A Kiss of Darkness (Gothos Series) (11 page)

BOOK: A Kiss of Darkness (Gothos Series)
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“Lord Cabel, of the nomadic tribe. The great protector
of the stone of time told me you would come. I guess I was right to believe him.” He announced dramatically.  Cabel felt immediately cold at this and narrowed his eyes. Having no choice, but to face this trap he dismounted and helped Sera down from its back.  Sera turned her head and looked at her former husband, the one who had left her to die. Dominic in response looked at her and raised his eyebrows. “Back from the dead? Doesn’t matter I guess. I thought you were a witch and this confirms it” he said in that confident tone of voice, never wavering. Sera felt a chill running down her spine remembering the way he discarded her in the desert. Cabel was already approaching Dominic looking as if he had swallowed something unpleasant. “You must be the spineless coward who would abandon his own wife to the desert” he retorted at the captain. Dominic seemed unfazed by the barb and gave a slight shrug of his shoulders. “She isn’t my wife. Brena come out and meet our guests “He said waving his hand. Traipsing out from behind one of the horses wearing a beautiful honey colored gown, her neck adorned with jewels was the servant girl. Brena looked at Sera and smiled. “I am his wife now. It would be blasphemy against the Great Builder for such a great man to be married to a witch” she said her voice filled with superiority.  Markus was there behind the rest of the men, staring at Sera. He looked like he wanted to do something, but not sure what exactly to do. By sending her out into the desert he had spared her life, but now it looked like she would die anyway.  Sera wanted to remark back at the horrible woman, but she knew it wouldn’t do much good in her current stance. Dominic stood there watching this, feeling a bit disappointed that a bigger show wasn’t going to happen. “This has been an interesting reunion, but it doesn’t matter much as I stated before. Your life doesn’t matter anymore. “He commented crossing his arms over his plated chest.  “You have come to the falls to pursue the sword. I know where it is, but of course I can’t let you take it” The captain said in a voice of strange calm when speaking to Cabel. At that moment it dawned on Sera that Dominic knew nothing of the prophecies. She knew that Cabel was confident that he was the one who could remove the sword from the altar and lead the people of Gothos to peace, though he hadn’t told her that part. If Dominic knew of these things he wouldn’t be so confident. This piece of knowledge burned within her. She glanced at Cabel to see if he has figured this out as well. Cabel’s eyes were fixed on Dominic. He was already removing his curved sword from its sheath and looked at the captain. “Oh. I see. You want to battle me to the end. Good! If you had surrendered then it wouldn’t have been much fun” Dominic chuckled and pulled out his own sword.  Cabel charged at Dominic and the fight began. Blow by blow the sound of metal meeting metal echoed in the air. Dominic was a trained solider in the ranks of the Golgothian Knights, but Cabel was a legendary warrior of the desert. Sera stood there feeling her heart hammering in her chest, she could only stand there and watch this time unable to act, the same as everyone else next to the falls. Dominic jumped back and suddenly grabbed a handful of rocks from the ground and threw it in Cabel’s face, throwing him off balance and went in for the kill. Cabel cried out feeling the rocks smack him in the face, the pebbles clinging to his skin. Knowing that there wasn’t much time to lose he bent over and plowed himself into the other man’s body.  Dominic had been readying his sword to strike Cabel down, but was forced back and stumbled back. The lord of the desert had let go just in time to see his adversary fall straight over the side of the falls having no ground left. Brena’s screech was deafening over the sound of the falls. The knights stood there unsure what to do as their leader had fallen to his death. Sera felt her feet leading her to the edge where she looked over, seeing only gushing water. “Run!” she heard the familiar voice behind her. Caleb grabbed her hand and quickly pulled her away and around the falls to the side. “STOP THEM” one of the soldiers cried. This pulled the others out of their stupor and they followed, except Markus who stood there with his hands resting on his belt. His brother had just plummeted to his death and now his former sister in law was running for her life. In a sense he blamed himself for this since he had enacted the law and forced his brother to spare her. He didn’t feel regretful of this though, because despite the blame he placed on his actions he had said some time ago that his brother would end up being his own doom. Finally it had come to pass.  Brena was kneeling on the ground sobbing pitifully. A part of the man wished the damn woman would throw herself off to join his brother. Brena had been nothing but trouble since Lady Sera had been exiled, walking around like she was entitled. Markus wasn’t sure how he was going to explain all of this to the rest of the protectors or anyone else, the story being heartbreaking and shocking. Standing there he stared off at the horizon, the sun glinting off the falling water.

Cabel led Sera around the side of the falls to stone stairs that had been camouflaged by the water. It would not of been noticeable if one was not looking for i
t. It was slick and treacherous, dark from the water gushing over it. The knights were closing in so they had only one choice but to go forward. Gripping his hand for dear life she found herself bounding down the stairs leading down into a cave. She felt if she had to end up in a dark cave again she might lose it. Strangely the inside of the cave was lit by torches that gave off blue flames. Running inside with Cabel they found themselves in an octagonal chamber. In the center was the stone altar with the sword lodged into it. For such a legendary story the walls and altar were bare without markings or decoration. Sera stopped next to it and looked at Cabel. The man stood there beholding the sight of it. The clamoring of the armor of the knights he moved forward and wrapped his hand around the hilt and pulled…

The sword to his dismay didn’t budge. “What the hell” he whispered unable to believe this was happening. He was so certain that he was the one who could take up the sword and save his people from the oppression. “Cabel!” Sera cried as the knights filled the cave room, but he couldn’t hear her. The blood rushed to his head and only a whooshing noise came to his ears. He failed. He let down his himself, and more importantly his people. He bet everything on this one path to find it was for nothing. He didn’t even try to defend himself as two of the knights approached him. Sera’s eyes widened as she saw that he had given up all together.
This man who had led her to hell and back again. Acting on raw impulse once again,she approached the stone altar and grabbed the hilt. A hiss came forth from the metal, sliding forth from the stone and meeting the cool air. Pulling it free she held the sword aloft she pointed it at the knights. “Let him be! “she cried. The hands dropped from Cabel’s arms as a silence filled the room. He turned and saw Sera standing there holding the legendary sword. The hilt two blazing snakes wrapped around it with sapphires for eyes. The sword was long with symbols emblazed in length of it, the language of the Sythians.  Cabel realized that it wasn’t he who was meant to pull the sword and save his people, but this girl. He saving her in the desert was part of a bigger thread of destiny then he could of imagined. Markus came into the chambers and looked at Sera standing there holding the Sword of Blaze and then at the knights standing staring. “Gentlemen, our leader is dead and the Sword of Prophecy has chosen its champion. You must each choose who you want to follow. For quite some time I have been party to horrors and followed my brother into battle. I have taken orders without question, but the day my brother cast this woman out I came to realize what we have been doing all along. The laws said to exile her to the desert, but I have seen dark and bloody things that are far worst. This world isn’t the world I my daughter to grow up in. I want a better world without the violence and blood that I have witnessed. We have sworn to protect our people, but we are shed so much blood. I am going to follow her and seek a newer world. Those who still follow the rules of our order then go back, but those who want to finally see change we can make a difference” Markus announced standing there. The other men looked at each other. A few of them turned and left the cave well others stayed.  “Thank you, Markus” Sera said softly knowing that this must be hard for him. “I feel like we wronged you that day” he replied nodded his head slightly. Cabel stood there still in shock that she had pulled the sword from the altar. Having the sword lowered before her she watched him to see what he would say if anything at all. “Let us go back to the village. We have all lot of planning to do if we are to take on King Damon and his troops. His knights are fractured leaving him vulnerable. He won’t like that all” he murmured and gave her a faint smile. “You want to still do this even though I pulled the sword? “She asked him. “Of course I do. As I said before you are quite a woman” he commented. Leaving the cave they walked up the steps and stood by the falls. Sera had realized that Brena was gone, along with the knights that decided to return to the king. Cabel turned his head and looked at Sera. Together they stood in the morning air, the sun warming their faces. Holding the sword at her side she looked deeply into his eyes, smiling. This was a rare moment, standing on the cusp of a new tomorrow. At that moment they didn’t think about the uphill battle they would be fighting together. Tears rolled in her eyes obscuring her vision as she felt the emotions rushing through her. He reached up and brushed a stray strand of her hair from her face and stroked her cheek. Wordlessly he leaned forward and pressed his lips to her forehead, drawing her into his arms. For a moment they stood there in each other’s embrace, taking that rare moment before they step in the gloomy future.


To be continued in the next book: An Embrace of Night.

BOOK: A Kiss of Darkness (Gothos Series)
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