Read Bejeweled and Bedeviled Online

Authors: Tiffany Bryan

Bejeweled and Bedeviled (7 page)

BOOK: Bejeweled and Bedeviled
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No idle promise, Kayden was sure.

He released her to glide his hands teasingly up and down her
outer thighs, up and over her ass, back down. “This might be a little cold,
brace yourself.”

Kayden closed her eyes and stoically endured the tug and
tightening of the thong as he hooked it with his finger and held it aside. Then
the cool flow of the lube as he painted a line between the globes of her ass,
stopping shy of her pussy.

He used the tip of his finger to spread the gel, with an
occasional pause to test the resistance of her anal entrance.

Kayden concentrated on relaxing to make the initiation

His finger breeched the tight opening and slid partway in.

She sucked in a sharp breath.

“Easy,” he said, holding his position. “That was the hard
part. The next step will be easy.”

So says the man with the thick finger
. After several
seconds and no real pain, only a slight burning sensation that wasn’t entirely
unpleasant, she realized he was telling the truth.

He alternately withdrew and advanced in small increments,
going deeper and deeper each time, until he settled into a rather pleasurable
rhythm that Kayden wasn’t merely tolerating, but enjoying. So much so that
instead of dreading the addition of a second finger, she was anticipating it.

Given Hunter’s capacity for torturous teasing, she knew it
would be a long, long time in coming.

Chapter Seven


Hunter knew from the little quivers in Kayden’s body,
combined with her escalating breaths, that she was impatient for more.
Something he was prepared to give her—when he was damn good and ready.

There was a first time only once and he’d every intention of
savoring it. As he would the many other pleasurable firsts he intended for her.
But breaking in a virgin ass was a particular favorite of his. And since this
particular ass would now and forever belong to him, he was determined to make
it a memorable occasion for them both. Not an easy task, considering his
rock-hard cock was clamoring against the steel teeth of his zipper with a bid
to replace his finger.

Studiously ignoring his jealous dick, Hunter concentrated on
the fantastic feel of her tight little anus and the way her much paler flesh
looked as it rode smoothly over his tanned finger. It wasn’t until his knuckle
was swallowed and the last flutter of resistance disappeared that he deemed her
ready for more.

Placing his left hand flat in the small of her back to
anchor her, he crossed his second finger over the first and introduced them
both halfway with one long, steady push.

She gasped.

Detecting no genuine pain in the soft sound, he went in for
a deeper sampling.

Her low, melodious moan hit Hunter straight between the legs
as he pressed down with his other hand to keep her from arching up.

“Oh God.”

“Is that a good ‘Oh God’ or a bad one?”

“A very, very good one, Sir.”

Smiling, he slowly rolled and swiveled his fingers to
stretch her a bit more, pulled partway out, then delved deeper.

She moaned again. Louder.

He moved from the hand on her back to cradle her throat,
draped himself over her back and lifted her head up to gain access to her ear.
“If you think this feels good…” He ran his tongue over the outer ridge,
punishing her with a quick nip to her lobe when she attempted to shy away. “As
I was saying, if you think this feels good,” he seated his fingers, absorbing
the vibration of her needy whimper with his chest, “wait until you feel my cock
deep inside, stretching you, filling you. You were made for this, sweetheart.
And so much more.” Uncrossing his fingers, he pulsed them open and closed
within the gloving, warm confines of her body. He paused to savor the heat and
silky texture, then withdrew.


Her sweet, desperate protest cut another slice in the
weakening reins of his constraint. Sensing impending freedom, the unruly beast
caged within the confines of his suit pants roared to life, insisting it was
long past time to move to the next phase.

Needing to taste her, he used the hand at her neck to twist
her head enough for a greedy, thorough possession of her mouth. “Don’t fret,
love. I have no intention of leaving you wanting.” He planted a row of tiny
kisses along her jaw, up to her ear. “At least, not
time,” he
whispered in a soft, ominous tone and reached down for the larger of the two
butt plugs he’d coated with lube earlier.

* * * * *

Though Hunter’s threat didn’t bode well for the future,
Kayden decided to stay firmly rooted in the promise of the here and now. Her
friends hadn’t lied. Ass play
a colossal turn-on. Looking past the
initial soreness, she anticipated the day she’d be able to accommodate Hunter’s
long, thick cock. Just not today. As pleasurable as it was to have his fingers
invade her, having sat in his lap, there was no denying the man’s wealth in the
family jewels department. And although her pussy was up to the challenge, her
slightly tender butt was not.

The wet tongue in her ear and the beads on the thong being
pressed into her clit dispersed Kayden’s attention to those particular parts of
her body.

“Ummm.” The sound purred from her throat as she closed her
eyes and focused totally on the dual sensations. Hard, wet bead. Warm, soft
tongue. “That feels—

Caught off guard by the unexpected seating entry of the butt
plug and the flash of pain as her muscle expanded and contracted over the
flared base, the only thing that prevented her springing from the floor like a
scalded cat was the reassuring weight of Hunter’s chest.

“Breathe, Kayden.” The command was terse, the kiss he placed
on the side of her neck whisper soft. “You’re fine.”

Her vehement denial died quietly when, a moment later, the
pain mellowed to a mild, throbbing discomfort, followed quickly by an
unbelievable feeling of fullness and unexpected pleasure.


She nodded.

He nipped her shoulder.

“Yes,” she yelped and after expelling a small sigh, said
more quietly, “You could’ve warned me.”

“If I had, you would have tensed and felt even more

His quiet self-assurance streamed into her ear on a warm,
calming breath. Blanketed by the warmth of his large, strong body with the
steady thud of his heart against her back, Kayden let her body go lax.

“In time, you’ll learn to trust I know what’s best. Your
body and mind are riddled with roadblocks. Most imaginary. Based purely on
assumption, fear of the unknown or the taboos placed on us by a narrow-minded
society. It’s my job to find the best way to dismantle them.”

Bearing down lightly, he rolled the bead located over her
throbbing clit, its journey made easy by her slick juices. “Sometimes slow.” He
increased the pressure, rolled the bead again.

Kayden’s breath hitched.

“Sometimes fast,” he whispered, just before his other hand
pressed on the base of the toy he’d inserted.

Hit with an unexpected ripple of pleasure, the breath rushed
from her lungs on a fractured whimper.

It wasn’t until his muted laugh penetrated her sensual daze
that she realized she’d canted her hips and was pushing back, like a cat in
heat. She didn’t care. She’d be his willing cat any time, any place, for
however long he wanted her.

Shock gripped Kayden’s body. No, this was
The stern, silent reminder did little to allay her anxiety.

“I think it’s time to move this somewhere else.”

Grateful to be pulled from the disturbing depths of her
thoughts, Kayden focused all her attention on Hunter. The delicious graze of
his finger on her needy cunt as he slid back a bead to secure the butt plug.
The giddy sensation of being airborne when he stood and scooped her up against
his warm, solid chest. The heady feeling of excitement when he headed straight
for her bedroom.

Finally! She was getting her wish. He was going to fuck her.

* * * * *

Maneuvering around the clothing on her bedroom floor, Hunter
stopped short of the bed, eased Kayden’s feet to the mauve carpet and turned
her to face him. Bracketing her face between his hands, he lowered his head and
devoured her mouth, familiarizing himself with the satiny texture, the taste.

She melted against him, the combination of soft, pliant
breasts and rigid nipples playing havoc with his fading self-control. When she
raised her arms to encircle his neck, he broke the kiss and, capturing her
wrists, lowered her arms to her sides. “Do you have a travel bag?” He released
her and took a half-step back.

Clearly confused by his request, she was slow to answer.
“Yes. Over there. Already packed.” She pointed at a fairly large piece of navy
designer luggage next to her night stand.

“Anything smaller? An overnight bag?”

“Yes. But aren’t you going to fu—”

“Are you questioning me?”

She dropped her gaze, but not before he caught the
unmistakable glint of dissatisfaction. “No Sir.” She sighed softly and let her
head sag, causing a thick, heavy section of her raven hair to slide over her
shoulder and cover one breast.

Her questioning him wasn’t the only reason he’d cut her off.
He disliked her using the word
. A crude, unsophisticated word. Not
that he was hypocrite enough to say he hadn’t used it, or fucked more than his
fair share of women. It was simply not a term he wanted associated with what the
two of them would share. She was expecting him to take her to bed. He had every
intention of doing so. Only not hers. When they made love the first time, it
would be in

With a gentle prolonged stroke, he brushed her hair back
over her shoulder and lifted her chin. “Where’s the case?”

“In the closet. Top left.”

He touched his lips to her forehead and went to retrieve it.
Returning, he unzipped it and set it on the bed.

“Bring me whatever toiletries you think you’ll need.”

When he deliberately failed to address the confusion
clouding her gaze, she turned and walked into the adjoining bathroom.

During the symphony of drawers opening and closing, bottles
clinking and plastics clacking, Hunter went to the dresser and gathered up the
other things he’d given her and packed them. When he was done, he looked up to
find her standing a foot away with an armful of female beauty products.

“On the bed,” he instructed before she could dump them into
the case.

Hunter selectively picked through the small, colorful mound
of items, coming away with only a pair of round, plastic containers. Tossing
the full pack into the case, he held up the one missing a single birth control
pill. “Protection and cycle. Very important things for a Dom to know.”

Admiring the pink flush that crawled up from her chest to
tint her cheeks, he pitched the open packet into the case, zipped it shut and
picked it up. “Everything you’ll need, you’ll find at my place. If not, I’ll
send someone to buy it for you. So unless there’s anything you want to present
for my consideration, it’s time to go.” He moved to her side and placed his
hand in the small of her back.

When a light nudge failed to move her, he looked down and
met her inquiring gaze.

Rather than waste time on another lengthy discussion on
total obedience, he said, “You’re entering a new life. One in which all your
needs will be fulfilled by me. It has been my experience that the transition is
much easier if you bring little of your previous life with you. At least, not
at first. The option to negotiate will depend on how quickly you adapt. But
because you weren’t planning on coming to me until tomorrow, I’ll allow you to
choose one item to bring with you.”

Hunter followed her searching gaze as it touched on items
around the room. Some dismissively, others longingly, like her pillow and the
clothes hanging in her closet. Shoulders squared, she started for the living

Fairly sure she was headed for the front coat closet, Hunter
trailed behind at a leisurely pace. When her brisk steps slowed to a more
tentative stride, he grinned. She’d forgotten about the butt plug. As she
continued on, the two-carat triangular diamond centered in the base winked
merrily from between her pale, firm cheeks. Presented with such a delightful
homing beacon, Hunter and his hungry, eager cock were happy to follow.

Kayden was halfway across the living room when he emerged
from the hallway. Instead of heading for the closet, she veered left toward the

His licentious thoughts mulled by curiosity, he picked up
his pace. Entering the room, he found her in front of the small oak-topped
island, facing him.

Off to her side, he caught sight of a multicolored handbag.
He should have suspected.

“Are you sure that’s what you want to bring? I doubt there’s
much in your purse you’ll need.”

She frowned. “I’ve no intention of taking my purse.” She
stepped aside and slapped her hand on the object next to it. “This is what I’m

“Your laptop?”

Her cocky nod was barely completed when the laughter
bubbling in Hunter’s throat broke to the surface.

God, she was a treasure. And he was pretty damn sure this
wouldn’t be the last surprise in his future. A future that was starting…right

* * * * *

Kayden smiled in reaction to the deep, throaty laugh that
filled her kitchen. It bounced off the white maple cabinets to surround her and
enhance the cozy feel of the small space. Handsome by any woman’s standards,
Hunter was simply devastating when humor lit his face and his golden eyes
sparked. Liking the warm tingly sensation she felt clear down to her bare, red
polished toes, she vowed to make sure he laughed often during their time

Ten minutes later, they were in the elevator. His chauffeur,
facing forward, his back to them, carrying her overnight bag and laptop. Hunter
carrying her. Snuggled against his broad chest and surrounded by the warmth of
his heavy, wool overcoat, she buried her face against his shoulder, hoping like
hell she didn’t run into any of her neighbors.

A sneak peek when the doors opened revealed the small
white-marbled lobby to be blessedly empty. Halfway through, Hunter stopped. The
light tap of the chauffeur’s footsteps echoed in the high-ceilinged space as he
continued on.

“We’ll give Ray a few minutes to put your things in the
trunk and come back to hold open the doors. We don’t want to risk you catching
a cold.”

The smile in his voice when he kissed the top of her head
brought Kayden out of hiding to glance down at her curled, bare toes. When the
man said she wouldn’t be allowed to bring
, she hadn’t taken him
literally. She wouldn’t make that mistake again.

When Ray returned, Kayden snuggled tighter against Hunter to
provide a smaller target for the slicing, winter wind.

The coordinated exchange from one comfortably heated
environment to the next was accomplished within a matter of seconds.

All in all, not a bad way to travel. A girl could get use to
this type of TLC.

Fully expecting to be settled in the soft black leather seat
next to Hunter, she was surprised when he kept her in his lap.

BOOK: Bejeweled and Bedeviled
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