Read All Good Things Online

Authors: Alannah Carbonneau

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica, #Romance

All Good Things (11 page)

BOOK: All Good Things
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Three beautiful, white vases, stood on the island with fresh white lilies. The chairs that sat at the island were a contemporary style of black leather.

I looked back at Jace who was leaning against the tile of the fireplace with a look of heavy curiosity in his eyes. I had the sudden urge to run my fingers through his messy black hair, but I resisted, for humiliations sake. I was not on my territory and I would not be the one to initiate anything intimate. Jeez, I didn't really even know how to initiate anything romantic. In situations that called for romance, I had always been too busy stressing over my need to keep it platonic. I had missed the steps.

"Do you like it?" Jace asked heavily. His voice was deep, and even though I must have been mistaking, I thought maybe I'd heard worry stress the fringes.

"I do." I breathed. "There are no words."

"I'm glad you like it." He smiled genuinely. "This space reflects me entirely."

My throat fought to close. "It's a beautiful space, Jace."

He shifted against the fireplace, holding his hand out to mine. "Come with me."

I narrowed my eyes. "I'll show you the rest of my space, Olivia."

My heart rushed with equal portions of excitement and fear, but regardless of my feelings, I moved to set my hand into his. His fingers enclosed around mine and his eyes burned as he turned to lead me away from the impeccable design of the kitchen. He led me to a staircase I truly have no idea how I'd missed before. It was between the entrance and the living room. The stairs went straight before branching off in two separate directions. It was stunning. The steps were assembled with a shinny white stone material and the handrail was glass. I noticed a room I had missed before and couldn't help but inquire.

"The room below the stairs, what is it?"

Jace tensed, but did not turn to face me as he continued his ascent. "It's my office."

"Oh," I squeaked, feeling as though I may have crossed some invisible line.

Jace led me down an open hall with paintings of shocking beauty on the walls. We passed four doors, and at each one, I had wanted, desperately, to stop and peek. But, Jace kept walking, and I followed. Finally, he stopped at the end of the hall. He turned to look at me, and behind his heated gaze, I thought I saw humor.

"I have four guest bedrooms." He explained, gesturing to the doors we had passed. "This one is mine." He placed his hand on the knob and opened the door.

I released his hand as I moved into his bedroom. I hadn't known how badly I wanted to see his bedroom until I was standing beneath the threshold. Wow. It was so...Jace. The entire far wall was a window that looked out over New York, while the wall to my immediate left was compiled of the same smooth grey tile that surrounded the fireplace downstairs. Only, this wall appeared to be one enormous fireplace. Six small fires were dancing about a foot off the ground and each one was separated by almost five feet of space. The fires looked to be embedded within the tile, but it was just an illusion crafted by the cut of the stone. The floor was made of the same dark marble as the rest of the condo, and a silver-gray shag rug sat in the center of the room with a very large bed on top. The bed was framed by black lily-gloss, but the sheets and duvet were crystal white. It was such a drastic color change from the dark, but it worked. With the light of the fires, the room in all its' cold splendor, appeared warm and sensual.

"This is unbelievable." I breathed. I turned to find Jace leaning against the door that was still open. He was watching me with a hunger in his eyes that I ached, on some primal level, to satisfy.

"Are you still exhausted?" He asked with interest as his eyes moved over my face, studying my reaction. Was he serious?

"No Jace." I shook my head. "I don't feel tired right now." I didn't know exactly what I was feeling, but I was fully aware it was anything but tired. My stomach was doing flips and my skin tingled with acute awareness.

I watched as Jace peeled himself from the doorway, kicking the door closed as he stepped toward me. My heart lurched and I thought once about running from his predatory advance, but I remained where I stood. He had left the door open for my escape, but I had given wordless permission for him to close me in...with him.

I thought for certain Jace would touch me, but instead, he moved to the bedside table. He pulled open a drawer and dipped his hand into the cubby. When his hand reappeared, he had a remote in his grasp. He pointed to the window. My mouth dropped open as the glass started to change color. Slowly, the clear glass hazed, and then darkened, until there was no daylight breaking into the room. The glass had turned black. I had never seen anything like it before.

"Wow," I breathed. I was so very far out of my league.

Jace didn't reply as he dropped the remote back into the drawer. With only the glow of the fires emitting any light to fight the darkness, Jace looked suddenly dangerous. His blue eyes regarded me intently and my breath raced of its' own accord. I felt the need to fidget with my hands, but I couldn't move. He looked ready to pounce and I wanted to be readily prepared, as best as I possibly could, for when he decided to make his move.

"You don't need to be nervous, Olivia." He stated factually and I nodded tightly. His words did nothing to relieve my sudden uncertainty. When I didn't say anything, he continued. "Take off your clothes for me. I want to see you."

My mouth dropped. Heated blood rushed in violent waves to my every extremity as he stared at me, waiting for me to oblige his command. My body wanted to, so bad. But my mind told me we were treading dangerous ground. Should I give him control over my body as though he owned me? I had done everything possible to escape the unhealthy control my family had exercised over my life. I didn't know if I should submit to him simply because my body burned to do his bidding.

As though I was possessed, my fingers began tugging at the fabric of my shirt, pulling it from the waist of the pencil skirt. I pulled the fabric over my head, exposing the black lace of my bra. My cheeks burned as I watched Jace watch me move. His jaw was rigid and he stood still as a statue. Feeling empowered, I ran my hands slowly over my slightly too large breasts, and south, over the skin of my stomach. His eyes blazed and his lips tightened as he watched me. I moved my hands to the back of my skirt, tugging at the zipper, before sliding the material down my hips, letting it fall to the floor. I stepped out of the skirt, wearing only my heels and underwear and completely unsure, what to do from here.

Jace's voice was gruff. "Continue."

I wet my lips as a blush burned my skin. My hands moved to the clasp of my bra and I unhooked the rings, letting it fall to the floor. I had never felt so powerlessly emboldened by my body before this moment. I felt so conflicted, and yet, the warm wetness that pooled between my legs had me aching for more. Desire, white-hot, flamed in the pit of my stomach. I needed to please him. I wanted to please him. My thumbs hooked the edges of my lacy panties and I slid them over my hips, kicking them from my feet. I was so wet and so hot. I was moments away from pleasuring myself. This was pure torture and I hadn't even had him touch me yet. His eyes on my body were enough to make me come. I moved to remove my heels, but his voice stopped me.

"Leave them on." He commanded and I straightened, my lips forming an 'o' as my face heated for the billionth time. Was he just going to stand there and stare at me all day? "Walk slowly to the chaise, and when you get there, place your elbows on the surface with your feet firmly on the floor."

Was he serious? I couldn't move. I just stood there, dumbfounded. Did people really do this? And, why the hell did my stomach ache to act on his words? What was wrong with me?

"Do not make me ask you again, Olivia. I do not like to be ignored and I will punish you." Jace growled low under his breath. My heart raced as I began walking slowly to the chaise that sat in the corner close to the fireplace. The sound of my heels on the marble was the only sound in the room aside from my ragged breathing.

I didn't look behind me to see if he was watching as I placed my elbows onto the black leather. My ass was angled up in the air, completely bared to him. I closed my eyes and waited for him as humiliation settled into the pit of my stomach. What was he doing? Admiring my ass?

Suddenly, there was contact. His hand was on my butt, caressing the skin. "You have a beautiful ass, Olivia." His voice was a low, tortured sounding growl. "I'm going to touch you. There is a gel on my finger. It will stimulate your clitoris."

I nodded, as a small moan escaped my lips at his words. I didn't say anything. I didn't trust my ability to speak coherently.

"Spread your legs for me, Olivia." Jace demanded.

I spread my legs immediately. I was eager for his touch. I would do anything, anything at all for relief. God, I just wanted relief...but, at the same time, I wanted this to last forever. How conflicting!

His hand slid between my legs, moving against the smooth, wet folds, in his perusal to locate my clitoris. Every nerve within my body had been stimulated. My core ached and my knees shook.

"Breathe." Jace commanded and I immediately hissed in a deep breath.

His fingers worked to separate the folds. He located my clit with an expertise that made me blush and rubbed the ball between his thumb and forefinger. Instantaneous pressure built up within me as he massaged the nub, working me with his fingers and the gel. Jace brought his free hand to my lower back before sliding his hand to my hip, holding me in place as he moved a finger deep inside of me...where no one had gone before.

"You're so fucking tight." He roared and I moaned out at his delicious invasiveness, bucking with need as he remained holding my hip firmly in place. While continuing to massage the bead of nerves between my legs, he worked my hot core. His finger slid in and out of my folds, moving proficiently as a pressure unlike anything I have ever known built up within me. It was so deliciously painful I cried out. I was going to come. I stretched my hands over the leather of the chaise, trying to gain some semblance of control, but the effort was lost. In this moment, Jace owned me.

"Do not come, Olivia." Jace warned as he continued his delectable assault on my body. "I'm not done with you yet."

I moaned loudly. How was I supposed to stop myself when he was doing this? I couldn't.

The pressure was too much. It built inside of me, begging for release as I clawed to hold it in. His finger bent inside of me, just so, as he stroked the walls of my most private place, and I cried out. "Jace," A moan, accompanied his name on my mouth as my body tightened. My body bucked and quivered only moments before my legs went stiff. My toes curled as sweet relief rushed through me.

Jace pulled his hand from between my legs and I whimpered at the lost contact. The hand that held my hip moved to my stomach and he pulled me up to stand against his chest. The hand that had worked me with perfect precision, only moments before, went back to work with a diligence that surprised me. My head lolled back against his shoulder, as he kissed my neck. In the distance, my panting moans sounded needy, but I didn't care. I couldn't care. I was too far gone.

"Exactly how experienced are you, Olivia?" Jace asked against my ear and I stiffened slightly, but his fingers didn't stop his stroking. He was building me up for another orgasm.

"Limited." I breathed, as I ground my hips against the bulge in his pants. His groan sounded strangled in my ear and I smiled, rolling my hips back against his hard erection once again. I wished he were naked. I wanted to feel him against me.

"How limited?" Jace demanded.

"I have never done this before, Jace." I replied, deciding on the truth. I had a pressing suspicion he already knew.

Chapter 7

Jace didn't respond for a long moment as his hand continued moving against the swell between my folds. It was still very stimulated. Abruptly, he pulled away and the air that assaulted my back was cold where his warm body had been. I wanted him back. The feeling of his body against mine had made me feel complete in a way I had never been before.

"Turn around." His voice was a guttural command. I turned slowly, fearful I would see judgment in his eyes, but I didn't. Instead, there was a hot desire pooling in his depths that almost made me orgasm at the sight. God, would I ever get enough of this man? If I had him a thousand times...would it be enough to sate the need that clawed within?

Jace closed the distance between us in one long stride. His fingers weaved into my hair as his mouth crashed down on mine. His lips moved with an agonized need against mine as he steered me backward across the room toward the bed. I let him guide me as I closed my eyes, adrift in the bliss of my senses because of him.

His tongue explored my mouth, pressing against mine in hungry strokes I met, with what I believed, was equal intensity. When my legs bumped the back of the lily-gloss bed frame, his lips began a gentle caress against mine. "I am weak." Jace sounded haunted against my lips as he pulled my bottom lip into his mouth, suckling it, before biting hard enough to earn a sharp gasp from me in reply. "I should have walked away a long time ago. I never should have let myself peruse you. It was wrong."

I shook my head, protesting his irrational words as I tried to fight the haze of my mind. "No."

"I'm not good for you." He broke away from me as he slowly laid me on the bed. His eyes were tense and filled with desire, as they trailed over my body, moving aguishly slow. "But, I'll be damned if I let you go now."

A smile pulled at the corners of my lips as I watched his fingers move to unbutton the black dress shirt. My stomach muscles clenched with a familiar need I was beginning to associate with Jace. Inch by inch, he exposed golden skin I wanted desperately to touch. My fingertips twitched, but I remained on the bed where he had laid me, and watched as the demand within my core for him grew. I feared for my sanity as I watched Jace's eyes on my face. I feared this man would be my undoing. He had the power to rob me of my heart, and I was too overcome with need, to stop him. I decided then I didn't care. If I lost myself to him completely, I would worry about it then. I would make love to him now, because I had a sinking suspicion this might be the only time I was allotted the chance.

BOOK: All Good Things
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