Read Bejeweled and Bedeviled Online

Authors: Tiffany Bryan

Bejeweled and Bedeviled (8 page)

BOOK: Bejeweled and Bedeviled
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“Comfy?” He smoothed a section of wayward hair back over her


“Good. Reach over and hit the second button up from the left
on the panel in front of you,” he said as the limo moved smoothly into the
steady stream of Saturday Chicago traffic.

Fully aware she’d be exposing half her body if she did,
since her arms weren’t actually
the sleeves of his coat, she glanced
at the back of Ray’s head and then at Hunter.

He captured her chin between his thumb and finger. “From
this moment on, you’re mine—completely. So I suggest you start acting like it.”

“For the next month,” she felt a deep need to clarify.
Bathed in the golden heat of his unflinching gaze, she fleetingly wondered
whose benefit the reminder was for.

“Until the day our relationship ends.”

His choice of words caused her pause. But since the outcome
would be the same no matter how it was worded, she took a bracing breath and
reached for the button.

As feared, the coat fell away, leaving one breast bare.

There was a soft hum, followed by the appearance of a darkly
tinted window slicing away the view of the driver. Her prayer that it complete
its ascent before Ray looked into the rearview mirror proved unnecessary as his
eyes never left the road.

The light pressure of Hunter’s hand against her cheek
returned her attention to him. “The only man that need concern you is the one
whose lap you’re sitting in. What other people see,” he slid his hand down the
length of her neck, over her shoulder, across her chest to firmly cup her
breast, “or think doesn’t matter.” He slackened the arm behind her back so she
lay more still. “Open your legs.”

Holding his gaze, she let her outer leg drop to the floor,
the butt plug shifted at the sudden change of position. She sucked in a breath
and raised her hips.

“Does it hurt?”

“No,” she admitted, warmed by the concern in his voice. “It
just takes a bit of getting used to.” She settled back down, shifting to find
the most comfortable position.

“You will. In time.” He reached down and palmed her pussy,
extending the tips of his finger to lightly pump the plug. “You’ll come to love
having something in your ass. A toy,” he pushed with a light steady pressure
and held, “my cock.”

Stirred by both the physical stimulus and his words, Kayden
moaned. Yes, she wanted that. Couldn’t wait. If the small plug generated this
kind of pleasure, she could only imagine what something bigger would do. In an
attempt to enhance the pressure, she thrust her hips.

“Like that, do you? Let’s see how much.”

She barely had time to bemoan the loss of his touch when he
dragged his finger up through her slick folds and slipped easily inside her
welcoming heat. He played awhile—pumping, sliding, twirling until she wanted

“Tell me what you want,” he demanded with quiet authority,
as if he couldn’t guess by all the wriggling and writhing she was doing.

“Another finger. Please, Hunter, use two.”

The slow, penetrating glide of the second finger nearly
drove her mad as it stretched and filled. Once embedded, she couldn’t believe
how full she felt. Had it not been for the toy in her ass, she would have
begged for another of his long, thick fingers in her hot, aching pussy. But
there was no space left.

When he didn’t move, she began softly pumping her hips. God,
she was so close to coming, why wasn’t he moving? She pumped harder. Closed her

“Be still.”

Be still. Was he kidding? Focused totally on her building
orgasm, she bucked her hips, driving his fingers incredibly deeper. Oh God,
yes. Once more—

The sudden emptiness shocked her eyes open. He’d pulled out!

“When I tell you to be still, I mean still.”

Not until she blinked him into focus did the sternness in
his voice register. “But I was so close to—”

“I know exactly how close you were. It doesn’t matter.
You’ll come only when commanded or granted permission. You may think it cruel
at first, but will soon learn the longer you wait, the more gratifying it will
be and the more you’ll appreciate it.”

Her attempt to close her legs and sit up was aborted by a
heavy hand on her thigh. “I said I didn’t want you to orgasm. I didn’t say I
was done playing.”

Chapter Eight


By the time they pulled into the private underground parking
lot beneath Club Kimberlite, Kayden was so hot and worked up she’d slipped back
into cat-in-heat mode. Complete with yowling. For at least the last fifteen
minutes of the ride.

Before that, she vaguely remembered being able to string two
coherent thoughts together. Like being fairly certain the dark-tinted glass
kept the chauffeur from seeing anything, but having serious doubts about the
soundproofing in the limo. But subjected to Hunter’s sweet, manipulative
torture, her concerns for embarrassment had gone the way of her pride,
preempted by her escalating frustration and the desperate need thrumming
between her legs. She’d never been so turned on in her life. And God love the
man for his consummate skill, she knew it wouldn’t be the last time.

Snuggled back inside Hunter’s coat, hugging her overnight
bag, Kayden was barely aware of her surroundings as he carried her the short
distance to the elevator that led to his private quarters above the club. All
her focus was centered on her deprived pussy and the tip of the big stiff cock
prodding her side. With any luck, it would shortly be prodding where she most
needed it. That he was as turned on as she was brought her some measure of
satisfaction. Her concentration wholly on her unrequited lust and the steady,
effortless rise and fall of the large chest she was pressed against, the trip
to his bedroom was a blur of black, white, glistening crystal and shiny chrome.

The man really needed to put some color in his life.

The fleeting thought vaporized when he let her feet drop to
the dense, white bedroom carpet.

“On the bed,” he commanded in a low voice, taking her bag
and stripping his coat from her shoulders.

“As you wish.” She added a bit of sway to her hips for added
enticement and reaching the foot of the bed, she turned. “How do you want me?
Back or stomach?”

The sexy little smile that lifted the corners of his mouth
made her belly do a double flip.

“On your knees. Facing away from me. Show me how ready you

Thinking of the limo ride, she zeroed in on his muscular
right thigh.

Like the wet spot on his dress pants from her overflow of
pussy juices wasn’t proof enough?

Not about to point that out, she obeyed without question.
Whatever it took to get her laid, she was more than happy to do.

He wanted proof? She would damn well give it to him.

Back in cat-mode, like a kitty having its back lovingly
stroked, she undulated up onto the black brocade bedspread until she was nearly
nose to button with the round, red, tufted throw pillow at the head of the bed,
the only bold splash of color in the room. Hands planted in line with her
shoulders, she eased her knees apart. Going for maximum spread, she almost did
a nose-dive into the pillow. It was while she was stabilizing herself that she
realized, in light of Hunter’s earlier disclosure, the twinkling stones
comprising the triangular button in the center of the pillow were most likely a
conglomerate of small diamonds. Sure he couldn’t see her, she rolled her eyes,
until she realized she could use the tiny gems as a focal point. Better them
than the picture she presented, all spread open, swollen and glistening from
the probing and teasing he’d done earlier.

It only took several seconds to come to the conclusion it
was a fruitless exercise. Hunter had done too good a job in making her aware of
her body and its needs. The taunting fullness in her ass accentuated the keen
emptiness on the other side of its thin wall. Amazing how quickly she was
getting use to the small onyx intruder. She often wondered why many sex toys
were tapered when a man’s cock was not. More than likely because they didn’t
have a wide, strong pelvis behind it, determined to keep it in place.
picture made her insides clench and an unavoidable moan to escape.


In the process of unbuttoning his shirt, Hunter’s head came
up at the small, soft sound coming from the bed. After his first initial long
look to make sure she’d followed his instructions…

Hunter frowned. When the hell had he last lied to himself?
So long ago, he couldn’t even remember. He’d looked his fill, wanting nothing
more than to walk over and plant his aching cock so far up inside her, it would
form a memorable acquaintance with her womb.

He forced his concentration back to removing his clothes,
determined to take his time. It would serve as a lesson of patience for her and
allow him the time needed to get in the right mindset. It was a wasted
endeavor. Watching his fingers work their way down his shirtfront only reminded
him of where they’d last been. Sliding around inside her wet, snug pussy until
the first flutters of an orgasm forced him to pull out. The little frustrated
sounds she’d made as she’d squirmed in his lap had gotten him so hard that he’d
come dangerously close to taking her in the limo. Thankfully, by the time his
control threatened to snap, they’d been too close to the club to do the first
time they’d make love any justice.

He curled the fingers of his right hand into his palm to
stave off the strong urge to bring them up to his face. The smell or taste of
her right now would demolish his plans to take things slow.

To remove himself from temptation’s path, he moved across
the room and into his massive walk-in closet. The dimmed can-lights along the
ceiling’s perimeter automatically brightened. Hunter glanced up to where one
touch of a button would retract several concealed panels to reveal the
necessary apparatus for a variety of suspension devices. A man who made his own
rules, he wasn’t about to follow some preconceived notion that
to be dark and dreary. When he took control of a woman’s body, he wanted enough
light to see every subtle change in expression and body. Especially when it was

He was eagerly looking forward to bringing Kayden in here,
relishing the fascination on her face when he showed her all the room’s
cleverly hidden secrets. Her bold, curious nature wouldn’t allow her reaction
to be anything less.

On his way to the back of the closet, he bumped his fingers
along the row of dime-sized diamonds along the underside of the two-inch
granite lip of the six-foot-long island of drawers. He pressed the last two and
went to stand in front of the first section of the mirrored back wall that slid

Retrieving the butt plug remote from his pants pocket, he
activated it.

A soft squeal followed by a delicious tortured moan flowed
to him from the bedroom.

He smiled.

Reaching back, he placed the control on the island, stripped
off his rumpled clothes and tossed them into the built-in clothes bin. He
passed his hand over the electronic eye to close that section and moved over to
the next. He took several moments to admire the onyx and diamond collar
displayed there. One of two very important gifts he would bestow upon Kayden
when the time was right. The rare, red, flawless ten-carat triangular diamond
in each matched to perfection.

He didn’t have to close his eyes to imagine how this gift
would look on her. Blessed with an innate eye for detail, Hunter had made sure
the satin it was displayed on matched Kayden’s creamy skin tone. Hunter ran his
fingertips over the collar’s cool smooth surface before grabbing the box that
contained the toe ring he would put on her after he claimed her scrumptious

He returned to the bedroom as quietly as he’d left, pleased
to see Kayden was still in the exact position he’d left her in.

His cock pulsed at her open, receptive position. If every
sub came to him so well prepared and determined, his training numbers would
double. Though, if things turned out as he’d planned, those days were numbered.
At least where otherwomen were concerned.

Taking out the toe ring, he slipped it onto his left little
finger and set the box down on the glass wall-table beside the closet’s

On his way to the bed, he confiscated the nipple clamps from
her overnight case and, crawling up behind her, positioned himself between her
legs. “Rise up on your knees. Slowly.” Governing her ascent by hooking his arms
beneath hers, he slipped his cock between her legs and rode it over the beads
on her thong, pressing harder when he reached the ones over her clit.

“Please, Hunter.” She paused on a stuttering breath. “I
don’t think I can wait much longer.”

longer.” He thrust and canted his hips,
enjoying the moist heat against the top of his straining cock, the clench of
her soft ass against the tautness of his stomach and the strain of her leg
muscles as they protested being held open by his.

Lowering his hands to cup and test the soft, pliable texture
and warm weight of her breasts, he bent his head to lay a trail of teasing
kisses along her shoulder, nosing her hair aside to get to the fragrant niche
behind her ear. There, he filled his lungs with her heady scent. With few
exceptions, one of the first things he demanded of a sub was to change her
perfume. Not Kayden.

Unlike too many women catering to their own tastes by
wearing an overpowering sweet floral fragrance more apt to stiffen a man’s nose
than his cock, she exuded a subtle, musky scent. One that entrenched itself
into a male’s subconscious. Indulging in another whiff, he switched his grip on
her breasts to a slow, massaging pull, inching his way to the tips, until he
captured her pebbled nipples in a tempered pinch.

He rolled, tugged, squeezed, increasing and decreasing the
pressure, using the slight changes that passed to his body from hers to gauge
the level of pain she could endure. When he was certain where her current
boundaries lay, he reached down for the nipple clamps. “Have you ever worn
nipple clamps?”

“No Sir.”

“Tomorrow, over breakfast,” he nuzzled her neck, “we’ll
discuss your sexual preferences and dislikes.” He traced his tongue along the
lower edge of her ear, delighting in her tiny shiver. “Reach back and grasp my
shoulders. Don’t let them down until I tell you.”

When he felt the soft, light weight of her hands, he plucked
and played with her left nipple until it kernelled and lengthened enough to
attach the first clamp. Once in place, he screwed the onyx cylinder until she
hissed a small breath between her teeth, waited until she relaxed, then gave it
another quarter turn.

She whimpered but didn’t protest.


After attaching the second one, he ran his hand down her
quivering stomach to the front of the thong and using his fingertip, traced
through the stencil of his initials. Dipping his finger lower, he rotated the
first bead over her clit. It rolled easily. A sign of how ready and excited she
was. A good thing, since he was more than ready. “I believe the time has come
to get rid of the thong.”

BOOK: Bejeweled and Bedeviled
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