Read Anything But Mine Online

Authors: Barbara Justice

Anything But Mine (11 page)

BOOK: Anything But Mine
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Vince waved his hands dismissively, and said, “I’m worried about your safety, Jennifer. I’m going to arrange for you to have a bodyguard outside your room tonight.”


“Really, that’s not necessary, Vince,” Jen protested.


“Yes, it is,” Peter replied.


Grace chimed in, “Jen, honey, please. It’s for your safety.”


Realizing she couldn’t fight both her parents and Vince, Jennifer reluctantly agreed to accept the overnight bodyguard. “If it will make all of you feel better, and if it’s okay with the hospital, then all right,” she said, with a heavy sigh.


“The hospital will be fine with it,” Peter said. “Trust me, the last thing they want is someone attacking a patient. They’ll be happy to allow you to have the extra security.”


“We’ll all sleep better tonight, knowing you are safe,” Vince said, as he excused himself from the room to make the arrangements for the bodyguard.


Once Vince was out of earshot, Grace touched Jen’s shoulder and said, “He’s very concerned about you, and wants to do everything he can to protect you.”


“But…,” Jen said.


“No buts, Jennifer,” Peter said, cutting her off. “You mother and I spoke with Vince at length in the waiting room, and we’ve all agreed that, for your safety, you shouldn’t go back to your apartment once you are discharged from the hospital”


Jen stared at her father, confused. “What are you saying?”


“We think that you need to stay someplace where you will be more safe and secure,” Peter replied as Vince returned to the room. “Don’t you agree, Vince?”


“Absolutely. Jennifer, your safety is our top priority.” Vince took one of Jen’s hands into his, and lifted it to his lips, lightly kissing her. “We all love you, and care about you, and we’re all in agreement that you should move in with me, at least until the creep who attacked you is caught.”

Jen cringed, but otherwise said nothing, and turned her head to look out the window at the Manhattan skyline in the distance. After a few moments, she turned back towards Vince and whispered, “But I love my apartment. What if I don’t want to move?”


Vince felt his pulse begin to race, and tried to calm himself before speaking. “Jennifer, I know that you are upset, and you probably aren’t thinking clearly. But you need to understand just how close you came to being raped, and maybe killed, today.” Jen made some noises in protest, which Vince ignored. “We all think you need to stay with me, at least for a while. I have the ability to protect you. I have live-
staff so you won’t be home alone, and I will make sure you have a bodyguard, and a car and driver at your disposal, for whenever you need to go out.”


“I don’t know, Vince…” Jen’s voice trailed off.


Peter jumped in and said, “Well, I do, Jen, and I have to agree with Vince.” Peter put his arm around Grace, and continued, “Your mother and I think that you should move in with him, at least until your attacker is caught. You should be thanking him for his generosity.”


“But…can’t I just move back home with you for the time being,” Jen pleaded.


Every muscle in Vince’s body tensed, and didn’t relax until he heard Peter reply, “Jennifer, our brownstone doesn’t have a security system, and there isn’t time to install one before you are discharged.” Vince nodded his head, as Peter continued, “You’ll be much safer staying with Vince.”

The following day, Jen was discharged from the hospital, and was accompanied back to her apartment by her mother and Vince. “Oh my God,” she said, overwhelmed, as she entered her apartment and saw drawers emptied and overturned, and black marks everywhere from the fingerprint dusting the police performed during their investigation.


Grace put an arm around Jen’s shoulder, and said, softly, “I’ll call your housekeeper and have her come in this afternoon to clean everything up.”


Jen didn’t reply, and instead just nodded her head as she walked down the hallway towards her bedroom, stepping over the contents of her suitcase which had been emptied and tossed about. She leaned down and picked up a box of See’s chocolates laying on the floor, the same one that Vince saw her purchase on the video he had received from Frank Webb. Jen handed the box to Vince, explaining, “These are for you, Vince. I bought them for you in San Francisco.”


“Thank you, my love.”
What did I do to her? I can’t believe I allowed my need for control over a woman get out of hand again,
he thought.


Jen continued to walk down the hallway, with Vince and her mother following her. As she entered her bedroom, she was startled when she saw the remains of the medical supplies used by the paramedics scattered on the carpet, as well as a small piece of rope. Jen gestured towards the rope and whispered, “Is that the rope the attacker used?”


Placing an arm around her shoulders, Vince replied softly, “Yes, part of it, anyway. The police took the rest of it as evidence. Your wrists were bound, and you were tied to the bedpost when I found you, blindfolded and with some sort of heavy tape over your mouth. You were unconscious, and your pants were pulled down.” He paused, before adding quietly, “I was so afraid, Jennifer. I thought you were dead.”


The enormity of the events of the prior day, coupled with being back in her apartment for the first time since she was attacked, caused Jen to feel light-
, as the room began to spin, and black spots appeared in front of her eyes.


When she began to swoon, Vince caught her and gently placed her on the bed. He lay down next to her, pulling her close to him, and said, “This is too much for you, my love. Just lay here and let your mother pack some of your clothes to take to my place. I’ll go get you a glass of water.”
And then I’ll bring you back to my apartment,
he thought, trying to prevent himself from breaking into a huge grin.


ennifer stared out the window in silence as Lou, Vince’s driver, pulled the limousine to the curb outside the imposing limestone apartment building opposite the Metropolitan Museum of Art on Fifth Avenue. Vince took her by the hand, ushering her inside the building and out of the rain, before introducing her to the doormen and whisking her into an elevator. As the elevator attendant closed the doors, Vince took her into his arms and half-
, “You’re safe, now, my love.”


The elevator doors opened directly into the foyer of Vince’s apartment. “Welcome, Jennifer,” he said, making a sweeping gesture with his arm before taking her jacket and hanging it in a nearby closet.


“Thank you,” she replied in a weak voice, as she looked around, trembling and wide-


Reading Jen’s body language, Vince tried to re-
her. “Don’t be nervous, my love. Can I get you anything to eat or drink?” When Jen politely declined his offer, he took her by the hand and said, “Let me show you around.”


As he conducted the tour of the full-
apartment, Jen began to understand, for the first time, Vince’s vast wealth. As they walked through the gallery, she stopped in her tracks when she saw the collection Old Masters paintings lining the walls. “These are incredible. They should be in a museum,” she said.


“Some of my collection is on loan to the Met,” he said. “I knew you would like them, since you were an art history major.” He waited patiently as Jen inspected the paintings, and when she was finished, he took her by the hand. “Come, let’s resume the tour.”


They walked to the far end of the apartment, and he first showed her the media room, complete with a large flat-
television and a wet bar. “This is where I like to relax and watch television.”


Down the hallway was the library, where there were comfortable-
overstuffed leather sofas and chairs, a small bar cart with crystal stemware and decanters filled with liqueurs, a fireplace, and floor-
mahogany shelves filled with books. Smiling for the first time that day, Jen said, “I love this room. I can see myself curled up here by the fire, knitting or reading.”


Vince approached Jennifer from behind and, wrapping his arms around her waist, agreed. “I can picture that too, my love.” He leaned in and pulled her hair aside, before gently kissing her on the neck. “Let me show you the rest of the place,” he said, before releasing her from his embrace and leading her back out to the hallway.


Next to the library was Vince’s home office. He opened the door and allowed Jen to peer inside, before closing it again. “My home is your home, Jennifer, with one exception. You are never to go into my office unless I’m in there and invite you inside.” Looking her in the eyes, Vince asked, “Do you understand me?”


“Yes,” Jen replied, as her stomach tied up in knots.
I wonder why he doesn’t want me to go in there
, she thought, as Vince took her hand again and led her back towards the gallery and main entranceway, where he pointed out a powder room, before leading her into the formal dining room.


“This table can seat 20 for dinner,” he said, gesturing towards the gleaming mahogany table as he kept walking. “Let me show you the kitchen. I think you’re going to like it,” he said, as he pushed open the swinging, polished wood door and gestured for Jen to enter.


“Oh my goodness, Vince,” Jen gushed. “It’s beautiful!” She meandered through the kitchen, inspecting the high-
stainless steel appliances, and running her hand over the polished marble counter tops. Looking up, she admired the matching crystal chandeliers over both the island and the round table near an east-
window that could seat six people comfortably. “This is the most amazing kitchen I’ve ever seen,” she said.


“I eat most of my meals in here, when I’m home, unless I’m entertaining guests,” Vince remarked. “It’s a little less formal, and more comfortable, than the dining room.” Pointing towards the dual refrigerators, he added, “Help yourself to anything you want to eat or drink. I made sure I stocked up on all your favorites -
sodas, yogurt, cheese, fruit and wine. Make yourself at home.”


“Thanks, Vince, but I’m okay right now,” Jen said. “It’s Good Friday, so I don’t want to eat between meals.”
That was really sweet of him,
she thought.


My good, Catholic girl,
Vince thought.
It’s definitely a “good” Friday,
because you’re finally here, and I’m going to make sure you’re here to stay.
Vince nodded his head, and again took her hand in his. “You’re right. With everything that’s happened, I completely forgot that today is Good Friday, and that Easter is on Sunday. Let’s finish up the tour,” he said, as they walked back through the gallery and into the formal living room. “The windows look out onto Fifth Avenue and the Metropolitan Museum of Art,” he said, pointing, as Jen looked around the large room. After a moment, Vince said, “Come with me, Jennifer. Let me show you the bedrooms.”


A wave of panic overtook Jen, causing her to feel lightheaded, as she walked with Vince towards the other side of the apartment and down the end of a hallway, where he opened a door.
Oh my God,
Jen thought,
I hope he doesn’t want me in his bed right now. It’s too soon for me, too soon after the attack.


“This is the master suite, where I sleep,” he said, allowing Jen to look inside before closing the door. “Let me show you the guest suites,” he added, turning and walking back down the hallway.


Relief washed over Jen when Vince opened the door to another bedroom and brought her inside, where she noticed her suitcases had been placed on luggage racks. “This is the largest of my guest suites, and I thought it would be perfect for you, for now, Jennifer. Let me show you the closet and bathroom,” he said, opening doors, as Jen peered inside.


After she looked around, he continued, “I don’t want to move you into my master suite, at least not yet, because I don’t want to put any emotional pressure on you.” Taking her into his arms, he continued, “You’ve been through so much, my love, and I want you to be comfortable. You can move into my bedroom whenever you are ready, but there is no rush. Just take your time to heal, and the right moment will come.”


She nodded, relieved.
That is so sensitive, and kind, of him. Thank goodness he understands how I feel


Jen walked across the room, and opened one of her suitcases. As she started to unpack, Vince said, “You know, Mary can do that for you, if you just want to rest.” Taking her by the hand, he led her to the soft upholstered loveseat near the window.




“My, or actually I should now say, our, housekeeper. I’ll have her come in and introduce herself, and I’ll also introduce you to Pablo, who will be your driver, and Alex, your bodyguard, in a little while.”


Jen hung her head down, and slowly shook it from side to side. She whispered, “I don’t know how I can ever repay you for all you’re doing for me, Vince.” She looked up at him and simply said, “Thank you.”


“No need to thank me, Jennifer. I love you, and want to take care of you.”


Jen didn’t answer Vince, and instead nodded her head.
He’s told me he loves me so many times over the last two days,
Jen thought.
And I’ve done so much soul-
, but still have no idea how to reply.


Vince stared at Jennifer, who was staring at the floor.
You may not love me yet,
he thought.
But I’m going to make you love me, and me alone.

After having a light lunch with Jennifer and introducing her to Mary, Pablo and Alex, Vince explained that he had to go to his office. “I have an important meeting this afternoon with someone who flew in from out of town just for the day. Unfortunately, I can’t change the appointment, but I’ll be home before your parents arrive for dinner,” he said, as he kissed her goodbye. “You should rest, maybe take a nap, and if you need anything, just ask Mary.”


Once in his office, Vince opened up his computer and scanned all the news articles about the attack on Jennifer. Each article mentioned that the intruder managed to get away without being seen on her apartment building’s surveillance cameras, which had mysteriously malfunctioned.
he thought with a smile.
That’s what I paid for.


The intercom on his desk buzzed, and his assistant, Marianne, announced that his afternoon appointment had arrived. “Show her in,” he said.

The door opened, and Vince came face to face with a tall, voluptuous woman with light blond hair, dressed in a navy blue business suit. “Collette Sullivan, right? I’m Vince Moscolo,” he said, introducing himself. “Please come in, and have a seat,” he continued, as he locked his office door and gestured towards a seating area at the far side of the room.


As she sat down, Vince assessed Collette with a critical eye.
She doesn’t have a perfect body, and she’s not as pretty as Jennifer,
he thought.
But she’s close enough to probably do the trick.
“Do you know why you’re here?”


“I was told that you’re looking to hire someone to seduce a man in San Francisco, to become his girlfriend,” she replied. “I was told that I looked the part.”


Vince nodded his head, and said, “More or less. Stand up and take off your jacket.” When she complied, he said, “Walk towards me.” Collette did as she was asked, and then Vince directed her to walk away from him, while asking “Do you like to run, to jog?”


“I’m more of a yoga and Pilates person.”


“You might need to take up running for this job,” he said. “Can you do that?”


“Sure, I guess so,” she said, turning around and walking back towards Vince.


“And you have your recent test results?”


“Yes,” Collette replied, producing an envelope from her briefcase. “Here they are,” she said, as she handed over the envelope.

Vince removed the papers, slipped on his glasses, and began reading.
No STDs, no HIV, no AIDS. Good,
he thought. “I’ll want this verified with a physician of my own choosing,” he said. “If I decide to hire you, when we’re through with this interview I’ll send you to a lab technician who can draw your blood before you go back to the airport.”


“Yeah, sure,” Collette agreed.


She was about to sit down again, when Vince stood up and said, “Come here.”


Collette stood in front of him, and he abruptly pushed her down to her knees, before dropping his pants to the floor and sitting back down.


“Hey, what the…”


“You’re not done with your interview yet,” Vince interrupted her. “Prove to me that you can do the job,” he said, grabbing the back of her head and pushing it towards his crotch. When she hesitated for a moment, he pulled her hair and commanded, “Do it, Collette. I’m not going to pay you $10,000 a month unless you show me what you’ve got.”


As Collette took his manhood into her mouth, Vince closed his eyes and thought of Jennifer, who was safely tucked away back in his apartment.
A blow job isn’t really cheating,
he thought.
And, besides, I’m doing all of this for Jennifer, and for us.


A few minutes later, after Collette brought him to a climax, Vince thought,
that felt good. She’s a pro, and very talented with her tongue. I’m going to have to try to teach Jennifer how to do that.
Returning his attention to Collette, he said, “You’ve got the job. I just need you to complete some paperwork,” he said, standing and pulling up his pants before walking over to his desk and opening a file containing a contract and a confidentiality agreement. “Take a minute to look this over,” he said, handing Collette the documents.


After taking the time to glance over the documents, Collette signed each of them and handed them back to Vince. “Is there anything else I should know about this assignment?”


Vince handed Collette a second folder containing photos and a background report on Drew. “Here’s some information on Drew Crawford, the man you’re going to seduce and be spending time with,” he said. “There’s also some information on your ‘cover story’. You’re going to be a small business owner, and your business is moving into the office next door to his. I’ll take care of the office rent and all related expenses.”

BOOK: Anything But Mine
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