the color rising in her cheek she walked slowly to the traveling tent and slid into the cramp small conditions. Reaching down she grasped the necklace she still wore around her neck. It gave her all lot of trouble through her life, but her sister had given it to her and that’s why it meant so much to her. It still gave her strength and right now she needed it. Lying on her side she pulled the blanket over her body. She felt the strong body of Caleb slid in behind her, his chest lightly touching her back. “The nights are uncommonly cruel to the unwary.  Stay close to me for body heat, the temperature is dropping steadily” he murmured, his lips mere inches from her ear. She felt a delicious shiver running through her very core at the intimacy between them.  Cabel felt her soft breath ripple through their bodies lightly touching. “Get some rest. Traveling will be hard for the next few days” he said quietly, his fingers sliding a strand of her hair from her face. Turning her head she looked at him slowly with her blue eyes, locking gaze with him. He gave her a soft smile, his hand reaching down to press against her stomach pulling her closer to his masculine form. “Sleep” he murmured in a lulling voice as he watched her.  Turning her head  back down she closed her eyes and drifted asleep, feeling safe in his protective arms.

The next few days they got to the mouth of a large cave, the stone black as onyx.  Sliding off the mount, Caleb helped her down and looked over at the mouth of the cave.

“This entrance is the labyrinthine caves where the hermit, the Undying one lives.” He announced and moved his head side to side to get the kink out of his neck. Reaching into his saddle bag he pulled out a bottle, some spare cloth, and a flint. Sera watched as he went to the entrance of the cave he picked up a stick and wrapped the strip of cloth around it. Next he lightly sprinkled the content of the bottle into the cloth and finally struck the flint. Creating his torch instructed Sera to tie up the horse and started to walk into the mouth of darkness.  From the heat of the desert they submersed into the cold, dampness of the cave that made her feel a bit uneasy. Reaching out he took her hand and helped her along the path as he held the torch aloft.  Sera followed him along unable to see more than a few feet in front of her. Shivering she had no idea where they were going, hoping they wouldn’t get lost in the perpetual darkness.  Caleb was holding the torch with one hand he had been holding he had no choice but to let it go and dug out a piece of paper. It was scribbles he had made out of here say to those he spoke to about the whereabouts of the hermit. He knew he was banking all lot on all of this, this one single gamble he hoped would give him the chance to protect his people. Leading the wisp of a woman along the rocky path he moved slowly to make sure she could follow. Turning his head quickly he found her standing right behind him, not missing a step. Relief washed over him that she hadn’t lost her way as he feared. Looking back down at the piece of parchment in hand he studied his own handwriting. Tucking it back into his belt he reached out and took Sera’s hand lightly once again. “I am glad you haven’t slipped away” he called back to her. “You really think I am useless don’t’ you?” she said back at him, frowning deeply. A chuckle came forth from him as he walked along. “You’re such a little thing. I was afraid that the darkness ate you up like a fly in a spider’s web” he commented teasingly. He smiled to himself when he heard her huff in annoyance. They walked around for what felt like hours, only stopping once and a while. The darkness started to press on them as they came to a stone bridge. The tinkling of water could be heard from below them, echoing off the dark walls. Sera held onto his hand grasping harder when the torch went out.  Cabel cursed under his breath and waved his hand in the darkness. “Don’t worry I will light it again. Just stay very still. The bridge is very narrow.” Reaching into his belt he pulled out a the flint and tried to light it. Sera looked into the darkness hearing scratching noise in the dark. “There is something out there in the darkness. “She whispered to him, her voice barely audible over the sound of the waterfall. Making an annoyed sound in the base of his throat he was more focused on lighting the flint to listen to her concerns. “Dammit Cabel there is something out there!” she cried and pounded her fist into his arm causing him to groan. The flint clicked and fire climbed the moist rag, wrapped snugly around the stick.  He opened his mouth to retort at her mild assault when he saw a dark figure come out of the darkness letting out a roar. The creature that looked like a giant cat with pointed airs and whiskered face. Without a second to cry out it pounced on him, its tail was that of a great serpent, its head whipping out at him. Losing his balance he hurtled forward off the bridge. Doing a turn he grasped the rocky edge digging his fingers into the stone. The torch had tumbled on the stone where they had come from.

“Cabel!” she cried and backed off the bridge as the creature growled menacing at her, it’s gaze moving from her to her companion, dangling from the bridge. “Be careful! It’s a Jaxopla. It can spit acidic venom” Cabel cried as he tried to hoist himself up, seeing the creature’s attention was on her. Swinging his body he grabbed the side of the stone with his other hand, the coldness of the cave and sprinkling of the water causing a chill to creep over his body. He felt his fingers slowly starting to lose feeling.  The Jaxopla stared at Sera with its golden eyes, its growls a chorus with the water trickling down,
mingled with the hissing of the great snake. “HEY, YOU BASTARD!”  Cabel yelled on the top of his lungs. The creature turned its bulky large head and opened its mouth, baring its great fangs at him. It raised its clawed paw and swiped at Cabel’s arm leaving a huge three inch gash in the flesh, causing a cry of pain to come forth. Sera knew she couldn’t just sit stand there on that tiny piece of bridge well that creature forced Cabel to fall to his death. Letting out a shaking breath she backed up and reached down, taking hold of the torch. Starting forward she swung the torch at the Jaxopla’s head and to her luck it ended up thrusting it into the beast’s right eye. It wailed in agony, blood and puss pouring from the wound. It backed up and ended up hurtling off the side of the bridge. Sera hurried forward and grabbed Cabel’s arms. The adrenaline rushed through her giving her the strength to pull him up with her. Taking a series of steps toward the  entrance of the bridge she fell back but luckily landed safely on the. Cabel looked down at her since he had landed on top of her. “You really are something else, Sera” he said softly, his fingertips stroking her forehead lightly. “Who would of thought that I would save your life” she murmured in reply looking into his green-blue eyes. Sera looked at him knowing that from the look in his eyes that he wanted to kiss her. Instead he eased himself off of her and shifted his arm, realizing for the first time that he was greatly wounded.  Quick to action Sera sat up and looked around in the darkness. Feeling around in the darkness she found a bone and pulled out a cloth from his pocket and the small bottle and created a new torch. Lighting it deftly she handed it to him and started to study the wound. Hearing him wince she had to ignore it and focused her attention on it. Reaching out she placed her hand upon it gently. Focusing she let her eyes flutter close and let out a deep breath. Cabel watched her and to his amazement he saw her hand start let off a light blue glow. It didn’t sink in till that moment that she was the protector of the stone of healing. That she had the power to heal. Yes, he had brought her along because of what she told him, but in truth he didn’t believe it until he saw it. When Sera removed her hand the wound was gone, only leaving behind the trickles of blood.  “Let’s keep moving” she said and got to her feet, wiping her hands together.


8. Sacredness


They found their way to a shanty hut. It was grafted together with pieces of old wood. The scent of mold and must rose to Sera’s nose causing her to gag a bit. “Oh that’s the smell that makes you feel sick after fighting a big puss filled monster?” He remarked, his lips forming a wide smile. Rolling her eyes once again she approached the hut with him cautiously. From the ordeal they have already experienced she was expecting traps to meet them. “Hello. Is anyone here?” Cabel called out and kicked a stick lying on the ground, testing the stone floor before them. Nothing seemed out of place when they approached the entrance. A shuffling noise echoed in the cave and a man wearing raggedy clothing came out. His beard was to his waist, but his eyes were filled with intelligence. “I haven’t had such interesting guests for quite some time “He wheezed raising his arms out in greeting giving a toothy smile. Sera sent an uncertain gaze to Cabel then back at the man. Cabel walked forward feeling that after almost getting killed he was not in the mood to trade words for a man who most likely was mad as a hatter. “We have come for the missing map piece” He told the man. Sera sighed at her companion’s lack of social skills and shook her head. The man chuckled softly, that after a moment grew into a loud giggle. “I know what you want, but why should I give it to you?” he queried raising his eyebrows. “If you don’t I will have to make this very difficult for you. Believe me I can” Cabel growled with impatience.  This sent the man into more inane laughter. “If you kill me then you will never find out where I have hidden your prize” he laughed. Sera were starting to think that they would never discover where the map piece was.  “That necklace you’re wearing is very pretty. Ah, yes I like the way it shines” the man remarked raising his gnarled fingers to point at it, his brown eyes dark like onyx. Cabel let out a growl of frustration. “Enough about jewelry! Tell me where the map is.” Sera reached down and touched the necklace around her neck. It was the last gift her sister had given her, the one that opened the door to the secret staircase. The amulet had given her all lot more trouble than good. Gazing at it the answer came to her. Ripping it from her neck she held it up in front of herself. “I will give you the amulet if you give me the map piece “she offered. The hermit’s eyes seemed to light up at her words, looking at her face then down at the amulet. “Now, that is something I willing to trade for” the old man replied and walked into the hut. “Are you sure you want to do this?” Cabel watched her, frowning a bit. “That necklace has only given me woe…and besides…we cannot get the map piece without giving him something” she said, knowing how much this meant to the nomadic lord. Cabel felt truly touched by her words down to his core. They have not known each other long, but this woman has put her trust in him, fought a wild beast, saved his life, and now was given up something she prizes for him. No one has ever given him such consideration. He was raised by the nomadic tribe, but they always made him prove himself since he could walk. Even his marriage to his late wife Kara, gods rest her sweet soul had been to prove his virility to his people to extend his legacy. Sadly the fates had taken her away before she could give him children. Now this beautiful and brave young woman was making sacrifices for him after losing everything. It left him in absolute humbled. “I am sure” Sera said softly, looking into his eyes.  By then the old man had come back with a scroll rolled up causing her to look back at him.  “Here it is! “He said and offered it to Cabel who took it quickly. Sera handed the necklace over to the hermit who let out a hoot of excitement. Quickly Cabel handed the torch to her, unfurled the map piece, and took the full map out of his belt. For a moment he stood staring at the two pieces and then a smile crossed his lips. “We are off to the Dragus Falls. There is a cave in the falls where the sword is. I should of known it was right there in front of me!” he told her with a note of triumph in his words. The old man was cradling the amulet with both of his crinkled hands. “Well you better hurry then. I have seen in the rain pools that drip down into the cave. Hurry! Hurry! Soon it will be discovered” the man said in a breathy voice. Sera stared at the man, but felt Cabel’s hand in her own. Turning her head she looked at him. “We have to hurry” he told her and taking the torch from her he started to lead her away. The old man watched them walk away and smiled widely, chuckling under his breath. “Fools” He whispered and reached into his filthy pocket and pulled out another piece of the stone, giving an even wider smile.  Staring at the retreating couple the hermit’s skin started to smooth out, his complexion becoming young and vibrant. The length of his body stretched and his clothing clung from his body. Emrick stood there were the old hermit had been. Smiling to himself he held the two pieces of the amulet. Using his abilities to divine the future he had seen this coming, but he had a surprise for the two of them when they got to the falls. The amulet of the ancient stone would secure his own future.

Sera didn’t remember the trip to the falls. It was the morning of the fifth day that she awoke on the back of the horse. On the night before they mutually decided to press their luck and keep going. The first sound she head other than the pounding of the horse’s hooves was the sound of water streaming down. The feeling of fresh air, mingled with bead of water hit her face waking her up. Shifting her body on the back of the horse she looked over his side and saw the falls. It was a pool of water culminating from six different rivers. Instead joining into an ocean bed it was a long drop into oblivion. 
In surprise were they at the sight that they didn’t notice the group of soldiers on foot and on horses before them.The Golgothian Knights were already at the present. There in his shining armor was Captain Dominic with his comrades were looking right at them.

BOOK: A Kiss of Darkness (Gothos Series)
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