Read All Good Things Online

Authors: Alannah Carbonneau

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica, #Romance

All Good Things (25 page)

BOOK: All Good Things
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I watched as Jace opened the shower door and stepped into the steam filled box. I had always thought this shower was too large, but now that I was sharing it, it was just perfect.

"Turn around." He commanded. "I want your back to face me."

What? My knees shook as I turned my back to him. He pressed his body against mine. I could feel his hardness press against the small of my back and my body tightened with need for him at the feel of his swollen cock.

"You need to understand you are mine, Olivia. You need to understand my expectations are to be met by you at all times. I do not like to argue with you and, I hope, after this, you understand just how much power I have over your body. Whether or not you derive pleasure is entirely my choice, do you understand?"

I didn't say anything. I didn't know what to say. I was in shock. I was in shock because I was so completely turned on when I should be very turned off. How could his words affect me when they were so...sexist and masochistic? What was wrong with me?

"Olivia?" Jace's tone was a bark in my mind. "Do you understand?"

"Yes." I said, weakly.

"Answer me when I speak to you." He growled. His breath was hot as the steam from the shower against the skin on my shoulder. He pressed his lips to the crevice of my neck, inhaling deeply. "I am going to fuck you now, Angel."

"Yes, Sir." That seemed to please him because the grip he had on my hip lessened. He rubbed his thumb in caressing circles over the bone before placing his other hand on my back between my shoulder blades. He pushed down, still holding onto my hip.

"Bend at the waist, Angel. I want your ass to be high in the air and your head as low as it will go." He ensured I obeyed by pushing harder on my back. I reached out for the lip of the tub, clutching at it to hold my balance as he ran his fingertips lightly over the length of my spine. "I'm going to take you like this, Angel. I'm not going to be nice about it. I want you now, and I want you rough."

I moaned aloud at his words. I wanted him to stop talking and take me already. I wanted him deep. I needed him to quell the ach that had built up within me. I raised my butt higher in the air, a silent plea for him to hurry. Jace chuckled behind me as he placed the tip of his penis at my opening. I throbbed for him. It hurt.

"So impatient." Jace spoke huskily. "But remember, this is for me, Angel. I am not doing this for your pleasure. I will not wait for you to come, and if you do not, then you will be forced to go through the day unsatisfied. That will be your punishment."

I moaned again. I was not worried. I was already on the brink of coming as a result of his words. If he didn't hurry, he would be the one going through the day unsatisfied. I thought about speaking my thoughts but at the last second, I chose to remain silent.

Jace ensured his tip was at the door of my opening. He pushed in. My warmth enveloped the rim of his cock. I wanted him deeper, but he remained there. Still, as a statue.

"You are so wet for me, Angel." Jace groaned. His cock swelled within me, stretching me and I moaned.

There was no warning for what happened next. Jace slammed into me. Hard. My mind hazed. My blood boiled. I could feel his balls slap against my clit as he pulled out so only his tip was within me and then slammed inside again.

Holy freaking wow! I could feel him in a place I never imagined he would be. It hurt. But the pain was welcome. It was a delicacy of sorts. I was breathless. He had robbed me of air and he continued to do so as he continued his delicious assault on my body. He picked up the pace, slamming into me violently again and again. My body tightened. I was growing weak in the knees. I didn't know how much longer I could remain standing. As though Jace could feel my sudden fatigue, he looped his arm around my middle and slammed into me.

"Stand up straighter for me, Angel. Place your hands on the wall."

I complied immediately and he resumed his thrusting. He was hitting me at a new angle now and I cried out his name as I came undone around him. My entire body tightened as I quivered around his shaft.

"Fuck, Angel." Jace groaned as he pumped faster and harder. "You weren't supposed to come." His words were husky as he spilled into me. I felt his cock jump with each spurt of hot liquid he pumped inside my body.

I sighed, leaning my forearms against the wall. Jace was leaning against my back, resting his weight against me as he continued his release. His hand gripped my hip in the way I was coming to expect from him as he pushed my hips down onto his shaft once more. Our groans of utter ecstasy twined as he pulled out of my body. I felt empty without him, but I was completely sated. It was the sweetest kind of assault. Nothing could rival this.

Jace peeled me from the wall to lean my back against his chest. He turned slowly so I was facing the water that sprayed over my front. He pulled away from my back and a cold gust of air hit me hard. I was moments away from crying out for him when he returned. His hands moved over my body and a burst of strawberry body wash claimed the air surrounding us. His hands worked the suds into my breasts, my shoulders and stomach. He didn't miss an inch of skin as he lathered me with the scented pink soap.

"This smells delicious." I could hear a grin in his voice, but my eyes were closed and my head was in the crevice of his shoulder. "But, do you have anything a little more...manly?"

I laughed. "Um, no."

Jace huffed. "I suppose this will have to do for today."

I laughed louder. I was completely unable to stop my giggling. "Are you going to use my body wash?"

"Do I have a choice?" He growled.

I shook my head. "I guess you don't."

"This is a problem we will have to rectify as soon as possible." Jace said sternly. My heart jumped.

"Does that mean you're going to be staying here more often?" I tried to quell the hope that tainted my voice, but that was a nearly impossible task.

"I'm going to be wherever you are." Jace said. "It became more than apparent to me last night, when I realized you had left, I couldn't fathom spending the night without you."

"Oh," I breathed.

"Olivia," Jace sounded tested. "I absolutely loath when you respond with 'oh'."

"I'm sorry." I squeaked, but my mouth was spread in a wide smile. Jace couldn't spend the night away from me. This was a new revelation that warmed my heart and made it feel as though it had swelled twice its size.

I didn't know how it was possible, but in only two short weeks, I had fallen in love with Jace. I loved him. There was no longer any doubt lingering in the back of my mind. I loved Jace!

"Lean your head back, Angel." Jace commanded. "I'm going to wash your hair."

I complied immediately, groaning the instant his fingers worked into my scalp. It was heavenly. Everything about Jace's touch was heavenly. He walked and trusted as a man cursed by the devil, but he touched like a man adored by the Gods. Even when his touch was dark and rough, I found pleasure. I couldn't begin to understand how he could switch from being the man who had loved me tenderly last night, to the man who fucked me this morning. It was disconcerting.

My thoughts fell apart as Jace placed his hands on my hips, spinning me around so the water rinsed out my hair. I brought my hands up to rinse the suds from my hair and Jace bent to press a kiss to my breast. My heart sped and my knees weakened.

He straightened. His blue eyes glittered with mirth. "I couldn't resist."

I pursed my lips, trying to fight a smile. "I'm sure."

When I was free of the suds, I pulled on the shower door and stepped out, leaving Jace alone to lather himself in strawberry scented soap. He glared at the bottle for a moment before sighing.

I fought a smile as I moved to the sink to brush my teeth. I grinned at him as he stared at me. "Don't worry, I have an extra toothbrush."

"I'm assuming it has not been used?" His eyes were wary.

"No, I'm offering you my old toothbrush." I shook my head at his horrified expression. "I'm kidding, Jace. It's unused."

"Good." He shuddered.

I shook my head and turned away from him. Could he be any more ridiculous? The man who kissed me...everywhere...was afraid of using my toothbrush. Wow.

I tried to ignore the sharp lines of his body as I moved to my closet, but it became too much for me. "Do you work out?"

His brows lifted. "I do."

"Oh," I disappeared into the closet as I heard him sigh in frustration. He didn't like it when I replied with 'oh', but I didn't like his short replies that only offered the bare minimum response to my questions.

I quickly dressed in a dark brown pencil skirt, a white blouse with a soft pink sweater overtop. I added a brown braided leather belt and pink-nude pumps. It was cute and comfortable. When I walked out of the closet, Jace was dressed and placing his toothbrush under the sink beside mine.

"When am I meeting that woman?" I asked. "The one who will oversee my project?"

Jace turned to face me. "Her name is Jaylah Rush."

I felt my eyes grow wide as I stared at him. "She's related to you?"

He nodded tightly. "She is my kid sister."

"Wow." I nodded. "I didn't expect that."

"How could you?" He asked. "You didn't even know I had a sister."

I cocked my head. That was not exactly true. I knew Jace had a sister. I had Google searched almost everything I possibly could about him. I knew she was younger, only a year older than me. His mother, Karen, had remarried after his fathers suicide to a man named John. But that was not the point. The point was Jace had hired his baby sister to oversee my project.

"So, she's the best at what she does, huh?"

"She is." Jace nodded. "And, I'm not saying that because she's my sister. She earned the title she has."

Was his whole family power hungry? Did they all have to walk in the spotlight? Was it genetic?

"We'll see. Either way, I cannot wait to meet her." That was the truth. The thought of meeting someone in Jace's family set the butterflies loose in my stomach. Would Jaylah be like Jace? Would she be cold and distant and unapproachable? Where did Jace get his Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde personality flips from...and did his sister have this...condition too?

"I'm sure she is more than curious to meet with you as well." Jace said stiffly. He seemed almost annoyed. I couldn't help but wonder...was she peppering him with questions about me? Did she know about me? What exactly had Jace told her about me...and what was I expected to keep from her?

Suddenly, my heart started thrashing in my chest and my palms felt moist and sticky. I didn't want to meet her any longer. I felt sick to my stomach. The butterflies had turned to ladybugs...a much heavier kind of fluttering that was not nearly as appealing, flooded my body.

"Olivia, you're pale." Jace stated as he strode across the bathroom. "What's wrong?"

"I don't think you should have hired your sister." I managed. "Actually, I am more than certain you should fire her."

Jace's brows dipped in confusion. "Why would I fire her?"

"I don't want to meet her." I shook my head and fidgeted with my fingers nervously.

"Why?" Jace asked. "Only a moment ago, you said you were excited."

"Well, I'm not anymore."

"Why?" I didn't reply and Jace sighed. "I'm not firing her without a good reason, so why?"

I closed my eyes. It was easier to tell him of my fears when I was not intimidated by his blue eyes. Sometimes, I felt his eyes were able to brake through the barriers of my soul, digging so deep he uncovered even my most buried secrets. It was nerve wracking.

"Well, I don't know what to tell her...about us." I opened one eye to peek up at him and he was grinning. A big shit-grin was plastered over his face and my fear turned to raging anger. Without thinking, I poked him in the chest. "You, Mr. Rush, have no right to laugh at me. My fears are valid. What if I tell her something that angers you?"

My reaction only seemed to make him smile wider. "I told her the truth."

I rolled my eyes. "And, what is the truth, Jace?"

Jace cocked his head. "I told her you were my girlfriend and you refused to come to Paris with me because you needed to remain here to oversee your project."

Oh...My...God. "You said I was your girlfriend?"

"Aren't you?"

"Well," I paused. "I thought I was more of a...hobby."

Jace frowned. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"Well, I had to sign a contract to be with you, Jace...what should I think?"

"The contract is only there for both of our protection, Olivia." He growled. "Think of it as a prenuptial agreement."

"We aren't married." I snapped.

"No," he smiled stiffly. "We most certainly are not. But just like a prenuptial, the contract is there to protect us both from later allegations that could possibly be made."

"Who hurt you so badly that you are incapable of trust?" I asked softly.

His eyes flashed and his jaw hardened. He glanced down at his watch. "You should finish getting ready. You're to meet Jaylah in two hours."


"Gabe will drive you to the Starbucks closest to your shop. You will be within walking distance to show her the space." His eyes swept the length of my body. "I will be in the kitchen. I have a work to do."

I watched with a heavy heart as Jace turned his back and walked from the room.

I didn't know who had hurt Jace, but he was most definitely scarred. I vowed I would uncover the marks he tried so hard to hide and I would do everything within my power to heal them. I loved him. As impossible as he was to love, I did. There was nothing I could do about it now, but accept everything he dished out and hope I was strong enough to fight the demons he held within. He was damaged...but, he was mine.

Chapter 18

My heart jumped into my throat as the door fell closed behind me. The scent of coffee beans and sweet sugars assaulted my senses. I took another step into the café and tried to even my unsteady breaths.

Was I ready to meet Jace's sister? Was I ready to meet her as his girlfriend?

My heart raced as my mind worked to supply myself with the answers to my questions. What in the world was I doing here? Had I lost my mind? I had to admit I liked the thought of being Jace's girlfriend. It made me feel as though he was not about to go poof and be gone from my life. I knew the title was just another factor in a well-crafted illusion, but for now it warmed my heart. And, he warmed my bed.

BOOK: All Good Things
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