Read All Good Things Online

Authors: Alannah Carbonneau

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica, #Romance

All Good Things (12 page)

BOOK: All Good Things
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Finally, he shrugged out of his shirt. I was speechless. His skin was the color of spun gold and honey. I wanted to trail my tongue over the contours of his chest to see if he tasted as sweet, but again, I held back. The muscles in his arms rippled as his hands moved to the button of his slacks. His pants fell open and he let them drop from his lean waist to the floor. To my disappointment, he was wearing deep blue, silk boxers.

Jace grinned, devilishly, as he bent to hook his hand around the back of one ankle, flicking off the shoe, before doing the same to my other foot. Now that I was completely bared to him with not an article of clothing on my body aside from the small white-gold hoops in my ears, he kneelt between my legs. I watch, propped up on my elbows, as he picked up my leg, pressing feather-like kisses against my ankle before trailing a fiery path with his smooth lips up my leg. His movements were slow, agonizingly slow. My breathing was ragged, and my skin was hot as I watch him press his lips to the crevice of my thigh, scorching me. His hands moved to my inner thighs, his fingers trailing lightly over my skin as he moved to hook one arm around my thigh, while the other begins to caress the sensitive bundle of nerves at my sex. He bent his head, and I felt my eyes roll back, as my elbows gave out beneath me. His tongue flicked at my clit, prodding and stoking. I moaned in utter ecstasy.

"You taste so good, Olivia." He said. His words had just as much effect on me as his tongue lapping at my sensitive core. I feared I was in danger of melting beneath him.


"Yes Olivia," he growled. "Tell me what you want."

"I want," I sighed. What in the world did I want?

"Tell me, Olivia." He commanded, sliding a finger deep inside me as he nudged my stimulated bulb with his tongue. My back arched as need swelled within me, building higher and higher, until the pressure was almost too much to endure.

"I want you, Jace." I cried as he pulled his finger from my folds, stoking me gently.

"You are so wet for me." He groaned as he kissed a trail over my stomach to my bared breasts. His tongue stroked the underside of my breast before he took the tip into his mouth, suckling gently as he worked my other breast with his hand. He pinched my nipple just enough to cause a sharp intake of breath to sound from my lips.

"Please, Jace," I cried, and his lips pulled into a smile as he lifted his head.

"Please what?" Jace asked wickedly. "What do you want?" He dipped his head to the crevice of my neck, nipping gently at my skin.

"Make love to me." I whispered, closing my eyes. He asked what I wanted, and well, this was it.

Jace stiffened instantly as he moved to hover over me. I kept my eyes pressed tightly shut, afraid to meet his gaze. "Open your eyes, Olivia." He commanded and I shook my head. I wished I could take back my words. They had been foolish. "I want to see you. Please, open your eyes."

Well, when he asked like that...I was helpless. I opened my eyes, feeling the warmth of my blush sting my cheeks painfully, as his blue gaze swept over my face. I felt the need to defend myself. "You asked what I wanted, Jace."

"I did." He nodded.

"You shouldn't ask questions you are not positive you can handle the answers to." I said, biting back the threat of tears. I would not cry in front of him. He was so close, and yet, so far away.

"I shouldn't." He conceded with a sigh. "I do not make love, Olivia. You need to understand that now, before we take this any further."

"Oh," It was the only word I could muster. I didn't trust anything more to come out steady and confident.

"Shit," he hissed as he dropped his forehead to mine. "It was never my intention to hurt you. If you do not want this, tell me now."

I closed my eyes and breathed in deeply. I could feel his eyes on my face, studying my reaction, but I didn't care. There was no way in hell I was walking away from Jace Rush after everything we had done, and still say I was a virgin. I was twenty-two and I had the only man who had ever made my body quake with need, hovering over me and ready to take me. I was ready. Whether he made love or he fucked, this was happening. Surely, I was mature enough to separate my emotions from my body's commands.

"I want this, Jace." I said, firmly, as I opened my eyes to meet his. My breath caught in my throat as I witnessed an emotion that could only be relief, wash over his face.

"Is it safe to assume you are not on birth control?" He asked.

Well, at least this was one thing I had right. "No. I am."

Anger lit his eyes and my stomach dropped. His hand moved to grip my hip beneath him. His fingers splayed possessively over the expanse of my hipbone. "Why would you be on birth control if you are not having sex?" His eyes narrowed. "Were you planning to do this with someone else?"

I blushed at his tone. "We are fucking, Jace. If I were planning on doing this with someone else, it would be none of your business." I snapped.

"I do not share, Olivia." Jace growled possessively into my ear and I shivered. God, how did he do this to me?

"If you must know, I'm on it to help with my cramps." I hissed.

The corner of his lips shifted onto a half-grin. "I must admit that pleases me."

"What does?" I asked, feeling boggled by his behavior. He didn't want to make love to me, but the idea of sharing me with another was enough to set him over the edge. I knew it was a possessiveness that should send me running for the hills, but rather than scaring me like it should, I found I was excited by him and my reasons were all wrong. I wanted Jace to want me. I wanted to belong solely to him.

Jace pushed his boxers from his hips with the hand that had gripped my hip before he pressed his hot erection against my aching folds. I moaned as a surreal bliss tore through my body, claiming every nerve ending for its tenure. Jace rubbed his shaft against my wetness, sliding against me in sinful strokes without penetration. How could something so simple, feel this good?

"The fact that there will be no barriers between us when I take you." Jace said roughly, as he answered my previous question. I sighed and he covered my lips with his, claiming me, as he swallowed my moan. "I need to be inside you."

"Yes," I whispered.

Jace shifted so the point of his shaft was resting against my opening. He felt large against me and I wondered, for only a moment, how this was going to work, and how bad it was going to hurt, when he pushed inside of me an inch before pulling back out. He repeated this motion, stretching me until I fully believed all the romance novels I read about the first time hurting, had been bullshitting me.

I wanted him deep inside of me, no longer fearing the possibility of pain as he continued his deliciously teasing invasion. "Are you ready?" He asked. His voice was strained and his eyes were tense. I wondered why.

"Yes." I whispered only a moment before his mouth covered mine and he plunged deep inside of me. Holy hell, there was pain. It was blinding and hot. Jace swallowed my cry as he remained lodged deep inside of me, not moving, as he allowed my body time to grow accustomed to his intrusion.

The pain was gone as fast as it came, and Jace began moving as though he knew the pain had dulled. His lips moved against my mouth, swallowing every moan that escaped my lips as though he was a man starved. I wrapped my legs around his waist giving him complete control over my body, as he plunged inside of me, filling me entirely before pulling out to dive inside again. God, this was...heavenly.

His thrusts took on a rhythm as he slid one arm beneath the crevice of my neck as the other rested on my hip, pushing me against him, helping me to meet his thrusts. Not that I needed any help. I was there with him. His speed quickened as he pounded relentlessly inside of me. His thrusts were quick and satisfying, mind consuming. My skin tightened and tingled, as he dove deep and my muscles quaked, as my body bowed. Oh. My. God. The pressure that built within me was excruciatingly sweet and fantastically liberating as I found my climax, combusting just the way I wanted, from the moment I first saw his glistening cheat, ebony hair, and bright blue eyes step from the bathroom in the hospital. Every moment between us had been leading to this one right here.

Jace continued to push inside me as I exploded around him, until he too, found his release. As he came, he called my name before settling on top of me, still lodged deep within me as he spilled himself inside. His eyes were hazy and satisfied. I had a feeling I mirrored him.

"Are you all right?" Jace asked. He brushed my hair away from my face gently. "Are you hurting?"

My brows furrowed. "People have been doing this since the beginning of time, Jace."

He shook his head. "I don't care about any of them. I care about the way you are feeling, so please, answer my question, Olivia."

My heart thumped in my chest. Okay, he didn't want to make love...fine. But, why did he have to go saying stuff like that and making my heart go all funny? It was not fair! "I feel good." I smiled, because I felt so deliciously great. The fact that he was still inside of me, keeping our bodies together, made the moment all the more pleasurable. "I feel wonderful, actually."

Jace kissed my lips and my heart rushed. "I'm glad to hear that."

Slowly, he pulled out of me. I felt odd without him inside of me. I had lived twenty-two years without him and now that he'd been in me, I was certain it was where he belonged, but to hell if I was voicing that. I had this memory with Jace to last a lifetime and I would make it last if it killed me.

"I will be right back. Stay here." I watched as he backed off the bed and disappeared around the bed. When I heard the water running, I assumed he was in the bathroom. Without his weight on my body, I felt cold and very naked. I wanted to reach down and pull the duvet that was folded at the foot of the bed up over my body, but Jace had said to stay here, so I did.

Jace appeared again. He was wearing black silk drawstring pants and my mouth watered. God, he was so damned good looking. "Spread your leg's for me, Angel."

I complied and he wiped me down with a warm washcloth. The action was so gentle and caring, and so very against the man he claimed to be, I was left feeling confused and warmed. When he was done, he threw the cloth onto the floor and climbed back onto the bed. I didn't know what time it was, but the exhaustion that hit me earlier came back at full-force. I didn't want to overstay my welcome, though.

With a sigh, I sat up and reached for my panties. Jace's arm caught my wrist before I had a chance to grasp hold of the material. "What are you doing?"

I glanced at him with wide eyes as I shrugged. He looked mad...really mad. But why? "I'm getting dressed."

"Why?" He growled.

"I'm really tired and I think I should be getting home."

His blue eyes darkened. "I think you should stay here."

My brows raised and so did my voice. "The night?"

"Yes, the night, Olivia." He said slowly so there was no chance of misunderstanding, and I blushed. I preferred when he called me Angel rather than Olivia, but oh well. I would take what I could get.

"Are you sure, Jace?" I asked wearily. "I really won't be offended if you want to take me home."

"Well, you're beginning to offend me and if you slide into even one article of clothing, I will be offended." His eyes burned with warning. "You don't want to offend me, Olivia."

My blood warmed as I nodded. Why was I so quick to obey him? That would have to change. I couldn't possibly be one of those women, and if I was, then I was heading straight to therapy as soon as I had a free moment.

"I'll stay." I relented, scooting back on the bed. "But, if you don't pull that blanket up here, I will be putting my clothes back on." I threatened and Jace chuckled.

He pulled the duvet cover up over the bed before tucking it around me. He pulled me into his side and I wrapped myself around him as naturally as I would if I had spent the last three hundred and sixty-five nights with him in this same way. My head rested on his chest and my leg was twined with his. I found it unfair I was naked, while he was half clothed, but I decided not to bicker about something so trivial. I closed my eyes and sighed contentedly.

"Goodnight Jace." I breathed as I fell into sleep.


I hadn't been able to reply to her whispered words before she'd fallen into sleep. Now, as I sat on the edge of the bed, watching her sprawled comfortably in my bed, I couldn't help but wonder, what the fuck I was doing. She had wanted to leave. She'd even gone as far as trying to get dressed and I should have let her, but I couldn't. I was quickly realizing just how powerless I was against her...and that was dangerous.

I rubbed my forehead almost violently as I looked at her over my shoulder for the thousandth time. She was still in the same position. Her dark brown hair spilled over the white pillow. Her chin was tucked into her chest and she held her blanket clutched tightly in her secure fists, close to her face. It looked as though she was trying to protect herself even in sleep. I couldn't help but wonder what kind of childhood she had. My research told me it was privileged, but those were the lives that tended to hold the most painful secrets. I knew if someone had hurt her I would probably kill them. The thought made me cringe. I shouldn't feel a damned thing for her, and yet, on countless occasions, I had proven to myself and to her I was incapable of letting her go. But why? What was it about her that had me ignoring every lesson I ever learned?

My possessiveness did not surprise me. I was possessive over everything that was mine and I definitely considered Olivia to be mine. As far as I was concerned, I had staked my claim on her. The prick she had working for her knew, it and soon I would ensure everyone who went sniffing around her knew it. She belonged to me. I needed her to belong to me. Fuck.

I stood and started pacing the room. I had been hoping I would be able to forget her...get her out of my system, if only I could get her into bed, but I think I knew it would be impossible. Olivia was not the kind of girl you could just screw and be done with. It didn't work that way with her. She was so much more. But damn, I was not good for her. I lived with secrets that would ruin her. I carried a weight on my shoulders that would destroy her wide-eyed innocence. She was good, right down to her very core. She was honest and blunt and to my surprise, naturally submissive. She was everything I wanted, but shouldn't let myself indulge in.

BOOK: All Good Things
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